2021-08 Gittisham Gazette August 2021

A monthly Community Newsletter published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

August 2021 Edition 234

Macmillan Cancer Support

We are a group of four residents living in Furze Close on the Hayne Farm Estate. During the many COVID lockdowns, as neighbours we have become supportive friends and realised we have all been touched and affected by cancer within our families and the impact it has had on us and those around us. With this in mind, we have all decided to take part in The MacMillan Jurassic Mighty Hike on 4th September, walking 13 miles to raise money for this phenomenal charity. The four of us span a varied age group from 29 to 50 something, with post-lockdown and post-pregnancy fitness levels against us. The 13 mile coastal trek is to be completed in 5 hours which will definitely be a challenge for all of us. To cross the line with pride, our goal is to raise £1,000 between us for this much needed charity. We are aware that for many of us times have been tough recently; however if you could spare a little something to help us on our way, we as a group would be extremely grateful and the money would be used to support those affected by this dreadful disease. We have set up a gofundme page which you can access by going to: Go fund me and search Jurassic coast mighty hike! By Josie Hemming.

Or message Ian on 07768 741590 with your name, address and amount donated and he will add it to one of our sponsor forms. This will be collected after the walk. Thank you for sparing the time to read about us, we hope that as a community we can all come together to help us achieve our goal.
Thank you in advance.
Ian, Jan, Ness and Josie. AKA: Fitness Furze!!.                                

Pierre’s Sunday café

Pierre Graeber is running a ‘pop-up’ Sunday café in the Gittisham Village Hall starting this Sunday (8th) and will be repeating on the second Sunday of each month (except December 2021, when it will be the first Sunday).  Opening at 9.00am and serving a choice of homemade croissants, pains au chocolat, pains aux raisins, followed by ploughman’s with a selection of salads and homemade ice cream among other goodies for tea.  The café closes at 5.00pm.  For details please contact Pierre on 01404 851442,  07545 214940,   Coffee/tea available but if you want alcohol please bring your own.  Pierre has the facilities to accept card payments.  

People in the News

Congratulations to Hattie (nee Agg-Manning) and Olly Harrison on the birth of Agatha Robin Ophelia born on the 16th July weighing in at 9lb.2oz.  Both mother and baby doing very well.

Sidmouth Junction Ploughing Match

This event will take place on 12th September 2021, starting 10:00 am at Gittisham Farm,  Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AX with kind permission from the Hayman family.  We welcome entries.  Spectators admission free.  All day food available. Raffle.  Horse Ploughing Demonstration.  https://www.facebook.com/SJDPA/ Details from Phillip Gibbins  or telephone 07779 685858

Gittisham Flower & Produce Show 7th August

There was a good entry in the various classes, viewing of the entries, cream teas and raffle were available in the early afternoon. The cup winners are as follows:-

Potato in a bucket  – The Mr Potatohead trophy  Sarah Abbott with 2.137kg  
Vegetables & Herbs   The Marker Cup    most points   Leonard Abbott
Best Vegetable in show – runner beans   Leonard Abbott
Flowers   The Flower Shield   most points   Sarah Abbott
Best flower in show The Wakley Cup   Ann Stansell
Homecraft   most points   The Homecraft Cup  Anne Holley
Children’s up to 6 years Infant Cup most points Agnes Charnley
Children 6 –11 years  Junior Cup most points  William Fuller
Children in Adult classes age 12 – 16 years  McCann Cup most points Kadence Cheffey
Men’s baking – Dundee cake  Men’s Cup  Steve Minshall

Parish Council – August report

Five councillors met for both meetings. Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) was also present.

EDDC Reports.   

In his absence, Cllr Jake Bonetta (Honiton St Michael’s) sent a report thanking the community of Gittisham Vale ward for entrusting him with the office of District Councillor. He has been appointed as the Assistant Portfolio Holder for Culture, Leisure, Tourism and Sport by the Leader of EDDC. Mr Bonetta said he’d received a number of complaints from residents in Honiton St. Michael’s about missed recycling collections over the past couple of weeks/month. The reason is part of a wider problem of lack of staff available due to the continuing effects of the coronavirus as well as new Brexit restrictions. Any missed recycling collections will be picked up within a couple of days of the scheduled collections.

Members welcomed the other new district councillor, Alasdair Bruce.  He began by saying that he considered himself a district councillor first, a Conservative second, and he hoped to be able to follow in the footsteps of the excellent work done by former Cllr Susie Bond.  He said that another EDDC councillor was proposing to beef up the council’s response to abuse of the planning process when it comes to the felling of trees, often during the pre-planning process. Cllr Bruce said he himself had raised the issue of Ash dieback, which often requires a rapid response due to public safety issues and cannot wait for planning approval as an example. This would also apply to farmers trying to manage trees on their land and forestry businesses.


Councillors noted the finances.


June 2021, 1 x violence crime, 1 x other theft.

Defibrillator, Hayne Farm  

Councillors resolved to approve the purchase of a defibrillator for the Hayne Farm development.

Planning applications. 
a) Combe Garden Centre Gittisham – Erection of a storage building on land adjacent to Coombe Garden Centre for the storage of stock. No objection. Concerns were raised however over whether there is adequate onsite storage of surface water to prevent any additional run-off onto the A30. 

Play area.  

Peter Orchard reported that the replacement swing seats and chains were due to arrive on 8th October.  He also circulated a draft spec to members for the play area’s new items. Janet Twist said there was no update on the Hayne Farm play area. 

Councillor vacancy, Gittisham Vale.  

