Gittisham Gazette October 2024




A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On?

at the village hall in October


Bee Talk

Friday 11th Oct

Harvest Supper

Saturday 12th October 7 pm Tickets: 3 children for primary age; 6.50 for an adult or secondary school age.

Community Kitchen

Every Thurs, village hall 6.30 pm.

Fit for Life class

with Marjorie every Tuesday at 10 am

Pierre’s Cafe

Sunday 13th October

Coffee & Cake 4 A Cooker

2.30-4.30 Sat 26th Oct


November events at the village hall


Bangers and Sparklers

Sunday 3rd Nov 5-7 pm


Broadband in the village

Public information event run by the parish council with broadband providers Thursday 7th Nov 7.30 pm


Pierre’s Cafe

Sunday 10th November


Christmas Bingo

Sat November 30th 7pm


Christmas Bingo

Saturday 30th November


One free raffle ticket if you wear something Christmassy


Some great prizes coming forward for the bingo night, so far from Drakes Plumbing, Honiton Golf Cub, The Pig, EV Hair, and Hare & Hounds.

Contact Stella 07813 802292









Memories Paul Wakely The Combe Ice House (Beech Walk Gardens)


ICE House photo
I first came across the ice house in the seventies, when I was asked to go and clear some camellias which had fallen across the track. This was before Richard and Nelly moved over from Canada, the house was empty, so I had a look around the garden which I hadn’t seen for a few years. I saw what I at first thought was an upturned tree stump, but it looked too regular, so I went over to it and saw an entrance, looked in, there wasn’t any barrier, and saw what I thought was a dry well ( I did feel a bit queasy). When I got back to the village I was told that it was the Combe ice house that had been filled in during the war (there are some stones in the bottom of it). 


The ice house is approximately 10ft in diameter and 23ft deep, it may be deeper depending on how much stone had been thrown in. It is brick lined with a brick dome. The ice to fill it would have been cut from the larger of the ponds in Combe drive. The ice house would have been quite an investment just to supply ices and ice cream for the summer,


A number of ice houses were built during the Georgian period, not that many remain. The photos show the entrance and interior of the ice house, which can be visited on charity garden open days.

Thank you to Richard and Nelly for allowing me access, and to Phillip for the interior shot.

Bee talk poster


Coffee and Cake poster

Bingo Poster







Pick your own pumpkins is returning to Gittisham farm this October!

🗓️When? 12-13th, 19th-20th, 26th-31st of October. From 10am-4pm

📍Where? Gittisham Farm, Honiton, EX14 3AX.

Like last year, entry is free, with no need to book. There will be 25 pumpkin variety s, plenty of refreshments, and farm animals to see! Just arrive and pay for what you pick.



St Michael s Church Julia Barratt Lay Minister with responsibility for St Michael s, Gittisham


What s On: Sunday October 13th Harvest Festival Eucharist 11am

Sunday October 27th 11am Morning Worship


Michaelmas, the Feast of St Michael and All Angels falls on September 29 th . It is one of the four quarter days, along with Lady Day, Midsummer s Day and Christmas Day, each linked to the summer and winter solstice and the mid points in-between. There used to be a tradition of roasting and eating a goose on Michaelmas day and as a child I remember going to the Goose Fair in Tavistock which is still held every year. Michaelmas marks the beginning of autumn when the days draw in and the nights lengthens, when summer has come to an end, the harvest gathered in and winter lies before us. And when naturally we look for the consolation of warmth and light traditionally associated with angels.


Angels wing their way in and out of our lives. We speak of angels in relation to acts of hospitality and generosity. We also speak of guardian angels especially of

children. In some of our towns and cities there are teams of street pastors,

sometimes called street angels , who offer help to homeless people and those in

need on our streets at night. Acts of kindness and generosity, messengers of hope in challenging times are angelic traits. I m sure many of us can tell stories of

encounters with angels in disguise whom when we look back, we realise were there for us just when we most needed them. And at the lowest points in our lives when we feel overwhelmed by loss and a sense of helplessness is when we are most open and receptive to being visited by angels breaking through our ordinary perceptions of reality. We are fortunate here in Gittisham to have such a powerful protector as the Archangel Michael as our Patron Saint. In these troubled times when our world is threatened by the powers of greed and destruction, the story of Michael doing battle with Satan reminds us that we need the strength and courage of all Angels and Archangels to come to our aid in our own day and restore in us a sense of praise and thanksgiving.


And so were delighted this year to welcome the Honiton Team Choir to help celebrate our Patronal Festival with Choral Evensong; one of the great musical jewels in the Church s treasure box. To be followed shortly by Harvest Supper in the Village Hall on Saturday Octpber 12 th at 7pm with the proceeds being donated by the Church to the Community Kitchen. And on Sunday 13 th October, our Harvest Festival Service at 11am when we give thanks for the fruitfulness of the earth, our farming communities, all who sow and gather our crops and care for the land and work in our food, transport and retail industries, that we may have enough to eat and share with those in need.


200 Club The September draw results:

E Read 1st prize 75, S Trumper 2nd prize 50, P Madden 3rd prize 25

Beehive What's on




Three councillors met for the October meeting along with Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), PhilTwiss (DCC) and one member of the public.


Pension Credit. Phil Twiss encouraged pensioners to check if they qualify for pension credit, and if so, to

apply for it by 21 st December in order to receive the winter fuel payment. If you get pension credit, you can also get other help potentially including contributions towards NHS dental treatment, a council tax discount, help with your heating costs through the Warm Home Discount Scheme, and a free TV licence if you re aged 75 years and over. Pension credit tops up your weekly income to 218.15 if you are single, or your joint weekly income to 332.95 if you have a partner. You could get additional benefits depending on your circumstances. You can apply for pension credit up to four months before you reach State Pension age. You can apply any time after you reach State Pension age, but your application can only be backdated by three months. Currently only 63 per cent of people who are eligible nationwide for pension credit are receiving it. That s nearly four in every 10 pensioners who, although they are entitled to pension credit because of their low income, are not claiming it. To find out if you are eligible for pension credit, visit


Finance. Councillors agreed the finances.

Crimes. July 2024: Nether Close – 1 anti-social behaviour, 1 x criminal damage & arson, Putts Corner – 1 x other theft, Beech Walk 1 x public order, Nags Head Road – 1 x violence & sexual offences


Planning applications. a) 24/1683/FUL – Combe Garden Centre Hayne Lane Gittisham Proposed extension to existing building to form dry store area to kitchen and new toilets with new orangery to caf . Councillors had no objections to the application.


