Gittisham Gazette November 2023 Edition 27

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council 

What’s On? 

Pierre’s Café  
Sunday 12th Nov  
Community Kitchen  Every Thurs, village hall  6.30pm. All welcome to  
enjoy a free meal and  good company 
Act of Remembrance  at the Lych gate Sunday  Nov 12th 10.50 followed  by Eucharist in Church 
Ember Pizza 
Pizza van by the church 1st Wednesday of the month 
07751 532843 
Coffee Together 
18th Nov 10.30-12  
at the Parish Room inc  double 200 club Nov &  Dec draw 
ready for Advent’ 
Sun Nov 26 th 
11am at the  
Saturday evening  
2nd December  
Quizmaster Hamish 
Christmas Swap Shop  2nd December 
Come and join us in our  
beautiful church as we begin  
the lead up to Christmas.
are presenting a lovely festive  
concert suitable for all ages  
with professional singers. Join  
us in our carol singing and 
enjoy a drink and a mince pie.  
There will also be a prize draw  
with a splendid lunch for two to  
be won at The Pig’s Folly. Book  
early to avoid disappointment!  
The proceeds will be shared  
between Force Cancer Charity  
and St Michael’s Church,  
Trick or Treating 
Lots of treats and quite a few tricks this year. A big crowd ventured out into the rain after gathering at the village hall. Those of us waiting at home could  definitely hear them coming. Many of houses had treats for the little darlings  but some houses had tricks in store, much to their amusement. Definitely not  just an event for the children. Thanks to all those who helped at the hall and in  herding the monsters around the village. And thanks to everyone who  supplied the various treats. Far too much sugar and not enough hidden  sprouts!

Christmas Swap Shop Saturday 2nd December 3-6pm at the Hall 

“For a more sustainable Christmas” 

Swap toys, decorations and lights. 

One gift donation entitles the giver to one free gift.  Donations from 10am at the hall. Good quality only. 

Mulled wine, mince pies and cream teas from 3pm 

Quiz Night 

At the village hall Saturday 2nd December  

Quizmaster Hamish 

Combe Farm Shop 

Its nearly time to start thinking about Christmas. Here at  the Farm shop we are looking forward to a busy festive  season. 

We have lots of lovely things planned including our late  night Christmas shopping event, where you can meet  some of our suppliers, enjoy some free samples, listen to  a local choir and even meet Santa. There will be hot  drinks, mulled wine and turkey baps available in the  Café. We will also have some great deals on, so it could  be a chance to get some Christmas present shopping  done. This is going to be on December 2nd

We will be hosting our popular wreath making workshops  again with a local florist and using locally sourced  greenery. We will be running them on November  29th and December 13th in the evening. Mulled wine and  nibbles are included. If this interests you, please let us  know to book your spot as numbers are limited. We also  have capacity to run private wreath workshops for small  groups. 

We also have our diary open for Christmas orders. We  have Local Turkeys from near Exeter (Rosamond Farm),  Turkey breast rolls, in house cured Gammon ( using local  free range pork from Prestige Pork), Pigs in Blankets,  Carvery Rib, Rolled Sirloin, Ducks, Chicken and so much  more. We also offer our Christmas Meat Hampers. All  information can be found on our Facebook page or pop  by the shop to speak to one of the team. 

Look forward to seeing you soon, 

Joanna and the Farm Shop Team. 

01404 519093 

Community Theatre 4All  presents  

An evening of 2 short plays Gentle comedy from a bygone era. The Laboratory by David Campton The Bear by Anton Chekov 

Talaton Parish Hall Thurs 16th, Fri 17th and Sat 18th November 

 Tickets £6 from 07867 791093

Auction of Promises Saturday 10th February 7 pm at the Hall 

Do you have a service or skill you could  donate as a lot? This would be placed in  a catalogue for Auction in February in  the village hall, bar and nibbles  available on the night  

It’s raining cats and dogs 

Our wonderful Devon village lies at the bottom of a pretty steep valley and when it rains heavily, we know it. Large rivers with big catchments, like the Exe, cause problems after prolonged and extensive rainfall – for example, a flood can take several days to reach Exeter after the rain has started. The River Gitt, however, has a tiny catchment area to the centre of the village, just a few square kilometres. This small area, coupled with the steep nature of the catchment  – means we are less susceptible to low-intensity prolonged rainfall, but are far more sensitive to short-duration, high-intensity rainfall.


This means when we have heavy rain it reaches the village in minutes! All the floods that have affected the village over the years have followed this pattern  – where there is so much rain it cannot soak in and often exceeds the capacity of drains and sometimes the river too. The event that recently caused a lot of surface water flooding, followed this pattern. The graph, from a rain gauge in Honiton, shows just how heavy the rainfall was. The event in the early hours of the  2nd of November did not last for long but had a peak rainfall intensity of over 60mm an hour – which is a lot!  Even though the event only lasted a few hours – enough rainfall landed to overwhelm the soil’s ability to infiltrate water and the drainage system’s ability to convey water adequately. 

Forecasting really intense rainfall is difficult as the weather systems that create them can be small and intense and predicting where and when they will travel and how heavy the rain will be is hard. For somewhere like Gittisham, with a catchment that reacts very quickly to rainfall, it is also then hard to give a flood forecast. So, working out if the village or nearby roads will flood has to be made based on a combination of weather forecasts, with their inherent uncertainty and observing how heavy the rain is. An online rain & river level gauge in the village could help us better understand the relationship between rainfall and flooding. I’d be happy to chat with anyone who wants to know more about flooding, forecasting flooding and how to manage risk. Hamish (

St Michael’s Church and Honiton Mission Community 

Advent and Christmas Services 

Advent Sunday Christmas Concert Dec 3 rd 4pm 

2 nd Sunday Eucharist Dec 10 th 11am 

St Michael’s Carol Service Sun Dec 17 th 4.45pm mince pies and festive drinks 

‘Carols on the Green Fri Dec 22 nd 5pm sausages and mulled wine’ 

Sunday Dec 24 th Midnight Eucharist 11.30pm 

Monday Dec 25 th Christmas Day Eucharist 11am 

Around the Parishes – for events and news see copies in Church or visit Rev’d Tracey Voysey – licensing service as Team Vicar changed to Mon Dec 4 th 7pm at St Paul’s. 

Blue Foodbank Box Church Porch – donations gratefully received


Six councillors met for the November meeting. One member of the public was also present. 

Flooding. Councillors discussed the flooding in the parish which had occurred in the early hours of Thursday  morning, 2nd November. The member of the public, who works for a flood risk organisation, advised the parish  council that when serious flooding occurs, getting involved in mitigating its effects during the event can be  dangerous and it is often best to wait until the worst has passed. For example inspection covers often lift in floods  and can’t be seen under water or in the dark. Flood risk is best dealt with proactively, he said, and the parish  council is not in a position to advise individuals. All agreed that with climate change bringing about more extreme  weather events, people would have to adapt their behaviour and take further precautions to try to minimise flood  damage. 

Parish emergency plan. Given the recent weather, councillors were reminded that there are various locations marked on the emergency plan where sandbags are stored. (A copy of the emergency plan can be found on the  Gittisham website click on the ‘parish council’ tab.) Additional sand for the sandbags will be  ordered. In the event of a dangerous flood, those affected should call the emergency services. Carol Hall (Chair)  thanked Alex Rowe for clearing the drain under the railway bridge by the Forge. 

Highways. In his report sent to the council in his absence, Phil Twiss said Devon’s Highways teams have taken an  absolute battering this year where climate change, and flooding events in particular, have decimated planned  maintenance. But despite that, Highways are pressing on with as much of the programme as possible when not  dealing with ’risk to life’ events or clearing up after flooding, fallen trees and damaged buildings. He asked for  understanding that they must prioritise workload for those ‘risk to life’ events, while not diminishing the necessity of  alerting them to issues on the parish’s roads. Peter Orchard reported that the internal channel of the balancing  pond has filled with rubble, so it needs to be cleared out. Alex Rowe said the broken grit bin on the road heading west out of the village had been reported. 

