Gittisham Gazette September 2023

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On? 

at the village hall 
Pierre’s Cafe 
Sunday 8th Oct  
07545 214940 
Harvest Supper 
Saturday 7th October 7pm £5 07880 178297  
Community Kitchen 
Every Thurs, village hall  6.30pm. All welcome to  enjoy a free meal and  good company 
**NEW** Yoga 
Thursday mornings 11-12 £10 
Michelle Corrigan  
07833 558253 

Gentle, safe, classic yoga  with attention to back care. 
Film Discussion Night 10th October 7pm 
Christmas Swap Shop and Family Quiz 
2nd December 
Ember Pizza 
Pizza van by the church 1st Wednesday of the month 
07751 532843 
Donations are always  welcome to the box in the  church porch
Gittisham Fete SUCCESS 

Thank you for helping  
to raise over £2,500  
for the church. 
1000 visitors from the  
parish and further  
afield enjoyed the  
Honiton band, stalls,  
classic cars, a dog  
show and the duck  
Thank you to Alex  
Rowe and all those  who helped organize and manage the  

Dog Show 

Wow, what a lot  
of wagging tails! 
The first Gittisham dog show saw a huge turnout  at Will’s Field during the fete. Dogs and owners  had travelled from as far as Upottery and maybe  even beyond. A lot of pretty bitches and  handsome dogs made it a very hard decision for  the poor judge Maryanne, but we all agreed  with her choices in the end (didn’t we?). Some  fantastic sets of 6 legs with a very obvious  winner and quite frankly the most waggy tails  every seen in one field. Thanks to all who  organised and participated this brilliant event  and see you all again next year.
Thank you, from Alex 
Thank you to everyone who supported me and the fete but a few I would like to mention ~ 
•The committee 
•The Tea ladies 
•Kate for painting the lovely signs 
•The parking chaps especially Bernie for his traffic  management 
•Mikey with his horse and trap 
•Helen and the flower arrangers for the beautiful church  display 
•Robert for coming back from London especially to help  me setup
Parish Council Vacancy 
To represent the Vale ward. Please contact the Clerk for  further information   
The deadline for applications is 22nd October vacancy-gittisham-vale-ward/ 
And then come the  nightjars  
Honiton Beehive Cinema  Friday 13th October 
A heartwarming film of friendship and  survival set against a backdrop of the  2001 Foot and Mouth outbreak 
The story of an unlikely friendship  between a Devon farmer and the vet  who is assigned to cull his precious  herd.
St Michael’s Church and Honiton Mission Community Sunday Sept 22 nd 11am St Michael’s & All Angels Saints Day Service Sunday October 8 th 11am Harvest Festival Service with Holy Communion Sunday October 22 nd 11am Morning Worship ‘We’re going on an Angel Hunt’  Come and help us find the Angels! 
The church is open to visitors 10am-6pm (Julia Barratt Lay Minister) 
200 Club – September Winners 
154 D Hollis bonus £48 123 G Booth 1st£40 5 C Broom 2nd £20  79 O Morgan 3rd £15 128 M Tawse 4th £10 144 C Vyner-Brooks 5th £5 
200 Club – How to Join 
Would you like to join the 200 club and help to fund the upkeep so necessary for  this old church. It takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the increasing cost of  energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature.  The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each  month with 5 prizes £40, £20, £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly  prize of £48 (March and September). Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484


Open weekends from the 30th September to the 29th October and  everyday through October half term

FETE SUCCESS by Alex Rowe 

Unlike this week’s storms, at the beginning of September we had lovely sunny weather temperature at almost 30°c,  I couldn’t have asked for better weather for the restarting of the fete. 

Since February a small working committee of Sue, Julia, Maggie, Will, Pierre and myself had been planning for the  2nd of September. The few days prior were very hectic however we are extremely pleased with how the day panned  out and very grateful to all of the residents of the Parish who came along to help with the setting up, stewarding on  the day or even just came to enjoy the afternoon. 

The Village was buzzing and I would approximate on 1000 visitors in total including children it was great to  encompass people from the parish living in the Vale, Hayne farm and the village they all seemed very much enjoy all  the fete had to offer Honiton band, the stalls, classic cars & the dog show organised by Will, compared by Hamish  and kindly judged by Maryanne. 

Lastly an exciting duck race concluded the event (kindly sponsored by Airband) 

Robert is working on a little video of the Fete and the link will be shared shortly. 

We will be having a post fete meeting to discuss any issues that arose, I apologize to those who didn’t get to  experience the fete if you were helping on the day, you were invaluable to the event, thank you. If you are interested in helping with next year’s fete email and I will let you know the date  of the next meeting. 

We will celebrate our success at a good NYE party! 

~ Alex 

GRAIN TO CREAM by Russell Hayman 

It was spring the last time I wrote and autumn now! So I missed summer, quite a different one to last year. Nowhere  near as much sun but much more grass which the girls will and have loved. Harvest was a typical one maybe a bit  more catchy than normal but we muddle by. Yields where a bit below average as a result of the lack of sunshine.  Last year it was too much. never see a satisfied farmer. Also part of the problem was virus carrying aphids which  infect the crop in the autumn and show no sign of infection until April May following. Unfortunately the most  effective way to control this is to spray insecticide which we did once, but the mild winter could well of resulted in  infection happening later; the aphids don’t like frost. The problem is it can result in complete crop failure if we get  it wrong and we try to use as little chemical as possible. Hedges do harbour the aphids (don’t worry not advocating  taking the hedges out) but most the trial work is carried out in the east of the country where they have less hedges  and cooler winters so advice given is not always appropriate for this neck of the woods. 