EDDC Local Plan. David Valentine said he d attended the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on 20th September, where he had addressed those present on potential site allocations in the Honiton and Axminster areas (including Gittisham). He reported much confusion and last minute alterations. Decisions for land near Gittisham were deferred to a later date, but the committee agreed to consider the entirety of the land earmarked between Hayne Lane and Sidmouth Road at the next stage. Alasdair Bruce added that the Local Plan process is not helped by the selection system EDDC has adopted. For example, when site selections are being made, the committee has two choices. Either they adopt a site or move on, but not to refuse one. This leaves the process open ended, allowing the committee to return and review sites if they end up with a shortfall in potential housing

numbers. The result, he argued, is no certainty to communities as to what may happen in the future and is fundamentally unacceptable. This method completely moves away from community-driven development where local needs are paramount.


Road closures.

22-24 Oct. A30 Daisymount to Langford Honiton. Overnight closure for roadworks.

07-17 Oct. A35 Honiton to Axminster. Overnight closure for carriageway works.


Public transport.

09-22 Nov. Railway line closure Honiton to Axminster for engineering works. A bus replacement service will run instead.


Next meeting. Thursday 7 th November at 7.30pm in the village hall.


Parish Council links Who s who

Emergency Plan

Parish Council Clerk Email:  Tel: 01404 851442






Gittisham Gazette September 2024




A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What s On?

at the village hall

Coffee & Cake 4 A Cooker

2-4pm Saturday 28th Sept

Harvest Supper

Saturday 12th October 7pm Tickets: £3 children for primary age; £6.50 for an adult or secondary school age.

Community Kitchen

Every Thurs, village hall 6.30pm. All welcome to enjoy a free meal and good company


Pierre’s Cafe

Sunday 13th October




200 Club

The August draw results


Mrs S Fallows 1st prize 75

Mrs A Acland 2nd prize 50

Ava Marker Morgan 3rd prize 25


Congratulations to Ed Fuller on an outstanding performance at the Paralympics Paris 2024. Gold in the PR3 Mixed Coxed Fours. (Ed is 2nd from the right)


Gittisham Fete in Photos 2024 – Alex Rowe, Photos by Mark Hemsley & Robert Rowe

Thank you to all the volunteers and supporters for this year’s fete we are still finalising the figures but it’s looking like we raised around £3000! This will be split between the Hall and the Church.

The weather was on our side again for another packed afternoon, the Village was buzzing with visitors enjoying all we had to offer once the fete was opened by Caroline Kolek Honiton’s town Crier!

The Honiton Town Band gave us a music medley, whilst Mikey and Co. took visitors around the village on a cart behind Whiskey. Then at 3pm came the dog Show which was organised by Will W sponsored by Vale Vets. The much enjoyed & anticipated duck race was sponsored by Heltor Fuels

More photos & videos on the website

We will be having a consolidation meeting on Moday 23rd September at 6pm in the hall to discuss areas we can improve for next years fete (August 30th 2025).


Memories Paul Wakely


One of my earliest memories is going to the flower show at Pomeroy. The marquee was set up on the lawn, now a field, which has its entrance to the right of the main gate.

     For a time I thought the river had been diverted to run close to Pomeroy gardens to form a leat for Gittisham mill, which was situated on the river, but in the 70’s colonel Starr ( who used to live in Coign cottage) lent me the tythe map of the village. He had borrowed it from the records office on parish business. This shows the mill was further downstream, so the leat theory didn’t work. Then I realised when the village mains sewage was put in the treatment plant had to go in the old river bed. To take the river back to the original bed, a brick pipe of about four feet in diameter was built, this also allowed trout and other fish to reach the village. The pipe was finally washed away in one of the floods.


Six councillors met for the September meeting along with Phil Twiss (DCC) and two members of the public.

Broadband. Phil Twiss reported that discussions are taking place between Connecting Devon and Somerset and Airband as to what the company will be able to deliver before its contract ends. A decision is expected at the end of the month. Adam Powell said three newspapers had published his letter outlining the broadband situation in Gittisham.

Outdoor September. Phil Twiss said that this month Devon County Council is running a campaign encouraging people to embrace the great outdoors and consider ditching the car and, where possible, use an alternative form of transport. It’s all part of Outdoor September, a Devon-wide month-long campaign being promoted by Active Devon. Being active, particularly outdoors, benefits your health and wellbeing and during the course of the month Active Devon and their partners from the Devon Local Nature Partnership, Devon Climate Emergency, Devon County Council’s Public Health team and Travel Devon, will be sharing details of events, ideas and tips to help us all make the most of our environment. For more information visit

Finance. Councillors agreed the finances.

Crimes.                May 2024: Meadow Acre – 1 x violence & sexual offences.

June 2024: Nether Close – 1 x other theft , Hamlett Close – 1 anti-social behaviour, Meadow Acre – 1 x criminal damage & arson, Parsonage Lane – 1 x violence & sexual offences

Planning applications.

  1. a) 23/1631/MFUL – Coastguard Road Ltd Devonshire Road Heathpark Industrial Estate Honiton EX14 1SD – Development of 17x commercial units
  2. b) 24/1504/FUL – 6 Honeysuckle Drive Honiton EX14 2YL – Proposed single storey rear extension
  3. c) 24/1420/MRES Land Off Hayne Lane Gittisham Honiton EX14 3PD – Reserved matters application in respect of matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 37 no. residential dwellings and associated garages, infrastructure and landscaping all in association with outline permission

22/1322/MOUT Councillors had no objections to the applications. Regarding c) they requested that the

work be completed in one go to minimise disruption to existing residents. They expressed concern over the removal of asbestos and urged that this work should be done in a way which complies with the highest standards of safety. Councillors recommended a flat grassed area which can accommodate family-type activities such as

table tennis, and they would like access to the western boundary to be maintained in managed land rather than private ownership.

Road closures. 25 Sept  01 Oct. Devonshire Road/Rowan Close. Minor works opposite old Jurassic Fibre warehouse for land clearance on north side.

Old Elm Road rewilding. Alex Rowe said that EDDC officers were working on a plan for the Old Elm Road rewilding site. The grass matting has now been laid in the area beyond the rocks.

