Gittisham Gazette May 2024

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council 

What’s On?         at the village hall

Sunday 12th May 10-4 Pierre’s Café             07545 214940

Skittles                   Saturday 18th May

Cake decorating         29th May homeMeadbake

Father’s Day barbecue Sunday 16th June

Community Kitchen         A free hot meal for all every Thursday at 6.30pm

FitforLife class every Tuesday morning

Yoga with Alison           3rd Tues of the month

Folk Dance Club Wednesday evenings

Tufty Tots Toddlers Thursday 9.30-11.30

Yoga with Angela Fridays 1pm 7-week class starts on 7th June

Gittisham Fete poster

Grain to Cream Russell Hayman

I can’t really write a farming article without mentioning the weather (it’s sodding wet and it’s causing problems). Yes it’s boring so you don’t need me adding to it!

So what else is going on? Well we do now have animals out in the fields at last – it is getting to be a case that it had to happen. Silaging will start when the yellow thingy in the sky makes a sustained appearance. When it does it will very much be a case of watch out there’s a farmer about we have months of work to catch up on so it will be all systems go. I predict this will happen in the middle of May as we have a TB test then and there is no way we can do both at the same time could well make my hair thinner than ever (hopefully the silver ones will drop out!).

Edmund made his radio 4 day-view on farming today; it was about his pumpkin patch

Diversification. Fiona recorded it months ago but the Prime minister turned up at the NFU conference and the BBC thought we would be more interested in what he had to say so Edmund was bumped down the schedule. I know I’m bias but Edmund held my interest much more than the PM.

Earlier in April we had the opening of the Gittisham farm water park! (our new slurry lagoon unfortunately it has not been finished yet so no poo has gone in but there was plenty of water, which is good as we now know it works). Activities were limited as there was only one paddle board with much disappointment Edmund stayed on. There was a valid reason for this other than a good laugh that was to give some idea of the depth of water. To finish the work on it we have to empty it, which we have just about done as we created a syphon and it has gradually emptied so the water park opened and closed all too soon! Views not too good and the contents in the future will be even less inviting than cold water, so its financial future did not look too rosie.

Gittisham Fete 31st August Alex Rowe

Update on fete progress-

It’s been a little slow whilst I prepare the blacksmithing section & competitions for the Devon County Show after taking it over last year but after this the fete preparations will be in full swing! 

 We’ve the ever-popular dog show returning bigger and better than last year, the Honiton town band, Morris Dancers, Classic vehicles and much more! We can always do with more helpers!  So I am formulating a spreadsheet rota for volunteers during the fete day. I have a few names up to now but if anyone would like to come forward let me know. I am about to start advertising for pitches so if you know of anyone who would like to sell their craft items or anything else the email is 

Church Services and Events

Sunday May 12th 11am Holy Communion

Saturday May 18th   Coffee Together in the Parish Room

May 21st 7pm           APCM Tuesday  May  in the Church

Sunday May 26th           No service

Honiton Beehive

Singalong Encanto   11th May 4pm

Dressing-up as the characters is actively encouraged, with prizes awarded for the most imaginative costumes!  Get ready to sing along with Mirabel and all her friends at this fundraising Cinema Event. 

The magic of the Encanto has blessed every child in the family with a unique gift — every child except Mirabel. However, she soon may be the Madrigals last hope when she discovers that the magic surrounding the Encanto is now in danger.

Stockland Primary School PTA organises fun events to raise funds for improved facilities and enrichment of the pupils at the school. Our current projects include developing a Forest School and allotment area, and adding exciting new playground equipment.

Flower and Produce Show

At the Village Hall on Saturday 3rd August 

Potato bucket weigh in at 3:15pm

Show opens at 2:30pm

Teas and raffle

Admission: Adults 50p; Children 5-16 years 10p

Entrance fee Sections A,B,C 20p: Children’s entries free

St Michael’s Church, Gittisham

St Michael’s 200 Club  

The new St Michael’s 200 club is now up and running and at £3 a ticket per month, it is a simple and affordable way of helping to keep our beautiful village Church for all. Currently it costs £100 per day to look after and keep St Michael’s open!

If you would like to join as a new member or have as yet to renew your membership please contact Janet Twist, the 200 Club administrator who will be please to assist. Email Tel 01404 45484

Also, a gentle reminder to those who are intending to renew their membership but haven’t got round to it yet, payment can be made either by regular standing order or cheque either on a monthly or annual basis as best suits your budget.  And/or if you would like to explore alternative ways of giving that can be gift aided e.g. through the Parish Giving Scheme, again Janet will be pleased to assist and answer any questions.

And if you register quickly, you are still in with a chance to win the monthly prize of either £75, £50 or £25 in the May draw with monthly prize draws of £75, £50 and £25 with an extra prize draw of £125 in December. 


All are welcome to our Annual Parish Council Meeting in the Church on Tuesday May 21st at 7pm.  We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of people who have served faithfully on our Parish Council (PCC) for many years but we would really welcome new members interested in bringing fresh energy and new ideas to the table!

