CLT March 2019

Welcome to the first GCLT newsletter

What are Community Land Trusts (CLT)

A CLT is a non-political not-for-profit organization established to provide benefits to a local community.

They usually start by focusing on the provision of affordable housing, but they can also facilitate the provision of other community benefits.

The legal framework within which the Gittisham (GCLT) is managed is that of a Community Benefit Society (CBS) and the £￿ shares which you have acquired gives you membership of the CBS. We currently have 60 members. This represents a large percentage of the village population showing its support for the work that is currently taking place in seeking to provide the village with a small (6 units of rented accommodation) residential scheme. The work of a CLT has to be community led and this is a fantastic start. Thank you.

So what happens next?

Once the new Board has been elected on Thursday 21st March the ongoing work seeking a suitable site and agreeing Heads of Terms with the Combe Estate will continue. The Heads of Terms are not legally binding in themselves but set out how and on what basis the agreed land can be disposed of to the GCLT. Once the Heads of Terms are in place the CLT Board will come back to the community with its recommendation for the preferred site and seek the community’s endorsement to proceed. The CLT will employ consultants and architects to help with the design of the scheme in preparation for the planning application.

Where does the funding come from?

The Board will be making an application for ‘eStart Up Funding which can be obtained from EDDC. Additional grant applications can be made at appropriate stages during the process. The Community Housing Fund is a Government initiative which was first launched in 2016 to support communities to bring forward affordable housing through the CLT process. EDDC were a beneficiary of this fund and currently hold a significant sum of money which they can redistribute as grants to CLT’fs. Homes England is the national housing and regeneration agency for England and administers Community Housing Funds which were part of a range of Government announcements made in 2018. There is no shortage of funds which can be accessed for this type of community-led project. Additionally, there are funds which can be accessed by a partner Housing Association. Selecting a Housing Association partner will be another task following the agreement Heads of Terms.

Where is the Board getting advice from?

The GCLT is being supported by Wessex CLT Project, an organization who provide technical advice and support to CLT groups. They are currently supporting 45 groups across the south west and they have an excellent record of meeting their delivery objectives. We are also supported by Devon Communities Together.

The GCLT are continuing to promote its work and extend its current membership. If you are interested in becoming a member then please contact Helen Hayman, the CLT secretary, or indeed any of the other Board members.

Application forms are on the website (

David Valentine

Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX