2024-09 Parish Council meeting minutes 5 September 2024

Held in Gittisham Parish Room


Village ward: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr D Valentine, Cllr M Walker, Cllr A Rowe (Vice Chair)

Vale ward: Cllr Adam Powell, Cllr P Orchard

In attendance: Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), two members of the public, Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr J Twist, Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), PCSO Darren England

Before the start of the meeting, one member of the public raised concerns over the state of the River Gitt, as they had observed two silt banks getting bigger year on year with vegetation and other material.  They said it was beginning to impact on the drain holes in the wall which runs alongside the river in the centre of the village.  The clerk said the parish council was aware of the situation, and had already been in contact with EDDC who had promised to clear sections of the river.  Cllr Twiss said he thought DCC had also had some input in the past in clearing overflow channels, so he would make further enquiries.  The Chair said she and Cllr Rowe had inspected the river, and she had written a report outlining the issues and their location which the clerk will forward to Cllr Bruce.

One member of the public left the meeting.

55/24 To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

56/24        To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 11th July & 2nd August 2024

The minutes of the meetings held on 11th July and 2nd August 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.  

57/24        To receive the Beat Manager’s Report

May 2024:

Meadow Acre – 1 x violence & sexual offences. 

June 2024:

Nether Close – 1 x other theft

Hamlett Close – 1 anti-social behaviour

Meadow Acre – 1 x criminal damage & arson

Parsonage Lane – 1 x violence & sexual offences

58/24        To receive declarations of interest


59/24        To consider actions from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda

Cllr Rowe said he had attended a meeting of Buckerell Parish Council, and their members had agreed that collaborating on planning issues and anything else which affects both parishes was sensible.  Members agreed with Cllr Rowe’s suggestion of inviting the new DCC Highways area officer to combined parish council meetings with a third council.


Cllr Rowe thanked the parish council for supporting the village fete on 31st August, which raised approximately £3,000.


The clerk said she had been pursuing the agent repeatedly for planning application 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston to invite the applicant to a meeting, but ‘phone calls and emails have so far failed to secure a response.

60/24 To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives

DCC Highways

Cllr Twiss said it is understandable that many peoples’ main involvement with DCC is to do with the Highways network.  Very often this is to do with road surface defects, particularly potholes, given many of us use our roads on a very regular basis. He outlined what else happens regarding Highways as part of a much wider area of interest.

As some very poor, wet weather during recent winters has created problems, it has been difficult to keep up with repairs.  Safety defects have taken priority when there is dry weather, which allows tarmac to set properly, rather than using short term fixes, which tend not to last. A generally drier summer has helped eat in to the backlog and Cllr Twiss hoped for similar in the run up to the end of the year.  Additionally in recent months, DCC has been able to put an additional £10m of capital funding towards the following:

  • Additional serviceability patching (£7.75m)
  • White lining maintenance (£0.25m)
  • Drainage improvements (£2m)

By mid-August, more than 16,000m2 of larger scale serviceability patching has been laid, which works out in excess of 315 locations. 

Over the summer four white lining gangs have been working across the county to remark the following:

  • 145 mini roundabouts
  • 30 compact roundabouts
  • 197 zebra crossings

The funding is also making it possible to allow approximately 10kms of double white lines to be refreshed.  The programme of drainage improvements, particularly in rural areas, is being delivered through a dynamic approach with the Term Maintenance Contractor, where a number of factors come in to make best use of financial and human resources.  Delivery of the Local Area Capital Programme was delayed until mid-May due to staff being focused on pothole repairs, but work is now progressing well, with a large proportion of the projects already completed or scheduled to be completed before winter.

The major resurfacing programme for the A-road network is now underway, with the surface dressing programme already completed.  Cllr Twiss hoped that further efficiencies across DCC services will free up more money to invest further in the highways network in the coming months.

Over-40s encouraged to check their blood pressure

NHS and Public Health professionals at DCC are encouraging people aged 40+ to check their blood pressure. It’s part of a week-long national ‘Know Your Numbers’ campaign, beginning Monday 2 September, to raise awareness of high blood pressure.  Known as ‘the silent killer’, high blood pressure is a major cause of heart attack and stroke, but often has no symptoms.  Knowing your blood pressure means that you can start making healthy lifestyle changes or start taking medicines if you need them to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level.

Many local pharmacies or GP surgeries across Devon offer free blood pressure checks.  To check whether your local pharmacy offers this service visit the NHS webpage at https://tinyurl.com/2jydttj7 People can also check what the result might mean at https://tinyurl.com/4heb8fm8

This September explore the Great Outdoors!

This September we are all being asked to embrace the great outdoors and consider ditching the car and, where possible, use an alternative form of transport.  It’s all part of Outdoor September, a Devon-wide month-long campaign being promoted by Active Devon.  Being active, particularly outdoors, benefits your health and wellbeing and during the course of the month Active Devon and their partners from the Devon Local Nature

Partnership, Devon Climate Emergency, Devon County Council’s Public Health team and Travel Devon, will be sharing details of events, ideas and tips to help us all make the most of our environment.

