2024-08 Parish Council extraordinary meeting minutes 2 August 2024

Held in Gittisham Parish Room


Village ward: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr A Rowe (Vice Chair)

Vale ward: Cllr J Twist, Cllr Adam Powell,

In attendance: Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr D Valentine, Cllr M Walker, Cllr P Orchard, Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), PCSO Darren England

Before the start of the meeting, Nicole Stacey & Graham Hutton from Baker Estates outlined the scope of the additional development of 37 homes at Hayne Farm which has already received outline consent.  Three of these properties will be for ‘affordable’ purchase but not available for social rent. Mr Hutton said it was outside the scope of the plan, but it may be possible to install a surface rainwater pipe next to plot 34.  Members heard that the road layout has changed since the first iteration of the plan, as well as levels and drainage infrastructure.  Councillors discussed the possibility of a footpath through the site in line with the proposals already discussed with Combe Estate.

Nicole Stacey & Graham Hutton left the meeting.

1. To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

2.   To receive declarations of interest

Cllr Twist declared an interest in agenda item 3b (minute ref. 3b) as her home is adjacent to the proposed development.  Cllr Rowe declared an interest in agenda item 4 (minute ref. 4) as he is a member of the village fete committee.

3. To consider the following planning applications:

  1. 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston EX14 3PB – Prior approval (Class R) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use within Classes B8 (Storage and Distribution), and Class E (Commercial, business or service) use.

Councillors expressed their disappointment at the lack of timely information regarding a) as part of the track which serves the proposed development is in the parish.  (EDDC’s case officer has agreed that a formal consultation can be sent to Gittisham as an adjoining parish.)  In addition some parishioners have objected to the application.  The clerk agreed to ask EDDC’s advice on next steps, including whether the applicant could provide more information in person at a future parish council meeting.

Cllr Twist left the meeting.

b. 24/1420/MRES Land Off Hayne Lane Gittisham Honiton EX14 3PD – Reserved matters application in respect of matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 37 no. residential dwellings and associated garages, infrastructure and landscaping all in association with outline permission 22/1322/MOUT

Members resolved to have no objection to b), but they requested that the work be completed in one go to minimise disruption to existing residents.  They expressed concern over the removal of asbestos and urged that this work should be done in a way which complies with the highest standards of safety.  Members recommended a flat grassed area which can accommodate family-type activities such as table tennis, and they would like access to the western boundary to be maintained in managed land rather than private ownership. 

Cllr Twist returned to the meeting.

4.     To approve the following payments

Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10340)

Members resolved to make this payment.

Cllr Rowe left the meeting.

Gittisham Fete upfront costs (advertising, band, fencing, hall hire etc.) £500

Members resolved to make this payment, and requested a discussion over future funding sources for the fete.

Cllr Rowe returned to the meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 1855 hrs.


5th September 2024