A monthly Community Newsletter
      Published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

June 2023                                       Edition 255



About 18 months ago the Parish Council approached East Devon District Council with a view to rewilding some of the parish open spaces.
The result of this is that the area on the corner of Hayne Lane and Old Elm Road was proposed as an area of wildflower, and work started recently, beginning with scarifying the planting area. 
Seeds will be sown, and for a few weeks the area will look bare. Once past this initial period there will be a sea of colour year after year. 


Looking for somewhere to go where you can get close to nature and relax for the day? Then look no further than Goren Farm, a rural idyll nestled in the foothills of the Blackdown Hills. They give you a map and point you in the right direction to start your stunning nature trail walk amongst 70 acres of wild flowesrs teeming with butterflies and birds. They also have a Woodland Adventure trail.  Just follow the mown paths. Dogs welcome (on a lead!).
Back on the farm, there’s a trampoline, hammock and monkey bars to keep children entertained whilst you sample the cider in our working cider museum.
There’s a walled vegetable garden for you to wander around and a café selling delicious homemade Devon cream teas and cakes and a selection of teas or enjoy a pint of cider! and ice creams
Open from 11am Wednesday to Sunday. £7 entrance for meadows for adults and £3 for children,
Goren Farm Ex14 9EN


 At Pierre’s monthly pop-up café on Sunday 11th June in Gittisham Village Hall, he will be serving roast glazed pork, accompanied by a vegetable gratin.  Vegans and vegetarians will also be catered for, with homemade burgers wrapped in cabbage leaves.  There’ll be a selection of tempting cakes and desserts, as well as freshly made croissants and pains au chocolat.  Come and try our homemade elderflower cordial for a refreshing drink, and let’s hope the weather stays sunny so people can sit outside.  To book lunch, please call Pierre on 07545 214940 or email  Doors open at 10am.
Richard and Nellie Marker opened their Garden at Beech Walk over the weekend 19/20/21 May in aid of various charities including Hospisecare and the NGS.  There was a lovely cream tea with cake and the sunshine made it a perfect day.  I understand they raised over £4,000.00.  Congratulations to all concerned.


Events are run by the Village Hall Committee throughout the year and aim to make a bit of a profit to keep the hall running and of course to provide fun and socialising for us all. The Hall is also available to hire privately and details of this are on the gittisham.org.uk or contact Carol Hall  on 07854 492347 to make a booking.  Sunday 18th June, Father’s Day Bar-b-q

Please keep a look out for the next meeting – to be announced via the village WhatsApp – and come along to give ideas and help out.  The more, the merrier, it would be nice to get back to one of our traditional fetes, please put the date in your diary.  Regards  Hamish

“This year’s fete is being held on Saturday 2nd September 2pm till 5pm and will hopefully be a good afternoon out for people who come along as well as raising money for our St Michael’s Church.  Since February a small working group has been putting together a plan for the afternoon and as it stands the main attractions are  Honiton town band kicking off the event at 2 o’clock from then on there will be stalls around the village, classic vehicles around the church green with a flower festival happening within the church, at 3pm we will be holding a “very” competitive dog show so get training! Then at 4pm-ish the infamous duck race will take place!  Hopefully that give you a rough idea of what to expect and I’m trying to add in a few more exiting bits so keep an eye out for that – www.gittisham.org.uk/fete  If anyone who is able to volunteer with the   •Setup     •Sign painting and leaflets    •Duck Race     •Admisions and Carparking,   •Manning a stall (Tombola, ice cream, plant stall & cake stall),   •Cake baking,   •Refreshments,   •Packing away etc.    Please get in touch    Thank you for your support hopefully it will all fall together.
Alex Rowe

“The Devon Air Ambulance needs a community of volunteers to keep our 19 charity shops open and our emergency helicopters flying. Could you spare an hour or two to help your local shop? We have a host of tasks which need to be completed to make our shops a success. You do not have to have any previous retail experience as we offer friendly support, training and encouragement. So why not give volunteering a go and arrange a trial session at one of our shops. We also have other volunteering opportunities, from event support, delivering community talks, box collections through to one off projects and supporting our Head Office operation. If you would like to support a much loved local charity,  help to save lives and meet new people, we would love to hear from you! To find out where your nearest shop is and how you can help, please contact our Volunteer Engagement Officer, Charlotte Fleetwood on 01392 466 666 or email 


Last month we heard about the Tom Putt apple trees that have been planted in the churchyard. Here’s a bit more info about this very special apple variety:   By Carol Hall.

       “Tom Putt” is a traditional variety of dual purpose apple, often used as a cider apple, originating in Devon. The apple Tom Putt was supposed to have been named for an 18th-century landowner, Thomas Putt of Combe   (Combe House, Gittisham), who died in 1787 and was nicknamed “Black Tom”. Putt, a barrister, is reputed to have perfected the variety and is also said to have won prizes for his fruit trees at agricultural fairs in Honiton.

It would be lovely if I could have some volunteers to help with our get togethers each month, (3rd Saturday) if you could offer help please contact me Carol 851113 thanks.  June 17th, Margaret and Michael Hawkins have kindly invited us to their home 21 Cypress Close, Gittisham Vale, EX14 2YW  for our coffee get together from 10.30 – 12.00. Parking slightly limited.  July’s will be back in the parish room on Saturday 16th 10.30 – 12.00
______________________________________________________________________________ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH AND THE HONITON MISSION COMMUNITY (M.C.)
Thank you to all who undertake sides-peoples duties, I am not sure how long it is going to take for me to get fully up and running again or when I will be driving again. Forthcoming services for  June, 4th none 11th Eucharist, 18th none, 25th lay led morning worship. Julia organised a lay led post Coronation service on the 7th May at which 14 adults and 3 children attended, the hymns were very appropriate for the happy occasion.  

18th June, Father’s Day bar-b-q 12.30 at the village hall £6.50 adult, £4.00 secondary age child and free for primary age child. Vegetarian available, bring own drinks.  Booking or information
St. Paul’s Honiton
Weekly services still continue to be at 11.00am The website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about  services, there is also a link to the Gittisham website.  The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around the Parishes is available by email or post from the Parish Office see below for details.  As our MC churches are now having their own services, Sunday Morning Eucharistic Worship at 11.00am, in St. Paul’s is also being live streamed. If you would like to join this service do please contact the Parish Office and the link will be forwarded, or ring, 01404 44035  messages will be replied to when someone is available, Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 12.30.  Coffee and biscuits are served in the church on Tuesdays and Saturdays 10.00 – 12.00 and after Sunday services, donations are welcomed.  Details of the other M.C. church services can be found in the Around the Parishes under each church and the service details including Readings and Collects for the month and will certainly be helpful if you join the live streamed Sunday service.
St. Nicholas, Combe Raleigh
Has a new church project which was launched over the Coronation weekend. They intend to install a stained-glass window in the church as a memorial to her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.   Pledge forms are available for anyone who would like to contribute and as a huge incentive, all individual pledges are being matched by an anonymous donor. If you’d like further details please phone 47156 or 43166
Awliscombe & Weston Fete is booked for Saturday 17th June at 1.00pm. at the Otter Inn with stalls, games, teas etc.

1st   Olive Collis                     2nd  Sarah Agg-Manning                3rd   Karen Loveland
4th   Richard Marker              5th   Sara Trumper

I am no longer running the 200 club, Julia Barratt has decided that Janet Twist and Angie Hutchings are to take it over.  If you would like to join the 200 club which is one way of funding the upkeep so necessary with this old church which takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the spiralling costs for energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature, please ring Angie Hutchings on 07774 146209 or Janet Twist 01404 45484 they can send or email the application form. The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes £40.00, £20.00, £15.00, £10.00 and £5.00.  Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September).  Payment can be made by cheque, cash or preferably Standing Order, there is a form for your bank.  They can email both the application and Standing order forms if required or print them off for you, please let them know

DID YOU V0TE IN THE LOCAL ELECTIONS?    the Conservatives won by only 7 votes, the smallest margin for a very long time.  I hope you remembered your id, the first time this has been required and the two tellers were new to the village.


Six councillors met for the June meeting. Two members of the public were also present.


Faye Cross, Community Liaison Officer for broadband provider Airband, explained that

the company is joining forces with Connecting Devon and Somerset to bring superfast

broadband to previously excluded communities. The company plans to install new

infrastructure, which would likely include poles. The aim is to complete this work in

Gittisham by the end of 2024. Members welcomed the proposals, but felt the timescale

might be too ambitious based on previous experience, combined with the challenges

presented by the village setting, AONB, listed buildings and land owner negotiations.

Finance. Members agreed the finances, as well as the annual accounts and

governance statement for 2022/23.

Crimes. March 2023: no reported crimes.

Church Mead bridge.

Maggie Walker explained that following a visit by EDDC staff and contractors, work will

begin to install a pedestrian footbridge with disabled access, and the existing bridge will

be dismantled while repairs take place. Residents and visitors will have to park

elsewhere during this period, which is expected to last approximately one month.

Planning applications.

a) 23/1056/FUL Unit B Weston Park Devonshire Road Heathpark Industrial Estate –

installation of vents and flues on north, west and east elevations, removal of window on

north elevation

b) 23/1009/FUL Landscores Cottage EX14 3AU Single storey extension to dwelling

and general purpose agricultural barn

c) c) 23/0110/LBC Charlies Cottage 1 Beaumont Cottages EX14 3AG – Replace all

windows to match existing with slim line double glazing; gas central heating; Install

underfloor heating system to the entire ground floor; Block up doorway on north

elevation; New window on north elevation to kitchen.; New internal doorway between

dining room and created bedroom/office.; New window on east elevation to create

bedroom/office; new conservation roof window to the new bedroom/office on east

elevation; Open up the fireplace for an investigation, reinstate fireplace. Radiators at first


Councillors resolved to have no objections to the three applications, and particularly

welcomed the proposals in c) to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Combe Farm Shop licensing application.

Councillors expressed serious reservations about the application to sell alcohol seven

days a week, including evenings. They considered it an inappropriate location for

reasons including access, lack of lighting, impact on adjoining residential properties,

crime and disorder, and an increase in traffic and pedestrian movements (especially in

the vicinity of Hayne Lane).


Janet Twist reported that there are cold callers going round park homes in East Devon,

to ask if people are interested in purchasing insulation. There has also been a rise in the

online impersonation of brands. The advice is to type the address of a website you wish

to use, rather than choose from a search engine.

Old Elm Road.

Councillors welcomed the news that wildflower seeds have been sown at the bottom of

Old Elm Road, with further plans to start tree planting along the strip of land that backs

onto Ferndale Close later this year. EDDC has leafleted neighbouring properties to

inform them.

Next meeting. Thursday 6 th July at 7.30pm in the parish room.  

Rev’d Sue Roberts

Bishop Jackie has kindly encouraged Rev’d Sue to take a somewhat overdue sabbatical this year. she was all set to take it in 2020, but Covid-19 put a stop to that. “I was reluctant to take it so soon after being off last year,
but have been assured that it is absolutely in order.”  To help in the Mission Community while she is away, from 1 Sept—30 Nov, Rev’d Tracey Voisey from the Assistant Curate in the Benefice of Axminster, will be joining the Honiton Mission Community.  Tracey will be the Acting Team Vicar while The Revd Prebendary Sue Roberts is away. 

I am hopefully finished with hospital stays but would appreciate offers of help to deliver round the village and to the few homes in Cypress Close, Ferndale and Laburnum plus the Gittisham Vale bus shelter as am currently not allowed to drive, as my vertebrae keeps breaking, fingers crossed I shall be able to use my car soon.  I would like to thank everyone who has taken me to appointments or to the shops, and with my walking not too good either, I hope to be able to finish using the wheelie walker soon.

If you wish to receive the Gazette by email or by post do contact me 851113, 30ish  copies are usually put in the Vale bus shelter The Gazette can also be found on the Gittisham Website https://gittisham.org  I apologise to those who do not get the Gazette and do my best to print as many as I can on my own printer but as I can’t go upstairs yet I have to rely on someone bringing the printing down.                                                          

                                                    EDITOR / DISTRIBUTOR:
Carol McCann  01404 851113/07946409142     . if you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate,  do please email it to Carol as early as possible, copy date for the July edition is 27th June the Gazette will hopefully be ready by the 8th July.