Next meeting. Thursday 3rd October at 7.30pm in the parish room.

Parish Council links      Who’s who                

Emergency Plan     

Parish Council Clerk       Email:                    Tel: 01404 851442

St Michael s Church Julia Barratt

Services and Events

Sunday Sept 8th 11am Eucharist

Sunday 29th September at 6pm Choral Evensong led by the Revd Scott and the Honiton Team Choir when we will be joined by members from our fellow churches

Saturday 21st September from 10.30am Coffee Together and 200 Club Draw

Looking ahead

Sunday Oct 13th October 11am Harvest Festival Service.

Fete and Flower Show

A big Thank you to all who helped to organise and make the Fete and Flower Show such an enjoyable event with the profits shared between the Church and Village Hall. Well Done Everyone!

 The Flower Arrangers creativity and skill were once again on show in the Church and much appreciated by a constant stream of visitors throughout the afternoon. Many of whom were impressed by the beauty of our village parish church; the colourful stained glass windows and unusual box pews, the Beaumont monument, the decorative ceiling and organ pipes, to mention just a few of the Church s distinctive features. With many lingering to look at the photos of past memorable Gittisham events and share personal and family memories of their own associations with the Church.

And as visitors often do, to admire the kneelers and ask who stitched them. Although one visitor, Christine, had no need to ask, as we searched and found the kneeler she herself had stitched, also with her Geoffrey whose picture was shown in one of the photos on display of himself presenting handmade baby hats to the mothers of babies receiving treatment in a hospital in Ghana, hats knitted by the ladies of the Gittisham Craft Club. And so of course, I took a picture of Christine, Geoffrey and also Comfort originally from Ghana.

The weekend was rounded off cheerfully with Hymns and Pimms on Sunday as a thank you to all who support the Church and in so many ways help to make it a place of welcome, beauty and inspiration for all who visit. An enjoyable occasion, singing favourite hymns, often with personal significance to those who chose them, with a half way break for Pimm s to whet the vocal chords. The service ending with a rousing rendering of God save the King in celebration and honour of Ed Fuller and the GB rowing team winning an Olympian Gold Medal! Though I reckon the proud parents deserve a medal too!

Gittisham Gazette August 2024

August 2024



A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What s On? at the village hall


Saturday 3rd August Flower & Produce Show


Sunday 11th August Pierre s Caf 07545 214940

Saturday 31st August Gittisham Fete


Community Kitchen A free hot meal for all every Thursday at 6.30pm


Our very own Paralympian Rower






Ed s heats are on Friday 30th August and the final is on Sunday 1st September

You can do it Ed!

Make every stroke count!




St Michael s 200 Club


1st Joanna Marker 75

2nd Ava Marker Morgan 50

3rd Mrs P Broadhurst 25



1st Alan Broom 75

2nd Ruby Marker Morgan 50

3rd Stephen Howe 25


If you would like to join contact Janet Twist, the 200 Club administrator email Tel 01404 45484. At 3 a ticket per month, this is a simple and affordable way of helping to keep our beautiful village Church open. Currently it costs 100 per day to maintain and keep St Michael s open.


Coffee and Cake for Cancer

Thank you to all those who supported the afternoon of coffee and cake at the village hall on 27th July. We raised 342 for Breast Cancer Now



Parish Snippets

Some years ago when I was walking the postmans path from Kercombe up to Gittisham common, I noticed a drain pipe coming out of the side of the hill. A few days later I mentioned this to Mrs (Rosemary) Marker, ‘ho‘ she said that was to drain the fox hole, for a split second I thought why would anybody want to drain a fox’s hole. Then I remembered that there had been an ammunition dump in the sand pits along Beech Walk during the war. I suppose there are worse places to be on guard ! (Paul Wakley)



Gittisham Parish Council

No meeting in August


Next meeting Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm in the parish room.



The Beehive, Honiton presents


Thu 22 Aug – 11am. Adults 8, U16’s 7, Family x4 26

Teenager Riley’s mind headquarters is undergoing a sudden

demolition to make room for something entirely unexpected: new

Emotions. Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust.


Village Fete Alex Rowe

Just under a month to go until of Village Fete, a celebration of our fantastic community. Spread the word to your friends and family. Following on from last year we have Honiton Town band playing a medley of pieces once the fete is opened by Honiton s town crier from 2pm.

At 3pm the competitive dog show will be taking place in Will s field keep an eye out for the classes which will be shared out on social media before the fete.

Grab a cream tea in the Village Hall then hitch a pony and trap ride passing the Morris dancers on your way to the church where you can view the flower display and classic vehicles on the village green. Stoll back visiting the stalls along the main village avenue & Will s field in time for the start of the Duck race around 4:30pm.

As always, we are in need of keen volunteers to spend an hour of their afternoon either helping with car parking, cream teas, cake stall (cake baking), ice creams, the bar, tombola, dog show, setup and pack away.

We are very thankful to the Parish Council, The Pig, Vale Vets and Heltor Fuels for their support! This has meant we can maintain prizes for the Dog Show and Duck Race. I ll be knocking on doors over August selling Duck race tickets they are 1. First prize is 100, 2nd 50, 3rd 25, 4th 10

Stallholders and volunteers contact me pitches are by donation so if you know of a local craftsperson that would like have a pitch share the details. Keep an eye on the Village WhatsApp and the website for updates


The Tom Putt Apple Paul Wakley


The apple Tom Putt apple is supposed to have been named for an 18th-century landowner, Thomas Putt of Combe (Gittisham), who died in 1787 and was nicknamed “Black Tom”.


There is a Tom Putt apple tree in the community orchard at the village playground and another in the churchyard.


Some of the Putts were keen gardeners, one, Anna Maria Putt, who I believe lived in Pomroy. Had her paintings, drawings and quotations that she had done, made up into four volumes which she had bound in Honiton in 1789. The books were shown on an Antiques Road Show in 1991 from Darlington. They were then valued at between 3000-4000.

Grain to Cream Russell Hayman

After Helen and I had our trip of a life time in the USA during June which had the added benefit of missing the run up to the general election it is back to good old Blighty. Yes, they have space (directions on the sat nav 200 miles turn left) was not uncommon and a massive hole they call the Grand Canyon which really is big but it did get quite hot 46 C. it s good to be back and see some green. Edmund was keeping the show on the road and confirmed what I already knew. I may be useful but I am far from essential. Silageing has been on the go and we are preparing for harvest so we need some good weather now it does not take long to spoil.

We have wheat and oats this year no oilseed rape which is a good crop to have in the rotation for its soil improvement but it has become very risky to grow and given the horrible autumn we had for sowing last year I am so glad I did not take the risk. We are always looking to how to improve what we do and having a rotation which helps the soil is a major part of that so will have to find a way around it. The wheat and oats are all for animal feed the oats will be all fed to our own stock and about half the wheat is sold rest goes into our animals. It is really difficult to grow wheat for milling in the southwest not impossible but the damp weather compared to the east of the country make it a bit of a lottery plus the bread mills are mostly in the east so any premium is reduced by haulage costs and there is always the risk it may be rejected once it gets there. Animals are so good at making food we can t eat into something highly nutritious plus tasty! ( Angus is so much better than Bison which taste like they look by the way) And what comes out the back in such lovely volumes does wonders for the soil in truth without them the farm would not be sustainable.

We have also been topping the grazed grass, this is to cut off the seed heads which appear during the summer which are not as nutritious and encourage fresh growth to come forward which is both tastier and better feed. The barn owls have done well this year there were six up in the shed this year apparently. I was not here to see them so assuming four chicks usually just see two. I never go to check just what I happen to see as I know my ugly mush will scare them off!!

Pierre s Cafe


For Pierre’s next pop-up caf on 11th August in Gittisham Village Hall he will be serving a Ploughman s lunch with a French twist. The main element is a p t en croute – a French meat pie with pork and chicken, served with a range of tempting salads, raw veg, fruit, cheese and chutney.  There will be a selection of home-made cakes and pastries, coffees, teas and soft drinks including Gittisham-grown elderflower cordial served from 10am-4pm.  Vegans and coeliacs catered for.  If the weather is fine you’ll be able to sit and enjoy your food outside.  Please book for lunch if you can, as it helps us with numbers.  Call or text Pierre on 07545 214940.  Cash and cards accepted.

Environmental Summer Bucket List (Part 2)

Hi there, my name is May and I m a 16-year-old from Gittisham who s passionate about environmental issues, especially the climate crisis. I have just finished my GCSEs and am enjoying a long summer, and thought I d put together a bucket list of some small things you can do to help the planet which make a real difference. (This is part 2, you ll find points 1-4 in the July Gazette.)

5. Attend a local climate march or talk on the issue. I think a really important part of addressing the climate crisis is educating yourself and those around you, especially as in the UK we are currently less affected by the issue than in other parts of the world. I have also met so many like-minded people by attending these sorts of events, which can feel very liberating when it s an issue that few people in power seem to focus on.

6. Planning on going abroad? Research how you can travel more sustainably. Flying is one of the worst things for the planet, with the average plane emitting 340 times more than the average car. I really recommend the Eurostar from my own experience, though there are other ways you can travel abroad too such as by boat.

Have a great summer everyone!


St Michael s Gittisham Julia Barratt


Summertime and the living is easy. George Gershwin s words could be aptly applied to August, when many of us take holidays or perhaps visit our

local beaches just a few miles away, or simply make the most of a break in our normal routines to wind down and take life a bit more easily. However, while

summer is a season, it is also a state of mind. We all have periods in life, which are summer-like but can lead us to forget or take for granted the Giver of all good things. So what better way to remember than in music and song; to come together with friends and neighbours to sing our favourite hymns and relax afterwards with a glass of Pimm s! Especially the day after the Fete in our beautiful flower filled Church.


A reminder also that the Church is usually open every day 10am- 5pm over the summer but we do need a few more volunteers to help keep it open. Please contact Julia () if you able to assist.


Church Services Sunday August 11 th at 11am followed by refreshments

Sunday Sept 1 st at 4pm Hymns and Pimms


A Git in Wales Alex Rowe

Last week I made one of my rare trips out of the county of Devon to help steward the metalwork section at the Royal Welsh Show, much like the Devon County Show the Welsh is on the National Blacksmiths Competition Circuit that tours many of the larger shows, the smiths bring static items that are setup and displayed by us these are then judged and the overall winner and reserve winning 10 & 4 points respectively towards the National competition at the end of the year these are added and the winner becoming the Static National Champion Blacksmith.


I got involved through my time studying in Hereford 5 years ago and it is nice to catch up with the metalwork team each year. We also were fed well with free stewards breakfast and supper over the 6 days!

Gittisham Gazette July 2024




A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On? at the village hall


Sunday 14th July Pierre’s Caf 07545 214940


Saturday 27th July 2-3pm Coffee & Cake for Cancer


Sunday 28th July 12.30-2.30pm Mary’s Syrian Kitchen 07383 104987


Saturday 3rd August Flower & Produce Show


Saturday 31st August Gittisham Fete


Community Kitchen A free hot meal for all every Thursday at 6.30pm


FitforLife class every Tuesday morning


Yoga with Alison 3rd Tues of the month


Folk Dance Club Wednesday evenings


Tufty Tots Toddlers Thursday 9.30-11.30


Yoga with Angela Fridays 1pm




Bees in your chimney?

The best way to get rid of a swarm in a chimney is to make a cold fire with lots of smoke and no flame. If the bees have not been there long they will normally exit the chimney. Even if they’ve been there a while it might be worth a go, otherwise it’s a rather protracted job to get them out.


St Michael s 200 Club

If you would like to join contact Janet Twist, the 200 Club administrator email Tel 01404 45484. At 3 a ticket per month, this is a simple and affordable way of helping to keep our beautiful village Church open. Currently it costs 100 per day to maintain and keep St Michael s open.


St Michael s Services Sunday July 14th 11am Holy Communion

Sunday 28th July 11am Morning Worship

Sat July 20th 10.30- 12 Coffee Together and 200 Club Draw



Christmas Cabaret

Is there a sketch writer in you struggling to get out or perhaps you are a performer? Our Christmas Cabaret needs sketches involving the humorous side of the Gittisham community plus musicians poets etc
If you can help, please contact Sarah Agg-Manning on 01404 851177 or 



Gittisham Community Land Trust

The planning application has just been submitted for 6 affordable rent homes and 3 Combe Estate owned open market houses on the land with the agricultural buildings to the west of Town House (in the village).