Also Janet Twist our Treasurer will be stepping at the APCM. She has done a magnificent job and leaves us with our financial affairs in very good order. Janet estimates that on average it involves about 2-3 hours a month. If you are interested and/or know of anyone either as a Treasurer or Bookkeeper who would like to know more please contact Julia at or Tel 07763 111367.

Thank you

A BIG thank you to everyone who helped with our graveyard spring clean in the Church yard! If you are interested in Gittisham history, do come and have a look, especially in the Old Churchyard where much work has gone into recovering the overgrown graves. 

And thank you also to Alex and Julian for their repair to the Lychgate!

Gittisham Village Hall

The Village Hall is managed by a committee of volunteers who run events and see to the maintenance of the hall.  It has been used for events ranging from quizzes to concerts, discos, the annual flower & produce show and birthday parties.

Every Wednesday night, Gittisham Folk Dance Club meet from 8pm until 10.15pm to dance the evening away (with local bands and experienced callers).

Anyone is welcome to join the committee or the Dance Club.  Do get in touch via 

If you would like to book the Village Hall, contact Carol Hall at 

Booking rates start from £10.90 per hour or and £43.15 for an evening.

Flower and Produce Show

The show is open to all residents of Gittisham parish, which includes Gittisham Vale and Hayne Farm. We also welcome entries from those who no longer live in the parish, those who actively support the parish, and those with close links to the parish.

Children must be aged 3-11 on 27th July and Juniors must be age 12-16 on 27th July. Children are welcome to enter Sections A,B,C upon paying the entry fee.

A reminder of the children’s classes      

0 – 5 years:  A painting or drawing of a garden, An animal made of vegetables, 3 decorated biscuits  6 – 11 years: A painting or drawing of a garden, An animal made of vegetables, 4 cheese scones

A reminder of the Homecraft classes:

Date and Walnut loaf, Bakewell Tart, 2 Traditional Cornish Pasties, 2 Vegetable pasties, A jar of redcurrant jelly, Jar of chutney – any variety, Knitted or crochet baby blanket, Homemade wedding invitation, Homemade Gadget, Photo of a rainbow taken in Gittisham parish – recognisable location

Full details, schedule and entry forms available from 01404 850922 


Six councillors met for the May meeting along with Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Phil Twiss (DCC) and one member of the public. 

Chair & Vice Chair. Carol Hall was elected as chair and Alex Rowe as vice chair for 2024/25, Janet Twist having stood down as vice chair.

Funding for higher energy and food costs Phil Twiss reported that Devon County Council has been allocated a little over £5 million from the government to help households struggling to pay higher bills for energy, food, water, and other essential items. This will be the fifth round of Household Support Funding received from the Department for Work and Pensions, to run between April and September 2024. It will take Devon’s total level of Household Support Funding received so far to just over £30 million. The funding is to support households in most need, but

specifically those that may not be eligible for other support that is already available from the government. Further details will be provided once plans are finalised.

Finance. Members agreed the finances.

Crimes. March 2024: 1 x public order, Meadow Acre 1 x violence & sexual offences, Cypress Close. Members agreed the increase in crime over the past year reflected the growing number of residents in the parish, and a rise in the reporting of crime.

Planning applications.

a) proposed upgrade to the existing radio base station installation at CS_121551, SWEB Tower EX14 3TZ (NGR: E314620, N096545). Councillors had no objections to this application.

Road closures. 3–20 June 2024 road through Alfington is closed for gas works.

4–5 June 2024 Old A30 by Kings Arms farm. Temporary traffic signals for Highways

                                                   England works.

Old Elm Road rewilding. Alex Rowe said the parish council would be looking for volunteers to help lay the grass matting that will go underneath a footpath suitable for pushchairs in the rewilded area.

Hayne Farm. Carol Hall said some residents of Hayne Farm had drawn up a list of items they would like to see in the play area. Representatives of Baker Estates will be attending the June parish council meeting to discuss.

Broadband. Phil Twiss encouraged people to register their interest on the Airband website, which appeared to show some Gittisham village postcodes likely to be served by the rollout of superfast broadband at some point in the future. Adam Powell queried this, as he had intelligence that suggested Airband is reassessing the contracts it has with Connecting Devon and Somerset (the rural broadband programme). Phil Twiss said he was waiting for a response from CDS. To share your experience of poor broadband in Gittisham village, please contact or telephone 07535 233558.

Public transport. Peter Orchard said there was now a clipboard in the village bus shelter where passengers should report any late arrivals or no-shows, which helps in gathering evidence to present to Stagecoach.

Village play area. Councillors agreed to attend to the items highlighted in the annual safety inspection report. A table tennis tournament is planned in the play area for Father’s Day.

Next meeting. Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm in the parish room. 

Parish Council links Who’s who

Emergency Plan Council Clerk Email: