2021-07 Gittisham Gazette July 2021

A monthly Community Newsletter published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

July 2021 Edition 233

My Skydiving Experience – by Kirsty Davey

This experience was amazing, invigorating and I would definitely do it again. How can I describe it well.. When I got to Dunkeswell I had a safety briefing which was really good and reassuring. I think I was quite calm during all of it. Nerves got to me only slightly as unfortunately the clouds were low, and had to wait a bit. As the day went on, the jumps started. Seeing people go up all nervous, and then coming down with massive smiles on their faces, made me more excited to go up.  They called me to get into the jumpsuits and harness. I met my brilliant instructor (Joby), and camera man (Daniel), and they put my mind at rest. We got on the plane, this is it. The plane journey to 15,000ft took about 10 mins. Once we broke through the clouds the sky was blue and so sunny. It was time to jump the door came up and kneeling in the doorway was a little scary but felt so safe, strange, I know. Looking out to the fluffy clouds below was amazing, we edged closer and then just tipped forward out the plane. We tumbled for a couple of seconds going head first towards the clouds. The freefall was the best feeling, it felt like we were floating, flying and free, but with a lot of wind and noise it didn’t feel like we were falling at all. After 10,000ft free fall lasting about a minute, Joby pulled the shoot and all of a sudden everything became quiet, the wind stopped, and we gracefully glided to the clouds which were really thick and tingled my face. I actually took control of the parachute, and could feel the slight wind pulling as I tried to steer it. When we got through the clouds we could see the view of Dunkeswell, Honiton and I think I Gittisham too. As we came in to land Joby took back the controls, we glided in, and the landing was so gentle like just sitting down.  I hope I have given enough to show you all a little bit of the experience I had.

 As some of you know I was going to do the skydive last year for my birthday (a big birthday), and after waiting for a year (due to Covid) I got to thinking with help of a couple of friends why not do a fund raiser for local animal charities that were hit hard last year by Covid. I am keeping the Go fund me page running for a few more weeks, so if you can spare a couple of pounds and would like to donate please go to: https://www.gofundme.com/skydive-for-local-animal-sanctuaries or contact me via WhatsApp if you would like to give a cash donation.  ALL money is going to be split equally between the charities listed on the go fund me page.                                

Gittisham Village Hall events

This year’s Village Hall Committee AGM will take place on Tuesday 13th July at 19:00. We are planning to hold this outdoors at the Village Hall and under a gazebo if the weather is inclement.

All welcome to join.  Thank you,

The Village Hall Committee

Gittisham Get-Together

The Village Hall Committee would like to announce a new date for the Gittisham Get-together. This will now take place on Saturday 7th August at 6pm following the Flower and Produce Show. As before, please bring your own food the barbeque will be lit, and drinks, and we look forward to seeing you! Come and make new friends.

People in the News

Farewell to Sarah and Will who lived at Westgate and will now be living in Portugal.
We look forward to welcoming the new owner of Westgate when he takes up residence.

It is with sadness I advise that Violet Quick died at Hill House Abbeyfield Combe Raleigh on 11th June aged 86. Violet worked for 3 generations of the Hayman family at Gittisham Farm. Her funeral took place at the East Devon Crematorium on 29th June, may she rest in peace.

Combe Garden Centre

It’s almost our birthday! We cannot believe it has been a whole year since we opened our doors, and what a year it has been! Thank you to everyone who has visited and continues to visit us, we love what we are doing, and are excited to see what the next year brings us.

We love all the seasonal English and local produce coming into the shop daily this time of year, including produce out of our own garden.  Our butchery counter is stocked full of everything you could want, along with our usual cuts, we have a large range of BBQ items, some ready to go in our own in house made marinades.  Si is always available to chat to about your ideas and help you pick the right cut.   We continue to bake daily a range of breads and treats, and don’t forget you can also enjoy a lovely local “Buzz” coffee from our takeaway whilst out for your shop or on a walk.

Our milk vending machine is proving to be very popular, and we have just introduced organic milkshakes.  These are also available 24hrs a day, and shortly the syrups will be replaced with homemade ones from Hollis Mead Farm. 

We will be at the Honiton show on August 5th and 6th, if you are planning on going to the show, please pop by and say hello. We would love to see you.