You now have the opportunity to add your comments to those of the Parish Council, which having initiated the formation of the Gittisham Community Land Trust are fully supportive of these proposals. You can reply via the East Devon planning portal or by email to EDDC, with the reference 24/0514/FUL (with your name and address).

The 6 affordable rent dwellings will provide two 3-bed and four 2-bed dwellings and will be developed and managed by a Housing Association. Any person who wishes to apply for an affordable dwelling must be registered with Devon Home Choice and show that they are in Housing Need and that they have a Local Connection. The Allocations Plan sets out the criteria which will be taken into account when allocating the dwellings when they are ready for occupation. A copy of the Allocations Plan can be found on the GCLT web site at


Gittisham Table Tennis Tournament 2024

Now the football is nearly over and we are guaranteed a summer of balmy sunny evenings, last call to join our village table tennis tournament – open to men, women and older children. Message Damian Furniss on 07905 710487 via WhatsApp if you want to join in and then after every game. I’ll invite you to join a GTTT2014 WhatsApp Group so people can organise matches. Round Robin format: everyone plays everyone else once, 3 games of up to 11 points, 2 clear points as per standard rules.

The league will be settled by points won to incentivise playing all your games, playing for every point, and close games.


Whether you call it Table Tennis, Ping Pong or Whiff Whaff – Good luck! The magnificent trophy will be presented at Gittisham village fete on Saturday August 31st.



Environmental Summer Bucket List (Part 1)

Hi there, my name is May and I m a 16-year-old from Gittisham who s passionate about environmental issues, especially the climate crisis. I have just finished my GCSEs and am enjoying a long summer, and thought I d put together a bucket list of some small things you can do to help the planet which make a real difference.

1. Switch to a more ethical bank. Many of us aren t aware that many banks invest in fossil fuels, though actually since 2015 the 60 largest international banks have donated $5.5 trillion dollars to the fossil fuel industry. Some of the worst banks to mention include HSBC and Barclays, whereas the Co-operative bank is known for its more environmental practices. You can use the interactive website Fossil Banks to find out how much money your bank invests in specific fossil fuel practices.

2. Fancy a barbecue? Try veggie burgers. You can reduce your carbon footprint significantly by eating less meat, with one kg of beef having a carbon footprint that s 24 times larger than one kg of pulses.

3. Volunteer locally. One of my goals this summer is to start volunteering for an environmental charity, such as the WWF, or somewhere like a charity shop, which promotes reusing things rather than constantly buying new items, whilst also giving to a good cause. I think it would be really rewarding personally as well to start volunteering (though I m not sure if I ll be saying that when I m behind a counter rather than lazing in the garden)!

4. Try and buy less new clothes. The IPCC recently said that one of the top 3 things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is to buy less new clothes and instead buy second hand. I have been trying to buy less and less new clothes for a number of years now, which I ve found quite hard being a teenage girl, but recently realised that all the clothes I ve bought in the last year have been second hand. I mainly buy from charity shops, though I also love a particular stall at Totnes market where you can find so many bargains. If you prefer to shop online, I really recommend the secondhand apps Depop and Vinted.

To be continued next month Have a great summer everyone!


Mary’s Syrian Kitchen and Pierre’s Cafe

The village hall is hired out to 2 exciting dining events this month: the well known and loved Pierre ‘s Cafe and another event, already very popular in Ottery and in West Hill is Mary s Syrian Kitchen. Here s what they re offering and how to book:


This Sunday 14th July the theme of my caf will be ” This is a Revolution”. England then France decide to vote differently after years asking something need to change. I am proud to have a foot in each countries. My menu will be French ratatouille served with beef or vegan burger, homemade and not as Mc Donald, French countryside way, with an eggs cooked in sauce and lettuce. This is a old way recipe. Lots of cakes, croissants and more. Booking 07545 214940. Bring your own alcoholic drinks. Gittisham Village hall, 10am to 4pm


Hi everyone. Mary s Syrian Kitchen will have a pop up in Gittisham Village Hall on the 28th July. We will have Syrian Food and desserts and tea and coffee. Start from 12.30-2.30. Please call to book 07383 104987 (see Facebook page too)


Seven councillors met for the July meeting along with Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) and two members of the public.

Hayne Farm walkabout. Mark Sexton from Baker Estates has compiled an audit list of action points, following the walkabout with parish councilors and some Hayne Farm residents on 2nd July. This includes points such as lampposts not working, removal of weeds, filling in fences, trimming hedges and planting trees.

DCC Highways. In his absence, Phil Twiss (DCC) compiled a report to update the parish council on the county s highways. Maintaining and improving the highway network across Devon remains a high priority for DCC, where better weather following a frustrating and prolonged winter period is helping staff to get to grips with the backlog of road surface defects, including potholes. An additional 12m has been transferred in the 2024/25 budget and is being allocated to:

         Serviceability repairs and patching across the network (isolated and larger areas of potholes)

         Drainage cleaning and repairs (prevention reduces the need for repair)

         White lining

Both the serviceability repairs and patching along with the drainage improvements will be prioritised using highways intelligence data, together with input from local members like Cllr Twiss, town and parish councils. A non-safety defect patching order has been scheduled for parts of Old Elm Road.

Finance. Councillors agreed the finances.

Crimes. April 2024: 6 x violence and sexual offences, 3 x anti-social behavior, 4 x public order.

Planning applications.

a)       24/0514/FUL – Land adjacent to Town House, Gittisham – Demolition of existing agricultural buildings. Proposed housing scheme for 6no. CLT-owned affordable homes for rent, and 3no. Combe Estate-owned open market houses

b)      24/1197/PIP – Land Adjacent To Hamlet House, Nags Head Road, Gittisham – Permission in principle application for the conversion of an existing building into a single dwelling

Councillors had no objections to either application, and said they welcomed the proposals to incorporate renewable energy into the development at a). Regarding b), councillors noted that the land is in a flood risk zone.

Planning. Alasdair Bruce said he would be speaking to EDDC s scrutiny committee to discuss the way in which the Combe Farm shop planning application had been decided.

Lengthsman. Carol Hall said that Len Abbott had resigned as lengthsman. Councillors thanked him for his outstanding service and dedication to the parish. The scope of lengthsman work will be discussed at the September parish council meeting.

Scams. Janet Twist said that new figures reveal more than 32 million suspicious emails have been reported to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service, with more than a third of all emails reported in the last year.

