Gittisham Village Fete

2024’s Gittisham Fete is happening on Saturday August 31st , more information to follow!

Please contact for pitches/sponsorship

2023’s Fete

Thank you for your support of our fete in 2023 we had around 1000 visitors and raised over £2500 for the church!

The village fete is happening on Saturday 2nd September, In aid of Gittisham’s St Michael’s Church.

View the event on Facebook

Entry fee Adults £2 children free

Car park along Combe Drive (Road to the Pig)

Map of the parking location at the fete

Just under 2 weeks until the fete. We need volunteers to help with


•Car park stewards

•Stall holder rotation for


-Cake stall

-Ice creams

-Dog show desk

-Duck ticket seller

•Some more items needed for tombola

It’s hopefully shaping up to be a good afternoon the categories for the dog show are

£1 entry per class

■Dog with the waggiest tail

■Dog judge would like to take home

■Most Handsome Dog

■Prettiest Bitch

■Best Child Handler

■Best Crossbred Mongrel

■Most obedient dog

■Dog most like its owner

■Best Six Legs

■Best puppy under 1 year

The duck race tickets are selling well, you will be able to purchase on the day until 4PM. The afternoon will kick off at 2pm with the fete being opened by Honiton Town crier shortly followed by Honiton town band playing a medley of classical hits.At 3pm the dog show starts in Will’s field (accessed from the bakery yard)Also in Will’s field will be ferret racing and an abundance of fluffy animals! Stalls will be set out around the village from Will’s field up to and around the church where there will be vintage vehicles. Come inside the church to see the flower festival & Gittisham memories kindly organised by Helen. Then take a horse and trap ride back to the village hall where you can enjoy a cream tea or something stronger! Duck race will start after 4:30pm so make sure you get your space along the riverside!Hope you enjoy the day 🙂

Honiton Town Band
 Dog Show
 Duck Race
 Classic Village activities
 Trade stalls
 Bouncy Castle
 Refreshments in the Hall
 Flower show in the Church
 Classic Cars & much more

Anyone interested in having a pitch please get in touch, no charge for pitches but donations are appreciated.

We are also in need of volunteers please email