Flower and produce show 2022


To be held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 6th August 2022

Potato bucket weigh in at 3:15pm

The show will open at 2:30pm

Teas and raffle

Admission: Adults 50p; Children 5-16 years 10p

Entrance fee Sections A,B,C  10p:   Children’s entries free

Special potato class £1 – payable when your seed potato is collected

Sections A,B,C no prize money.   Section D prizes 1st = £1, 2nd = 50p, 3rd = 25p

McCann Junior Cup for most points by a competitor age 12-16 in Sections A,B,C

Awards for Best in Show in Sections A and B

The show is open to all residents of Gittisham parish, which includes Gittisham Vale and Hayne Farm estate.  We also welcome entries from those who no longer live in the parish, those who actively support the parish, and those with close links to the parish.

 Children must be aged 3-11 on Saturday 30th July 2022

Juniors must be age 12-16 on Saturday 30th July 2022

Children are welcome to enter Sections A,B,C upon paying the entry fee.

  • All exhibits must have been made or grown by the exhibitor
  • Entries must be made in writing on the Entry form enclosed by marking X in the appropriate box on the form
  • Entry forms must be accompanied by the correct entrance fees.
  • Entries must reach Sarah and Len Abbott, 4 Church Mead, Gittisham EX14 3AH by Saturday 30th July 2022
  • Only one exhibit per person per class
  • The decision of the judges will be final and binding
  • Entries will be received at the Parish Hall between 0900 and 1030 on show day, and must remain staged until after the presentation of prizes.
  • All competitors must leave the hall before 10.45
  • No exhibit should be named (including children’s exhibits)


  1.    3 White potatoes
  2.    3 Coloured potatoes
  3.    1 Cabbage (any variety)
  4.    1 Lettuce (any variety)
  5.    5 Spring Onions
  6.    5 Onion sets
  7.    6 Shallots
  8.    6 Sprays of Parsley
  9.    3 Beetroot
  10.   3 Carrots (any variety)
  11.   6 Pods of Broad beans
  12.   6 Pods of Peas
  13.   A pair of Cucumbers
  14.   5 Tomatoes
  15.   5 Cherry tomatoes
  16.   3 Courgettes under 6”
  17.   6 Runner beans
  18.   2 Parsnips
  19.   3 Sticks of Rhubarb
  20.   4 different culinary herbs (not parsley) in a jam jar
  21.   The longest runner bean


Classes 24-28 to be presented in a clear glass jar (NOT A VASE)

  1.   Any flowering plant (pot not exceeding 8”)
  2.   5 pansy heads floating in clear water in a clear glass bowl
  3.   1 Spike Gladioli
  4.   3 Dahlias
  5.   6 Stems of Sweet peas
  6.   4 stems of different cut flowers
  7.   1 Specimen Rose
  8.   An arrangement of garden flowers on the theme of the Platinum Jubilee, not exceeding 16” or 40cm in any direction.


  1. Chocolate Swiss roll– as attached recipe
  2. 5 shortcrust sausage rolls
  3. A malt loaf – as attached recipe
  4. Jar of Raspberry Jam
  5. Jar of chutney (any variety)
  6. A photo of a Devon Coastal Scene (photo not exceeding 6”x8”)
  7. A handmade knitted or crocheted scarf
  8. A Homemade Toy Boat max length 30cm (must float)
  9. A Homemade Jubilee Card

39 MEN ONLY – A Banana Loaf -as attached recipe

SPECIAL CLASS: Potatoes in a bucket – potatoes can be collected from Sue and David Fallows, Parkers East, Gittisham EX14 3AS, 01404 850922 on or after 7th April 2022


Up to 6 years

40 A Painting or Drawing of a queen

  1. A Necklace made from sweets

42 4 Squares of Rocky Road

 6 – 11 years

43. A Photo of a still life of 3 pieces of fruit (max photo size 6”x8”)

44.   A Royal Crown

45.   4 Cheese Scones

Gittisham Flower & Produce Show  

Saturday 6th August 2022


Please place an X in the square showing the number of class(es) you intend to enter.

When completed please return this Entry Form, with the correct Entry Fees, as shown on the schedule to:  Sarah and Len Abbott, 4 Church Mead, Gittisham EX14 3AH  on or before Saturday 30th July 2022

No entries will be accepted after this date

Each entrant must complete a separate entry form

Please do not name any exhibit – even the children’s


Entrant’s name………………………………………………………………………


Total entry fee enclosed………………………….

Or, if child, state child’s age………………………

Additional entry forms available, if required, from Sue Fallows, Parkers East, Gittisham, EX14 3AS     01404 850922 or