Play area. Maggie Walker said the wild area was flourishing, and encouraged all to use the village play area particularly over the summer.

Next meeting. Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm in the parish room.


Parish Council links Who s who

Emergency Plan

Parish Council Clerk Email: 





The GCLT was established in 2018 with the objective of providing an affordable housing scheme to meet an identified local (village and immediate hinterland) need for rented accommodation. The GCLT, in partnership with The Combe Estate, was able to identify a number of possible sites and a preferred site was agreed at a public meeting in May 2019. Then there was COVID. A detailed proposal was presented to a further public meeting in June 2021. There have been many twists and turns over the past 3 years and it has taken much longer than expected to get to this stage but a Full Planning Application has now been registered and validated with the planning department at EDDC.

The application is for the Demolition of existing agricultural buildings. Proposed housing scheme for 6no. CLT owned affordable homes for rent, and 3no. Estate owned open market houses.

The site is the land with the agricultural buildings to the west of Town House.

The 6 affordable rent dwellings will provide 2no 3 bed and 4no 2 bed dwellings and will be developed and managed by a Housing Association. The planning application number is 24/0514/FUL . The application can be viewed in full using the East Devon planning portal or direct by email to EDDC.

The Parish Council having initiated the formation of the GCLT are fully supportive of these proposals. It is difficult to predict a date for completion of the scheme and we still have to find a Housing Association development partner but this is significant milestone in meeting the objectives of the GCLT.

As a reminder, any person who wishes to apply for an affordable dwelling must be registered with Devon Home Choice and show that they are in Housing Need and that they have a Local Connection. The Allocations Plan sets out the criteria which will be taken into account when allocating the dwellings when they are ready for occupation. A copy of the Allocations Plan can be found on the GCLT web site at . More information about Devon Home Choice can be found on .

David Valentine, Director and Chair of Gittisham Community Land Trust




St Michael s Gittisham Julia Barrat


Around the Parishes

We are pleased to welcome our newly ordained deacon, the Rev d Scott Angell to the Honiton Mission Team and look forward to welcoming him to St Michael’s soon. For more information about services in and around the parishes visit Paper copies are available in the church.


Sea Sunday July 14th

Join us as we celebrate Sea Sunday. A day when we remember and say prayers for all the brave men and women who work at sea and for the work of the mission to seafarers which provides essential services for seafarers working far from home often in dangerous and lonely conditions. As the summer holidays begin we also remember the work of the RNLI and all who help to save lives at sea and keep our coasts and beaches safe.


As I pray also for blessing and safe keeping for all who will be embarking on their summer holidays shortly that it may be a time of relaxation and refreshment and also hopefully not too much rain!


200 Club winners June Please contact Julia Barratt


Gittisham Gazette June 2024

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On?    at the village hall

Sunday 16th June 12noon   Father’s Day BBQ lunch and table tennis tournament             

Village Hall AGM                   Tuesday 2nd July

Community Kitchen         A free hot meal for all every Thursday at 6.30pm

FitforLife class every Tuesday morning

Yoga with Alison             3rd Tues of the month

Folk Dance Club Wednesday evenings

Tufty Tots Toddlers Thursday 9.30-11.30

Yoga with Angela Fridays 1pm

A Gittisham bible is returned to the Church after a long absence

People in the news

Gittisham resident discusses football with the Prime Minister

200 Club winners May

1st Sharon Wensley £75

2nd Mrs K Jackson £50

3rd Peter King £25

A close-up of flowers

Description automatically generated

Outdoor Church 

Sunday 23rd June

  • Forage in the wild area
  • Create a collage
  • Make a bee hotel
  • Plant a wild flower-seed bomb

Gittisham Fete 31st August Alex Rowe

Dog show, Honiton town band, Morris Dancers, Classic vehicles and much more!


We can always do with more helpers!  So I am formulating a spreadsheet rota for volunteers during the fete day. I have a few names up to now but if anyone would like to come forward let me know. I am about to start advertising for pitches so if you know of anyone who would like to sell their craft items or anything else the email is 

St Michael’s 200 Club  

200 Club The first draw on the new 200 Club draw took place at ‘Coffee Together’ in May. The next draw will take place Sat June 15th so if you register quickly, you are still in with a chance to win the monthly prize of either £75, £50 or £25 with an extra prize draw of £125 in December.

If you would like to join as a new member or have been intending but have as yet to renew your membership please contact Janet Twist, the 200 Club administrator who will be pleased to assist. Email Tel 01404 45484. At £3 a ticket per month, this is a simple and affordable way of helping to keep our beautiful village Church open. Currently it costs £100 per day to maintain and keep St Michael’s open.

New Curate 

We look forward to welcoming the Rev Scott Angell, who, fresh from being ordained as a Deacon on Saturday 29th June at Exeter Cathedral, will be taking part in his first service in the Honiton Mission Community (HMC), Sunday 30th June 11am at St Pauls, Honiton followed by a shared lunch. Scott has already moved to Gittisham Vale and so you may see him around and about before then, perhaps making good use of the Combe Garden Centre and Farm Shop vouchers, St Michael’s contribution to the HMC house warming gift.

Gittisham Village Hall

On 16th June the annual Father’s Day BBQ will be held at the village hall, with a table tennis tournament this year. The sun will shine, the food will be lovely with veggie options and we hope to have some music too. Starts at 12 and then well into the afternoon. Spread the word – all welcome and bringing a father is not compulsory.

This is a fundraising event to help with vital maintenance work at the village hall. Please support your village hall.

If you would like to book the Village Hall, contact Carol Hall

Booking rates start from £10.90 per hour or and £43.15 for an evening.

The Beehive, Honiton

Exhibition On Screen: MY NATIONAL GALLERY

The National Gallery of London is one of the world’s greatest art galleries. It is full of masterpieces, an endless resource of history, an endless source of stories. But whose stories are told? Which art has the most impact and on whom? The power of great art lies in its ability to communicate with anyone, no matter their art historical knowledge, their background, their beliefs.

This film gives voice to those who work at the gallery – from cleaner to curator, security guard to director – who identify the one artwork that means the most to them and why. An assortment of people from all walks of life who have a strong connection to the gallery make surprising choices of both well-known and lesser-known artworks. Finally, some well-known celebrities explain what they head for when they visit the gallery.

