2022-10 Gittisham Gazette October 2022

A monthly Community Newsletter published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

October 2022 Edition 248


Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste onto any land and is a criminal offence. Fly-tipped waste can have a significant financial implication for landowners and local authorities. It poses a safety risk to landowners and members of the public and can be harmful to domestic animals, wildlife and livestock.

What do you need to do?  Report fly-tipped waste promptly to the relevant local authority. Be aware of the potential for hazardous waste and do not touch.

Remain vigilant, notify the police using 999 if you suspect an offence of fly tipping is being committed noting vehicle details, descriptions and an accurate location.

How can you prevent this? Understand your obligations to dispose of waste legally using a designated centre or licensed waste carrier. Landowners where possible should restrict access using gates or physical barriers and block unused entrances.

Improve visibility and lighting and consider the use of signage and CCTV. Keep areas tidy and clear waste to discourage waste being added.

Remember if you see fly tipped waste report it promptly to your local district council. If you have any information concerning the identity of individuals responsible for fly tipping, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Join Devon & Cornwall Alert, watch schemes and local social media groups so that you can find out what is happening in your area.

The Devon and Cornwall police rural affairs team have produced a calendar which highlights rural issues throughout the year to focus problem solving activity for police, partners and public with key messages and prevention activity. If you would like a visit, advice or leaflet regarding farm security or to discuss other rural crime issues. please contact PCSO 30017 Darren ENGLAND via email:

Honiton Memory Cafe Quiz Night

Friday 11th November, doors open 7pm for 7.30pm prompt start.  Mackarness Hall, Honiton, £10 including hot supper.  Raffle.  Bring your own drinks and nibbles.  Tickets from Maggie telephone 01404 850855 or email    Teams of 4-6 people.  If anyone would like to make up a team, please ring me (Carol) on telephone 01404 851113 / 07946 409142.                   

Pierre’s pop-up Sunday cafe 

Pierre is back with his popular monthly café on Sunday 9th October in the village hall.  Come in the morning for croissants, apple turnovers (French-style) and apricot Danish.  Lunch will be chicken in white wine sauce (£8.50) or mushroom & salsify stew for vegans / vegetarians (£8.50).

For dessert, there’ll be a selection of delicious cakes including vegan and gluten-free.  The family has been out picking blackberries to make a sorbet, and there’ll also be ice cream.  Please book for lunch to avoid disappointment.  Call Pierre on 07545 214940.  We look forward to seeing you, any time between 10am and 4pm in Gittisham Village Hall.  Cash and cards accepted.

Gittisham Community Kitchen

Now that the evenings are drawing in and the temperature is beginning to drop, the Community Kitchen project will start to really come into its own.  We are all concerned and affected by the cost of living crisis and the increase in food and fuel prices and hopefully as a community we can alleviate some of the difficulties people will face this winter.  But the success of the community kitchen over the last couple of months has shown that it is so much more than just a free meal.  Members of our community have really benefitted from the weekly get togethers and the opportunity to share a simple meal with all comers.  So, long may it last!

Remember – free meal served to all comers every Thursday in the village hall at about 6.30pm.  Feel free to bring your own drinks to share with your neighbours.  It will be warm and welcoming throughout the winter.

If anyone has any produce or time or labour to donate, please contact Sara by email at or text/WhatsApp to 07939 148762. There is also a donations pot if you feel inclined to help with costs.

Gittisham Village Hall Committee

The Village Hall Committee would welcome representatives from Gittisham Vale. It would be very helpful to have a full representation from all parts of the parish of Gittisham so that everyone can have a say in what events could be organised.  If you would like to join the hall committee do please contact Sue Fallows on 01404 850922  /  07717 596876  /

The next Gittisham Film ‘Discussion’ – a Halloween Special – will consider Nicole Kidman’s The Others (12 certificate) and take place in the Village Hall on Tuesday 25th October at 7pm. All most welcome!  £1.00 for popcorn, bring own drinks and nibbles.