The campaign aims to support those looking to change their behaviour and become more active.  Here are some fantastic ways to enjoy Devon during #OutdoorSeptember:

  • Cycle Routes: Discover the joy of cycling on Devon’s extensive network of bike paths. From the family-friendly Tarka Trail and Exe Estuary Trail to the more challenging Dartmoor circuits, there’s a route for every level of cyclist. If you are looking for more confidence on your bike, why not sign up for free adult cycle sessions here on the Active Devon website https://activedevon.org/adult-cycle-training/
  • Walking Trails: Put your best foot forward and discover what’s on your doorstep. This could be your local green space, exploring the South West Coast Path, wander through Dartmoor or Exmoor National Park, or take a leisurely walk along one of our many estuaries. For more information on exciting cycling and walking routes, visit the Explore Devon website at https://www.exploredevon.info/ 
  • Public Transport Adventures: During September, it is World Car Free Day (22 September) so why not make use of Devon’s public transport. Combine train and bus routes to access remote areas and hidden gems. By exploring your local area without a car, if that’s possible, you’re contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions and helping to preserve our environment for future generations.  For more information on different ways to travel around Devon, visit the Travel Devon website at https://www.traveldevon.info/
  • Nature Connection: Join guided nature walks, participate in birdwatching tours, or engage in outdoor park yoga sessions. There are endless ways to connect with nature and discover the tranquillity it offers. Maybe becoming a Wellbeing Walk Leader in Devon is something you’d be interested in? Take a look at the free training offered at https://tinyurl.com/2cmj57by

 In his absence, Cllr Bruce sent the following report: “Our popular coastal resorts were constantly hit by sewerage releases throughout August and, as I write this, it appears there is no change in sight as Exmouth experiences yet another spill into our coastal waters. There seems little appetite as yet from those that hold the power to do something about this scandalous situation. Given the required housing numbers being imposed on us by government, it seems this situation is set to get worse unless more councils go down the road of Oxford where the EA has finally stepped up to the plate and halted a new development in its tracks. I wonder if DCC have the ***** to try it here!

“Having been asked to look into the missing railings on Riverside Bridge, not only has the parish not received a reply, but neither have I. So I have now written to the portfolio holder for an urgent explanation to this complete lack of communication.

“To finish on a more positive note, the fete seems to have been a resounding success, so all credit to the organising committee and volunteers for putting Gittisham so well on the map.

“Also, I’ve been approached by a Gittisham resident to see if we can get the postbox painted gold in honour of our recent Olympic gold medal. Getting hold of the relevant email to apply to Royal Mail proved a challenge, but it’s in the system, so let’s see what comes of it.”

Cllr Twiss added that DCC has passed a motion opposing the recent Government proposal to means test pensioners on the winter fuel payment, as members felt it was being introduced at too short notice and was potentially unfair.

As regards broadband, Cllr Twiss said he had met Cllr Rufus Gilbert, DCC’s portfolio holder for Economic Recovery and Skills.  Cllr Gilbert has promised to let him know in advance the outcome of contract variation discussions which are currently taking place between Connecting Devon & Somerset and Airband.  A final decision on what Airband will deliver – and whether this includes Gittisham – is expected at the end of September.

Cllr Twiss left the meeting.

61/24   To receive a report on the EDDC Local Plan

Cllr Valentine provided a summary of the latest EDDC Local Plan Working Group meeting, which he attended on 9th August.  It was noted that the site identified as Gitt-5b is not now considered to be a proposed allocation.  However Cllr Valentine could not say there was any certainty about this in what will be presented as a final decision by EDDC.  The next stage is now consideration of the officer recommendations for each housing and employment allocation in the Honiton/Axminster regions, at a Strategic Planning Committee on 20th September (am). Cllr Valentine said depending on what officer recommendations are presented, it will be important to be present and provide comments on each allocation at this meeting.  How much will be taken of Cllr Valentine’s comments on 9th August is, at this point, unknown.

Members heard that EDDC is attempting to beat the clock in presenting their revised Local Plan before new housing targets come into force with the publication of an updated NPPF later this year. If they fail to achieve this, Cllr Valentine explained, the housing target will be increased by 28 per cent, placing more pressure on what is an already crumbling infrastructure.

ACTION: Clerk to confirm Cllr Valentine’s attendance with EDDC.

62/24   To consider use of Gittisham Village Hall for future parish council meetings

Members discussed whether the larger venue would be more appropriate, but it was decided to stay with the current location and day for now.  This will be kept under review, with the possibility of holding parish council meetings in the village hall when / if the subject warrants it.

ACTION: Cllr Walker to raise accessibility of the parish room at the next PCC meeting.

63/24   To consider the following planning applications:

  1. 23/1631/MFUL – Coastguard Road Ltd Devonshire Road Heathpark Industrial Estate Honiton EX14 1SD – Development of 17x commercial units
  2. 24/1504/FUL – 6 Honeysuckle Drive Honiton EX14 2YL – Proposed single storey rear extension

Councillors resolved to have no objection to either application. 

