Gittisham Village Hall Financial Report 2024

Financial Year End Report 1 April 2023-31 March 2024

Hall hire, a 7% reduction compared to the previous year.
Social events, a 23% reduction compared to the previous year.
The Village Hall received a grant towards the Community Kitchen of £992.45 and earned
£507.98 in interest on the reserve Account.
The Village Hall Committee approved a draw down of £2000 from the Reserve Account.
Total income of £9474.10.

Insurance increase of 7% on previous year.
Water/gas/electric, an increase of £858.05, a 39% increase on the previous year.
Cleaning/grass cutting, £271.05 more then the previous year, 36% increase.
Hall/equipment maintenance, £2215.58, up 61% on the previous year, external painting, a
new gas water boiler and the removal of an old shed.
The stipend paid to the booking clerk and treasurer.

Expenditure increased by £4136.36, to a total of £11597.01.

The Reserve Account balance £24811.22.

Janet Twist
28 June 2024