Tickets: General Admission £13.00

On a Lane in Spring John Clare (1793-1864)

 A little lane—the brook runs close beside,
And spangles in the sunshine, while the fish glide swiftly by;
And hedges leafing with the green springtide;
From out their greenery the old birds fly,
And chirp and whistle in the morning sun;
The pilewort glitter ‘neath the pale blue sky,
The little robin has its nest begun
The grass green linnets round the bushes fly.
How mild the spring comes in! The daisy buds
Lift up their golden blossoms to the sky.
How lovely are the pingles in the woods!
Here a beetle runs—and there a fly
Rests on the arum leaf in bottle-green,
And all the spring in this sweet lane is seen.”

How many of us are as observant as Clare? When did we last walk slowly as he did seeing everything in that ‘sweet spring lane’ of his? We miss so much as we rush by these precious places.


Seven councillors met for the June meeting along with Nicole Stacey & Mark Sexton (Baker Estates), Justin Lascelles (Combe Estate) and six members of the public.

Hayne Farm development update. At present the development managed by First Port, but Baker Estates said they could provide advice on how residents could set up a management company made up of a board of directors. This would give residents more control over what maintenance is done there and when. Mark Sexton said he was happy to meet residents for a walk around the estate to look at what needs to be done, and take action on whatever falls

within the remit of Baker Estates. He will suggest some dates for a walkabout which will be circulated in due course.

Hayne Farm play area. Some residents feel that there are many gaps in the provision. Baker Estates said the

playground facilities that have been provided have met the legal obligations with EDDC. If residents would like to see additional equipment in the play area, it will need to be under the management of Hayne Farm residents (directors) before this can happen. Maintenance, insurance and safety inspections of this play equipment will also fall under the authority of the directors. This would be same for bins and dog bins. The parish council will be happy to help advise on funding for new equipment, as was done at the village play area. 

Finance. Councillors agreed the finances, as well as the annual accounts and governance statement for 2023/24.

Crimes. March 2024: No reported crimes.

Planning applications. 

a) 24/0539/LBC – 2 Riverside Cottages, Gittisham EX14 3AG – Replace existing porch with enlarged lead flat roof porch on south elevation; replace existing extension on north elevation to create bedroom and bathroom and glazed

canopy over rear door

b) 24/0988/FUL – Parkers East Gittisham EX14 3AS – Proposal to repair and preserve existing brick and timber greenhouse within the curtilage of a listed building

Councillors had no objections to either application.


Councillors discussed proposals for a traffic-free footpath to connect Hayne Farm with the village and with the garden centre. Justin Lascelles explained that this would have to be a ‘permissive footpath’, not a legal public footpath and the route would need to minimise impact on the environment and on the tenant farmers’ activities. He said there may be some funding the estate can access through stewardship schemes which could provide for capital works and annual maintenance. He invited the parish council to submit a definitive route which he can put before Combe Estate trustees for discussion.

Public transport.

Peter Orchard said he would follow up with Stagecoach regarding the late arrivals or no-shows noted on the clipboard in the village bus shelter.

Next meeting. Thursday 11 th July at 7.30pm in the parish room.

Parish Council links Who’s who

Emergency Plan Council Clerk Email: 

Gittisham Gazette May 2024

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council 

What’s On?         at the village hall

Sunday 12th May 10-4 Pierre’s Café             07545 214940

Skittles                   Saturday 18th May

Cake decorating         29th May homeMeadbake

Father’s Day barbecue Sunday 16th June

Community Kitchen         A free hot meal for all every Thursday at 6.30pm

FitforLife class every Tuesday morning

Yoga with Alison           3rd Tues of the month

Folk Dance Club Wednesday evenings

Tufty Tots Toddlers Thursday 9.30-11.30

Yoga with Angela Fridays 1pm 7-week class starts on 7th June

Gittisham Fete poster

Grain to Cream Russell Hayman

I can’t really write a farming article without mentioning the weather (it’s sodding wet and it’s causing problems). Yes it’s boring so you don’t need me adding to it!

So what else is going on? Well we do now have animals out in the fields at last – it is getting to be a case that it had to happen. Silaging will start when the yellow thingy in the sky makes a sustained appearance. When it does it will very much be a case of watch out there’s a farmer about we have months of work to catch up on so it will be all systems go. I predict this will happen in the middle of May as we have a TB test then and there is no way we can do both at the same time could well make my hair thinner than ever (hopefully the silver ones will drop out!).

Edmund made his radio 4 day-view on farming today; it was about his pumpkin patch

Diversification. Fiona recorded it months ago but the Prime minister turned up at the NFU conference and the BBC thought we would be more interested in what he had to say so Edmund was bumped down the schedule. I know I’m bias but Edmund held my interest much more than the PM.

Earlier in April we had the opening of the Gittisham farm water park! (our new slurry lagoon unfortunately it has not been finished yet so no poo has gone in but there was plenty of water, which is good as we now know it works). Activities were limited as there was only one paddle board with much disappointment Edmund stayed on. There was a valid reason for this other than a good laugh that was to give some idea of the depth of water. To finish the work on it we have to empty it, which we have just about done as we created a syphon and it has gradually emptied so the water park opened and closed all too soon! Views not too good and the contents in the future will be even less inviting than cold water, so its financial future did not look too rosie.

Gittisham Fete 31st August Alex Rowe

Update on fete progress-

It’s been a little slow whilst I prepare the blacksmithing section & competitions for the Devon County Show after taking it over last year but after this the fete preparations will be in full swing! 

 We’ve the ever-popular dog show returning bigger and better than last year, the Honiton town band, Morris Dancers, Classic vehicles and much more! We can always do with more helpers!  So I am formulating a spreadsheet rota for volunteers during the fete day. I have a few names up to now but if anyone would like to come forward let me know. I am about to start advertising for pitches so if you know of anyone who would like to sell their craft items or anything else the email is 

Church Services and Events

Sunday May 12th 11am Holy Communion

Saturday May 18th   Coffee Together in the Parish Room

May 21st 7pm           APCM Tuesday  May  in the Church

Sunday May 26th           No service

Honiton Beehive

Singalong Encanto   11th May 4pm

Dressing-up as the characters is actively encouraged, with prizes awarded for the most imaginative costumes!  Get ready to sing along with Mirabel and all her friends at this fundraising Cinema Event. 