Residential development. In his report sent to the council in his absence, Alasdair Bruce said he was somewhat encouraged by the statements that have come out of EDDC’s latest Strategic Planning Committee meeting. If  implemented in full, they could offer an element of protection from the scourge of never ending developer-led  mass housing applications, he said. The Government will be issuing a new National Planning Policy Framework in  the near future. This should help empower EDDC’s planning committee to make a stand against inappropriate  development, he said. A case in point was last week’s refusal of the application for 63 houses to the south of Ottery  St Mary. Despite officer recommendation, the committee decided to refuse. Alasdair Bruce said it remains to be seen if the council lawyers come back with reasons why these grounds will fail, something he described as an  unfortunately familiar scenario. 

Finance. Members agreed the finances. 

Crimes. Due to an error on the Police UK website, it was not possible to report the crime statistics for August and  September 2023. 

Casual vacancy. Carol Hall encouraged all councillors to speak to people who might be interested in joining the  parish council to represent the Vale ward. People can also contact the clerk for further information by emailing  The deadline for applications is 3rd December. 

Next meeting. Thursday 7 th December at 7.30pm in the parish room. 

Parish Council links Who’s who 

Emergency Plan Parish Council Clerk Email: Tel: 01404 851442

Gittisham Gazette October 2023

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On? 
at the village hall 
Pierre’s Cafe 
Sunday 12th Nov  
07545 214940 
Christmas Concert 
Sunday 3rd December 
4pm £10 (u16 free)  
Carol Singing  

drinks & mince pies  
at the church  
Community Kitchen 
Every Thurs, village hall  6.30pm. All welcome to  enjoy a free meal and  good company 
Folk Dancing  
Wednesday evenings village hall 
Fit for Life class  
Tuesday mornings  
village hall 
Monthly Thursday  
village hall 
Christmas Swap Shop and Family Quiz 
2nd December 
Ember Pizza 
Pizza van by the church 1st Wednesday of the month 
07751 532843 
Coffee Mornings 
3rd Saturday of the month  at the Parish Rooms  
(village green) 

Pumpkins – Ed Hayman 
This year at Gittisham Farm, between finishing my studies and Graduating with  a degree in Agriculture at Harper Adams University, I have been busy growing  a field of pumpkins as a ‘pick your own’ experience. So far, we have been open  for three weekends, and I’m very happy with how it’s gone. Everyone seems  to be enjoying the experience of visiting the farm, seeing our cows and calves  and of course lots of pumpkins. With plenty of questions and intrigue,  it’s been great to show people more about the produce they buy beyond the  sight of a supermarket shelf. 
The pumpkin patch offers lots of different varieties from tiny decorative  gourds right up to huge Atlantic Giants that are a handful to say the least!  There is also plenty of seasonal hot food and drink to beat this cold October  weather. 
It’s been great to see a few people from the village visit us already, and anyone  who would like to come along is more than welcome. As Halloween  approaches, the patch will be back open again 10-4pm everyday through  October half term, from Saturday 21st up to the following Sunday on the 29th.

Harvest Supper 
The annual Harvest Supper was a well supported event, with about 70 people  attending. The menu of chicken casserole or nut roast. Baked potatoes and peas  followed by apple crumble and ice cream went down well. Second helpings were  taken up enthusuastically! (Community Kitchen could be serving pudding for  weeks to come, due to the generosity of the cooks.) This was a truly communal  effort, with about 20 people involved in preparing, cooking, serving, washing up,  setting up and tidying up. Many thanks to all. Sue Fallows, Gittisham Village Hall  Committee 
The village hall committee have managed to keep up with the expenses, which have  risen sharply due to big changes in gas, electricity and water bills. Costs are  expected to be higher still during the coming year but it is hoped with the extra  income from existing and new bookings we will be able to keep pace. We really  need and would welcome more members to grow the number and range of events  that we put – to allow us to keep the important community assets running. This is a  hall for the whole parish. Hamish Hall, Gittisham Village Hall Committee 

Advent Concert 

Come and join us in our beautiful church as we  begin the lead up to Christmas. We are presenting  a lovely festive concert suitable for all ages with  professional singers. Join us in our carol singing  and enjoy a drink and a mince pie. There will also  be a prize draw with a splendid lunch for two to be won at The Pig’s Folly. Book early to avoid  disappointment! The proceeds will be shared  between Force Cancer Charity and St Michael’s  Church, Gittisham.
Halloween will soon be upon us. On Tuesday 31st all children are invited to the village hall at 16.30  for some food, and trick-or-treating around the  village will commence at 17.00. Don’t want to be  spooked? Quiver under the blankets or drop a  message on the village WhatsApp. 
Wrap Up South West  collecting unwanted coats  across Devon 
Coats need to be clean with all zips and  buttons complete and working. If you have  a warm coat, waterproof, gilet or fleece for  adults or children please drop it off at one  of the collection points. 
Collection 20th-30th October in Honiton  Tesco, Ottery Help Scheme and Sidmouth  Library 
New Year’s Eve Party 
At the village hall details to follow.  Contact the Village Hall Committee 
200 Club 
Would you like to join the 200 club and  help to fund the upkeep so necessary  for this old church. It takes a lot to keep  it heated (especially with the increasing  cost of energy) and watertight,  keeping the churchyard in good order  and kind to nature. The cost is £12 per  number per year.  
The draw takes place at the beginning  of each month with 5 prizes £40, £20,  £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is  a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and  September).  
Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484

between Force Cancer Charity and St Michael’s  Church, Gittisham. Halloween 
Halloween will soon be upon us. On Tuesday 31st all children are invited to the village hall at 16.30  for some food, and trick-or-treating around the  village will commence at 17.00. Don’t want to be  spooked? Quiver under the blankets or drop a  message on the village WhatsApp. 
Wrap Up South West  collecting unwanted coats  across Devon 
Coats need to be clean with all zips and  buttons complete and working. If you have  a warm coat, waterproof, gilet or fleece for  adults or children please drop it off at one  of the collection points. 
Collection 20th-30th October in Honiton  Tesco, Ottery Help Scheme and Sidmouth  Library 
New Year’s Eve Party 
At the village hall details to follow.  Contact the Village Hall Committee 
200 Club 
Would you like to join the 200 club and  help to fund the upkeep so necessary  for this old church. It takes a lot to keep  it heated (especially with the increasing  cost of energy) and watertight,  keeping the churchyard in good order  and kind to nature. The cost is £12 per  number per year.  
The draw takes place at the beginning  of each month with 5 prizes £40, £20,  £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is  a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and  September).  
Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484 
Parish Council Vacancy 
To represent the Vale ward. Please  contact the Clerk for further  information   The deadline for applications is 22nd  October h-councillor-vacancy-gittisham-vale-ward/