Carol Hall encouraged all councillors to speak to people who might be interested in joining the parish council to represent the Vale ward.  People can also contact the clerk for further information by emailing

Scam awareness.  

Janet Twist explained that home electric vehicle charging points can be hacked. Two home chargers, Wallbox and Project EV, have been found to be lacking adequate security when used with an accompanying app for smart phones.  Updated software is now available and owners are being encouraged to update their software ASAP.

Hayne Lane.   

Councillors agreed that Hayne Lane and Beech Walk were becoming terrible rat runs for  motorists.  Hayne Lane in particular is difficult to walk, the state of the road is poor and there is a large amount of litter.  Members agreed to ask Phil Twiss if a traffic count survey could be carried out.  A suggestion has been made that Hayne Lane could be made “Farm Traffic Only” and this will be investigated via DCC.

Next meeting. 

This will be on Thurs 2nd September (tbc) at 7.30pm              

Cake Sale

Hayne Farm Estate are holding a cake sale on Sunday 8th from 11am in Furze Close come rain or shine to raise funds for Macmillan.  They look forward to meeting you.

St Michael’s Church, Honiton Mission Community and 200 Club

St. Michael’s Gittisham

On 7th August it was lovely to have a wedding in church with the couple Lorraine Dolley and Ian Frost coming from the new Hayne Farm Estate.  We wish them every happiness in their new life as husband and wife and we hope to see them in the village again soon.

Our monthly 11.00am Eucharist (Communion) service continues to be held on the 2nd Sunday.  Numbers are less restricted but bookings would be very helpful.  Please ring Carol on telephone 01404 851113.  Obviously until told otherwise, social distancing and masks preferably to be worn, but if you want to sing you must wear masks. Angie led our lay-led morning worship on 25th July and Carol led the telephone service on 1st August, To receive details for ongoing lay-led worship please email me Carol   or telephone 01404 851113.  Julia is signed off then on leave for the rest of August; after that you can contact her on or for those without internet ring her on 07763 111367 or 01404 850680.  Our current pattern of Sunday worship at 11.00am on the 1st Sunday in the month is a telephone service, 2nd Sunday Eucharist in church, 3rd Sunday Lay-led Morning Worship in church and hopefully the 4th Sunday will be a café-style service.  But while Julia is off the 4th will either be Lay-led  in church or a telephone one.  Services will ultimately be published on the Gittisham website https://gittisham.org or you can contact Julia or myself (Carol McCann).

If any of our elder citizens who do not have access to the internet would like to join our telephone service which is free of charge – all you have to do is put your phone on speaker and dial
0800 651 0080 and when asked for the code you key in 329 9789 and press the # key.  When asked just say your name and press the # key and you will be joining the service.  We would be pleased to have new participants.  The service lasts approximately half an hour and we usually have a chat afterwards with our cuppas.

Honiton Mission Community

The website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about the latest guidelines on the Covid regulations.  The monthly newsletter Around the Parishes is included plus details of Rev’d Sue’s weekly Zoom Sunday Morning Worship at 10.00am.  If you would like to join in this service do please email Rev’d Sue and she will forward the link  . There is also a ‘virtual’ Eucharist at 6.00pm. St. Paul’s is now offering a Said Eucharist on Sunday at 11.00am each week.  Places need to be booked through the Parish office on 01404 44035 or and messages will be replied to when someone is available.  Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays.  

St Paul’s are offering outdoor take-away coffee and biscuits on a Tuesday, free of charge but donations are welcomed for Vaccine Aid.

On 5th and 6th the Mission Community offered hot drinks and biscuits at Honiton Show.  Although the weather was mostly inclement, visitors were appreciative despite not being able to use the full facilities of the tent. On both days Rev’d Sue and helpers handed out childrens’ activity bags (500 in all!).  There were helpers from across the Mission Community, masterminded by Lyn Thatcher and Val Foss with rota help from Judith Turner.  We all hope to be at next year’s show to carry on the work of the Mission Community and hope we can get back to normal again.

August 2021 200 Club Results

1st  Amanda Acland                             2nd  John Boswell              3rd   Helen Hayman!                  
4th  Maureen Doidge                           5th   Christine Rew             

If anyone is interested in joining the church 200 club you can contact me – details below and I will send an application form. Payment can be made by cheque – payable to Gittisham PCC, BACS or by standing order – I can email or post this form too. (Carol McCann telephone 01404 851113, mobile 07946 409142, .  Draws are made monthly with prizes of £40., £20., £15., £10., and £5., with 2 six monthly (September and March) of £48.  Currently there are three numbers available and if you join by September 1st the cost would be £7.00 per number  and thereafter £12 for each number.

Gazette printing is still not possible with the ongoing restrictions, as the Parish Office in Honiton remains closed. If you would like a copy by email, please let me (Carol McCann) have your email details or if you have no internet it can be posted to you until things get back to order.  Some help with 2nd class postage would be appreciated, Carol McCann 3 School Cottages, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AH. Telephone 01404 851113. I will leave a few copies in the Vale bus shelter and Hayne Farm Estate Sales Office again until such time as the whole print run can be delivered by Peter and Ann again.  Do let me have your email as I am hopefully trying to save on printing costs and looking after our lovely planet. Thank you.  

Carol McCann  01404 851113/07946409142     .

If you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate,  do please email it to Carol as early as possible.  Copy date for the August edition is 23rd August please.  I hope to send out on Friday 4th September.  If you can print a copy off for a neighbour who doesn’t have the internet, I would be most grateful.  Thank you.