2024-12 Parish Council agenda 5 December 2024


Ms Fiona Clampin

Clerk to the Council

29th November 2024

Members of Gittisham Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the December Parish Council Meeting to be held in Gittisham Parish Room on Thursday 5th December 2024 commencing at 7.30pm to discuss items on the Agenda and to make resolutions as appropriate.

Prior to the start of the meeting a period of 15 minutes is allowed to permit any resident to bring appropriate matters to the notice of the Council.  Please contact the clerk if you would like to do this, preferably by email in advance of the meeting, with a question you wish to be raised with Councillors on your behalf. 

  1. To accept and approve apologies
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2024
  3. To receive the Beat Manager’s report
  4. To receive declarations of interest
  5. To consider actions from last meeting not otherwise on the agenda
  6. To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives
  7. To receive a report on the Local Plan (Cllr Valentine), and consider contracting a planning consultant
  8. To consider the following planning applications:
    • 24/2260/VAR – 1 Hamlet Cottages Weston EX14 3PB – Variation of Condition Number 2 (approved plans) on planning permission 21/2741/VAR (Variation of condition number 2 (approved plans) of application 21/1295/FUL (Demolition of existing workshop to be replaced with a new self-build dwelling) – modified design
    • 24/2200/FUL – 1 Hamlett Close, Gittisham EX14 3FR – Conversion of existing garage to living accommodation, with first floor extension over. Addition of external cladding.
    • 24/2270/FUL – Rapshayes Farm Gittisham EX14 3AB – Remove all external render and re-render with a lime-based mortar and construct enclosed front terrace, retaining walls and gate
    • 24/2271/LBC – Rapshayes Farm Gittisham EX14 3AB – Replace door on front elevation, replace windows on ground floor on south west, north east, north west and south east elevations. Remove all external render and re-render with a lime-based mortar and construct enclosed front terrace, retaining walls and gate
  9. To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:
  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
  • To note the latest planning decision notices (Cllr Orchard)
  • To receive an update on highways (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106, including the 2nd tranche of funds from Hayne Farm (Cllr Orchard & Cllr Twist & Cllr Hall)
  • To receive an update on public transport (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land off Old Elm Road (Cllr Twist / Cllr Rowe)
  • To consider limited residential development in the parish (Cllr Valentine)
  • To consider the creation of a traffic-free amenity route linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village (Cllr Rowe / Cllr Powell)
  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area (Cllr Walker)
  • To consider the scope of future lengthsman work and remuneration (Cllr Walker)
  1. To receive a report from the Chair
  2. To approve the December payments and to note the current bank balance:

F Clampin £266.75 clerk’s salary + £10.13 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham 7.5-mile round trip x 3 for agendas, minutes & November meeting @0.45p / mile)

Laps Lawns £185, hedge trimming play area

Websites Ahoy, £221.50 migration, website maintenance & purchase of hosting for two years (inv. ref. W24-GPC-2)

NEST (clerk’s pension) £28.08

  1. To discuss future projects requiring parish council involvement
  2. Clerk’s report
  3. For information only; items for the forward agenda
  4. To consider any late entry correspondence
  5. To note the date of the next two meetings, Thursday 9th January and Thursday 6th February 2025 at 7.30pm. 

F J Clampin – Clerk

2024-11 Parish Council meeting minutes 7th November 2024

Held in Gittisham Village Hall


Village ward: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr A Rowe (Vice Chair), Cllr D Valentine

Vale ward: Cllr J Twist, Cllr A Powell

In attendance: Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), 22 members of the public, Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr M Walker, Cllr P Orchard, Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), PCSO Darren England

Before the start of the meeting, one member of the public complained about the amount of mud on the road.  They said DCC Highways teams had been out to try clearing some of it, but the poor state of the roads in general made this ineffective.  Cllr Rowe explained he’d met the new Neighbourhood Highways Officer who was keen to hear more about the issues affecting parishioners.  Cllr Rowe reminded people to use the ‘report a problem’ page on the DCC website or the app.

Other members of the public spoke about their disappointment and frustration following the announcement on 31st October that Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) and Airband had agreed to scale back Airband’s contract agreements to deliver full fibre to properties in the region.  This means that Gittisham will not be included in the areas remaining under Airband’s modified contract.  It’s the fourth time in more than ten years the village has been let down by providers promising to bring superfast broadband to the parish.  Many people outlined the difficulties they have working from home with a very poor broadband connection, even for those who have Voneus wifi which is unreliable and for technical reasons cannot serve some properties in the village.  Others complained that online video appointments including for medical conditions were unworkable.  Many residents have weak mobile ‘phone coverage, which makes using 4G impossible.  Several teenagers explained how, during the years of the Covid-19 pandemic, having slow broadband had left them particularly disadvantaged as they could not always participate in online lessons. One person expressed concern that the copper connection to businesses would be switched off first, which would have a huge impact on his business.

Cllr Powell explained what the parish council had been doing to highlight the issue, including involving the local MP, writing to the relevant government minister and getting some press coverage.  Cllr Twiss added that over seven years campaigning for better broadband in the parish, he had never felt more despondent about the situation.  Enough is enough, he said.

87/24 To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

88/24        To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 3rd October 2024

The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.  

89/24        To receive the Beat Manager’s Report

August 2024:

Hamlett Close – 1 x violence and sexual offences

Nether Close – 1 x anti-social behaviour

Hedge Field Close – 3 anti-social behaviour, 4 x violence and sexual offences

Cypress Close – 1 x violence and sexual offences

Laburnum Close – 1 x other theft

Rowan Close – 1 x vehicle crime

September 2024:

Hedge Field Close – 3 anti-social behaviour, 1 x violence and sexual offences

90/24        To receive declarations of interest

Cllr Rowe declared an interest in agenda item 15 / minute ref. 101/24, as he is on the village fete committee.

91/24        To consider actions from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda


92/24 To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives

Broadband – Gittisham

Cllr Twiss said Gittisham is losing out yet in the delivery of high-speed broadband yet again, which is incredibly frustrating following many years of lobbying for Gittisham to be treated equally with other communities and a number of false dawns.  Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS) and Airband (contracted to deliver full fibre broadband) have agreed to significantly scale back Airband’s contract agreements to deliver full fibre to properties in the two counties.

Both CDS and Airband remain committed to finding possible alternative delivery solutions for those communities who were due to receive fibre broadband.  CDS contracted with broadband supplier Airband, initially in 2016 to deliver fixed wireless infrastructure and additionally in late 2020 to roll out fibre broadband networks to communities across Devon and Somerset, with four contracts originally due to conclude at the end of 2024.  In total, Airband is contracted to deliver 55,493 premises. To date the operator has delivered 18,794 premises in collaboration with CDS.  However, following Airband’s restructure earlier this year, the company is seeking to maximise take-up across its existing network while slowing down on build activity which means it can no longer complete its contracted build for CDS in full and the company sought a change to its contract.

Cllr Twiss said he, along with many others, was extremely disappointed to see a reduction in coverage by Airband via the CDS contract, which directly impacts Gittisham. CDS is also discussing alternative options with Building Digital UK (BDUK), the Government’s national agency, responsible for the delivery of Gigabit Broadband.  CDS is urging BDUK to re-enable rural voucher applications to open promptly in communities where Airband will no longer be delivering. This should offer communities a potential alternative. At the same time CDS is seeking confirmation of the Devon and Somerset premises that will be connected under the nationally-led contracts awarded to Openreach as part of the Government’s Project Gigabit programme.

Devon colleges and council collaborate to enhance SEND education

Colleges in Devon are working with DCC to provide more places specifically to support the further education of hundreds of young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).  At least 350 additional post-16 education places for young people with SEND will be created at Exeter College and PETROC College’s two campuses in Barnstaple and Tiverton, thanks to a multi-million pound bid to the Department for Education (DfE) and Devon County Council.

The plans involve creating new on-campus facilities at the three sites, Exeter, Barnstaple and Tiverton, with dedicated, purpose-built spaces designed to meet the requirements of young people with a range of additional needs. The courses that the colleges will offer are currently under review and will be confirmed shortly.  The funding from the DfE is essential in providing quality further education, local to families in Devon, that will help young people achieve better educational outcomes, leading to improved employment prospects and independent living.  The colleges are also developing a wide-ranging programme of support for young people with SEND, beginning even before students attend to help make the transitions from school or other educational settings to the colleges as positive as possible.

Devon prepared for winter

Whatever the weather, Devon’s highway teams are prepared and ready to keep the county moving this winter.

Last winter’s biggest issue was the prolonged wet spell which caused extensive damage to Devon’s highway network. This led to a 31 per cent increase in pothole repairs between January and April, compared to 2023, and 94 per cent more than the same period in 2022.  However, in terms of dealing with icy conditions, last winter was relatively quiet, with Devon County Council’s gritting teams only using around 6,200 tonnes of salt, which was less than half the amount used the previous winter.  But more time was spent cleaning gullies and clearing debris from roads due to torrential rain and several named storms.  This highlights that Devon’s highway teams have to be prepared for all eventualities over the next few months where a generally dry winter would be preferable!

