Gittisham Gazette October 2023

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On? 
at the village hall 
Pierre’s Cafe 
Sunday 12th Nov  
07545 214940 
Christmas Concert 
Sunday 3rd December 
4pm £10 (u16 free)  
Carol Singing  

drinks & mince pies  
at the church  
Community Kitchen 
Every Thurs, village hall  6.30pm. All welcome to  enjoy a free meal and  good company 
Folk Dancing  
Wednesday evenings village hall 
Fit for Life class  
Tuesday mornings  
village hall 
Monthly Thursday  
village hall 
Christmas Swap Shop and Family Quiz 
2nd December 
Ember Pizza 
Pizza van by the church 1st Wednesday of the month 
07751 532843 
Coffee Mornings 
3rd Saturday of the month  at the Parish Rooms  
(village green) 

Pumpkins – Ed Hayman 
This year at Gittisham Farm, between finishing my studies and Graduating with  a degree in Agriculture at Harper Adams University, I have been busy growing  a field of pumpkins as a ‘pick your own’ experience. So far, we have been open  for three weekends, and I’m very happy with how it’s gone. Everyone seems  to be enjoying the experience of visiting the farm, seeing our cows and calves  and of course lots of pumpkins. With plenty of questions and intrigue,  it’s been great to show people more about the produce they buy beyond the  sight of a supermarket shelf. 
The pumpkin patch offers lots of different varieties from tiny decorative  gourds right up to huge Atlantic Giants that are a handful to say the least!  There is also plenty of seasonal hot food and drink to beat this cold October  weather. 
It’s been great to see a few people from the village visit us already, and anyone  who would like to come along is more than welcome. As Halloween  approaches, the patch will be back open again 10-4pm everyday through  October half term, from Saturday 21st up to the following Sunday on the 29th.

Harvest Supper 
The annual Harvest Supper was a well supported event, with about 70 people  attending. The menu of chicken casserole or nut roast. Baked potatoes and peas  followed by apple crumble and ice cream went down well. Second helpings were  taken up enthusuastically! (Community Kitchen could be serving pudding for  weeks to come, due to the generosity of the cooks.) This was a truly communal  effort, with about 20 people involved in preparing, cooking, serving, washing up,  setting up and tidying up. Many thanks to all. Sue Fallows, Gittisham Village Hall  Committee 
The village hall committee have managed to keep up with the expenses, which have  risen sharply due to big changes in gas, electricity and water bills. Costs are  expected to be higher still during the coming year but it is hoped with the extra  income from existing and new bookings we will be able to keep pace. We really  need and would welcome more members to grow the number and range of events  that we put – to allow us to keep the important community assets running. This is a  hall for the whole parish. Hamish Hall, Gittisham Village Hall Committee 

Advent Concert 

Come and join us in our beautiful church as we  begin the lead up to Christmas. We are presenting  a lovely festive concert suitable for all ages with  professional singers. Join us in our carol singing  and enjoy a drink and a mince pie. There will also  be a prize draw with a splendid lunch for two to be won at The Pig’s Folly. Book early to avoid  disappointment! The proceeds will be shared  between Force Cancer Charity and St Michael’s  Church, Gittisham.
Halloween will soon be upon us. On Tuesday 31st all children are invited to the village hall at 16.30  for some food, and trick-or-treating around the  village will commence at 17.00. Don’t want to be  spooked? Quiver under the blankets or drop a  message on the village WhatsApp. 
Wrap Up South West  collecting unwanted coats  across Devon 
Coats need to be clean with all zips and  buttons complete and working. If you have  a warm coat, waterproof, gilet or fleece for  adults or children please drop it off at one  of the collection points. 
Collection 20th-30th October in Honiton  Tesco, Ottery Help Scheme and Sidmouth  Library 
New Year’s Eve Party 
At the village hall details to follow.  Contact the Village Hall Committee 
200 Club 
Would you like to join the 200 club and  help to fund the upkeep so necessary  for this old church. It takes a lot to keep  it heated (especially with the increasing  cost of energy) and watertight,  keeping the churchyard in good order  and kind to nature. The cost is £12 per  number per year.  
The draw takes place at the beginning  of each month with 5 prizes £40, £20,  £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is  a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and  September).  
Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484

between Force Cancer Charity and St Michael’s  Church, Gittisham. Halloween 
Halloween will soon be upon us. On Tuesday 31st all children are invited to the village hall at 16.30  for some food, and trick-or-treating around the  village will commence at 17.00. Don’t want to be  spooked? Quiver under the blankets or drop a  message on the village WhatsApp. 
Wrap Up South West  collecting unwanted coats  across Devon 
Coats need to be clean with all zips and  buttons complete and working. If you have  a warm coat, waterproof, gilet or fleece for  adults or children please drop it off at one  of the collection points. 
Collection 20th-30th October in Honiton  Tesco, Ottery Help Scheme and Sidmouth  Library 
New Year’s Eve Party 
At the village hall details to follow.  Contact the Village Hall Committee 
200 Club 
Would you like to join the 200 club and  help to fund the upkeep so necessary  for this old church. It takes a lot to keep  it heated (especially with the increasing  cost of energy) and watertight,  keeping the churchyard in good order  and kind to nature. The cost is £12 per  number per year.  
The draw takes place at the beginning  of each month with 5 prizes £40, £20,  £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is  a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and  September).  
Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484 
Parish Council Vacancy 
To represent the Vale ward. Please  contact the Clerk for further  information   The deadline for applications is 22nd  October h-councillor-vacancy-gittisham-vale-ward/