Four councillors met for the October meeting. Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC) and one member  of the public were also present. 
Church Mead bridge. Alasdair Bruce explained that the repairs to the Church Mead bridge had been put back to 16th October, due to the late arrival of materials. However all affected residents had, he understood, been  advised by hand-delivered letter of the works. 
Potholes. Phil Twiss told councillors that the previous winter had been very challenging for road condition and  safety defects. But the numbers recorded across the network had reduced to such a point that Highway Safety  Inspectors (HSI) were able to re-start identifying non-safety or ‘serviceability’ defects in June, ie the holes that pose  less of a problem. A trial with material called ‘Elastomac’ is taking place and this product is providing a lower  carbon and cost-effective means of repairing carriageway defects. This can allow reactive works gangs to  undertake repairs much more quickly when compared with conventional techniques. 
Gully cleaning. Phil Twiss reported that more than 5,000 drainage issues identified county-wide by the gully  cleaning crews and highway officers have been resolved since April. The challenge remains dealing with more than  15,000 outstanding reported issues with limited funds available. The ongoing trial to pre-inspect gullies due to be  cleaned on the cyclical programme has shown 49 per cent of gullies inspected to date do not require cleaning. A joint trial with Devon’s Flood team to place gully sensors in selected streets in Devon is in the preparation stages. It  is hoped this externally funded trial will offer insight into whether technology can be used to inform policy or  reaction for cyclical gully cleaning. The trial intends to run for an 18-month period from the winter period. 
Road closure. 24th–29th October: Road from Main Road to Eveleighs Farm. Wales and West Utilities; priority  traffic control. 
Finance. Members agreed the finances. 
Crimes. July 2023: no reported crimes. 
Casual vacancy. Carol Hall encouraged all councillors to speak to people who might be interested in joining the  parish council to represent the Vale ward. People can also contact the clerk for further information by emailing  The deadline for applications is 22nd October. 
Old Elm Road rewilding. Councillors discussed funding for installing mesh underneath the path that leads between the Old Elm Road gateway and the existing path by the railway track. 
Waste bin. Councillors heard the dog waste bin at the bottom of Old Elm Road was due to be removed, and  replaced with a larger standard waste bin. It will be emptied once a week. 
Scams. The clerk highlighted the article in the previous week’s Midweek Herald, which urged people to be on their  guard against a spate of door to door salespeople who claim they are part of a rehabilitation programme. They sell  a range of items at inflated prices. She said somebody had visited the village around the same time who fitted the  description. 
Next meeting. Thursday 2nd November at 7.30pm in the parish room. 
Parish Council links Who’s who 
Emergency Plan 
Parish Council Clerk Email: Tel: 01404 851442
St Michael’s Church and Honiton Mission Community 
200 Club – October Winners 
1. Karen Miller 2,Mrs J Lovell 3.Helen Bartlett 4, Mrs E Warne 5,Mrs D Merchant 
Events: Saturday 21 st October 10.30am Coffee Together in the Parish Room 
Churchyard: Paul Wakely has been busy cutting back the grass in the old churchyard and preparing the ground for  the emergence of wild flowers in the Spring. Weather depending he would appreciate help with strimming and  raking up the grass cuttings. Bring your own strimmer and rake. Saturday AM 21 st October from 10am. 
Sunday Oct 29 th 11am Mission Community Eucharist at St Paul’s Honiton 
Thursday Nov 2 nd at 7pm All Soul’s Day Service at St Michaels’s Church Honiton* 
A note from Rev’d Tracey “This will be quiet, thoughtful and gentle, we shall be reading out the names of loved  one(s) with an opportunity to light a candle, in remembrance of our loved ones, and all that they meant, and still  mean, to us.” Please contact Julia 07763 111367 if you would like the name of a loved one added to the prayer list  or would like a lift to the service 
*As you may know, St Michael’s is the former parish church of Honiton, latterly a Chapel of Ease and its grounds  hold the Churchyard for Honiton Parish It is now closed for worship, but for this occasion is being especially  opened. 
Sunday 12 th Remembrance Sunday 10. 50 am at the Lychgate followed by a Eucharist Service in Church Sunday Nov 26th 11am Lay Led Service 
Church Events and News 
It was good to welcome the Rev’d Tracey to celebrate the Eucharist at our Harvest Festival Service enhanced by a  magnificent display of flowers and fresh produce thanks to our amazing team of flower arrangers. Many thanks to  everyone for the donations of food and fresh produce which is being distributed between the Honiton Food Bank  
and Ottery Larder. We are also pleased to announce that it has now been officially confirmed that the Rev’d Tracey Voysey who was recently appointed as Team Vicar in the Honiton Team Ministry on an interim basis will be  staying with us. There will be a service of welcome and celebration of her continuing ministry on Thursday 14 th  December at Honiton Parish Church at 7pm.

Gittisham Gazette September 2023

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On? 

at the village hall 
Pierre’s Cafe 
Sunday 8th Oct  
07545 214940 
Harvest Supper 
Saturday 7th October 7pm £5 07880 178297  
Community Kitchen 
Every Thurs, village hall  6.30pm. All welcome to  enjoy a free meal and  good company 
**NEW** Yoga 
Thursday mornings 11-12 £10 
Michelle Corrigan  
07833 558253 

Gentle, safe, classic yoga  with attention to back care. 
Film Discussion Night 10th October 7pm 
Christmas Swap Shop and Family Quiz 
2nd December 
Ember Pizza 
Pizza van by the church 1st Wednesday of the month 
07751 532843 
Donations are always  welcome to the box in the  church porch
Gittisham Fete SUCCESS 

Thank you for helping  
to raise over £2,500  
for the church. 
1000 visitors from the  
parish and further  
afield enjoyed the  
Honiton band, stalls,  
classic cars, a dog  
show and the duck  
Thank you to Alex  
Rowe and all those  who helped organize and manage the  

Dog Show 

Wow, what a lot  
of wagging tails! 
The first Gittisham dog show saw a huge turnout  at Will’s Field during the fete. Dogs and owners  had travelled from as far as Upottery and maybe  even beyond. A lot of pretty bitches and  handsome dogs made it a very hard decision for  the poor judge Maryanne, but we all agreed  with her choices in the end (didn’t we?). Some  fantastic sets of 6 legs with a very obvious  winner and quite frankly the most waggy tails  every seen in one field. Thanks to all who  organised and participated this brilliant event  and see you all again next year.
Thank you, from Alex 
Thank you to everyone who supported me and the fete but a few I would like to mention ~ 
•The committee 
•The Tea ladies 
•Kate for painting the lovely signs 
•The parking chaps especially Bernie for his traffic  management 
•Mikey with his horse and trap 
•Helen and the flower arrangers for the beautiful church  display 
•Robert for coming back from London especially to help  me setup
Parish Council Vacancy 
To represent the Vale ward. Please contact the Clerk for  further information   
The deadline for applications is 22nd October vacancy-gittisham-vale-ward/ 
And then come the  nightjars  
Honiton Beehive Cinema  Friday 13th October 
A heartwarming film of friendship and  survival set against a backdrop of the  2001 Foot and Mouth outbreak 
The story of an unlikely friendship  between a Devon farmer and the vet  who is assigned to cull his precious  herd.
St Michael’s Church and Honiton Mission Community Sunday Sept 22 nd 11am St Michael’s & All Angels Saints Day Service Sunday October 8 th 11am Harvest Festival Service with Holy Communion Sunday October 22 nd 11am Morning Worship ‘We’re going on an Angel Hunt’  Come and help us find the Angels! 
The church is open to visitors 10am-6pm (Julia Barratt Lay Minister) 
200 Club – September Winners 
154 D Hollis bonus £48 123 G Booth 1st£40 5 C Broom 2nd £20  79 O Morgan 3rd £15 128 M Tawse 4th £10 144 C Vyner-Brooks 5th £5 
200 Club – How to Join 
Would you like to join the 200 club and help to fund the upkeep so necessary for  this old church. It takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the increasing cost of  energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature.  The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each  month with 5 prizes £40, £20, £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly  prize of £48 (March and September). Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484


Open weekends from the 30th September to the 29th October and  everyday through October half term

FETE SUCCESS by Alex Rowe 

Unlike this week’s storms, at the beginning of September we had lovely sunny weather temperature at almost 30°c,  I couldn’t have asked for better weather for the restarting of the fete. 

Since February a small working committee of Sue, Julia, Maggie, Will, Pierre and myself had been planning for the  2nd of September. The few days prior were very hectic however we are extremely pleased with how the day panned  out and very grateful to all of the residents of the Parish who came along to help with the setting up, stewarding on  the day or even just came to enjoy the afternoon. 