The Morocco – UK Power Project

Positive and exciting news about renewable electricity generation that positively affects Devon. The Xlinks Morocco-UK Power Project will be a new electricity generation facility entirely powered by solar and wind energy combined with a battery storage facility. Located in Morocco’s renewable energy-rich region of Guelmim Oued Noun, it will be connected exclusively to Great Britain via 4,000kms (2,485 miles) of high voltage direct current (HVDC) sub-sea cables.  This first of a kind project will generate 11.5GW of zero carbon electricity from the sun and wind to deliver 3.6GW of reliable energy for an average of 19+ hours a day.  This is enough to provide affordable, clean power to the equivalent of more than 7 million British homes and once complete, the project will be capable of supplying 8 per cent of Great Britain’s electricity needs.  Alongside the consistent output from its solar panels and wind turbines, an onsite 22.5GWh/5GW battery facility will provide sufficient storage to reliably deliver each and every day, a dedicated, near-constant source of flexible and predictable clean energy for Britain, designed to complement the renewable energy already generated across the UK.

When domestic renewable energy generation in the United Kingdom drops due to low winds and short periods of sun, the project will harvest the benefits of long hours of sun in Morocco alongside the consistency of its convection trade winds, to provide a firm but flexible source of zero-carbon electricity.  Four cables, each 4,000km long, form the twin 1.8GW HVDC sub-sea cable systems that will follow the shallow water route from the Moroccan site to a grid location in Great Britain, passing Spain, Portugal, and France.  Agreement has been reached with National Grid for two 1.8GW connections in Devon. Voltage source convertor stations will enable the Xlinks project to secure high-value balancing contracts with National Grid, and a HVDC technical feasibility study has been completed to validate reliability and cost.

In his absence, Cllr Bruce sent the following report: “At the last full district council meeting, a motion was carried with only one abstention to direct the leader to write to the Chancellor, asking her to reverse her decision on the winter fuel allowance. It is unlikely to have any effect, but I note with interest that unions, among others, are setting up to challenge the government over its scrapping of the winter fuel allowance. This has particular resonance here in east Devon, given our demographics. In my opinion this is a soft target for the government and has baffled many in Westminster. And I hope there is now a momentum to steer this government away from this step.

“I have raised my concerns with planning regarding Roebuck Farm. I have made it clear that the gate has been blocked for many years despite the farm’s claims that the entrance has been in constant use. I have sent the officer captured images from Google Earth showing the overgrown entrance.

“Talking of planning, I fully support the Parish Council looking into mounting a legal challenge regarding the ad hoc process employed by EDDC’s Strategic Planning when it came to site selection for the Local Plan. I will be encouraging my other councils to consider the same course of action.”

93/24      To receive an update on superfast broadband from Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS)

Phil Roberts (CDS Programme Manager) and Matt Barrow (Stakeholder Engagement Officer) said it was a humbling experience to hear the challenges people face first hand.  They explained the historic and complex failure of the four cancelled contracts to bring superfast broadband to Gittisham village, dating back over more than ten years.  They then put forward the possible scenarios to remedy the situation, acknowledging that none were likely to be delivered quickly.  There are voucher initiatives which involve working with providers to find a solution, but finding a provider to take this on could be a challenge.  There is also central Government’s Project Gigabit, a £5 billion programme to enable hard-to-reach communities to access superfast gigabit-capable broadband.  Building Digital UK (BDUK) is launching phased contracts to deliver this, but none include East Devon at this point.  This could change as BDUK continues its market research.

Graham Long (rural broadband campaigner) advised the public to make more noise about the issue than they had done previously, as it was unacceptable for residents to be left with a service that he described as belonging to the last century.  Cllr Twiss advised the parish council to pursue other avenues without any intervention from CDS, and said he was investigating and would report back.

Cllr Twiss and 18 members of the public left the meeting.

94/24   To receive a report on the EDDC Local Plan and consider contracting a planning consultant

Cllr Valentine said he’d attended the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on 29th October, where he had addressed those present on potential site allocations in the Honiton and Axminster areas (including Gittisham).  He outlined the parish council’s opposition to the inclusion of two sites in the Local Plan, with a further 310 dwellings proposed west of Hayne Lane towards the Forge.  He explained that this is not a sustainable site for residential development and is contrary to EDDC’s own sustainability objectives.  He declared himself very frustrated by the process, which he felt was undemocratic in many ways and he anticipated could be open to legal challenge. However, EDDC’s officers’ recommendation to allocate both sites in the Local Plan was approved by a majority of 8 to 3.  The final consultation plan is due to be published before the end of 2024 with an examination in public in 2025.

Members discussed the letter circulated by Lympstone Parish Council, which also discussed the site allocation process and its flaws.

ACTION: Chair and Cllr Valentine to discuss drafting a similar letter with Cllr Bruce that can be distributed to all East Devon parish councils.

95/24     To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:

  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
    • Cf minute ref. 93/24.  The Chair thanked Cllr Powell for arranging the meeting and driving the issue forward.
  • To note the latest planning decision notices
    • 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston EX14 3PB – Prior approval (Class R) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use within Classes B8 (Storage and Distribution), and Class E (Commercial, business or service) use.  Withdrawn.
  • To receive an update on Highways 

16 January – road to Catshayes Farm closed for Detectronic ‘essential maintenance’ 0800-1700

09 Oct-23 December Sidmouth Road 100m uphill south of Tesco roundabout.  Temporary traffic signals. Guarding collapsed culvert causing water damage to road, although they got a last minute overriding order for full closure 31 Oct/01 Nov for emergency drainage works, so anything may happen.

  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy & S106

In his absence, Cllr Orchard sent the following report: “I attended a recent Honiton Town Council S106/CIL meeting.  They are proposing to use the money on three projects: levelling and drainage of football pitches (local MP has recently visited), improvements and drainage to rugby pitches, and realignment of primary school/HCC sports pitches to increase pitches and space.  All would be available for public use, and the latter would also allow hockey netball etc outside school hours. They must put bids to EDDC S106 team, who then pass it on to another level, who then pass it on to another level for final decision around March 2025.  GPC got two rounds of applause during the meeting.”

  • To receive an update on public transport

09-22 Nov.  Railway line closure Honiton to Axminster for engineering works.  A bus replacement service will run instead.

  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land in the parish

Cllr Rowe said there was no update on this. 

  • To consider limited residential development in the parish

Cllr Valentine said the changes to the proposals requested by English Heritage would put further pressure on GCLT funds.  He will be approaching the board in due course.

  • To consider the creation of a footpath linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village

Cllr Powell said there was no update on this.

  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area

The Chair reported that the tower slide plastic window had been replaced, and Andrew Lapping has done some hedge cutting in the wild area..

ACTION: Clerk to request invoice from Andrew Lapping.   

  • To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain ditches and drains in the parish

Members discussed the need for a one-off job by a contractor to clear ditches and drains which are becoming blocked with fallen leaves.

ACTION: Clerk to cancel public liability insurance for the lengthsman.

ACTION: Chair to draw up a list of what needs to be done, following a walkabout with Cllr Walker and Len Abbott.

96/24     To receive a report from the Chair

The Chair said there was nothing to report this month.

97/24     To approve the November payments and to note the current bank balance

Members resolved to approve the following payments:

F Clampin £266.75 clerk’s salary + £10.13 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham 7.5-mile round trip x 3 for agendas, minutes & September meeting @0.45p / mile) resolved following discussion minute ref. 98/24

F Clampin £98.54 backdated payment under new pay scale 2024-25 resolved following discussion minute ref. 98/24

Michael Poll, play area grass cutting £65 (inv. ref. 10368)

RhinoPlay, £166.80 Bubble Perspex safety window for tower slide

Community Heartbeat Trust £324 annual support costs for Gittisham Vale & Gittisham telephone box defibs

NEST £28.08 (clerk’s pension)

Members were informed that the current bank balance stands at £24,783.85 (which includes approximately £7,156.88 in the business reserve account). 

98/24 To consider a review of remuneration of the parish clerk in line with the annual NALC salary scales, and associated pension payments

Members resolved to raise the clerk’s salary in line with NALC recommendations to £14.36 / hr, for the year 2024-25 (along with associated pension payments), and to apply the increase retrospectively. 

99/24 To review the parish council’s online banking arrangements and update the banking mandate as appropriate

Members resolved to remove Cllr Valentine’s name from the mandate and add Cllr Rowe’s. 

ACTION: Cllr Twist to investigate other banks.

ACTION: Chair, Cllr Twist and clerk to visit Nat West to request address details are updated to enable online banking to proceed.

100/24 To discuss future projects requiring parish council involvement

Members resolved to defer discussion to the next meeting, and particularly when setting the budget.

Cllr Rowe left the meeting.

101/24 To consider financial support for the 2025 Gittisham village fete

Members resolved to defer discussion to the next meeting, and particularly when setting the budget.

Cllr Rowe returned to the meeting.

102/24 To consider Combe Estate’s 10 year Woodland Management Plan for 2025-2035

The Chair commented that mitigation in the upper catchment to prevent runoff is something that many groups are considering and would be particularly relevant, given the flooding the parish is experiencing (eg Iron Bridge)

ACTION: Clerk to ask Combe Estate for a map to accompany the woodland management plan, as well as the Combe Estate masterplan.

103/24 Clerk’s report

There was nothing to report.

104/24     For information only; items for the forward agenda

Future projects; lengthsman; banking.

105/24     To consider any late entry correspondence

The clerk said some Hayne Farm residents had complained about the siting of dog waste bins, as well as the smell from them not being emptied.  Members agreed the siting had been laid out in the original masterplan, overseen by Sovereign. 

ACTION: Clerk to contact Mark Sexton at Baker Estates to ask when emptying will happen, and request another walkabout.

ACTION: Cllr Rowe to contact Clare Bryden at Websites Ahoy about the slow arrival of emails.

106/24     Date of next two meetings  

Thursday 5th December 2024 and Thursday 9th January 2025

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2135 hrs.


5th December 2024

2024-11 Parish Council agenda 7 Nov 2024


Ms Fiona Clampin

Clerk to the Council

31st October 2024

Members of Gittisham Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the November Parish Council Meeting to be held in Gittisham Village Hall on Thursday 7th November 2024 commencing at 7.30pm to discuss items on the Agenda and to make resolutions as appropriate.

Prior to the start of the meeting a period of 15 minutes is allowed to permit any resident to bring appropriate matters to the notice of the Council.  Please contact the clerk if you would like to do this, preferably by email in advance of the meeting, with a question you wish to be raised with Councillors on your behalf. 

  1. To accept and approve apologies
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd October 2024
  3. To receive the Beat Manager’s report
  4. To receive declarations of interest
  5. To consider actions from last meeting not otherwise on the agenda
  6. To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives
  7. To receive an update on superfast broadband from Connecting Devon & Somerset
  8. To receive a report on the Local Plan (Cllr Valentine) and consider contracting a planning consultant
  9. To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:
  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
  • To note the latest planning decision notices (Cllr Orchard)
  • To receive an update on highways (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106, including the 2nd tranche of funds from Hayne Farm (Cllr Orchard & Cllr Twist & Cllr Hall)
  • To receive an update on public transport (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land off Old Elm Road (Cllr Twist / Cllr Rowe)
  • To consider limited residential development in the parish (Cllr Valentine)
  • To consider the creation of a traffic-free amenity route linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village (Cllr Rowe / Cllr Powell)
  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area (Cllr Walker)
  • To consider the scope of future lengthsman work and remuneration (Cllr Walker)
  1. To receive a report from the Chair
  2. To approve the November payments and to note the current bank balance:

F Clampin £254.34 + £10.13 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham x3) 

F Clampin £tbc backdated pay under new NALC salary scale 2024-25

RhinoPlay, £166.80 Bubble Perspex safety window for tower slide

Community Heartbeat Trust £324 annual support costs for Gittisham Vale & Gittisham telephone box defibs

Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10368)

NEST (clerk’s pension) £26.78

  1. To consider a review of remuneration of the parish clerk in line with the annual NALC salary scales, and associated pension payments
  2. To review the parish council’s online banking arrangements and update the banking mandate as appropriate
  3. To discuss future projects requiring parish council involvement
  4. To consider financial support for the 2025 Gittisham village fete
  5. To consider Combe Estate’s 10 year Woodland Management Plan for 2025-2035
  6. Clerk’s report
  7. For information only; items for the forward agenda
  8. To consider any late entry correspondence
  9. To note the date of the next two meetings, Thursday 5th December 2024 and Thursday 9th January 2025 at 7.30pm. 

F J Clampin – Clerk

2024-10 Parish Council meeting minutes 3 October 2024

Held in Gittisham Parish Room


Village ward: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr D Valentine, Cllr A Rowe (Vice Chair)

Vale ward:

In attendance: Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), one member of the public, Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr J Twist, Cllr M Walker, Cllr Adam Powell, Cllr P Orchard PCSO Darren England

71/24 To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

72/24        To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 5th September 2024

The minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.  

73/24        To receive the Beat Manager’s Report

July 2024:

Nether Close – 1 anti-social behaviour, 1 x criminal damage & arson

Putts Corner – 1 x other theft

Beech Walk – 1 x public order

Nags Head Road – 1 x violence & sexual offences

74/24        To receive declarations of interest


75/24        To consider actions from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda

The Chair said she had suggested to Baker Estates that the company could send her a ‘no dogs’ sign for the Hayne Farm play area, and the parish council can install it.

The Clerk reported that she had received a response from the agent regarding planning application 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston EX14 3PB – Prior approval (Class R) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use within Classes B8 (Storage and Distribution), and Class E (Commercial, business or service) use.  Part of the track used to access the proposed development is in Gittisham parish.   

The agent argued that the track has been used historically for farm vehicles and milk lorries that accessed the farm multiple times a day, this being a high volume of traffic accessing and egressing this entrance.  He said their clients have at this stage re-established the entrance (that has always been in place) and re-stoned the existing stone drive like-for-like. The use of the access drive does not need to be established at this stage as it is existing, he argued.

However this view was disputed by Cllr Rowe, who said the entrance to the drive has been overgrown for quite some time.

ACTION: Clerk to forward agent’s reply to Cllr Bruce.

76/24 To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives

Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority

A combined county authority has been given the green light by the new government.  A decision by the previous government to establish the Devon and Torbay Combined County Authority (CCA) was deferred in June because of the July General Election.

Establishing the CCA is legally required to assume responsibility for new funds and powers transferred by Government from Whitehall to Devon and Torbay. The CCA will deliver the devolution deal, with a whole raft of powers, responsibilities, and funding devolved to Devon and Torbay from Whitehall. This will enable important decisions to be made locally on local priorities such as jobs and skills, housing and the environment.

With potential for the range of devolved powers to expand, the current proposals would see the new body having direct control of adult education to create up to 50,000 new training and retraining opportunities by 2030.

The Government has confirmed the transfer of £16 million capital funding to invest in new green jobs, homes, skills, and business growth and accelerate Devon and Torbay’s transition to a net-zero economy, capitalising on the area’s world-leading expertise in green science and technology.

The Government is offering a stronger partnership with Homes England, capitalising on the Affordable Housing Programme and Brownfield Infrastructure and Land Fund to create a joint action plan for affordable housing schemes for local people and reduce homelessness. The proposal includes additional land assembly and compulsory purchase powers, and would facilitate greater Community Land Trust-led delivery.

Are you eligible for Pension Credit and not receiving it?

The Government is encouraging pensioners to check if they qualify for pension credit and if so, to apply for it in order to receive the winter fuel payment.  If you get Pension Credit, you can also get other help, including:

  •  Housing Benefit if you rent the property you live in
  •  Winter Fuel Payment
  •  Support for mortgage interest if you own the property you live in
  •  a Council Tax discount
  •  a free TV licence if you’re aged 75 years old or over
  •  help with NHS dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for hospital appointments, if you get a certain type of Pension Credit
  •  help with your heating costs through the Warm Home Discount Scheme
  •  a discount on the Royal Mail redirection service if you’re moving house

Pension Credit tops up your weekly income to £218.15 if you are single; or your joint weekly income to £332.95 if you have a partner.  You could get additional benefits depending on your circumstances.  You can apply for Pension Credit up to four months before you reach State Pension age. You can apply any time after you reach State Pension age but your application can only be backdated by three months.

The government’s new pension credit awareness drive will help identify households not claiming the benefit, and encourage them to apply by 21 December. That is the final date for making a backdated claim for pension credit, in order to receive the winter fuel payment.  You can apply online, over the telephone, or by post.

Currently, only 63 per cent of people nationwide who are eligible for Pension Credit are receiving it. That is nearly four in every 10 pensioners who are entitled to Pension Credit, because of their low income, are not claiming it.  To find out if you are eligible for Pension Credit, visit the Government’s website at https://www.gov.uk/pension-credit

Many local pharmacies or GP surgeries across Devon offer free blood pressure checks.  To check whether your local pharmacy offers this service visit the NHS webpage at https://tinyurl.com/2jydttj7 People can also check what the result might mean at https://tinyurl.com/4heb8fm8

Key Stage 2 test results better than national average

New figures published by the Department for Education show that many Devon pupils with additional needs who sat their Key Stage 2 (KS2) tests this summer have performed better than the national average.  Results for this summer’s KS2 pupils in Devon with special educational needs (SEN) who are receiving additional support in the classroom show an improvement on last year’s results (2022/23) in science, grammar, punctuation and spelling, maths and reading. 

Fifty-eight per cent of Devon pupils with SEN, who are receiving additional support, were assessed as having met the standard expected of all KS2 pupils for science, compared to a national average of 54 per cent.  Fifty-two per cent of pupils in Devon with SEN support met the expected standard in reading, compared to 48 per cent national average.  Many pupils with Educational Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) also performed better than the national average.  The tests, known as SATs, alongside teacher assessments, are to make sure that individual pupils have the support they need as they move into secondary school.

And finally…!

Recent torrential rain, high winds and flooding made it a busy time for Devon County Council’s Highways teams clearing up across the county, which takes teams away from repairing and keeping highways in good order. It is a growing issue because our weather is changing with wetter and wetter winters and rain becoming much more intense, making it a constant challenge to keep ahead of issues before they arise.  At the last meeting of Devon County Council there were some very positive statistics presented on how extra money put in to the budget for this financial year has been used, with a few key headlines below:

  •  An increase of 51 per cent in the number of emergency potholes we have repaired in the first four months of this financial year compared to the same period in 2023.
  •  In the past four months, DCC Highways has already completed 80 per cent of the patching repairs that we were able to achieve in the whole of the last financial year.
  •  Patching repairs target sections of road, which are deteriorating, laying patches over extensive areas before potholes or other defects form.
  •  Since April, we have patched more than 18,000 square metres of road in more than 350 locations across the county.
  •  Extensive work is being carried out on all categories of roads right across the county and, while we will not be able to get to every road in need of repair, we are ensuring our extra investment goes as far as possible.