We still have our heron out front fishing the little stream, sparrows also seem to thrive here with the hedge bending  under the weight of them all and the barn owls had chicks again, three this time! On the subject of wildlife we have  also had Bicton students here and vet students as well. 

The cows have been treated to a new fan by the robots to help keep flies away which appears to work though I  have seen the occasional one flying into the air flow to get a good work out! We are also in the process of digging  a new slurry store which will enable us to spread the good stuff over a larger area and be more flexible there-by  make better use of it. Unfortunately the contractor doing the digging has let us down by leaving site before  finished so we are well behind schedule. 

We also have a new exciting crop introduced by Edmund fresh from uni. Of pumpkins. They are like triffids and  grow at a blink of an eye. Weed control is a hoe and Edmund has made a gardener of me! He has put loads of time  into it and was also in the process of doing his finals for his degree! I think it is a good year for pumpkins so his efforts have resulted in what looks like a bumper crop. (though I must admit I know nothing about them really)  Looking forward to welcoming everyone here at Gittisham farm to come and pick a pumpkin or two in October.


Five councillors met for the September meeting. Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) was also present. 

Sewage. Alasdair Bruce explained that EDDC’s coastal officer had produced a report which highlighted the large  number of occasions where South West Water’s sewage monitors were found to be in ‘maintenance mode’, and  therefore not doing the job they are designed to do. EDDC has approached the supplier for a response. River Gitt. 

Floods. Councillors heard that a flood prevention consultant had advised EDDC that the best course of action  would be to remove any vegetation and debris from the river, and allow for the silt to be washed away naturally  during heavy rainfall. Work is due to be carried out in the next few months. 

Road closure. 21st September, road through Alfington to Ottery closed 0930–1530 for pole tests. Finance. Members agreed the finances. 

Crimes. May & June 2023: no reported crimes. 

Casual vacancy. Carol Hall encouraged all councillors to speak to people who might be interested in joining the  parish council to represent the Vale ward. People can also contact the clerk for further information by emailing  The deadline for applications is 22nd October. 

Planning applications. 

a) 23/1631/MFUL Coastguard Road Heathpark Industrial Estate – development of 17 commercial units b) 23/1632/MOUT Coastguard Road Heathpark Industrial Estate – outline application for class B2, B8 and E(g)(iii)  development within two sites (Phase 2A and 2B) comprising total floor space of 4,000 sq m (all matters reserved) c) 23/1207/LBC & 23/1206/FUL The Lodge EX14 3AD – demolition of internal wall, removal of roof to existing  extension construction of new extension with parapet and roof lanterns. 

Councillors resolved to have no objections to the applications. However, in relation to a) and b), they expressed  concerns over the point of access onto Devonshire Road, given the nature of the road itself, lack of visibility on the  bend, and the proximity of the bus stop. Councillors also discussed whether this represents an over-intensification  of the site. 

Bus timetable. Peter Orchard reported that Stagecoach is now operating additional last journeys on the 44 / 44A  bus, Monday to Saturday evenings at 20.30 from Exeter to Honiton and at 22.45 from Honiton to Exeter. The bus  will not serve Gittisham village. 

Scams. Janet Twist said that Mole Valley’s IT systems had been hacked, and anyone who has an account with them  should check their own bank account. 

Outdoor table tennis table. Councillors heard that the funding from S106 had been approved. The proposal is  now with EDDC’s legal team to sign off. 

Next meeting. Tuesday 3rd October at 7pm in the parish room. 

Parish Council links Who’s who Emergency Plan 

Parish Council Clerk Email: Tel: 01404 851442

St Michael’s Church Julia Barratt 

Many thanks to everyone and especially to our flower arranging team led by Helen Hayman who helped to prepare  and decorate the Church for the Fete Flower Festival. We had a constant stream of visitors throughout the  afternoon, so much so we had to organise a one way system! 

Thank you also to everyone who contributed to the collection which raised £577 as a gift for Carol McCann in  recognition of her dedicated service of nearly 30 years as Churchwarden. We had hoped to present the cheque to  her in person at the Fete & Flower Festival Service but sadly she wasn’t able to be with us. However, Robert Rowe kindly videoed the service and now she is back at home, she is very much looking forward to watching it.  Carol was very surprised and pleased to receive both the cheque and the lovely ‘card signed by so many and  sends her thanks and love to everyone. Providing Carol is well enough, we hope to say ‘Thank You’ to her in person at our Harvest Festival Service on October 8 th . 

The PCC also wishes to thank everyone who helped to make the Fete such an enjoyable occasion with special  thanks to Village Hall Committee for generously donating the profits towards the upkeep of the Church. 

After a break in August, our Coffee Together meetings on the 3rd Saturday of the month have resumed and we  had a full house. And everyone is much impressed with our new coffee machine kindly donated by Claire and  Gary. 

Julia Barrett. LLM. St Michael’s.