The Village was buzzing and I would approximate on 1000 visitors in total including children it was great to  encompass people from the parish living in the Vale, Hayne farm and the village they all seemed very much enjoy all  the fete had to offer Honiton band, the stalls, classic cars & the dog show organised by Will, compared by Hamish  and kindly judged by Maryanne. 

Lastly an exciting duck race concluded the event (kindly sponsored by Airband) 

Robert is working on a little video of the Fete and the link will be shared shortly. 

We will be having a post fete meeting to discuss any issues that arose, I apologize to those who didn’t get to  experience the fete if you were helping on the day, you were invaluable to the event, thank you. If you are interested in helping with next year’s fete email and I will let you know the date  of the next meeting. 

We will celebrate our success at a good NYE party! 

~ Alex 

GRAIN TO CREAM by Russell Hayman 

It was spring the last time I wrote and autumn now! So I missed summer, quite a different one to last year. Nowhere  near as much sun but much more grass which the girls will and have loved. Harvest was a typical one maybe a bit  more catchy than normal but we muddle by. Yields where a bit below average as a result of the lack of sunshine.  Last year it was too much. never see a satisfied farmer. Also part of the problem was virus carrying aphids which  infect the crop in the autumn and show no sign of infection until April May following. Unfortunately the most  effective way to control this is to spray insecticide which we did once, but the mild winter could well of resulted in  infection happening later; the aphids don’t like frost. The problem is it can result in complete crop failure if we get  it wrong and we try to use as little chemical as possible. Hedges do harbour the aphids (don’t worry not advocating  taking the hedges out) but most the trial work is carried out in the east of the country where they have less hedges  and cooler winters so advice given is not always appropriate for this neck of the woods. 

We still have our heron out front fishing the little stream, sparrows also seem to thrive here with the hedge bending  under the weight of them all and the barn owls had chicks again, three this time! On the subject of wildlife we have  also had Bicton students here and vet students as well. 

The cows have been treated to a new fan by the robots to help keep flies away which appears to work though I  have seen the occasional one flying into the air flow to get a good work out! We are also in the process of digging  a new slurry store which will enable us to spread the good stuff over a larger area and be more flexible there-by  make better use of it. Unfortunately the contractor doing the digging has let us down by leaving site before  finished so we are well behind schedule. 

We also have a new exciting crop introduced by Edmund fresh from uni. Of pumpkins. They are like triffids and  grow at a blink of an eye. Weed control is a hoe and Edmund has made a gardener of me! He has put loads of time  into it and was also in the process of doing his finals for his degree! I think it is a good year for pumpkins so his efforts have resulted in what looks like a bumper crop. (though I must admit I know nothing about them really)  Looking forward to welcoming everyone here at Gittisham farm to come and pick a pumpkin or two in October.


Five councillors met for the September meeting. Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) was also present. 

Sewage. Alasdair Bruce explained that EDDC’s coastal officer had produced a report which highlighted the large  number of occasions where South West Water’s sewage monitors were found to be in ‘maintenance mode’, and  therefore not doing the job they are designed to do. EDDC has approached the supplier for a response. River Gitt. 

Floods. Councillors heard that a flood prevention consultant had advised EDDC that the best course of action  would be to remove any vegetation and debris from the river, and allow for the silt to be washed away naturally  during heavy rainfall. Work is due to be carried out in the next few months. 

Road closure. 21st September, road through Alfington to Ottery closed 0930–1530 for pole tests. Finance. Members agreed the finances. 

Crimes. May & June 2023: no reported crimes. 

Casual vacancy. Carol Hall encouraged all councillors to speak to people who might be interested in joining the  parish council to represent the Vale ward. People can also contact the clerk for further information by emailing  The deadline for applications is 22nd October. 

Planning applications. 

a) 23/1631/MFUL Coastguard Road Heathpark Industrial Estate – development of 17 commercial units b) 23/1632/MOUT Coastguard Road Heathpark Industrial Estate – outline application for class B2, B8 and E(g)(iii)  development within two sites (Phase 2A and 2B) comprising total floor space of 4,000 sq m (all matters reserved) c) 23/1207/LBC & 23/1206/FUL The Lodge EX14 3AD – demolition of internal wall, removal of roof to existing  extension construction of new extension with parapet and roof lanterns. 

Councillors resolved to have no objections to the applications. However, in relation to a) and b), they expressed  concerns over the point of access onto Devonshire Road, given the nature of the road itself, lack of visibility on the  bend, and the proximity of the bus stop. Councillors also discussed whether this represents an over-intensification  of the site. 

Bus timetable. Peter Orchard reported that Stagecoach is now operating additional last journeys on the 44 / 44A  bus, Monday to Saturday evenings at 20.30 from Exeter to Honiton and at 22.45 from Honiton to Exeter. The bus  will not serve Gittisham village. 

Scams. Janet Twist said that Mole Valley’s IT systems had been hacked, and anyone who has an account with them  should check their own bank account. 

Outdoor table tennis table. Councillors heard that the funding from S106 had been approved. The proposal is  now with EDDC’s legal team to sign off. 

Next meeting. Tuesday 3rd October at 7pm in the parish room. 

Parish Council links Who’s who Emergency Plan 

Parish Council Clerk Email: Tel: 01404 851442

St Michael’s Church Julia Barratt 

Many thanks to everyone and especially to our flower arranging team led by Helen Hayman who helped to prepare  and decorate the Church for the Fete Flower Festival. We had a constant stream of visitors throughout the  afternoon, so much so we had to organise a one way system! 

Thank you also to everyone who contributed to the collection which raised £577 as a gift for Carol McCann in  recognition of her dedicated service of nearly 30 years as Churchwarden. We had hoped to present the cheque to  her in person at the Fete & Flower Festival Service but sadly she wasn’t able to be with us. However, Robert Rowe kindly videoed the service and now she is back at home, she is very much looking forward to watching it.  Carol was very surprised and pleased to receive both the cheque and the lovely ‘card signed by so many and  sends her thanks and love to everyone. Providing Carol is well enough, we hope to say ‘Thank You’ to her in person at our Harvest Festival Service on October 8 th . 

The PCC also wishes to thank everyone who helped to make the Fete such an enjoyable occasion with special  thanks to Village Hall Committee for generously donating the profits towards the upkeep of the Church. 

After a break in August, our Coffee Together meetings on the 3rd Saturday of the month have resumed and we  had a full house. And everyone is much impressed with our new coffee machine kindly donated by Claire and  Gary. 

Julia Barrett. LLM. St Michael’s.

Gittisham Community Kitchen Report

Written by Sara Trumper


The Gittisham Community Kitchen served up its first meal on 21 st July 2022 to an eager and
curious 35 members of the community. It has now been running for just over a year and
save for three occasions when the hall has been booked out we have provided a free meal
to all comers every single Thursday evening. In the first year 1,490 people have come to the
meals, an average of nearly 30 per week. There have also been hundreds of ‘take-aways’
provided to people who couldn’t attend or who fancied some leftovers for the next day.
Having the Community Kitchen running in the Village Hall has benefitted the Hall Committee
coffers by just under £1,500 in direct cash payments and by way of grants from EDDC.
And with the help of further grants from EDDC, the Beaumont Charity and the Parish
Council, GCK is still holding funds which will enable us to keep going well into our second
Here’s a very simple breakdown of the accounts over the year:
 Donations from diners £1,849.16
 Grants and other gifts £1,845.94
Total £3,695.10

 Cost of Hall Hire (paid direct) £ 435.00
 Equipment £ 68.23
 Cost of food £2,392.21
Total £2,895.44

We couldn’t do it without the donations of food that we are able to call on week after week.
The wonderful fresh veg from The Pig courtesy of Peter the kitchen gardener and plentiful
supplies of bread which would otherwise go to waste from The Ottery Larder. Also we’ve
been really lucky to be given loads of pheasant from local shoots, delicious seasonal
puddings that have been donated by the ‘pudding fairies’ and others, and numerous other
wonderful offerings in response to urgent cries for help on the day!
Feedback shows that the benefits of GCK have been numerous and varied. Alongside
providing hot nutritious meals every week for an average of only £1.61 per meal, people
have really benefitted from the chance to meet up and socialise with their neighbours on a
regular basis. Anyone who was able to listen to Fiona Clampin’s brilliant radio piece on
Farming Today in January will have recognised some familiar voices and, hopefully, agreed
with the sentiments expressed.
My thanks go in particular to those who have gone out of their way to help make it all a
success: Kate, Mike, Alex, Julia, Neil, Stella, David & Sue, Claire, Bill, Amanda, Maggie, Molly,
Pierre, Betty and everyone else who has stepped into the breach.