These are very pleasing results, but there is still far more to do with a road maintenance backlog of around £200 million across our county, combined with occasional, damaging freezing conditions and an unprecedented number of violent storms, resulting in the worst possible combination for road surfaces.  We are also working with town and parish councils to share information and gather local intelligence so we can respond more effectively.

Cllr Twiss reported that DCC’s new Neighbourhood Highways Officer for the area is hoping to meet representatives of Gittisham, Feniton and Buckerell parish councils jointly every few months to discuss highways.

He added there was no update regarding broadband, despite a decision on Airband’s contract promised at the end of September.

Cllr Bruce reported that EDDC’s strategic planning committee meetings grind ever onwards toward setting out potential land for development. It is by no means a perfect system for any of our communities, he said, having seen for himself in South East Kent, where today rampant development has/is destroying the very environment people chose to move in to. Where there were three towns, there will shortly be one massive blob of housing with no definition between the former towns. This is, for him, an horrific example of runaway house building and how bad it can get. Cllr Bruce said although we are not facing the same scenario, given the huge pressure government are putting on councils to come up with mandatory housing numbers, we must resist where we can ending up in the same situation.

It’s not helped by the selection system EDDC has adopted, said Cllr Bruce. For example, when site selections are being made, the committee has two choices. Either they adopt a site or move on, but not to refuse one. This leaves the process open ended, allowing the committee to return and review sites if they end up with a shortfall in potential housing numbers. The result is no certainty to communities as to what may happen in the future and is fundamentally unacceptable. This method completely moves away from community driven development where local needs are paramount. Sadly we are now being forced into a numbers game to fulfil a manifesto pledge.

South West Water’s woeful performance remains a top local story. Despite a number of meetings with council representatives, there appears to be little hope of the situation improving any time soon. In Cllr Bruce’s view, the adoption of the carrot formula is not working with this utility company. He would advocate the stick approach, especially as shareholders apparently don’t like adverse publicity. It should be a national shame that our waters are more polluted now than twenty years ago.

The confusion over who is responsible for repairing the railings on Riverside Bridge have now hopefully been resolved with Devon Council undertaking the works. He said hopefully because there is still time for them to turn round and negate responsibility, leaving us back looking for who is!  In the same vein, the silting in the stream is also being looked at as to who is responsible.

Finally, if you get a chance to step out an hour after sunset around the 12th of this month, you may get to see our latest celestial wanderer, comet 2023-A3. The proper name is difficult to pronounce so he suggested sticking to Atlas. Look to the east low in the sky. If it does put on a show, Cllr Bruce said the media will be all over it.

The Chair said that EDDC Contractors have cleared silt at the Riverside bridge but did not carry out any work at the village bridge. The flood bypass culvert at the village bridge is now partially blocked by silt at the downstream outfall and is therefore increasing flood risk. The build-up of silt and vegetation on the right bank just upstream of the village bridge is getting close to blocking the surface water drain outlets. There is also work needed to regrade the bed at Crabbs Cottage, right bank where scour has caused the floodwall foundations to be exposed.

ACTION: Chair to contact Tom Buxton-Smith at EDDC regarding the above.

The Chair referred to a letter from Honiton RFC, whose members are looking for new places to train as the current pitches are over-used.  The club had approached EDDC about land it owns on the corner of Hayne Lane.  However, the Chair said this site has been earmarked as employment land in the Local Plan for some time. 

ACTION: Chair to contact Honiton RFC and refer them to the EDDC Local Plan.

77/24   To receive a report on the EDDC Local Plan

Cllr Valentine said he had attended EDDC’s Strategic Planning Committee on 20th September, where he had addressed those present on potential site allocations in the Honiton and Axminster areas (including Gittisham).   However, due to some last minute changes by EDDC with the allocation numbers, he was prevented from commenting on HONI_15.  Cllr Valentine said he was utterly dismayed by an apparent lack of organisation, and a culture of giving free rein to elected members with their own local agendas.  Members heard that a decision had been deferred to a later date, but the committee agreed to consider the entirety of the land earmarked between Hayne Lane and Sidmouth Road at the next stage.  This site may or may not be discussed at the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on 23rd October.  Cllr Valentine said he was unavailable to represent GPC on that particular date, so the Chair assured him someone would represent the parish council and read out a prepared statement.  The clerk said she would be working abroad and advised members to check the date for registering attendance and to do so themselves if necessary.

Cllr Valentine advised members to consider appointing a consultant at a later date to present any arguments required to the examination in public. 

ACTION: Cllr Valentine to prepare a statement.

 Cllrs Bruce and Twiss left the meeting.

78/24   To consider the following planning applications:

  1. 24/1683/FUL – Combe Garden Centre Hayne Lane Gittisham EX14 3PD – Proposed extension to existing building to form dry store area to kitchen and new toilets with new orangery to café

Councillors resolved to have no objection to the application. 

79/24     To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:

  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
    • In his absence, Cllr Powell notified members that Phil Roberts (CDS Programme Manager) and Matt Barrow (Stakeholder Engagement Officer) will attend the parish council meeting on Thursday 7th November in the village hall to discuss the provision of fibre broadband to the village and surrounds.
    • ACTION: Clerk to check if Phil Roberts and Matt Barrow have any specific requirements.
    • ACTION: Chair to speak to Cllr Powell about inviting other companies to the meeting.  Chair to publicise this meeting.
  • To note the latest planning decision notices
    • 24/1504/FUL ­- 6 Honeysuckle Drive Honiton EX14 2YL Proposed single storey rear extension.  Approval.
  • To receive an update on Highways 

22-24 Oct. A30 Daisymount to Langford Honiton.  Overnight closure for roadworks.

07-17 Oct. A35 Honiton to Axminster.  Overnight closure for carriageway works.

Members heard that a drain is blocked underneath the railway bridge by the Forge, and some residents have been clearing ditches.

ACTION: Clerk to email new NHO to say the drain outside the village hall needs jetting.

  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy & S106

The clerk said EDDC had confirmed that the definition of “sports pitch” remained unchanged.  Members discussed what to do with the second tranche of S106 funds from Hayne Farm totalling £131,126.43.  In principle it was agreed to instruct EDDC to take back the majority of this, as GPC does not wish to spend it.  Members said they would be pleased if it was offered to projects that would benefit Gittisham residents, and agreed they would like to understand more about Honiton Town Council’s intentions.  Cllr Valentine reminded those present that the parish council may wish to retain some of the funds in case they could be spent on projects at Hayne Farm. 

ACTION: Clerk to contact EDDC to outline position.  Chair to write to Honiton TC.

  • To receive an update on public transport

09-22 Nov.  Railway line closure Honiton to Axminster for engineering works.  A bus replacement service will run instead.

The Chair explained that when trains are not running, the 08:07am Stagecoach bus takes additional passengers before reaching Gittisham and refuses to take passengers, including King’s School students, from the village.

ACTION: Clerk to alert Cllr Orchard to ask about Stagecoach contingency planning.

  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land in the parish

Cllr Rowe said there was no update on this. 

  • To consider limited residential development in the parish

Cllr Valentine explained that a heritage consultant appointed by GCLT had met English Heritage, EDDC’s conservation officer and a planning officer on site.  This followed the English Heritage report submitted as a result of the planning application.  Cllr Valentine said some minor adjustments to the current proposal could potentially be incorporated.  He added that there may be news in the Government’s autumn statement about how far they are prepared to go to fund CLT developments.    

  • To consider the creation of a footpath linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village

In his absence Cllr Powell said he had been in touch with Tom Green, RoW officer at DCC and Justin Lascelles, Combe Estate.  Cllr Rowe reported that a traffic-free amenity route was mentioned at EDDC’s Strategic Planning Committee meeting when the allocation was discussed. 

  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area

The Chair said she would remind Russell Hayman about cutting the hedge opposite Parkers.  Cllr Rowe reported that the tower slide needs a new plastic window, which he will measure. The Chair said she would check what other hedge cutting needs to be done inside the play area.

ACTION: Clerk to enquire with manufacturer about window.  Clerk to ask Michael Poll if trimming hedges falls within his remit.   

  • To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain ditches and drains in the parish

ACTION: Chair to contact Cllr Walker, to ask her to discuss with Len Abbott the areas of the parish which need continuing maintenance and draw up a map.

80/24     To receive a report from the Chair

The Chair said there was nothing to report this month.

81/24     To approve the October payments and to note the current bank balance

Members resolved to approve the following payments:

F Clampin £254.34 clerk’s salary + £10.13 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham 7.5-mile round trip x 3 for agendas, minutes & September meeting @0.45p / mile)

Michael Poll, play area grass cutting £65 (inv. ref. 10360)

Gittisham PCC, £37 July-September parish room hire

DALC £78 2 x Procurement Act training courses (Chair & Clerk) (inv. ref. 5962 & 6001)

NEST £26.78 (clerk’s pension)

Members were informed that the current bank balance stands at £25,678.15 (which includes approximately £7,156.88 in the business reserve account). 

82/24 To review the parish council’s online banking arrangements

Members heard there had been issues with online access, and agreed to discuss at the next meeting.

83/24 Clerk’s report

There was nothing to report.

84/24     For information only; items for the forward agenda

Future projects; funding of Gittisham village fete 2025; lengthsman; bank mandate.

85/24     To consider any late entry correspondence


86/24     Date of next two meetings  

Thursday 7th November (village hall) and Thursday 5th December 2024 at 7.30pm. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2100 hrs.


7th November 2024

2024-10 Parish Council agenda 3 October 2024


Ms Fiona Clampin

Clerk to the Council

27th September 2024

Members of Gittisham Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the October Parish Council Meeting to be held in Gittisham Parish Room on Thursday 3rd October 2024 commencing at 7.30pm to discuss items on the Agenda and to make resolutions as appropriate.

Prior to the start of the meeting a period of 15 minutes is allowed to permit any resident to bring appropriate matters to the notice of the Council.  Please contact the clerk if you would like to do this, preferably by email in advance of the meeting, with a question you wish to be raised with Councillors on your behalf. 

  1. To accept and approve apologies
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2024
  3. To receive the Beat Manager’s report
  4. To receive declarations of interest
  5. To consider actions from last meeting not otherwise on the agenda
  6. To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives
  7. To receive a report on the Local Plan (Cllr Valentine)
  8. To consider the following planning application:
    • 24/1683/FUL – Combe Garden Centre Hayne Lane Gittisham EX14 3PD – Proposed extension to existing building to form dry store area to kitchen and new toilets with new orangery to cafe
  9. To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:
  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
  • To note the latest planning decision notices (Cllr Orchard)
  • To receive an update on highways (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106, including the 2nd tranche of funds from Hayne Farm (Cllr Orchard & Cllr Twist & Cllr Hall)
  • To receive an update on public transport (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land off Old Elm Road (Cllr Twist / Cllr Rowe)
  • To consider limited residential development in the parish (Cllr Valentine)
  • To consider the creation of a traffic-free amenity route linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village (Cllr Rowe / Cllr Powell)
  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area (Cllr Walker)
  • To consider the scope of future lengthsman work and remuneration (Cllr Walker)
  1. To receive a report from the Chair
  2. To approve the October payments and to note the current bank balance:

F Clampin £254.34 + £10.13 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham x3) 

Gittisham PCC, parish room hire July-September 2024 £37

DALC 2 x Procurement Act training courses (Chair & Clerk) £78 (inv. ref. 5962 & 6001)

Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10360)

NEST (clerk’s pension) £26.78

  1. To review the parish council’s online banking arrangements
  2. Clerk’s report
  3. For information only; items for the forward agenda
  4. To consider any late entry correspondence
  5. To note the date of the next two meetings, Thursday 7th November (village hall) and Thursday 5th December 2024 at 7.30pm. 

F J Clampin – Clerk

2024-09 Parish Council meeting minutes 5 September 2024

Held in Gittisham Parish Room


Village ward: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr D Valentine, Cllr M Walker, Cllr A Rowe (Vice Chair)

Vale ward: Cllr Adam Powell, Cllr P Orchard

In attendance: Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), two members of the public, Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr J Twist, Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), PCSO Darren England

Before the start of the meeting, one member of the public raised concerns over the state of the River Gitt, as they had observed two silt banks getting bigger year on year with vegetation and other material.  They said it was beginning to impact on the drain holes in the wall which runs alongside the river in the centre of the village.  The clerk said the parish council was aware of the situation, and had already been in contact with EDDC who had promised to clear sections of the river.  Cllr Twiss said he thought DCC had also had some input in the past in clearing overflow channels, so he would make further enquiries.  The Chair said she and Cllr Rowe had inspected the river, and she had written a report outlining the issues and their location which the clerk will forward to Cllr Bruce.

One member of the public left the meeting.

55/24 To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

56/24        To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 11th July & 2nd August 2024

The minutes of the meetings held on 11th July and 2nd August 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.  

57/24        To receive the Beat Manager’s Report

May 2024:

Meadow Acre – 1 x violence & sexual offences. 

June 2024:

Nether Close – 1 x other theft

Hamlett Close – 1 anti-social behaviour

Meadow Acre – 1 x criminal damage & arson

Parsonage Lane – 1 x violence & sexual offences

58/24        To receive declarations of interest


59/24        To consider actions from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda

Cllr Rowe said he had attended a meeting of Buckerell Parish Council, and their members had agreed that collaborating on planning issues and anything else which affects both parishes was sensible.  Members agreed with Cllr Rowe’s suggestion of inviting the new DCC Highways area officer to combined parish council meetings with a third council.


Cllr Rowe thanked the parish council for supporting the village fete on 31st August, which raised approximately £3,000.


The clerk said she had been pursuing the agent repeatedly for planning application 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston to invite the applicant to a meeting, but ‘phone calls and emails have so far failed to secure a response.

60/24 To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives

DCC Highways

Cllr Twiss said it is understandable that many peoples’ main involvement with DCC is to do with the Highways network.  Very often this is to do with road surface defects, particularly potholes, given many of us use our roads on a very regular basis. He outlined what else happens regarding Highways as part of a much wider area of interest.

As some very poor, wet weather during recent winters has created problems, it has been difficult to keep up with repairs.  Safety defects have taken priority when there is dry weather, which allows tarmac to set properly, rather than using short term fixes, which tend not to last. A generally drier summer has helped eat in to the backlog and Cllr Twiss hoped for similar in the run up to the end of the year.  Additionally in recent months, DCC has been able to put an additional £10m of capital funding towards the following:

  • Additional serviceability patching (£7.75m)
  • White lining maintenance (£0.25m)
  • Drainage improvements (£2m)

By mid-August, more than 16,000m2 of larger scale serviceability patching has been laid, which works out in excess of 315 locations. 

Over the summer four white lining gangs have been working across the county to remark the following:

  • 145 mini roundabouts
  • 30 compact roundabouts
  • 197 zebra crossings

The funding is also making it possible to allow approximately 10kms of double white lines to be refreshed.  The programme of drainage improvements, particularly in rural areas, is being delivered through a dynamic approach with the Term Maintenance Contractor, where a number of factors come in to make best use of financial and human resources.  Delivery of the Local Area Capital Programme was delayed until mid-May due to staff being focused on pothole repairs, but work is now progressing well, with a large proportion of the projects already completed or scheduled to be completed before winter.

The major resurfacing programme for the A-road network is now underway, with the surface dressing programme already completed.  Cllr Twiss hoped that further efficiencies across DCC services will free up more money to invest further in the highways network in the coming months.

Over-40s encouraged to check their blood pressure

NHS and Public Health professionals at DCC are encouraging people aged 40+ to check their blood pressure. It’s part of a week-long national ‘Know Your Numbers’ campaign, beginning Monday 2 September, to raise awareness of high blood pressure.  Known as ‘the silent killer’, high blood pressure is a major cause of heart attack and stroke, but often has no symptoms.  Knowing your blood pressure means that you can start making healthy lifestyle changes or start taking medicines if you need them to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level.

Many local pharmacies or GP surgeries across Devon offer free blood pressure checks.  To check whether your local pharmacy offers this service visit the NHS webpage at https://tinyurl.com/2jydttj7 People can also check what the result might mean at https://tinyurl.com/4heb8fm8

This September explore the Great Outdoors!

This September we are all being asked to embrace the great outdoors and consider ditching the car and, where possible, use an alternative form of transport.  It’s all part of Outdoor September, a Devon-wide month-long campaign being promoted by Active Devon.  Being active, particularly outdoors, benefits your health and wellbeing and during the course of the month Active Devon and their partners from the Devon Local Nature

Partnership, Devon Climate Emergency, Devon County Council’s Public Health team and Travel Devon, will be sharing details of events, ideas and tips to help us all make the most of our environment.

The campaign aims to support those looking to change their behaviour and become more active.  Here are some fantastic ways to enjoy Devon during #OutdoorSeptember:

  • Cycle Routes: Discover the joy of cycling on Devon’s extensive network of bike paths. From the family-friendly Tarka Trail and Exe Estuary Trail to the more challenging Dartmoor circuits, there’s a route for every level of cyclist. If you are looking for more confidence on your bike, why not sign up for free adult cycle sessions here on the Active Devon website https://activedevon.org/adult-cycle-training/
  • Walking Trails: Put your best foot forward and discover what’s on your doorstep. This could be your local green space, exploring the South West Coast Path, wander through Dartmoor or Exmoor National Park, or take a leisurely walk along one of our many estuaries. For more information on exciting cycling and walking routes, visit the Explore Devon website at https://www.exploredevon.info/ 
  • Public Transport Adventures: During September, it is World Car Free Day (22 September) so why not make use of Devon’s public transport. Combine train and bus routes to access remote areas and hidden gems. By exploring your local area without a car, if that’s possible, you’re contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions and helping to preserve our environment for future generations.  For more information on different ways to travel around Devon, visit the Travel Devon website at https://www.traveldevon.info/
  • Nature Connection: Join guided nature walks, participate in birdwatching tours, or engage in outdoor park yoga sessions. There are endless ways to connect with nature and discover the tranquillity it offers. Maybe becoming a Wellbeing Walk Leader in Devon is something you’d be interested in? Take a look at the free training offered at https://tinyurl.com/2cmj57by

 In his absence, Cllr Bruce sent the following report: “Our popular coastal resorts were constantly hit by sewerage releases throughout August and, as I write this, it appears there is no change in sight as Exmouth experiences yet another spill into our coastal waters. There seems little appetite as yet from those that hold the power to do something about this scandalous situation. Given the required housing numbers being imposed on us by government, it seems this situation is set to get worse unless more councils go down the road of Oxford where the EA has finally stepped up to the plate and halted a new development in its tracks. I wonder if DCC have the ***** to try it here!

