Parish Council meeting minutes 6 Oct 2021


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting

Held on 6th October 2021

in Gittisham Village Hall


Gittisham Village Ward Cllr C Hall (Chair) Cllr A Rowe Cllr M Walker Cllr D ValentineGittisham Vale Ward Cllr P Orchard Cllr J Twist

In attendance: Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), five members of the public, Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr Jake Bonetta (EDDC), PCSO Darren England

Prior to the start of the meeting, one member of the public exercised their right as parish resident to speak regarding concerns over flooding outside Eveleigh’s Cottage.  He said that on Monday 4th October the torrential rain had resulted in a situation where drains could manage the water flow, to being completely overwhelmed, with water pouring down the road.  The water almost reached his front door and came into his garden.  The lane past the Village Hall was also flooded.  The resident said that he appreciated there was a flood plan in place, but expressed his concern over the state of the drains in this area.  He said that the Chair had lodged a blocked drain with DCC, and a contractor had been to investigate it earlier this year.  The resident said he felt the tools used for this particular drain were inadequate, and explained that he had also tried to unblock the drain from time to time as it affects his property.  He said that someone should take responsibility for cleaning out the drains and doing it regularly.  He’s doing as much as he can to keep the water out, but the overflow has happened twice in five months.  Climate change will make such ‘freak’ events more common, he said. 

Cllr Walker said she had been told by staff at South West Water that the drains were inadequate, built many years ago.  Her comments were echoed by Cllr Valentine, who said that the network itself is not fit for purpose.  He argued that someone has to recognize that and generate the appropriate solutions, or the parish will find itself in this situation year after year.  Cllr Walker said the lengthsman would be visiting the resident’s property to see what could potentially be done, and he would also look at other drains in the area to pass on to DCC where they are blocked.  The Chair said she would walk the area with him to investigate upstream causes.  The Chair acknowledged how hard the resident had worked to remedy the problem as much as possible.  She agreed to write a report which the parish council can share with DCC, EDDC and the Environment Agency. There is unlikely to be funding for anything, she said, but awareness that the village in particular is vulnerable to flashy storms might give Gittisham higher priority for drain cleaning.  She reminded members that people should avoid wading or driving through flood water.

Cllr Twiss said the responsibility for water flow was complicated, depending on where the water was, and there is therefore no single accountable body to resolve the problem.  He explained that DCC has overspent in some areas, and there is no financial support for installing new drainage.  Cllr Twiss advised the Chair to speak to her counterpart at Feniton PC, as they have many years of experience of managing flooding.  He told members he would be meeting the senior management of DCC Highways and other heads of services about their ambitions for DCC’s budget for 2022-23.  He pledged to represent the views of this parish when it comes to the budget process.  The Chair stressed the need to work with landowners and farmers to manage the flow of water.    She said that individual property owners can install air brick covers, flood barriers to doors, etc. and sign up to the Environment Agency’s flood warning service to be ready to install these measures. The alert warnings are issued during daylight hours.  The resident said he appreciated it was not the parish council’s responsibility, but asked if it would be possible to initiate a review with DCC Highways to look at the drainage system within the village to try to maximise what is there. He offered to be part of any workforce to clear the drains.

Cllrs Orchard and Twist said that the Vale and Hayne Farm had not been badly affected by the recent rainfall, although Hayne Lane was full of debris.  

ACTION: Chair to ask VH committee if some sandbags can be stored in the village hall shed, to avoid wading through floodwater to reach supplies at Curlditch.  Clerk to publicise the emergency plan, including ‘phone numbers, on the website and noticeboard.  Chair to speak to those listed on the emergency plan.  Chair to summarise points in a plan that can be shared with other agencies.

Two members of the public spoke regarding the planning application under discussion at minute ref. 94/21.  They asked if the application could be decided by committee at DMC, if the planning officer was minded to refuse.  Cllr Bruce said he would keep a watching brief.  The residents thanked the parish council for their support in the past. 

87/21     To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted. 

88/21     To confirm the minutes of the meeting held 7th September 2021

An amendment was made to minute ref. 85/21 to clarify the situation regarding the Vale defibrillator.  The minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2021 were then confirmed and signed by the Chair. 