Please contact me by text on 07939 148762 or by email to if you
would like to contribute to the kitchen either with food or financially.
And……we are always looking for helpers to take over the cooking or to give the regulars a
break from the washing up and clearing up at the end of the evening.

Gittisham Gazette August

August ‘23 Edition 256

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On?  
Pierre’s Cafe Sunday 8th Oct at the Village Hall 07545 214940
Village Fete Saturday 2nd Sept 2-5pm
Community Kitchen Every Thurs, village hall 6.30pm. All welcome to enjoy a free meal and good company  
Harvest Supper Saturday 7th October at the village hall  
Gittisham Folk Dancing (like a barn dance or ceilidh) Join a friendly group of people of all ages with live music and a caller to guide you through each dance. £5.50 per evening 8pm-10.15pm        
FOOD BANK Donations are always welcome to the box in the church porch
Our wonderful fete is back on Saturday 2 nd September, with all the
usual entertainment and much, much more. Something for everyone, even dogs and ducks!
Entry is £2
There are still tables available for crafts and tradespeople
Can you help with parking or serving teas
on the day? There’s arota so please get in touch if you can.
Gittisham Flower and Produce Show Thanks to all who organised this event and who helped on the day.   The highlight of the day was of course the potato weigh-in, with Sarah Abbot the happy winner. What’s the secret Sarah? Other prize winners: Marker Cup: Len Abbott Homecraft: Anne Holley Reg Chown Cup for best exhibit in show: Shared between Len Abbott and Anne Holley McCann Cup: Kadence Hulbert Tony Spiller Shield: Sarah Abbott Wakley Cup for best flower in show: Anne Holley Men’s Cup: Will Wolsey Best Cake: Bill Griffiths Junior Cup: Maverick Cheffey Infant Cup: Cleo HoweSt Michael’s Church and Honiton Mission Community St Michael & All Angel’s Church Patronal Festival Village Fete SONGS OF PRAISE Thank You Service Sunday 3rd September at 4pm   200 Club Would you like to join the 200 club and help to fund the upkeep so necessary for this old church. It takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the increasing cost of energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature. The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes £40, £20, £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September). Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484   Exam Results Good luck to all those getting school and college exam results this month. Best wishes for whatever the future brings for you all.  
No Swimming

  No Swimming The Bettislake pothole highlights the challenges facing Devon County Council, with the largest Highways network in England at something over 12,000km to maintain. Much of the roads have begun life as little more than cart tracks with no real foundation, then covered and recovered in tarmac type surfacing over the years and subject to the vagaries of massive increases in traffic flow and weather.     Reporting of potholes is encouraged through the website Report a Pothole. Evening buses The Stagecoach 44A bus service will be running in the later evening from September Leaving Exeter and stopping in Heathpark (not running through the village): Exeter 20:30 to Heathpark 21:23 From Honiton, stopping in Heathpark and then on to Exeter (not through the village): Heathpark 22:49 to Exeter 23:35 Check the Stagecoach website for accurate information.  
Gittisham Village Hall The hall is available to hire privately with special rates for parish residents. £10.90 per hour £31.30 for a morning or afternoon £43.15 for the evening Details are on or contact 07854 492347 to make a booking.  
School Uniform The Ottery Larder has a huge selection of uniform for our local schools. All are welcome to take from their supplies. It’s all about recycling and saving money. Please see their website or facebook page for details of opening times.  
Parish Council – no meeting this month    

Village Hall Equality and Diversity Policy

Gittisham Village Hall Committee
2024/25 (April 2023)

Gittisham Village Hall Equality and Diversity Policy
1.0 Introduction
Gittisham Village Hall is committed to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture amongst its
community by creating a positive place where everyone can enjoy an environment which is safe,
enjoyable and respectful.
This policy reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all in our hirers and
volunteers and to avoid less favourable facilities or treatment on the grounds of age, disability,
gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, ethnic origin, colour,
nationality, national origin, religion or belief, or sex and sexual orientation. We are opposed to all
forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. 
2.0 Gittisham Village Hall’s Commitment
Our aim is to ensure that all hirers and volunteers are given equal opportunity and that our
organisation is representative of all sections of society.
All hirers and volunteers will be treated fairly and with respect. We will provide help and
encouragement to develop all our staff to their full potential and utilise their unique talents.  
When we select candidates for the Hall Committee or other volunteer positions, it will be on the
basis of their aptitude and ability. 
We are committed to:
 Creating an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of everyone
are recognised and valued. 
 Creating an environment that promotes dignity and respect for everyone. 
 Not tolerating any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and to avoid hiring the
facility to those that breach this policy. 
 Making training available to all volunteers where appropriate 
 Promoting an inclusive culture for all our community and the people that we serve.
 Encouraging anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their
concerns so we can apply corrective measures. 
 Encouraging everyone to be treated with dignity and respect. 
 Regularly reviewing all our practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained at all

We seek to promote diversity and inclusion and to respond to the needs of all individuals in a fair
and equitable manner, whilst observing our commitment and responsibility to current legislation. 
3.0 The community’s responsibilities 
All hirers, volunteers and village hall event attendees are required to assist us in meeting our
commitments, to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion and avoid unlawful discrimination. 
We consider acts of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation as unacceptable behaviour
and hirers supporting this behaviour will result in the hall not be available to hire to those persons in
the future.
4.0 Grievances 
If you consider that you may have been unlawfully discriminated against, you may contact the
committee Chair (NICK CHAPMAN) or any member of the
committee to make a complaint.

Gittisham Village Safeguarding Policy 2024/25

Everyone has a duty to safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults. This policy promotes
good practice in safeguarding for those using Gittisham Village Hall facilities. The Village Hall
Committee will review it annually.
Children and young people: Anyone under the age of 18 years
Vulnerable Adult: Anyone over 18 who is:
• Unable to care for themselves
• Unable to protect themselves from significant harm or exploitation
• Or may be in need of community care services
To whom this policy applies
• This policy applies to anyone working for or on behalf of the Village Hall Committee whether in
a paid, voluntary or commissioned capacity, for example contracted to do a piece of work.
• It also applies to any individual using the Village Hall facilities for the purpose of delivering any
service to children, young people or vulnerable adults.
Promoting a safe environment
In order to promote a safe environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults, the Village
Hall Committee will:
• Provide safe facilities and do regular safety assessments.
• Ensure that employees, councillors and leaders of activities in / on village hall facilities, are aware
of the safeguarding expectations.
• Ensure that the policy for users of village hall facilities includes a requirement that they are
safe to work with children, young people and vulnerable adults. (eg, any adults who have regular
unsupervised contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults during the course of their
duties should undergo appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service checks.)
• Ensure that attendees at village hall events are aware that parents are responsible for their
children’s safety and the location of a dedicated safe place for lost children is clear.
• Display on notice boards the relevant safeguarding contacts for advice and help.
Use of facilities by groups for use with children, young people or vulnerable adults
The Village Hall Committee will require the leaders to:
• Have public liability insurance.
• Have a suitable safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adult policy and/or agree to
work to the Village Hall Committee’s policy and relevant guidance.
• Ensure leaders make their members aware of the Village Hall Committee Policy and ensure that it
is followed whilst using parish facilities.
• Ensure leaders have valid enhanced DBS checks as appropriate and know where the first aid box is.
• Do risk assessments for individual activities.
Safe working practice
All users of Village Hall facilities must follow the safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable
adult’s policy and procedures at all times. For example they should:

