Village Hall

The Village Hall is managed by a committee of volunteers who run events and see to the maintenance of the hall.  It has been used for events ranging from quizzes to concerts, discos, the annual flower & produce show and birthday parties.

Every Wednesday night, Gittisham Folk Dance Club meet from 8pm until 10.15pm to dance the evening away (with local bands and experienced callers).

Anyone is welcome to join the committee or the Dance Club.  Do get in touch via

If you would like to book the Village Hall, contact Carol Hall at

The committee members for the period July 2023 to July 2024 are:

Chair: Hamish Hall

Vice-chair and Secretary: Nick Chapman

Treasurer: Damian Furniss

Bookings Clerk: Carol Hall

Committee members: Sue Fallows, Pierre Graeber, Bill Griffiths, Stephen Howe, Terry Kitchen, Cordelia Wolfe, Stella Adamson, Maggie Walker, Claire Pester & Alex Rowe