Hamish Hall’s mega Atlas Mountain cycle race

Hamish is currently in Morocco on a 1,100-mile cycle race through the Atlas Mountains, Carol has sent a link if you want to track his progress, his competitor number is 214B https://amr2022.maprogress.com/?bib=214B#   you can also leave a message of support.  Hamish had a partner competitor, his friend Steve, but he has hurt his back and had to drop out.  The distance so far travelled by Hamish is around 815 miles as of 6.30pm 6th October.  I am not aware if he has any sponsors – you can ask Carol (telephone 07854 492347).  Well done Hamish you certainly are a glutton for punishment!!!

Parish Council report, October 2022

Six councillors met for the October meeting. Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) was also present.

Covid & ‘flu.

In his absence, Phil Twiss (DCC) reported that as we move towards late autumn and winter, everyone who is eligible for a free ‘flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster is being urged to take up the offer as soon as they are invited to do so. At the moment, the ‘flu vaccine is being given free on the NHS to adults who:

  • are 65 years old and over (including those who will be 65 by 31 March 2023)
  • have certain health conditions, such as asthma and diabetes
  • are pregnant
  • are in long-stay residential care
  • receive a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for an older or disabled person who may be at risk if you get sick
  • live with someone who is more likely to get a severe infection due to a weakened immune system, such as someone living with HIV, someone who has had a transplant, or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
  • are frontline health or social care workers

Church Mead bridge.

Alasdair Bruce said that EDDC’s property and asset team would be meeting on site on  7 th October to discuss repairs to the bridge.


Councillors noted the finances.


July 2022: 2 x violence & sexual offences, Laburnum Close & Landscores Lane

Road closures / changes to public transport.

3 – 28 October Hayne Lane closed for construction of new retaining wall; a diversion will be in place via Devonshire Road, Sidmouth Road and Beech Walk. Peter Orchard said that track speed restrictions on a stretch of the journey from Waterloo have resulted in a service every 2 hours to Exeter. Problems discovered during the closure last month mean that another extended weekday closure is likely this autumn.

Old Elm Road balancing pond.

Peter Orchard reported that work to clear the pond has been completed. 

Planning applications.
a) Olive Tree Cottage, Gittisham – T1, Lime: to crown lift over adjacent buildings to give a 3 metre clearance from property; to reduce weight and increase light levels via a crown thin removing 20% of the foliar area, target pruning cuts of up to 75mm; T2, Elm : Dismantle to ground level; the tree is in decline with poor vitality, possibly suffering from DED; it is also suppressed by the adjacent Lime.     Councillors had no objections.

Scam awareness.

Janet Twist said police in Devon have issued a warning after an elderly man fell victim to a phone scam and lost more than £10k. Also, there are fake texts circulating claiming to be from the Government inviting people to apply for the £400 energy bill support. This support will be given automatically with no need to apply. People are being urged to use Multi Factor Authentication as much as they can, but especially on important websites like banks, and anywhere else they are offered.

Old Elm Road rewilding.

Alex Rowe said several people from Gittisham Vale had attended the public consultation in September. One resident had expressed concern about the proposals, and it was agreed to await the outcome of the consultation before taking further steps.

Next meeting.

This will be on 15th November at 7.30pm in the parish room.

St Michael’s Church, Honiton Mission Community and 200 Club

St. Michael’s Gittisham

 A huge thank you to all who made our church so wonderfully decorated for our Harvest service on 2nd October with lovely flowers and lots of produce, both perishable and non-perishable, which is going to be shared with the food banks in both Honiton and Ottery (Ottery supplies our bread for the Community Supper so we thought it right to repay their generosity).  I took the vegetables and fruit to the vegetable food bank in Queen Street on Friday.  They do not now have their stand outside their unless they have goods to offer.  If you do ever have a surplus of vegetables and would like to donate to the Vegetable Bank ring David Holland on 07876 595431 or email .

David was most grateful for our donated goods, and said if he has any left at the end of the day he takes the surplus down to the Foodsave outlet at the Baptist’s Family Church on the High Street. Harvest supper on this Saturday 8th October in the village hall, at 7.00pm. £5.00 for 2 courses with reduction for primary age children.  There is a raffle and do bring your own drinks please.  Sue Fallows is masterminding the evening so please contact her by telephone 01404 850922  /  07717 596876  / if you require vegetarian or have allergy problems. 

Our services for October: 9th no service, 16th no service, 23rd Eucharist, 30th no service. November 6th no service 13th Remembrance Sunday lay-led starting at the lych-gate at 10.50, 20th no service, 27th Eucharist.