• Never leave children, young people or vulnerable adults unattended with adults who have not
been subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
• Plan activities to involve more than one person being present or at least in sight or hearing of
others. Alternatively, record, or inform others of their whereabouts and intended action.
• Where possible, have male and female leaders working with a mixed group.
• Ensure registers are complete and attendees are marked in and signed out (under 8s must be
collected by a parent/carer).
• Ensure that photos or videos of individuals are not taken without written permission from parents/
• Ensure they have access to a first aid kit and telephone and know fire procedures.
 Ensure that where a child, young person or vulnerable adult needs assistance with toilet trips and
when first aid is required, that this is carried out in pairs or in the latter case, that it is carried out
where they can be seen.
• When working outside, ensure activities, breaks and clothing are suitable for the weather
conditions and that shelter is available where possible.
Expectations of behaviour
All users of Village Hall facilities should:
• Ensure that communications, behaviour and interaction with users should be appropriate and
• Treat each other with respect and show consideration for other groups using the facilities.
• Refrain from any behaviour that involves racism, sexism and bullying and in addition to report any
instances of such behaviour as appropriate.
Allegations against staff and volunteers
• All staff and volunteers should take care not to place themselves in a vulnerable position with a
child or vulnerable adult.
• If an allegation is made against a volunteer, the person receiving the allegation will immediately
inform the Chair of the Village Hall Committee.
• The Village Hall Committee should follow the relevant council procedures for managing allegations
against volunteers. No attempt should be made to investigate or take action before consultation
with the Local Authority Designated Officer.
All volunteers should be aware of their duty to raise concerns about the attitude or actions of
colleagues and appropriate advice will be sought from the local authority.
What should be a cause for concern
Volunteers should be concerned by any action or inaction, which significantly harms the physical
and/or emotional development of a child or vulnerable adult. Abuse falls into four main categories
and can include child sexual exploitation and female genital mutilation:

  1. Physical Abuse
  2. Emotional Abuse
  3. Sexual Abuse
  4. Neglect
    All volunteers coming in to contact with children need to have an awareness of safeguarding

Chairs Report July 2023

After the tough covid times of 2020 and 2021 it’s great to see the Village Hall bookings returning and the hall being used again.

We have a good cross section of regular bookings, including the dance club, yoga, Pierre’s kitchen, and keep fit.  We are also very fortunate to have the popular Community Kitchen as a regular weekly booking.  Thanks to all regular groups who book the hall and to Sara Trumper for getting the community Kitchen up, running this year.

Through the year the committee have arranged some excellent events including our regular quizzes, the return of the ever popular Burn’s Night, skittles, an antiques evening, Father’s Day BBQ –  in perfect weather and with a live band and the coronation celebration –  attended by many from outside the direct village. 

A special thanks too to the Parish Council for applying for the initial community Kitchen grant and also for financially supporting the Coronation event.   A special thanks too to Carol Hall for pushing the Hal on social media, resulting in more one off and regular bookings.

Over the course of the year we have managed to keep up with the expenses, that have risen sharply due to big changes in gas, electricity and water bills.  Costs are expected to be higher still during the coming year but it is hoped with the extra income from existing and new bookings we will be able to keep pace.  We have been and will be reliant on grants to reach a break even point.

We are very fortunate to have new members to the committee, with special mention to our Treasurer, Janet Twist for keeping the books in order and to Alex Rowe for his exceptional hard work in supporting events.

 For the coming year we really hope to extend the reach of the village hall well into Gittisham Vale and Hayne Farm and put on events for the whole parish.  

As chair I would like to extend my thanks to all of those on the committee, those who helped when called upon outside the committee and those who have recently left. It is your support, enthusiasm and dedication that makes our village hall such a desirable and friendly place to get people together.  We must aspire to more private booking and parish events.

We really need and would welcome more members to grow the number and range of events that we put – to allow us to keep the important community assets running.  This is a hall for the whole parish.

Hamish Hall  July 2023


    A monthly Community Newsletter
      Published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

June 2023                                       Edition 255



About 18 months ago the Parish Council approached East Devon District Council with a view to rewilding some of the parish open spaces.
The result of this is that the area on the corner of Hayne Lane and Old Elm Road was proposed as an area of wildflower, and work started recently, beginning with scarifying the planting area. 
Seeds will be sown, and for a few weeks the area will look bare. Once past this initial period there will be a sea of colour year after year. 


Looking for somewhere to go where you can get close to nature and relax for the day? Then look no further than Goren Farm, a rural idyll nestled in the foothills of the Blackdown Hills. They give you a map and point you in the right direction to start your stunning nature trail walk amongst 70 acres of wild flowesrs teeming with butterflies and birds. They also have a Woodland Adventure trail.  Just follow the mown paths. Dogs welcome (on a lead!).
Back on the farm, there’s a trampoline, hammock and monkey bars to keep children entertained whilst you sample the cider in our working cider museum.
There’s a walled vegetable garden for you to wander around and a café selling delicious homemade Devon cream teas and cakes and a selection of teas or enjoy a pint of cider! and ice creams
Open from 11am Wednesday to Sunday. £7 entrance for meadows for adults and £3 for children,
Goren Farm Ex14 9EN


 At Pierre’s monthly pop-up café on Sunday 11th June in Gittisham Village Hall, he will be serving roast glazed pork, accompanied by a vegetable gratin.  Vegans and vegetarians will also be catered for, with homemade burgers wrapped in cabbage leaves.  There’ll be a selection of tempting cakes and desserts, as well as freshly made croissants and pains au chocolat.  Come and try our homemade elderflower cordial for a refreshing drink, and let’s hope the weather stays sunny so people can sit outside.  To book lunch, please call Pierre on 07545 214940 or email  Doors open at 10am.
Richard and Nellie Marker opened their Garden at Beech Walk over the weekend 19/20/21 May in aid of various charities including Hospisecare and the NGS.  There was a lovely cream tea with cake and the sunshine made it a perfect day.  I understand they raised over £4,000.00.  Congratulations to all concerned.


Events are run by the Village Hall Committee throughout the year and aim to make a bit of a profit to keep the hall running and of course to provide fun and socialising for us all. The Hall is also available to hire privately and details of this are on the or contact Carol Hall  on 07854 492347 to make a booking.  Sunday 18th June, Father’s Day Bar-b-q

Please keep a look out for the next meeting – to be announced via the village WhatsApp – and come along to give ideas and help out.  The more, the merrier, it would be nice to get back to one of our traditional fetes, please put the date in your diary.  Regards  Hamish

“This year’s fete is being held on Saturday 2nd September 2pm till 5pm and will hopefully be a good afternoon out for people who come along as well as raising money for our St Michael’s Church.  Since February a small working group has been putting together a plan for the afternoon and as it stands the main attractions are  Honiton town band kicking off the event at 2 o’clock from then on there will be stalls around the village, classic vehicles around the church green with a flower festival happening within the church, at 3pm we will be holding a “very” competitive dog show so get training! Then at 4pm-ish the infamous duck race will take place!  Hopefully that give you a rough idea of what to expect and I’m trying to add in a few more exiting bits so keep an eye out for that –  If anyone who is able to volunteer with the   •Setup     •Sign painting and leaflets    •Duck Race     •Admisions and Carparking,   •Manning a stall (Tombola, ice cream, plant stall & cake stall),   •Cake baking,   •Refreshments,   •Packing away etc.    Please get in touch    Thank you for your support hopefully it will all fall together.
Alex Rowe

“The Devon Air Ambulance needs a community of volunteers to keep our 19 charity shops open and our emergency helicopters flying. Could you spare an hour or two to help your local shop? We have a host of tasks which need to be completed to make our shops a success. You do not have to have any previous retail experience as we offer friendly support, training and encouragement. So why not give volunteering a go and arrange a trial session at one of our shops. We also have other volunteering opportunities, from event support, delivering community talks, box collections through to one off projects and supporting our Head Office operation. If you would like to support a much loved local charity,  help to save lives and meet new people, we would love to hear from you! To find out where your nearest shop is and how you can help, please contact our Volunteer Engagement Officer, Charlotte Fleetwood on 01392 466 666 or email 


Last month we heard about the Tom Putt apple trees that have been planted in the churchyard. Here’s a bit more info about this very special apple variety:   By Carol Hall.