Thank you for your continued support

Joanna and the Team

Gittisham Flower & Produce Show 7th August

The date of the annual Gittisham Flower and Produce Show fast approaches.  Entry forms should be returned to Sarah or Len Abbott 4 Church Mead, Gittisham, EX14 3AH by 31 July. Forms were included in the March Gazette or can be printed off from the Gittisham website, www.gittisham.org.uk

With your support, 7 August will continue the long tradition of the community spirit which is Gittisham, where all are welcome to take part and enjoy the fun. So please, now is time to complete the entry form and send / take to Sarah or Len.

Entries are welcome from all residents of Gittisham Parish, which includes Gittisham Vale and Hayne Farm.   Entries are also welcome from those who no longer live in the Parish, but used to, and continue to actively support the village.

Please note that all entries must be set up between 9am and 10.45am when the hall will be closed.  Our judges have another show to judge and therefore their available time is restricted.  

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Angie Hutchings telephone 01404 45101 or Sue Fallows telephone 01404 850922. See you on 7 August and meanwhile keep gardening!!

Parish Council – June / July report

Five councillors met for both meetings. Phil Twiss (DCC) was also present.

DCC Report.       

Phil Twiss said that to date more than 1.5m doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have been given across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay with 679,000 people having received their second dose. Proof of vaccination can now be demonstrated using the NHS Covid Pass service where you can view and share your Covid pass for event trials and foreign travel.


Councillors approved the annual accounts and governance statement for 2020/21 and noted the finances for June and July.


May 2021, 2 x violence and sexual offences, 1 x anti-social behaviour.

Defibrillator, Hayne Farm    

Janet Twist said November is seen as the goal date for going live with a defibrillator, which would be sited on posts near an apartment block.

Planning applications.
a) Pomeroy House Gittisham – Localised repairs & reinstatement of section of collapsed garden boundary wall. No objection.

b) Coign Cottage Gittisham – Variation of condition no.2 to allow for a change of materials used and alterations to the proposed plans. No objection in principle, but slight concern over the use of non-traditional materials to this part of Devon.

c) 1 Hamlet Cottages Weston – demolition of existing workshop to be replaced with a new self-build dwelling. Objection, as granting permission would establish a new residential unit in the countryside without agricultural need being sought.

d) Unit 5 Weston Park Devonshire Road – variation of opening hours. Objection, as concern over noise and proximity to homes, caused by music, traffic and people.

e) Bakery Cottage Gittisham – Single storey rear extension; alteration of workshop to form garden room. Concern over absence of detailed flood risk assessment including floor levels.

Play area.   

Carol Hall explained that she and Peter Orchard had met EDDC officers to understand the next steps in progressing new items in line with May’s public consultation exercise.

Old Elm Road gate.

Phil Twiss said he had discussed with the DCC Neighbourhood Highways Officer to find funding to make the emergency gateway at the end of Old Elm Road where it meets Hayne Lane    wheelchair and motorised wheelchair-accessible.

Scam awareness.  

Janet Twist explained that an ongoing scam is a cold caller impersonating a legitimate mobile network operator or supplier.  There is also a Covid Vaccine Passport scam email purporting to be from the NHS; clicking on the link will take you to a fake NHS website where you are asked for personal and payment details.  In reality details of your vaccine status are available free via the official NHS website.  Another doing the rounds is a suspicious SMS message, claiming to be from a delivery company, asking you to click on a link to track the delivery status of a package. These messages are actually linked to a banking Trojan called “FLUBOT”. It asks receiver to install a tracking app to track the status of the package, when its intention is to steal credentials and other personal data.

Road closures.   

From 20th July resurfacing work will be carried out on the A375 Sidmouth Road; overnight    closures 1900-0700 for 12 weekday nights in two phases.  Roundabout totally closed at 2300 each night.

Next meeting. 

This will be on 4th August at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Music for a Summer Night

Music by University of Exeter Chapel Choir and friends at Coryhill, Combe Raleigh, Saturday 24th July.

Concert at 6.30pm Gates Open 5.30pm Bring picnics, rugs, chairs etc.  Free parking, raffle and hot drinks on sale. Box Office: 01392285983  or  01404 46452  online booking www.exeter-cathedral.eventbrite.com  Advance tickets £12.50  or £15.00 after 20th July   –  Tickets only refundable if government policy changes. Proceeds to Exeter Cathedral Music Foundation.