89/21     To receive the Beat Manager’s Report

There were no crimes reported in August 2021.  In response to PCSO Darren England’s request for the kind of information the parish council would like from the police in terms of contact and reports, Cllr Orchard said the police should feed back information to the PC occasionally.  Members agreed a drive-through on occasion would be reassuring.  Cllr Twiss added that he would be meeting Sgt Roy Hutter, the new neighbourhood sergeant.   

90/21     To receive declarations of interest

Cllr Valentine declared an interest in minute ref. 94/21, as he has been advising the applicants.

91/21     To consider actions from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda

The clerk agreed to send Cllr Bruce the report submitted by Cllr Bonetta.

92/21     To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives

Cllr Twiss said the whole of the DCC Highways and Traffic Management Service is experiencing real difficulties in recruiting staff.  The team is currently operating with 33 vacancies from a total workforce of approximately 240.  This reduction in staffing numbers is putting added pressure on the remaining workforce at a time when the team have been dealing with the added challenges of the different ways of working and reduced tolerance in our communities brought about by the pandemic.  They continue to work with colleagues in Human Resources and look for different ways to promote the opportunities that are available.

A significant backlog of smaller lining works has built up over the last 18 months, he said. The Traffic Management Team is aware of the impact these changes have on communities and the frustration it can generate. DCC has formed new partnerships with several lining providers and are now working through the backlog at pace with a view to catching up by the end of this month.

This year’s arboriculture surveys have thankfully seen a reduction in the number of actionable Ash Dieback reports and general tree defects across the county.  The team is working with their legal colleagues around areas of landowner responsibility and promoting the need for land owners to do their bit in relation to trees, vegetation and drainage.

Planning is underway for a virtual Parish and Town Council conference, held via Teams, before the end of the year.  Parishes were asked for feedback on what topics they would be interested in understanding more about.  The aim is to create an interactive event for parish and town councillors as well as DCC’s own members.  Attendees will be able to participate in the sessions that interest them.

With the recent change in weather, Cllr Twiss said he was pleased to inform members that the Winter Service operations are well prepared for what this season has to offer.  Over the summer all the equipment has been serviced with the gritting lorries recalibrated to ensure the correct amount of salt is spread onto the network.  Despite the HGV driver issues, the salt barns are well stocked.

With a change in weather comes another set of challenges.  The team have been looking at how they can manage the drainage cleaning budget in a different way.  The challenge is ensuring all gullies, grips (drainage channel dug from road to ditch), easements and buddle holes (holes or pipes that carry water through a hedge or bank as part of road drainage) are cleaned in line with DCC policy while maintaining the ability to deliver a reactive service as and when the need occurs. This challenge is even greater in the South West with a limited supply chain to cope with sudden increases in demand.

Waste and recycling

The 2020/21 performance statistics have just been published and Devon’s recycling rate reduced to 55.3% from the previous year’s 56.6%.  The reduction can be linked to the provision of Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) which closed for seven weeks during the first lockdown commencing end March 2020.  Subsequent social distancing measures reduced site capacities, closure of resale shops and the introduction of booking systems also impacted on the amount of waste processed leading to a reduction in recycling performance.

East Devon once again achieved the highest recycling rate amongst Devon’s Waste Collection Authorities (WCAs) with 60% marginally down from previous years 60.5%.  The other seven WCA figures as follows: Teignbridge (55.9%); Torridge & West Devon (55.2%); South Hams (54.7%); Mid Devon (53.7%); North Devon (49.5%) and Exeter (27.8%).

While HWRC recycling performance remains high at 72%, 2020/21 saw a small reduction from previous year (75%).  Reductions across all streams were noted for Devon’s HWRCs, notably organic material down 22%.  The closure and restrictions to HWRC re-use shops last year resulted in a 64% reduction in sales, equating to 666 tonnes less materiel resold to members of the public; all HWRC re-use shops have now re-opened.

Covid 19 etc (lots of numbers but an improving overall position)

The summer spike peaked on 20th August, with the position currently flattening to around 2,000 cases per week in Devon and a reduction in all ages except in the school, college and university settings, where in the last 10 days DCC has notification of around 700 cases in educational settings.