       “Tom Putt” is a traditional variety of dual purpose apple, often used as a cider apple, originating in Devon. The apple Tom Putt was supposed to have been named for an 18th-century landowner, Thomas Putt of Combe   (Combe House, Gittisham), who died in 1787 and was nicknamed “Black Tom”. Putt, a barrister, is reputed to have perfected the variety and is also said to have won prizes for his fruit trees at agricultural fairs in Honiton.

It would be lovely if I could have some volunteers to help with our get togethers each month, (3rd Saturday) if you could offer help please contact me Carol 851113 thanks.  June 17th, Margaret and Michael Hawkins have kindly invited us to their home 21 Cypress Close, Gittisham Vale, EX14 2YW  for our coffee get together from 10.30 – 12.00. Parking slightly limited.  July’s will be back in the parish room on Saturday 16th 10.30 – 12.00
______________________________________________________________________________ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH AND THE HONITON MISSION COMMUNITY (M.C.)
Thank you to all who undertake sides-peoples duties, I am not sure how long it is going to take for me to get fully up and running again or when I will be driving again. Forthcoming services for  June, 4th none 11th Eucharist, 18th none, 25th lay led morning worship. Julia organised a lay led post Coronation service on the 7th May at which 14 adults and 3 children attended, the hymns were very appropriate for the happy occasion.  

18th June, Father’s Day bar-b-q 12.30 at the village hall £6.50 adult, £4.00 secondary age child and free for primary age child. Vegetarian available, bring own drinks.  Booking or information
St. Paul’s Honiton
Weekly services still continue to be at 11.00am The website ( is updated regularly and has news about  services, there is also a link to the Gittisham website.  The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around the Parishes is available by email or post from the Parish Office see below for details.  As our MC churches are now having their own services, Sunday Morning Eucharistic Worship at 11.00am, in St. Paul’s is also being live streamed. If you would like to join this service do please contact the Parish Office and the link will be forwarded, or ring, 01404 44035  messages will be replied to when someone is available, Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.30.  Coffee and biscuits are served in the church on Tuesdays and Saturdays 10.00 – 12.00 and after Sunday services, donations are welcomed.  Details of the other M.C. church services can be found in the Around the Parishes under each church and the service details including Readings and Collects for the month and will certainly be helpful if you join the live streamed Sunday service.
St. Nicholas, Combe Raleigh
Has a new church project which was launched over the Coronation weekend. They intend to install a stained-glass window in the church as a memorial to her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.   Pledge forms are available for anyone who would like to contribute and as a huge incentive, all individual pledges are being matched by an anonymous donor. If you’d like further details please phone 47156 or 43166
Awliscombe & Weston Fete is booked for Saturday 17th June at 1.00pm. at the Otter Inn with stalls, games, teas etc.

1st   Olive Collis                     2nd  Sarah Agg-Manning                3rd   Karen Loveland
4th   Richard Marker              5th   Sara Trumper

I am no longer running the 200 club, Julia Barratt has decided that Janet Twist and Angie Hutchings are to take it over.  If you would like to join the 200 club which is one way of funding the upkeep so necessary with this old church which takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the spiralling costs for energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature, please ring Angie Hutchings on 07774 146209 or Janet Twist 01404 45484 they can send or email the application form. The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes £40.00, £20.00, £15.00, £10.00 and £5.00.  Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September).  Payment can be made by cheque, cash or preferably Standing Order, there is a form for your bank.  They can email both the application and Standing order forms if required or print them off for you, please let them know

DID YOU V0TE IN THE LOCAL ELECTIONS?    the Conservatives won by only 7 votes, the smallest margin for a very long time.  I hope you remembered your id, the first time this has been required and the two tellers were new to the village.


Six councillors met for the June meeting. Two members of the public were also present.


Faye Cross, Community Liaison Officer for broadband provider Airband, explained that

the company is joining forces with Connecting Devon and Somerset to bring superfast

broadband to previously excluded communities. The company plans to install new

infrastructure, which would likely include poles. The aim is to complete this work in

Gittisham by the end of 2024. Members welcomed the proposals, but felt the timescale

might be too ambitious based on previous experience, combined with the challenges

presented by the village setting, AONB, listed buildings and land owner negotiations.

Finance. Members agreed the finances, as well as the annual accounts and

governance statement for 2022/23.

Crimes. March 2023: no reported crimes.

Church Mead bridge.

Maggie Walker explained that following a visit by EDDC staff and contractors, work will

begin to install a pedestrian footbridge with disabled access, and the existing bridge will

be dismantled while repairs take place. Residents and visitors will have to park

elsewhere during this period, which is expected to last approximately one month.

Planning applications.

a) 23/1056/FUL Unit B Weston Park Devonshire Road Heathpark Industrial Estate –

installation of vents and flues on north, west and east elevations, removal of window on

north elevation

b) 23/1009/FUL Landscores Cottage EX14 3AU Single storey extension to dwelling

and general purpose agricultural barn

c) c) 23/0110/LBC Charlies Cottage 1 Beaumont Cottages EX14 3AG – Replace all

windows to match existing with slim line double glazing; gas central heating; Install

underfloor heating system to the entire ground floor; Block up doorway on north

elevation; New window on north elevation to kitchen.; New internal doorway between

dining room and created bedroom/office.; New window on east elevation to create

bedroom/office; new conservation roof window to the new bedroom/office on east

elevation; Open up the fireplace for an investigation, reinstate fireplace. Radiators at first


Councillors resolved to have no objections to the three applications, and particularly

welcomed the proposals in c) to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Combe Farm Shop licensing application.

Councillors expressed serious reservations about the application to sell alcohol seven

days a week, including evenings. They considered it an inappropriate location for

reasons including access, lack of lighting, impact on adjoining residential properties,

crime and disorder, and an increase in traffic and pedestrian movements (especially in

the vicinity of Hayne Lane).


Janet Twist reported that there are cold callers going round park homes in East Devon,

to ask if people are interested in purchasing insulation. There has also been a rise in the

online impersonation of brands. The advice is to type the address of a website you wish

to use, rather than choose from a search engine.

Old Elm Road.

Councillors welcomed the news that wildflower seeds have been sown at the bottom of

Old Elm Road, with further plans to start tree planting along the strip of land that backs

onto Ferndale Close later this year. EDDC has leafleted neighbouring properties to

inform them.

Next meeting. Thursday 6 th July at 7.30pm in the parish room.  

Rev’d Sue Roberts

Bishop Jackie has kindly encouraged Rev’d Sue to take a somewhat overdue sabbatical this year. she was all set to take it in 2020, but Covid-19 put a stop to that. “I was reluctant to take it so soon after being off last year,
but have been assured that it is absolutely in order.”  To help in the Mission Community while she is away, from 1 Sept—30 Nov, Rev’d Tracey Voisey from the Assistant Curate in the Benefice of Axminster, will be joining the Honiton Mission Community.  Tracey will be the Acting Team Vicar while The Revd Prebendary Sue Roberts is away. 

I am hopefully finished with hospital stays but would appreciate offers of help to deliver round the village and to the few homes in Cypress Close, Ferndale and Laburnum plus the Gittisham Vale bus shelter as am currently not allowed to drive, as my vertebrae keeps breaking, fingers crossed I shall be able to use my car soon.  I would like to thank everyone who has taken me to appointments or to the shops, and with my walking not too good either, I hope to be able to finish using the wheelie walker soon.