“Having been asked to look into the missing railings on Riverside Bridge, not only has the parish not received a reply, but neither have I. So I have now written to the portfolio holder for an urgent explanation to this complete lack of communication.

“To finish on a more positive note, the fete seems to have been a resounding success, so all credit to the organising committee and volunteers for putting Gittisham so well on the map.

“Also, I’ve been approached by a Gittisham resident to see if we can get the postbox painted gold in honour of our recent Olympic gold medal. Getting hold of the relevant email to apply to Royal Mail proved a challenge, but it’s in the system, so let’s see what comes of it.”

Cllr Twiss added that DCC has passed a motion opposing the recent Government proposal to means test pensioners on the winter fuel payment, as members felt it was being introduced at too short notice and was potentially unfair.

As regards broadband, Cllr Twiss said he had met Cllr Rufus Gilbert, DCC’s portfolio holder for Economic Recovery and Skills.  Cllr Gilbert has promised to let him know in advance the outcome of contract variation discussions which are currently taking place between Connecting Devon & Somerset and Airband.  A final decision on what Airband will deliver – and whether this includes Gittisham – is expected at the end of September.

Cllr Twiss left the meeting.

61/24   To receive a report on the EDDC Local Plan

Cllr Valentine provided a summary of the latest EDDC Local Plan Working Group meeting, which he attended on 9th August.  It was noted that the site identified as Gitt-5b is not now considered to be a proposed allocation.  However Cllr Valentine could not say there was any certainty about this in what will be presented as a final decision by EDDC.  The next stage is now consideration of the officer recommendations for each housing and employment allocation in the Honiton/Axminster regions, at a Strategic Planning Committee on 20th September (am). Cllr Valentine said depending on what officer recommendations are presented, it will be important to be present and provide comments on each allocation at this meeting.  How much will be taken of Cllr Valentine’s comments on 9th August is, at this point, unknown.

Members heard that EDDC is attempting to beat the clock in presenting their revised Local Plan before new housing targets come into force with the publication of an updated NPPF later this year. If they fail to achieve this, Cllr Valentine explained, the housing target will be increased by 28 per cent, placing more pressure on what is an already crumbling infrastructure.

ACTION: Clerk to confirm Cllr Valentine’s attendance with EDDC.

62/24   To consider use of Gittisham Village Hall for future parish council meetings

Members discussed whether the larger venue would be more appropriate, but it was decided to stay with the current location and day for now.  This will be kept under review, with the possibility of holding parish council meetings in the village hall when / if the subject warrants it.

ACTION: Cllr Walker to raise accessibility of the parish room at the next PCC meeting.

63/24   To consider the following planning applications:

  1. 23/1631/MFUL – Coastguard Road Ltd Devonshire Road Heathpark Industrial Estate Honiton EX14 1SD – Development of 17x commercial units
  2. 24/1504/FUL – 6 Honeysuckle Drive Honiton EX14 2YL – Proposed single storey rear extension

Councillors resolved to have no objection to either application. 

64/24     To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:

  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
    • Cllr Powell said his letter about the broadband situation in Gittisham village had been published in three newspapers.  He has also written to the relevant government minister.   He is trying to arrange a meeting with Keri Denton, Programme Director for Connecting Devon and Somerset and will invite her to a future parish council meeting.  Cllr Powell said he would also be approaching BT and Virgin.
  • To note the latest planning decision notices
    • 24/0988/FUL – Parkers East, Gittisham EX14 3AS.  Proposal to repair and preserve existing brick and timber greenhouse within the curtilage of a listed building.  Approval.
    • 24/1197/PIP – Land Adjacent To Hamlet House Nags Head Road Gittisham EX14 3PB. Permission in principle application for the conversion of an existing building into a single dwelling.  Refusal. 
  • To receive an update on Highways 

02 – 14 Sept 2000-0600 nightly. Works on A30 for repairs.

25 Sept – 01 Oct. Devonshire Road/Rowan Close. Minor works opposite old Jurassic Fibre warehouse for land clearance on north side.

Cllr Rowe added that the grass matting had been installed at the Old Elm Road site.

  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy & S106

The clerk said EDDC had confirmed that the second tranche of S106 funds from Hayne Farm had been received in February 2024, totalling £131,126.43.  Members agreed that discussions should take place at the forthcoming parish council meetings to decide what should be done with this money in a way that benefits Gittisham parishioners. 

ACTION: Clerk to contact EDDC to check criteria for spend. 

  • To receive an update on public transport

Cllr Orchard said he had written to Stagecoach and DCC mid-July with a list of late running or non-arrival 44 buses. Their Customer Services spoke to the depot, and during August there have been no reported problems.

Bus timetable through Gittisham changes 01 September.  New timetables have been posted, plus Cllr Orchard has added large print summary of departures to both notice boards.  Slight alterations, generally earlier, to eliminate buses meeting in the lanes.

Network Rail have had a couple of landslips near the Honiton tunnel, creating cancellations to services.

  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land in the parish

Cllr Rowe said that EDDC officers were working on a plan for the Old Elm Road rewilding site. 

  • To consider limited residential development in the parish

Cllr Valentine explained that English Heritage had submitted a report in the wake of the planning application.  GCLT is appointing a heritage consultant to advise on the issues and a meeting with English Heritage has been arranged for the beginning of October.        

  • To consider the creation of a footpath linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village

Cllr Powell said that it was possible that DCC’s Rights of Way department could draft an agreement between the parish council and any landowner, and could pay for establishment and maintenance of any potential footpaths.  He outlined some possible routes which did not involve passing over Combe Estate land. 

ACTION: Cllr Powell to contact Tom Green at DCC, as well as Combe Estate to outline DCC’s position. 

  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area

The Chair said the play area had been well used over the summer holidays, which was encouraging.  Cllrs Rowe and Powell had addressed most of the issues in the annual safety inspection report. 

Cllr Orchard said some trimming was needed of the inside hedge, and Cllr Rowe added that the hedge was getting high opposite Parkers.

ACTION: Cllr Rowe to order a sign which indicates it is the parish play area.  Chair and others to check situation with those whose properties are next to the play area.

  • To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain ditches and drains in the parish

Members agreed that lengthsman services were necessary in the parish, and discussed whether some of the work was the responsibility of the landowners and / or tenant farmers.  The clerk explained how two other neighbouring parish councils have contracted a lengthsman’s services and the level of remuneration.  She added that she had sent a thank you card to Len Abbott on behalf of the parish council.  Members resolved to approve attendance of the clerk and Chair at a DALC course on upcoming changes in the law regarding procurement at a cost of £36 each inc VAT.

65/24     To receive a report from the Chair

The Chair said there was nothing to report this month.

66/24     To approve the September payments and to note the current bank balance

Members resolved to approve the following payments:

F Clampin £254.34 clerk’s salary + £22.26 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham 7.5-mile round trip x 6 for agendas, minutes & June meeting @0.45p / mile)

Michael Poll, play area grass cutting £65 (inv. ref. 10349)

NEST (clerk’s pension) £26.78

The clerk said the second half of the annual precept had been received, as well as the S106 money for the outdoor ping pong table.  Members were informed that the current bank balance stands at £26,149.40 (which includes approximately £7,156.88 in the business reserve account).  They agreed that discussions on how to spend some of the reserves should feature in a forthcoming parish council meeting.

67/24 Clerk’s report

There was nothing to report.

68/24     For information only; items for the forward agenda

Future projects; funding of Gittisham village fete 2025; lengthsman.

69/24     To consider any late entry correspondence


70/24     Date of next two meetings  

Thursday 3rd October and Thursday 7th November 2024 at 7.30pm. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2130 hrs.


3rd October 2024

2024-08 Parish Council extraordinary meeting minutes 2 August 2024

Held in Gittisham Parish Room


Village ward: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr A Rowe (Vice Chair)

Vale ward: Cllr J Twist, Cllr Adam Powell,

In attendance: Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr D Valentine, Cllr M Walker, Cllr P Orchard, Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), PCSO Darren England

Before the start of the meeting, Nicole Stacey & Graham Hutton from Baker Estates outlined the scope of the additional development of 37 homes at Hayne Farm which has already received outline consent.  Three of these properties will be for ‘affordable’ purchase but not available for social rent. Mr Hutton said it was outside the scope of the plan, but it may be possible to install a surface rainwater pipe next to plot 34.  Members heard that the road layout has changed since the first iteration of the plan, as well as levels and drainage infrastructure.  Councillors discussed the possibility of a footpath through the site in line with the proposals already discussed with Combe Estate.