•              22nd to 28th September there were 2,284 laboratory confirmed cases in Devon.  384 in Torbay; 880 in Plymouth; 1,958 in Cornwall.  England 188,750

Currently confirmed cases per 100,000: Devon 279.7; Torbay 281.8; Plymouth 335.7; Cornwall 342.4.  England 335.3

•              Breakdown of cases in Devon’s Districts as follows: 

East Devon 405 (276.9 per 100,000); Exeter 321(281.8); Mid Devon 158 (192.1); North Devon 287 (295.4); South Hams 317 (364.4); Teignbridge 363 (270.6); Torridge 213 (312.1); West Devon 180 (322.6)

Of the 5,446 cases in the Peninsula, just 542 were over 60 (about 10%)

•              There were 21 possibly Covid-related deaths – 12 in Devon; 2 in Torbay; 4 in Plymouth and 3 in Cornwall.  England 622

•              As at 28th September there were 75 (15 in ICU) Covid-related patients in Devon’s four hospitals – RD&E, Derriford, North Devon and Torbay – which is about 2.4% of total capacity!  Overall capacity running at around 88% which is higher than normal at this time of the year.

•              Cases across Devon by age group per 100,000:

0 – 19     =              657.5

20 – 39  =              213.5

40 – 59  =              249.9

60 – 79  =              89.9

80 plus   =              69.6

•              Vaccinations (over 16) in Devon:  First dose 93%; Second dose 86%.

Devon funding news

COVID-19 Outbreak Management Grant (Self-Isolation)

This grant is now available to voluntary and community groups/organisations and social enterprises that help people by providing practical, social, and emotional support when they have to self-isolate due to COVID-19.

Organised by local councils or voluntary and community groups, this could include support with:

•              accessing food and other supplies.

•              caring responsibilities

•              practical tasks such as dog walking

•              mental health and wellbeing, including loneliness and boredom

•              communications to improve awareness of when people need to self-isolate

•              maintaining a contingency support offer, even when demand is low

•              identifying gaps and opportunities for further COVID-19 self-isolation-related support and funding.  See  and application form at  

Cllr Bruce said it had been a relatively quiet few weeks at council since the last parish meeting, and there remains some difficulty in accessing staff to resolve local issues. For example, he said he was still awaiting a reply regarding the EDDC-owned garages and their future. He will ensure the PC has an answer before the next parish meeting.

The local plan continues to grind its way through the council machinery, Cllr Bruce explained. However, a revised version is due to go out to public consultation in March next year. This important body of work is going to fundamentally shape the future of our villages and towns and the provision of open space and recreation facilities for our communities. In particular, focus will be on the elements that parish councils can influence such as transport, planning, development and environment.

Cllr Bruce said he had recently been involved in communication regarding flooding with our two MP’s and County Cllrs. As a result of a number of conversations with local farmers and his own personal experience, there is a clear disconnect with what farmers feel they are responsible for and what the council expects them to do regarding drainage.  He said he was sure this is not a new observation to the parish councillors, but before any sustainable and costed plan is launched regarding local flooding issues (or for that matter national), it has to work at the very point where it starts. His experience suggests this is currently broken but is fixable.  This has been brought into sharp focus after the severe flooding events in Feniton on Sunday night, and will undoubtedly bring fresh pressure to get the flood mitigation project completed and signed off.

Cllr Bruce apologised for missing the last parish meeting, due to a full council meeting which debated the merits of the purchase of a parcel of land adjacent to a nature reserve near Seaton by EDDC. Whilst the council were ultimately unsuccessful in the purchase due in part to sensitive information leaking out, and a price tag that had many questioning its value for money including Cllr Bruce himself, the principle is one that would see him supporting this kind of initiative. Some may justifiably argue that all areas should see a fair share of council money spent across the district; he said one-off purchases like this can help to enriched our environment, whilst not being right on the doorstep but nonetheless accessible to most of us.

In his absence, Cllr Jake Bonetta sent the following report: “We have been busy within the administration of East Devon District Council over the previous month.  Not only has it been a busy and productive party conference season for me, I have also been getting deeply involved in council work and casework across Honiton St. Michael’s as we move towards a finalised version of the emerging Local Plan. There are also many other strategy consultations that will be making a show over the coming months, of which I will keep you updated.

Garages at Church Mead

Thanks to Cllr Walker for pointing me in the direction of the garages at Church Mead last meeting. I have since spoken to the relevant officers at EDDC about this to clarify the status of the garages. According to the officers involved, the three garages owned by EDDC are currently vacant as the area has been earmarked for potential development.  If the area is not deemed suitable for development then EDDC will look to let these garages in the future once checks have been made that they are suitable to be let. Please do let me know if the Parish Council deems this to be the case.