64/24     To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:

  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
    • Cllr Powell said his letter about the broadband situation in Gittisham village had been published in three newspapers.  He has also written to the relevant government minister.   He is trying to arrange a meeting with Keri Denton, Programme Director for Connecting Devon and Somerset and will invite her to a future parish council meeting.  Cllr Powell said he would also be approaching BT and Virgin.
  • To note the latest planning decision notices
    • 24/0988/FUL – Parkers East, Gittisham EX14 3AS.  Proposal to repair and preserve existing brick and timber greenhouse within the curtilage of a listed building.  Approval.
    • 24/1197/PIP – Land Adjacent To Hamlet House Nags Head Road Gittisham EX14 3PB. Permission in principle application for the conversion of an existing building into a single dwelling.  Refusal. 
  • To receive an update on Highways 

02 – 14 Sept 2000-0600 nightly. Works on A30 for repairs.

25 Sept – 01 Oct. Devonshire Road/Rowan Close. Minor works opposite old Jurassic Fibre warehouse for land clearance on north side.

Cllr Rowe added that the grass matting had been installed at the Old Elm Road site.

  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy & S106

The clerk said EDDC had confirmed that the second tranche of S106 funds from Hayne Farm had been received in February 2024, totalling £131,126.43.  Members agreed that discussions should take place at the forthcoming parish council meetings to decide what should be done with this money in a way that benefits Gittisham parishioners. 

ACTION: Clerk to contact EDDC to check criteria for spend. 

  • To receive an update on public transport

Cllr Orchard said he had written to Stagecoach and DCC mid-July with a list of late running or non-arrival 44 buses. Their Customer Services spoke to the depot, and during August there have been no reported problems.

Bus timetable through Gittisham changes 01 September.  New timetables have been posted, plus Cllr Orchard has added large print summary of departures to both notice boards.  Slight alterations, generally earlier, to eliminate buses meeting in the lanes.

Network Rail have had a couple of landslips near the Honiton tunnel, creating cancellations to services.

  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land in the parish

Cllr Rowe said that EDDC officers were working on a plan for the Old Elm Road rewilding site. 

  • To consider limited residential development in the parish

Cllr Valentine explained that English Heritage had submitted a report in the wake of the planning application.  GCLT is appointing a heritage consultant to advise on the issues and a meeting with English Heritage has been arranged for the beginning of October.        

  • To consider the creation of a footpath linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village

Cllr Powell said that it was possible that DCC’s Rights of Way department could draft an agreement between the parish council and any landowner, and could pay for establishment and maintenance of any potential footpaths.  He outlined some possible routes which did not involve passing over Combe Estate land. 

ACTION: Cllr Powell to contact Tom Green at DCC, as well as Combe Estate to outline DCC’s position. 

  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area

The Chair said the play area had been well used over the summer holidays, which was encouraging.  Cllrs Rowe and Powell had addressed most of the issues in the annual safety inspection report. 

Cllr Orchard said some trimming was needed of the inside hedge, and Cllr Rowe added that the hedge was getting high opposite Parkers.

ACTION: Cllr Rowe to order a sign which indicates it is the parish play area.  Chair and others to check situation with those whose properties are next to the play area.

  • To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain ditches and drains in the parish

Members agreed that lengthsman services were necessary in the parish, and discussed whether some of the work was the responsibility of the landowners and / or tenant farmers.  The clerk explained how two other neighbouring parish councils have contracted a lengthsman’s services and the level of remuneration.  She added that she had sent a thank you card to Len Abbott on behalf of the parish council.  Members resolved to approve attendance of the clerk and Chair at a DALC course on upcoming changes in the law regarding procurement at a cost of £36 each inc VAT.

65/24     To receive a report from the Chair

The Chair said there was nothing to report this month.

66/24     To approve the September payments and to note the current bank balance

Members resolved to approve the following payments:

F Clampin £254.34 clerk’s salary + £22.26 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham 7.5-mile round trip x 6 for agendas, minutes & June meeting @0.45p / mile)

Michael Poll, play area grass cutting £65 (inv. ref. 10349)

NEST (clerk’s pension) £26.78

The clerk said the second half of the annual precept had been received, as well as the S106 money for the outdoor ping pong table.  Members were informed that the current bank balance stands at £26,149.40 (which includes approximately £7,156.88 in the business reserve account).  They agreed that discussions on how to spend some of the reserves should feature in a forthcoming parish council meeting.

67/24 Clerk’s report

There was nothing to report.

68/24     For information only; items for the forward agenda

Future projects; funding of Gittisham village fete 2025; lengthsman.

69/24     To consider any late entry correspondence


70/24     Date of next two meetings  

Thursday 3rd October and Thursday 7th November 2024 at 7.30pm. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2130 hrs.


3rd October 2024