Nicole Stacey & Graham Hutton left the meeting.

1. To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

2.   To receive declarations of interest

Cllr Twist declared an interest in agenda item 3b (minute ref. 3b) as her home is adjacent to the proposed development.  Cllr Rowe declared an interest in agenda item 4 (minute ref. 4) as he is a member of the village fete committee.

3. To consider the following planning applications:

  1. 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston EX14 3PB – Prior approval (Class R) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use within Classes B8 (Storage and Distribution), and Class E (Commercial, business or service) use.

Councillors expressed their disappointment at the lack of timely information regarding a) as part of the track which serves the proposed development is in the parish.  (EDDC’s case officer has agreed that a formal consultation can be sent to Gittisham as an adjoining parish.)  In addition some parishioners have objected to the application.  The clerk agreed to ask EDDC’s advice on next steps, including whether the applicant could provide more information in person at a future parish council meeting.

Cllr Twist left the meeting.

b. 24/1420/MRES Land Off Hayne Lane Gittisham Honiton EX14 3PD – Reserved matters application in respect of matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 37 no. residential dwellings and associated garages, infrastructure and landscaping all in association with outline permission 22/1322/MOUT

Members resolved to have no objection to b), but they requested that the work be completed in one go to minimise disruption to existing residents.  They expressed concern over the removal of asbestos and urged that this work should be done in a way which complies with the highest standards of safety.  Members recommended a flat grassed area which can accommodate family-type activities such as table tennis, and they would like access to the western boundary to be maintained in managed land rather than private ownership. 

Cllr Twist returned to the meeting.

4.     To approve the following payments

Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10340)

Members resolved to make this payment.

Cllr Rowe left the meeting.

Gittisham Fete upfront costs (advertising, band, fencing, hall hire etc.) £500

Members resolved to make this payment, and requested a discussion over future funding sources for the fete.

Cllr Rowe returned to the meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 1855 hrs.


5th September 2024

2024-09 Parish Council agenda 5 September 2024


Ms Fiona Clampin

Clerk to the Council

29th August 2024

Members of Gittisham Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend the September Parish Council Meeting to be held in Gittisham Parish Room on Thursday 5th September 2024 commencing at 7.30pm to discuss items on the Agenda and to make resolutions as appropriate.

Prior to the start of the meeting a period of 15 minutes is allowed to permit any resident to bring appropriate matters to the notice of the Council.  Please contact the clerk if you would like to do this, preferably by email in advance of the meeting, with a question you wish to be raised with Councillors on your behalf. 

  1. To accept and approve apologies
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the meetings held on 11th July & 2nd August 2024
  3. To receive the Beat Manager’s report
  4. To receive declarations of interest
  5. To consider actions from last meeting not otherwise on the agenda
  6. To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives
  7. To receive a report on the Local Plan (Cllr Valentine)
  8. To consider use of Gittisham Village Hall for future parish council meetings
  9. To consider the following planning application:
    • 23/1631/MFUL – Coastguard Road Ltd Devonshire Road Heathpark Industrial Estate EX14 1SD – Development of 17x commercial units
    • 24/1504/FUL – 6 Honeysuckle Drive Honiton EX14 2YL – Proposed single storey rear extension
  10. To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:
  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
  • To note the latest planning decision notices (Cllr Orchard)
  • To receive an update on highways (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106, including the 2nd tranche of funds from Hayne Farm (Cllr Orchard & Cllr Twist & Cllr Hall)
  • To receive an update on public transport (Cllr Orchard)
  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land off Old Elm Road (Cllr Twist / Cllr Rowe)
  • To consider limited residential development in the parish (Cllr Valentine)
  • To consider the creation of a traffic-free amenity route linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village (Cllr Rowe / Cllr Powell)
  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area (Cllr Walker)
  • To consider the scope of future lengthsman work and remuneration (Cllr Walker)
  1. To receive a report from the Chair
  2. To approve the September payments and to note the current bank balance:

F Clampin £254.34 + £20.26 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham x6) 

Len Abbott lengthsman work, £tbc

Len Abbott expenses £tbc

Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10349)

NEST (clerk’s pension) £26.78

  1. Clerk’s report
  2. For information only; items for the forward agenda
  3. To consider any late entry correspondence
  4. To note the date of the next two meetings, Thursday 3rd October and Thursday 7th November 2024 at 7.30pm. 

F J Clampin – Clerk

2024-08 Extra Ordinary meeting agenda


Ms Fiona Clampin
Clerk to the Council

29th July 2024

Members of Gittisham Parish Council

Dear Councillors

An Extra Ordinary Meeting of Gittisham Parish Council to which you are summoned, will be held on Friday 2nd August at 1800 in Gittisham Parish Room to consider the matters detailed on the Agenda below and make resolutions as appropriate.

Yours faithfully

Carol Hall, Chair, Gittisham Parish Council

Prior to the start of the meeting a period of 15 minutes is allowed to permit any resident to bring appropriate matters to the notice of the Council.  Please contact the clerk if you would like to do this, preferably by email in advance of the meeting. 


  1. To receive and approve apologies
  2. To receive declarations of interest
  3. To consider the following planning applications:
  • 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston EX14 3PB – Prior approval (Class R) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use within Classes B8 (Storage and Distribution), and Class E (Commercial, business or service) use.
  • 24/1420/MRES Land Off Hayne Lane Gittisham Honiton EX14 3PD – Reserved matters application in respect of matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 37 no. residential dwellings and associated garages, infrastructure and landscaping all in association with outline permission 22/1322/MOUT

4. To approve the following payments and to note the current bank balance:

Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10340)

Gittisham Fete upfront costs (advertising, band, fencing, hall hire etc.) £500

F J Clampin

2024-07 Parish Council meeting minutes 11th July 2024

Held in Gittisham Parish Room


Village ward: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr D Valentine, Cllr M Walker, Cllr A Rowe (Vice Chair)

Vale ward: Cllr J Twist, Cllr Adam Powell, Cllr P Orchard

In attendance: Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), two members of the public, Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), PCSO Darren England

Before the start of the meeting, one member of the public spoke regarding planning application 24/1197/PIP – Land Adjacent To Hamlet House, Nags Head Road, Gittisham.  He said that it concerns a small barn measuring 7 x 4 metres, where he would like to live.  He has owned it since 1992 and uses it currently as a building store.  He outlined its planning history.    

David Valentine spoke as a member of the public and chair of Gittisham CLT.  Members discussed the proposals for renewable energy within the CLT development, and Mr Valentine explained that certain renewable energy installations outweighed the ongoing costs that would be borne ultimately by residents in the affordable properties.  The CLT properties will be provided with air source heat pumps, but the Combe Estate properties will not be heated in the same way.

41/24 To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

42/24        To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2024

The minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.  

43/24        To receive the Beat Manager’s Report

April 2024:

Hamlett Close – 1 anti-social behaviour; 1 x violence & sexual offences. 

Nether Close – 1 x violence & sexual offences; 1 x public order

Hedge Field Close – 3 x public order; 2 anti-social behaviour

Cypress Close – 1 x violence & sexual offences

Rowan Close – 1 x violence & sexual offences

Beech Walk – 1 x violence & sexual offences

Parsonage Lane – 1 x violence & sexual offences.  

44/24        To receive declarations of interest

Cllrs Hall, Valentine & Walker declared an interest in agenda item 7a (minute ref. 47/24) as they are shareholders of Gittisham Community Land Trust.

45/24        To consider actions from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda

Mark Sexton from Baker Estates has compiled an audit list of action points, following the walkabout with parish councillors and some Hayne Farm residents on 2nd July.  This includes points such as lampposts not working, removal of weeds, filling in fences, trimming hedges and planting trees. 

ACTION: Cllr Twist to write to Baker Estates

46/24 To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives

In his absence, Cllr Twiss sent the following report: “Now that the General Election is done and dusted Devon County Council emerges from the pre-election period, or purdah, and returns to what passes for normal and

‘business as usual’, where the council will continue to lobby for a fairer funding settlement from central government to protect and improve the services provided to the people of Devon.  Like all of us I am hoping for some decent weather in the coming weeks so we can enjoy the summer holidays with a much reduced bombardment of information from ‘politicos’ of all flavours!

DCC Highways

“Maintaining and improving the highway network across Devon remains a high priority for DCC, where better weather following a frustrating and prolonged winter period is helping staff to get to grips with the backlog of road surface defects, including potholes.  An additional £12m has been transferred in the 2024/25 budget and is being allocated to:

  • Serviceability repairs and patching across the network (isolated and larger areas of potholes)
  • Drainage cleaning and repairs (prevention reduces the need for repair)
  • White lining

Both the serviceability repairs and patching along with the drainage improvements will be prioritised using highways intelligence data, together with input from local members like me, town and parish councils.

White lining will focus on remarking mini-roundabouts and zebra crossings across the whole of the county.

Specifically for Honiton and Gittisham a non-safety defect patching order for the patch at the entrance to Pine Park Road has just been committed to the reactive works team work schedule, along with patches at each of the following locations in Honiton: Rosewell Close, A375 Exeter Road, A375 High Street, Streamers Meadows, Jerrard Close, Old Elm Road,  Hutgate Road.