[Members agreed there appeared to be some confusion over the information regarding the garages, and Cllr Bruce added that he too had been investigating the situation.] 

Fuel poverty

As our days and nights continue to get cooler the closer we move towards Christmas, the more important it is to talk about fuel poverty. A study by York University suggests that, due to a cumulative 15% increase in gas and electricity bills over the past year as well as the £20-a-week cut to Universal Credit payments, an extra 1m households will face fuel poverty in the UK this year, up from 2.5m households last year. In East Devon earlier this year, 10.5% of households were deemed to be in fuel poverty.  There is help available both from national Government, as well as energy companies through East Devon District Council. I would be grateful if the Parish Council could distribute the following links, for support that can be offered to those in need across Gittisham in the coming months:

Warm Home Discount Scheme:

Discretionary Housing Payments to help with rent if that becomes unaffordable:

Energy companies and East Devon District Council’s criteria for funding help:  

ACTION: Cllr Bruce to discuss with Cllr Bonetta a way forward for attendance at meetings and reports.

Cllr Twiss and Cllr Bruce left the meeting.

93/21     To consider the rollout of superfast broadband, and a presentation by Jurassic Fibre:

Matt Baker from Jurassic Fibre gave a short presentation to bring councillors up to speed on the company’s plans to extend broadband infrastructure to Gittisham.  He said he’d received confirmation from the construction team that the engineers were on track for the infrastructure to reach Gittisham village by November.  That would mean the link to homes would happen in the first quarter of 2022.

Mr Baker encouraged residents to register their interest on the Jurassic Fibre website.  This does not commit them to taking the service.  Cllr Orchard reported his experience of being quoted £500 for his property to be connected to Jurassic Fibre, but Cllr Twiss said this was a mistake.  Mr Baker said that prices start from £25 / month for 30Mbps download speed, and an £80 / month package is available which offers a download speed of 950Mbps.  This does not include the telephone line.  He agreed to return to the parish council meeting in January 2022 to provide an update.

Cllr Valentine asked if Jurassic could make sure public transport & school transport providers were informed of the planned road closure, 22-24 November, for Jurassic works.  Cllr Orchard added that in future, if works affect school transport routes then they should be scheduled for school holidays.

Matt Baker left the meeting.

94/21     To consider the following planning applications:

a)            21/1756/FUL – Land Adjoining Combe Garden Centre Hayne Lane Gittisham – Regularisation of laying of hardstanding and use as overflow parking area for staff and construction of building for storage of stock for Combe Garden Centre

b)            21/2474/FUL – Goldcombe Farmhouse Gittisham EX14 3AB – Change of use of holiday let to dwelling

Members resolved to have no objection in principle to a).  However, they would like to see an additional passing place and give way signs for motorists leaving the centre. Provision for surface water drainage also needs to be addressed to prevent it flowing onto the highway.

Cllr Valentine left the meeting.

Members resolved to have no objection to b).  Parish councillors fully support the application, and welcome having additional rented properties in the village.

Cllr Valentine returned to the meeting.

95/21     To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:

  • To note the latest planning decision notices

21/1165/FUL Bakery Cottage Gittisham EX14 3AF Single storey rear extension and internal alterations. Creation of courtyard and parking bay with EV charging point and erection of maximum 1.8m wall/fence. Alteration of workshop/store to form garden room. (amended plans concerning revision to extension)  Approval with conditions.

21/1166/LBC Bakery Cottage Gittisham EX14 3AF Single storey rear extension and internal alterations. Creation of courtyard and parking bay with EV charging point and erection of maximum 1.8m wall/fence. Alteration of workshop/store to form garden room (amended plans concerning revision to extension).Approval with conditions.

20/1404/V106 Deed of Variation to defer the following planning obligations: £500.000.00 Affordable Housing Contribution due by 100th occupation as follows – £200,000.00 by September 2021 and £300,000.00 by September 2022; £381,980.00 (£462,000.00 currently with indexation) Education Contribution due by 145th occupation as follows – 12 months after 145th occupation; £105,000.00 (£116,000.00 currently with indexation) Sports Pitch Contribution due by 150th occupation as follows – 12 months after 150th occupation. – Land West Of Hayne Lane Honiton

Legal agreement issued.