St Michael’s Church, Honiton Mission Community and 200 Club

St. Michael’s Gittisham

Our monthly 11.00am Eucharist (Communion) service continues to be held on the second Sunday.  Numbers are currently still restricted so  you need to book your place with Carol by telephoning 01404 851113.  Obviously until told otherwise, social distancing and masks to be worn. Currently we are still not permitted to sing in the church, unless July 19th brings changes.  Our June outdoor lay-led ‘Café’ style church had to be cancelled with inclement weather.  We hope, weather permitting, to have more outdoor services  in varying styles and may on occasions be able to hire the village hall for these more informal services. To  receive details for ongoing lay-led worship please email Julia on or for those without internet ring her on 07763 111367 or 01404 850680.  Julia is currently planning a pattern of Sunday worship at 11.00am and once it has been formulated the details will be published on the Gittisham website https://gittisham.org

Honiton Mission Community

The website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about the latest guidelines on the Covid regulations.  The monthly newsletter Around the Parishes is included plus details of Rev’d Sue’s weekly Zoom Sunday Morning Worship at 10.00am.  If you would like to join in this service do please email Rev’d Sue and she will forward the link  . There is also a ‘virtual’ Eucharist at 6.00pm. St. Paul’s is now offering a Said Eucharist on Sunday at 11.00am each week.  Places need to be booked through the Parish office on 01404 44035 or and messages will be replied to when someone is available.  Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays.  

Combe Raleigh are holding an Open Garden Weekend over the weekend of 17th and 18th July.

St Paul’s have started outdoor take-away coffee and biscuits on a Tuesday, free of charge but donations are welcomed for Vaccine Aid.

On 5th and 6th the Mission Community will be offering hot drinks and biscuits to Honiton Show visitors, this year things will be slightly different due to current restrictions.  If you are going to the show and could spare an hour to help please let Judith Turner know as she is is organising the rota.  Telephone 01404 851061 or 07984829187 thank you.   

July 2021 200 Club Results

1st  Ron Kallmieir                             2nd  Joanna Marker              3rd   Sarah Agg-Manning                  
4th  Owen Morgan                           5th   Christine Rew             

Those who didn’t renew your 200 Club subscriptions by the end of May and I haven’t heard from you, I am releasing your number/s as I  assume you no longer wish to be a member.   If anyone is interested in joining the church 200 club you can contact me – details below and I will send an application form. Payment can be made by cheque – payable to Gittisham PCC, BACS or by standing order – I can email or post this form too. (Carol McCann telephone 01404 851113 or mobile 07946 409142 email .  Draws are made monthly with prizes of £40., £20., £15., £10., and £5., with 2 six monthly (September and March) of £48.

Gazette printing is still not possible with the ongoing restrictions, as the Parish Office in Honiton remains closed. If you would like a copy by email, please let me (Carol McCann) have your email details or if you have no internet it can be posted to you until things get back to order.  Some help with 2nd class postage would be appreciated, Carol McCann 3 School Cottages, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AH. Telephone 01404 851113. I will leave a few copies in the Vale bus shelter and Hayne Farm Estate Sales Office again until such time as the whole print run can be delivered by Peter and Ann again.  Do let me have your email as I am hopefully trying to save on printing costs and looking after our lovely planet. Thank you.  

Carol McCann  01404 851113/07946409142     .

If you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate,  do please email it to Carol as early as possible.  Copy date for the August edition is 26th July please.  I hope to send out on 6th August.

Airband July newsletter

You may be aware that in December 2020, CDS (Connecting Devon and Somerset), with support from the Government, signed contracts with Airband to deliver full fibre broadband to 40,154 homes and businesses in earmarked areas of Devon and Somerset and require the construction of an estimated 2,419 miles of fibre network. Delivery will be in phases between 2021 and 2024.

As part of this new Fibre to the Premise (FTTP) Broadband network, Gittisham Parish has a number of premises within this contract that are to benefit directly. Many other premises along the fibre route and within close proximity may also be able to access the network once completed.

The two sections of the new network that will service your Parish is due to be completed in Quarter 3, 2022. Surveying is imminent which will raise curiosity within your community. We intend to address this in advance where possible.

As the Community Liaison Executive for your region,  I will be visiting your parish in the near future to engage with your community and give details of the technology, products and process that will be available for the project, and the benefits of full fibre broadband to your residential and business communities.

If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,                                                           

Lynda Sudlow

Community Liaison Executive

Email :

Tel :        07399 050 349