To receive details for ongoing worship, Eucharistic and lay-led please contact me, Carol, on 01404 851113 or email or Julia by email on or for those without internet ring her on 07763 111367 or 01404 850680. 

Gittisham’s next monthly coffee get-together is on 15th October, and on the third Saturday of each month, from 10.30-12 noon.  As the weather is getting chillier, we will be in the parish room (unless it is a hot sunny day).  All welcome.  

Honiton Mission Community

Rev’d Sue has returned to lighter duties and will be leading the weekly Sunday Services at 11am to start with.  It is lovely to have her back in the team again, and we look forward to when she takes a service in the village.   St Paul’s has had some falling masonry in church, and they have now had permission to start the repairs.

Honiton St Paul’s weekly services continue at 11.00am.  The website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about services and the latest guidelines on the Covid regulations.  There is also a link to the Gittisham website.  The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around the Parishes is available by email or post from the Parish Office; see below for details.  As our MC churches are now having their own services, Sunday Morning Eucharistic Worship at 11.00am, in St. Paul’s is being live streamed. If you would like to join this service do please contact Rev’d Sue or the Parish Office by emailing or and the link will be forwarded.  Alternatively, ring the Parish office to book your place in person, on 01404 44035.  Messages will be replied to when someone is available.  Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays. Coffee and biscuits are served in St Paul’s church on Tuesdays and Saturdays and after Sunday services, donations are welcomed.  Details of the other M.C. church services can be found in the Around the Parishes under each church and the service details including Readings and Collects for the month and will certainly be helpful if you join the live streamed Sunday service.

Combe Raleigh

On Sunday 2nd October at 3.00pm in St Nicholas’ Church, they held their first “Come and Sing Hymns” (postponed due to the death of Her Majesty). The next one will be on Sunday 6th November– half an hour or so of singing favourite hymns – no readings, sermon, or prayers, and certainly no charge – just an opportunity to sing together, to be followed by tea and cake!   They had a good number and would be delighted to welcome you if you are able to go along.


A section of the churchyard wall running up Church Hill has been so long leaning out at an improbable angle, it’s now being rebuilt. Gathering the courage – and the money – to undertake this monumental task hasn’t been easy but, at the time of writing, the work is nearing completion and Simon and Ben, from A.S. Builders, have worked hard to create something that is every bit as beautiful – and rather more vertical – than its Grade II-listed former self.

200 Club

I am currently able to offer numbers for the 200 club, (there are several available). If you want
your number and forgot to pay the sub please let me know and I will re-instate you upon receipt of
the full subscription amount. If you would like to join the 200 Club, please ring Carol, I can send or email an application form. This is one way of funding the upkeep so necessary with this old church which takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the spiralling costs for energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature, The cost is £12 per number per year; however as October has been drawn, this year’s sub until March will be £5 commencing with October. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes: £40.00, £20.00, £15.00, £10.00 and £5.00. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September).

Payment can be made by cheque or cash or Standing Order, there is a form for your bank. I can
email both the application and Standing order forms if required, please let me know by telephone 01404 851113 or or write to 3 School House Cottages, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AH.

October 2022 200 Club Results

1st  Peter Orchard                 2nd Peter Stansell               3rd David Valentine           
4th  Karissa Marker              5th   Terry Kitchen

Gittisham Gazette distribution

This is to advise if any Hayne Farm and Gittisham Vale estates residents wish to receive the
Gazette by email or if they have no internet access, they can receive it by post, (many are emailed and several households have 2 copies). I put 30+ copies in the Vale bus shelter and as the Hayne Farm sales
office is by appointment only, I have stopped putting any in the office. I apologise to those who do not get the Gazette and do my best to print as many as I can on my own printer, and understand there is a Hayne Farm WhatsApp group which links with the Gazette. If you have a neighbour who doesn’t have access to the internet and you could print off a copy, then many more could receive this publication. It would also be good to receive news from both the Vale and Hayne to let us know what’s going on etc.

Carol McCann  01404 851113 / 0794 6409142     .

If you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate, do please email it to Carol as early as possible.  Copy date for the November edition is 25th October.  The Gazette will hopefully be ready by the first weekend in November.  If possible please use the Arial font using Word and not PDF, thanks.