  • To receive an update on Highways

Forthcoming road closures in Gittisham Parish:

12 October Exeter Road/Heathpark Way closed for resurfacing for 3 nights.

11-12 November Road closure for Western Power – Road past Shermans Farm.

22-24 November Road closure for Jurassic Fibre – Ironbridge to Eveleigh’s Farm.

Devonshire Road double yellow lines consultation last spring is about to be implemented with yellow lines through from Hayne Lane.

30mph signs installed Hayne Lane between Devonshire Road and Hayne Farm.

  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy & S106

The Chair said she would pass on another possible contractor to Cllr Orchard.   

ACTION: Cllr Orchard to update Sulina Tallack at EDDC on progress so far.

  • To receive an update on public transport

Cllr Orchard said he had removed a large pile of records and CDs from the Vale bus shelter since the last meeting.  He added that Stagecoach staff might be striking on 18th October.

  • To consider the purchase of a defibrillator for the Hayne Farm development

Cllr Twist said Baker Estates sent an email, stating Sovereign Housing had agreed to the defibrillator being sited on the block of flats, as originally proposed. This means that if the Parish Council wish to have the managed route the Host Agreement has to be signed by Sovereign. She replied to Baker Estates explaining this, and has not heard anything since.

One member of the public said he had requested a new battery for the village defibrillator.

  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including rewilding proposals for land in the parish

Cllr Rowe said he and Cllr Orchard had met Megan and Jon from the EDDC Countryside team and Paul from EDDC Streetscene.  They were interested in the sites Cllr Rowe outlined for rewilding.  They are very happy for the parish to look after/ rewild these sites with their help too if we as a council wanted to do this they would then make sure that the cut regimes are changed to meet the requirements of rewilding.  Work to prepare the sites for wild flower seed will require a volunteer base.  It is a bit late in the year to start now as we would need to get people together.  However we could start work in the spring but the EDDC team said that the end of August next year is the best time to get seeding so that would give us preparation time.

We would need to get funding for seeds.

Site ideas discussed included:

Bottom of Old Elm (by the rocks)

Between Ferndale Cl and stream

Cllr Rowe said the cheapest option for both these sites is to leave them to “overgrow” then cut occasionally.  However, he acknowledged that some people may find this untidy and planting some flowers may make it look a bit nicer and perhaps bring a good bit of community engagement between the Village and the Vale.

Cllr Rowe explained there is a new project that may be beginning called Wild Honiton, a lead-on from the Wild Exmouth project that EDDC have been running over the past few years. These Gittisham sites may be in contention for that and EDDC are more than happy to give us advice and help create these areas maybe on a small level at first.  The Chair said Lottery and / or AONB funding could help if successful.

ACTION: Cllr Rowe to consider the best way forward and prepare numbers and budget.

  • To consider parish council support for scam awareness and security

Cllr Twist said more than £4million a day has been stolen every day in the first half of this year. This represents an increase of 71% compared to the first 6 months of last year. A total of £754m was stolen through fraud, with less than half being refunded by banks.

A new number 159 is being trialled, for a year, by STOP Scams UK, a group of banks and telephone firms.

Contacting this number will automatically connect you to your bank’s fraud prevention service.

Not all banks are signed up currently, it is hoped it will become a universal service.

ACTION: Cllr Twist to publicise the number on the Hayne Farm Facebook page, and the Chair to distribute on the village WhatsApp group.

  • To consider limited residential development in the parish

Cllr Valentine said asbestos had been found in the agricultural buildings, which would require removal.  The speed monitoring box has been installed at the west end of the village.  The Chair said this time the data report needs to show the high speeds, not just the average speed.  It’s the lunatics zooming through that are the problem, she said, and that’s the reason there needs to be an appropriate speed limit.  Cllr Valentine said an AGM would be scheduled for November 2021.

  • To consider the parish emergency plan

The clerk agreed to to publicise the emergency plan, including ‘phone numbers, on the website and noticeboard. 

  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area

Cllr Walker thanked Cllrs Orchard & Rowe for installing the replacement swing seats.  She said she had removed a rotten tree in the wild area. 