Four councillors met for the October meeting. Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC) and one member  of the public were also present. 
Church Mead bridge. Alasdair Bruce explained that the repairs to the Church Mead bridge had been put back to 16th October, due to the late arrival of materials. However all affected residents had, he understood, been  advised by hand-delivered letter of the works. 
Potholes. Phil Twiss told councillors that the previous winter had been very challenging for road condition and  safety defects. But the numbers recorded across the network had reduced to such a point that Highway Safety  Inspectors (HSI) were able to re-start identifying non-safety or ‘serviceability’ defects in June, ie the holes that pose  less of a problem. A trial with material called ‘Elastomac’ is taking place and this product is providing a lower  carbon and cost-effective means of repairing carriageway defects. This can allow reactive works gangs to  undertake repairs much more quickly when compared with conventional techniques. 
Gully cleaning. Phil Twiss reported that more than 5,000 drainage issues identified county-wide by the gully  cleaning crews and highway officers have been resolved since April. The challenge remains dealing with more than  15,000 outstanding reported issues with limited funds available. The ongoing trial to pre-inspect gullies due to be  cleaned on the cyclical programme has shown 49 per cent of gullies inspected to date do not require cleaning. A joint trial with Devon’s Flood team to place gully sensors in selected streets in Devon is in the preparation stages. It  is hoped this externally funded trial will offer insight into whether technology can be used to inform policy or  reaction for cyclical gully cleaning. The trial intends to run for an 18-month period from the winter period. 
Road closure. 24th–29th October: Road from Main Road to Eveleighs Farm. Wales and West Utilities; priority  traffic control. 
Finance. Members agreed the finances. 
Crimes. July 2023: no reported crimes. 
Casual vacancy. Carol Hall encouraged all councillors to speak to people who might be interested in joining the  parish council to represent the Vale ward. People can also contact the clerk for further information by emailing  The deadline for applications is 22nd October. 
Old Elm Road rewilding. Councillors discussed funding for installing mesh underneath the path that leads between the Old Elm Road gateway and the existing path by the railway track. 
Waste bin. Councillors heard the dog waste bin at the bottom of Old Elm Road was due to be removed, and  replaced with a larger standard waste bin. It will be emptied once a week. 
Scams. The clerk highlighted the article in the previous week’s Midweek Herald, which urged people to be on their  guard against a spate of door to door salespeople who claim they are part of a rehabilitation programme. They sell  a range of items at inflated prices. She said somebody had visited the village around the same time who fitted the  description. 
Next meeting. Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm in the parish room. 
Parish Council links Who’s who 
Emergency Plan 
Parish Council Clerk Email: Tel: 01404 851442
St Michael’s Church and Honiton Mission Community 
200 Club – October Winners 
1. Karen Miller 2,Mrs J Lovell 3.Helen Bartlett 4, Mrs E Warne 5,Mrs D Merchant 
Events: Saturday 21 st October 10.30am Coffee Together in the Parish Room 
Churchyard: Paul Wakely has been busy cutting back the grass in the old churchyard and preparing the ground for  the emergence of wild flowers in the Spring. Weather depending he would appreciate help with strimming and  raking up the grass cuttings. Bring your own strimmer and rake. Saturday AM 21 st October from 10am. 
Sunday Oct 29 th 11am Mission Community Eucharist at St Paul’s Honiton 
Thursday Nov 2 nd at 7pm All Soul’s Day Service at St Michaels’s Church Honiton* 
A note from Rev’d Tracey “This will be quiet, thoughtful and gentle, we shall be reading out the names of loved  one(s) with an opportunity to light a candle, in remembrance of our loved ones, and all that they meant, and still  mean, to us.” Please contact Julia 07763 111367 if you would like the name of a loved one added to the prayer list  or would like a lift to the service 
*As you may know, St Michael’s is the former parish church of Honiton, latterly a Chapel of Ease and its grounds  hold the Churchyard for Honiton Parish It is now closed for worship, but for this occasion is being especially  opened. 
Sunday 12 th Remembrance Sunday 10. 50 am at the Lychgate followed by a Eucharist Service in Church Sunday Nov 26th 11am Lay Led Service 
Church Events and News 
It was good to welcome the Rev’d Tracey to celebrate the Eucharist at our Harvest Festival Service enhanced by a  magnificent display of flowers and fresh produce thanks to our amazing team of flower arrangers. Many thanks to  everyone for the donations of food and fresh produce which is being distributed between the Honiton Food Bank  
and Ottery Larder. We are also pleased to announce that it has now been officially confirmed that the Rev’d Tracey Voysey who was recently appointed as Team Vicar in the Honiton Team Ministry on an interim basis will be  staying with us. There will be a service of welcome and celebration of her continuing ministry on Thursday 14 th  December at Honiton Parish Church at 7pm.