If you wish to receive the Gazette by email or by post do contact me 851113, 30ish  copies are usually put in the Vale bus shelter The Gazette can also be found on the Gittisham Website  I apologise to those who do not get the Gazette and do my best to print as many as I can on my own printer but as I can’t go upstairs yet I have to rely on someone bringing the printing down.                                                          

                                                    EDITOR / DISTRIBUTOR:
Carol McCann  01404 851113/07946409142     . if you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate,  do please email it to Carol as early as possible, copy date for the July edition is 27th June the Gazette will hopefully be ready by the 8th July.

2023-05 Gittisham Gazette May




Gittisham Gazette

May 2023 Edition 254



A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

Dates for your diary


Pierre’s Cafe

Sunday 14th May at the Village Hall

07545 214940


Village Fete

Saturday 2nd September 2-5pm


Coffee Get-Together

20th May in the parish room 10.30-12


Image of Coronation Celebration

200 Club Results


1st Ann Stansell

2nd J Lawrence-Jones

3rd Nellie Marker

4th Sarah Abbott

5th Nicky Wakley


1st S Agg-Manning

2nd Ernie Wensley

3rd Karen Loveland

4th Christine Broom

5th Gary Pester


Gittisham Celebrates the Coronation

Gittisham Village Hall Committee and the Parish Council held a Coronation Party on Saturday 8th May

Starting with live screening of the coronation in the morning and then there was a free bar, bbq for people to cook their own food and a funky disco with DJ Alex. There was much merriment which went on until late. What a lovely way to celebrate such a momentous occasion, the crowning of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

God save the King!


Tom Putt

Two Tom Putt apple trees have kindly been planted in the churchyard by Paul Wakley along with several spring bulbs and he has kindly agreed to look after them.



Gittisham Gazette



Open Gardens – Children’s Hospice South West

Would you be interested in hosting an “open garden” for Children’s Hospice South West?

Gittisham is such a beautiful village and seems to be just the sort of place where people might enjoy opening their gardens either to the public or just to friends and family to support a very good cause.

Please contact Tina Lunt if you are interested 01404 234086 or 07341 153409. She can arrange posters.


Pierre’s Café

Sunday 14th May at the village hall.

Pierre will be serving a Chicken Casserole lunch from 12.30-4pm, followed by dessert. Vegans and vegetarians will be offered Salsify Ragout. There’ll be the usual selection of homemade croissants and pastries in the morning as well as delicious cakes, including gluten free options. Doors open from 10am. Please book to avoid disappointment and to give Pierre an idea of numbers 07545 214940. Bring your own drinks.


People in the news – new arrivals

Stephanie and Peter King have welcomed Rory Joshua Marker King on April 17th.

Hattie and Ollie Harrison have welcomed Huxley Jamieson Max on 2nd May.

Elizabeth and Jurgen Heddes have welcomed Owen on 4th May.



Gittisham Village Hall

The evening of Gittisham Games. Table tennis and duckpins, with Ploughman’s and soup and then afterwards West Country Skittles. Very successful and well attended. Laughter and jollity throughout. Hoped to be repeated again soon.

Events are run by the Village Hall Committee throughout the year and aim to make a profit to keep the hal running and of course to provide fun and socialising for us all.

The hall is also available to hire privately. Details are on or contact Carol Hall to make a booking 07854 492347


Gittisham Village Fete

Saturday 2nd September

A call out to crafts and tradespeople who might be interested in having a pitch at this year’s village fete in Gittisham.

Also looking for volunteers that could help with the setup and running of the fete.

Please get in touch with Alex


Coffee Get-Together – Forward Notice

For June 17th, Margaret and Michael Hawkins have kindly invited us to their home 21 Cypress Close, Gittisham Vale EX14 2YW 10.30-12





St Michaels Church and Honiton Mission Community


Services for May 14th Eucharist, 21st none, 28th Lay led, June 4th none, 11th Eucharist

Julia Barratt led a coronation commemorative service after which a toast was raised to the king with a glass of prosecco.


Combe Raleigh are holiday a plant sale on Sunday 14th May 2-5pm in gthe garden of The Barton just behind the church. This is always worth a visit as they have excellentplants and reasonable prices.


At St Pauls there will be a Eucharist to celebrate the wonderful feast of the Ascension on Thursday 18th May at 7.30pm. They have achieved their Bronze Award from Eco Church. This was quite a process and very grateful thanks went to Jane Scriven, Julia Beaman and all the working group who put in so much time to enable this to happen.

Weekly services still continue to be at 11am. The website ( is updated regularly and has news about services. The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around The Parishes is avilable by email or post from the parish office 01404 44035


Christian Aid Week is 14-21 May. Cream tea 4.30pm and Christian Aid Serice after at about 5pm Sundat 21st May at St Pauls. The envelopes will be placed on the bench in churcg and some will be delivered around the village. There will be some in the Vale bus shelteer and the few houses that normally get them.


Church Warden Retirals: Honitons Lyn Thatcher, Buckerells Penny Pear and Cotleighs Pam Lane have all retired from being Church Wardens. They have each held the position for many yearfs and we wish them well in their retirement.


200 Club

Would you like to join the 200 club and help to fund the upkeep so necessary for this old church. It takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the increasing cost of energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature. The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes £40, £20, £15, £10 and £5. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September). Contact Janet Twist 01404 45484


Parish Council April 2023 Report

Six councillors met for the April meeting. Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) and nine members of the public were also present.



In his absence, Phil Twiss (DCC) sent a report outlining the county councils support for the British Horse Societys (BHS) Dead Slow road safety campaign. The aim is to educate motorists on how to approach and pass horses safely on Devons roads, with

the posters advising drivers to reduce their speed to a maximum of 10mph and leave at least two metres space. Since 2018, around 375 incidents involving equestrians on Devons roads have been reported to the police and the BHS.

Voter ID Dont forget your photo ID to vote in the local elections on 4 th May. This is a new

requirement for anyone visiting a polling station. This will apply to:

Local elections

Police and Crime Commissioner elections

UK parliamentary by-elections

Recall petitions

From October 2023 it will also apply to UK General elections.


Finance. Members agreed the finances.

Crimes. Feb 2023: no reported crimes.


Planning applications.

a) Batts Cottage, Gittisham Remove existing front door and frame and replace with new on front (south west) elevation. No objection.

b) Batts Cottage, Gittisham – Proposed shed / studio building to replace oil tank and fenced enclosure. No objection.

c) Blamphayne Sawmill, Gittisham Proposed storage building for timber. No objection.

d) Gittisham Farm – Construction of earth-banked slurry lagoon. Councillors resolved to have no objection to d) in principle. However, members had concerns over access for large farm & construction vehicles via Chaghayes (Shaggys) Lane, and would like use to be mitigated where possible.


Village play area.

The Chair explained that in order to obtain S106 funds allocated to the parish council for sport, leisure and play, it had had to go through a public consultation process mandated by EDDC. She said the majority of those who responded had suggested an outdoor ping pong table; of all the suggestions put forward by parishioners, this was the item which had received the most votes. Members discussed the concerns over potential noise and disruption raised by some members of the public over the outdoor ping pong table. The Chair said she had received some hedge plants from the Woodland Trust which could potentially shield the adjoining properties.



Janet Twist reported that a new scam is circulating on WhatsApp. A criminal gets in touch via a group chat and sends you a six-digit code. Taking action on this will lock you out of your account, and allow the criminal to send the same scam to your address book.


Vale bus shelter / Old Elm Road. Members heard that moss had been removed from the pavement and the hedge cut

along Old Elm Road. Peter Orchard reported that the Vale bus shelter had once again been swamped with books, but they had since been removed.