  • To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain ditches and drains in the parish

Cllr Walker said the lengthsman had cleared debris left by Monday night’s downpour.  She said he would keep an eye on the drains, and members agreed that if there was money in the budget to cover additional work for the lengthsman this should be recommended for approval. 

ACTION: Cllr Walker to ask the lengthsman to quote for additional work on drains and gullies. 

Cllr Valentine and four members of the public left the meeting.

96/21     To receive a report from the Chair

The Chair said that as we move into winter weather conditions and with Cllr Twiss’s report explaining the shortage of staff in DCC Highways, we need to be vigilant with looking after our own, in terms of flooding and ice. The last couple of weeks of storms has shown us how well the village has reacted quickly to trees down, blocked road drains and deploying sandbags. Residents have been keeping drains clear where they know they will be affected if they’re blocked and the lengthsman was busy yesterday (Tuesday 5th). If there is anything that needs similar attention in the Vale or Hayne Farm we can deal with it in a similar way. Please remind people of the facility to report blocked road drains on the DCC Highways ‘report a problem’ website, the Chair said.

The local young farmers group have just been up to Westgate Hill and cleared all the debris left by off-roaders. The Chair said she had thanked the organiser via Facebook.  The Chair added she had had no feedback from the estate about the off-roading and trespass.  She suggested to them that the parish council has done all it can and will pass any concerns received to the estate. There are no routes for vehicles on the hill there so any off-roaders are either misusing footpaths and bridleways or are trespassing on estate land. The police are more aware of the problem now, so that will hopefully help.

The new footpath from Hayne Farm to Goldcombe is still outstanding.  The clerk said that the Planning Inspectorate has now opened the file, and contacted all parties to formally confirm whether DCC Rights of Way is happy to proceed with written representations. The officer has confirmed DCC is happy with this and Combe Estate has previously indicated that they are. A start date and schedule could be released within the next few weeks, though no guarantees of course.  The Chair asked if the parish council could do anything to progress this, as she felt it would be a really important connection between the new houses and the village and much safer walking route now that our lanes are so busy.

ACTION: Clerk to write to thank Sid & Otter Vale young farmers club.  All to encourage the public to write to EDDC and DCC councillors regarding the Goldcombe footpath.

97/21 To consider traffic levels and speeds in Gittisham village and on Hayne Lane

The clerk said she had received the 20 is Plenty stickers, and would pass them to the Chair.

98/21 To consider the casual vacancy in Gittisham Vale ward

The clerk said the vacancy had been advertised on the noticeboards and website, with a deadline of Sunday 31st October.

99/21     To approve the October payments and to note the current bank balance

It was resolved to approve the following payments:

  • 1124       F J Clampin                          £224.86                 Clerk’s salary & expenses
  • 1125       Michael Poll                          £60         Grass cutting, play area (inv. ref. 10114)
  • 1126       Gittisham Parish Hall          £10         Hire for September meeting
  • 1127       Len Abbott                           £140       Lengthsman work, 10 hours, August 2021
  • 1128       Len Abbott                           £7.59      Lengthsman expenses, August 2021
  • 1129       Len Abbott                           £28         Lengthsman work, 2 hours, Sept 2021
  • DD          NEST                                     £22.48   Clerk’s pension (5% employer, 5% employee)

Members were informed that the current bank balance stands at £20,339.18 (which includes approximately £7,000 in the business reserve account). 

ACTION: Clerk to prepare half-yearly budget for next meeting.

100/21   Clerk’s Report

The clerk said the resident who had asked about bonfires, had asked if the parish council could offer any additional advice to limit the lighting of bonfires. Members heard that the Chair had put out a message on the village WhatsApp group to remind people that some house insurance companies suggest that no bonfire should be lit within 100m of thatched properties.  She also said in the message there was information about bonfires on the East Devon website, although the parish council is not in a position to provide further advice over and above what EDDC provides.

ACTION: Clerk to reply with links to government advice on bonfires.

101/21   For information only; items for the forward agenda

Traffic speeds in Gittisham village inc Hayne Lane; casual vacancy.

102/21   To consider any late entry correspondence


103/21   Date of next two meetings.  

Wednesday 3rd November 2021 (venue tbc) and December tbc at 7.30pm.  The Chair asked all to observe social distancing and bring along a mask and hand sanitiser.

ACTION: Clerk to ask Judith Turner about village hall availability.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2135 hrs.


3rd November 2021