Patching in Millers Way is already in this year’s capital programme with a start date of 14th August. Other sites in Honiton which I have dates for are resurfacing of Charles Road programmed for 12th August and completion of patching areas missed in previous years in Stoney Lane programmed for 23rd July.

How would you prepare for an emergency?

A newly launched https://prepare.campaign.gov.uk/   is encouraging people to think about what they would do if they and those around them were exposed to risks ranging from floods to fires to power cuts.  The website provides simple and effective steps people can take to be more prepared. Taking action in advance will make it easier to manage an emergency if it does happen and only takes a couple of minutes to register.

Five simple things you can do now:

  1. Find out if you are eligible to sign up to your gas, electricity and water supplier’s www.thepsr.co.uk/ so companies know that you need additional support.
  2. Set a reminder in your phone or make a note on your calendar to check your smoke alarm once a month.
  3. Write down important phone numbers on paper such as the number to report a power cut (105) and the numbers of anyone you might want to contact in an emergency.
  4. Talk to your children about how and when to call 999 and what they should do if there’s an emergency, such as a fire at home.

Alcohol awareness week

Devon County Council offers advice, help on a variety of public health issues, and while little after the event, alcohol awareness week messages are nonetheless relevant as we approach a sociable time of year, for a variety of reasons, ranging from BBQ to football to Wimbledon etc. This is a chance to get thinking about your drinking, better understand alcohol myths, and make positive changes for your health.

By taking control of your drinking, you can:

  • Save money
  • Gain back more time
  • Improve your health
  • Have more energy
  • Sleep better
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve mood
  • Have better relationships

Find inspiration and top tips for cutting down your drinking from Alcohol Change UK at https://alcoholchange.org.uk/help-and-support/managing-your-drinking/tips-for-cutting-down

Each year, thousands of people experience long-term health problems because of the alcohol they drink.

This is preventable – by opening up conversations about alcohol harm, we are helping to reduce it.”

Cllr Bruce said by now the dust should have settled on the General Election and a new government will be taking shape. Whatever party holds power, he suspected there will be a few changes we will see affecting us.

As a result of the above, little action has taken place around EDDC other than planning. On which note he said he must draw attention to what he believes is a major error in the presentation of the Combe Farm shop application. Frankly he was shocked to sit and hear an officer effectively put points forward in favour of an application almost acting like an agent. He had to force the point that the application was a stand alone and any comparison with an existing business had no place in a report or presentation. This was eventually confirmed, but by then the damage was done. Had he been chair he would have instructed the committee to disregard all they had read and heard. He is still pursuing this with the chair and senior planning officers, as he is fearful that this may well set a precedent for future decisions.  Cllr Bruce added that he would be speaking to EDDC’s scrutiny committee to discuss the way in which the Combe Farm shop planning application had been decided. 

Cllr Bruce reported that potholes remain a plague on our roads with a recent farcical situation where a patch was repaired a foot away from a substantial collapse which left untouched. The result was drivers still swerving into the oncoming traffic rendering the new repair pointless and a waste of time and our money. The situation has today been rectified, but only after some rather blunt emails. It’s clear to him that the criteria for repair is not fit for purpose, and not working for the people it’s meant to keep safe. So come on DCC, scrape it and come up with a new more common sense driven policy.  Cllr Bruce has said many times, it’s not more money that’s always needed, it’s how wisely you spend it!

He concluded by saying how much he welcomed the supreme court’s ruling regarding sewerage in our waters, with the potential now for councils and individuals to take water utilities to court over the quality of our water ways. This may just be the turning point we have been desperate for.

Cllr Rowe asked if there was any update regarding repairs to the bridge railings at Riverside.  The clerk said she had sent several emails to the team at EDDC, and she agreed to forward these to Cllr Bruce.

Cllrs Bruce, Hall, Valentine & Walker left the meeting.  Cllr Rowe took the Chair.

47/24   To consider the following planning applications:

  1. 24/0514/FUL – Land adjacent to Town House, Gittisham EX14 3AJ – Demolition of existing agricultural buildings. Proposed housing scheme for 6no. CLT owned affordable homes for rent, and 3no. Estate-owned open market houses

Cllrs Hall, Valentine & Walker returned to the meeting & Cllr Hall took the Chair.

b. 24/1197/PIP – Land Adjacent To Hamlet House, Nags Head Road, Gittisham – Permission in principle application for the conversion of an existing building into a single dwelling

Councillors resolved to have no objection to either application.  Members welcomed the consideration of the environmental impact of the development and suggested further research into the best long-term options for renewable energy.  Regarding b), councillors noted that the land is in a flood risk zone.

One member of the public left the meeting.

48/24     To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:

  • To consider the provision of superfast broadband in the parish (Cllr Powell)
    • Cllr Powell said he was waiting to hear whether the letter he had circulated outlining the broadband situation in Gittisham village was factually correct.
  • To note the latest planning decision notices
    • 22/2723/FUL – Combe Garden Centre, Hayne Lane, Gittisham.  New farm shop and associated landscaping works adjacent to the site of the existing Combe Garden Centre. Approval with conditions.
    • 23/1199/MFUL – Land At Weston Park, Devonshire Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton – Construction of new industrial units (Use Class B2).  Approval with conditions.
    • ACTION: Clerk to contact EDDC’s planning enforcement officer regarding Roebuck Farm.
  • To receive an update on Highways 

There are no planned works to report.  Members heard that Cllr Orchard would be attending a series of webinars organised by DCC Highways and DALC on 18th October and 5th December 2024.  These are designed to foster stronger relationships between local councils and the highways team.

  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy & S106

The clerk said she had invoiced EDDC for the outdoor ping pong table.  News about the facility will be published in EDDC’s residents’ newsletter. 

  • To receive an update on public transport

Cllr Powell reported remarks on the Hayne Farm Facebook page regarding difficulties taking children to school.  Cllr Orchard said there were long-term plans for a bus service serving Hayne Farm, but these would not be realised until the highways are adopted.

  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land in the parish

Cllr Rowe agreed to draft a note for residents explaining the rewilding taking place along Old Elm Road. 

  • To consider limited residential development in the parish

There was no progress to report.            

  • To consider the creation of a footpath linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village

There was no progress to report.  Cllr Powell said it might be worth gathering some witness statements in support, as this had been expressed at the site walkabout on 2nd July.  He agreed to liaise with Cllr Rowe about adding some questions to the fete flyer.

  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area

Cllr Walker said the wild area was flourishing, and encouraged all to use the village play area particularly over the summer.  She and Cllr Rowe will investigate access to the wild area from the top road in relation to the annual safety inspection report.  Members agreed to keep this item focused on the village play area for now.

  • To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain ditches and drains in the parish

The Chair said that Len Abbott had resigned as lengthsman.  Councillors thanked him for his outstanding service and dedication to the parish.  The scope of lengthsman work will be discussed at the September parish council meeting.

ACTION: Clerk to seek advice from DALC and other councils over the pay levels of lengthsman work.

ACTION: Clerk to write to Len Abbott.

49/24     To receive a report from the Chair

The Chair reported that the parish is now left without a lengthsman. She said this work is essential – the drainage and highway visibility verge strimming – but the parish council can also take this opportunity to review the specification and scope to incorporate biodiversity legislation and climate adaptation best practice.  She said she was pleased that Richard Foord would continue as constituency MP following the general election, and said the parish council would keep in touch with him about the ongoing broadband problems (the “Gittisham-sized hole”).

50/24     To approve the July payments and to note the current bank balance

Members resolved to approve the following payments:

F Clampin £254.34 clerk’s salary + £10.13 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham 7.5-mile round trip x 3 for agendas, minutes & June meeting @0.45p / mile)

F Clampin £254.34 (August salary)

Len Abbott 14hrs lengthsman work (June 2024), £210.25

Len Abbott expenses (strimmer) £8.73

Michael Poll, play area grass cutting £65 (inv. ref. 10326)

Michael Poll, play area grass cutting £65 (inv. ref. 10333)

Green Tech, rewilding materials for Old Elm Road £585

Websites Ahoy, website maintenance £239.17

NEST (clerk’s pension) £26.78

NEST (clerk’s pension, August) £26.78

Members were informed that the current bank balance stands at £18,934.24 (which includes approximately £7,156.88 in the business reserve account). 

51/24 Clerk’s report

There was nothing to report.

52/24     For information only; items for the forward agenda

Use of village hall for PC meetings; to receive a report on the Local Plan from Cllr Valentine.

53/24     To consider any late entry correspondence

Cllr Rowe reported that two bypassed culverts and the main channel under the bridge in the centre of the village are looking blocked with compacted gravel, weeds etc.  This could potentially result in stagnant water.

ACTION: Clerk to report to Tom Buxton-Smith at the EA.

Cllr Rowe said he would be attending the next meeting of Buckerell Parish Council to discuss intra-council working.

Cllr Valentine reported that he will attend a virtual meeting on 9th August on behalf of the parish council.  The meeting has been arranged by EDDC to discuss site allocations for the new Local Plan.  EDDC has invited one representative from each parish.  Cllr Valentine will make representations directly to the working group, although the working group will not be the one deciding the allocations. 

54/24     Date of next two meetings  

Thursday 5th September and Thursday 3rd October 2024 at 7.30pm. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2115 hrs.


5th September 2024