The magic of the Encanto has blessed every child in the family with a unique gift — every child except Mirabel. However, she soon may be the Madrigals last hope when she discovers that the magic surrounding the Encanto is now in danger.

Stockland Primary School PTA organises fun events to raise funds for improved facilities and enrichment of the pupils at the school. Our current projects include developing a Forest School and allotment area, and adding exciting new playground equipment.

Flower and Produce Show

At the Village Hall on Saturday 3rd August 

Potato bucket weigh in at 3:15pm

Show opens at 2:30pm

Teas and raffle

Admission: Adults 50p; Children 5-16 years 10p

Entrance fee Sections A,B,C 20p: Children’s entries free

St Michael’s Church, Gittisham

St Michael’s 200 Club  

The new St Michael’s 200 club is now up and running and at £3 a ticket per month, it is a simple and affordable way of helping to keep our beautiful village Church for all. Currently it costs £100 per day to look after and keep St Michael’s open!

If you would like to join as a new member or have as yet to renew your membership please contact Janet Twist, the 200 Club administrator who will be please to assist. Email Tel 01404 45484

Also, a gentle reminder to those who are intending to renew their membership but haven’t got round to it yet, payment can be made either by regular standing order or cheque either on a monthly or annual basis as best suits your budget.  And/or if you would like to explore alternative ways of giving that can be gift aided e.g. through the Parish Giving Scheme, again Janet will be pleased to assist and answer any questions.

And if you register quickly, you are still in with a chance to win the monthly prize of either £75, £50 or £25 in the May draw with monthly prize draws of £75, £50 and £25 with an extra prize draw of £125 in December. 


All are welcome to our Annual Parish Council Meeting in the Church on Tuesday May 21st at 7pm.  We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of people who have served faithfully on our Parish Council (PCC) for many years but we would really welcome new members interested in bringing fresh energy and new ideas to the table!

Also Janet Twist our Treasurer will be stepping at the APCM. She has done a magnificent job and leaves us with our financial affairs in very good order. Janet estimates that on average it involves about 2-3 hours a month. If you are interested and/or know of anyone either as a Treasurer or Bookkeeper who would like to know more please contact Julia at or Tel 07763 111367.

Thank you

A BIG thank you to everyone who helped with our graveyard spring clean in the Church yard! If you are interested in Gittisham history, do come and have a look, especially in the Old Churchyard where much work has gone into recovering the overgrown graves. 

And thank you also to Alex and Julian for their repair to the Lychgate!

Gittisham Village Hall

The Village Hall is managed by a committee of volunteers who run events and see to the maintenance of the hall.  It has been used for events ranging from quizzes to concerts, discos, the annual flower & produce show and birthday parties.

Every Wednesday night, Gittisham Folk Dance Club meet from 8pm until 10.15pm to dance the evening away (with local bands and experienced callers).

Anyone is welcome to join the committee or the Dance Club.  Do get in touch via 

If you would like to book the Village Hall, contact Carol Hall at 

Booking rates start from £10.90 per hour or and £43.15 for an evening.

Flower and Produce Show

The show is open to all residents of Gittisham parish, which includes Gittisham Vale and Hayne Farm. We also welcome entries from those who no longer live in the parish, those who actively support the parish, and those with close links to the parish.

Children must be aged 3-11 on 27th July and Juniors must be age 12-16 on 27th July. Children are welcome to enter Sections A,B,C upon paying the entry fee.

A reminder of the children’s classes      

0 – 5 years:  A painting or drawing of a garden, An animal made of vegetables, 3 decorated biscuits  6 – 11 years: A painting or drawing of a garden, An animal made of vegetables, 4 cheese scones

A reminder of the Homecraft classes:

Date and Walnut loaf, Bakewell Tart, 2 Traditional Cornish Pasties, 2 Vegetable pasties, A jar of redcurrant jelly, Jar of chutney – any variety, Knitted or crochet baby blanket, Homemade wedding invitation, Homemade Gadget, Photo of a rainbow taken in Gittisham parish – recognisable location

Full details, schedule and entry forms available from 01404 850922 


Six councillors met for the May meeting along with Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Phil Twiss (DCC) and one member of the public. 

Chair & Vice Chair. Carol Hall was elected as chair and Alex Rowe as vice chair for 2024/25, Janet Twist having stood down as vice chair.

Funding for higher energy and food costs Phil Twiss reported that Devon County Council has been allocated a little over £5 million from the government to help households struggling to pay higher bills for energy, food, water, and other essential items. This will be the fifth round of Household Support Funding received from the Department for Work and Pensions, to run between April and September 2024. It will take Devon’s total level of Household Support Funding received so far to just over £30 million. The funding is to support households in most need, but

specifically those that may not be eligible for other support that is already available from the government. Further details will be provided once plans are finalised.

Finance. Members agreed the finances.

Crimes. March 2024: 1 x public order, Meadow Acre 1 x violence & sexual offences, Cypress Close. Members agreed the increase in crime over the past year reflected the growing number of residents in the parish, and a rise in the reporting of crime.

Planning applications.

a) proposed upgrade to the existing radio base station installation at CS_121551, SWEB Tower EX14 3TZ (NGR: E314620, N096545). Councillors had no objections to this application.

Road closures. 3–20 June 2024 road through Alfington is closed for gas works.

4–5 June 2024 Old A30 by Kings Arms farm. Temporary traffic signals for Highways

                                                   England works.

Old Elm Road rewilding. Alex Rowe said the parish council would be looking for volunteers to help lay the grass matting that will go underneath a footpath suitable for pushchairs in the rewilded area.

Hayne Farm. Carol Hall said some residents of Hayne Farm had drawn up a list of items they would like to see in the play area. Representatives of Baker Estates will be attending the June parish council meeting to discuss.

Broadband. Phil Twiss encouraged people to register their interest on the Airband website, which appeared to show some Gittisham village postcodes likely to be served by the rollout of superfast broadband at some point in the future. Adam Powell queried this, as he had intelligence that suggested Airband is reassessing the contracts it has with Connecting Devon and Somerset (the rural broadband programme). Phil Twiss said he was waiting for a response from CDS. To share your experience of poor broadband in Gittisham village, please contact or telephone 07535 233558.

Public transport. Peter Orchard said there was now a clipboard in the village bus shelter where passengers should report any late arrivals or no-shows, which helps in gathering evidence to present to Stagecoach.

Village play area. Councillors agreed to attend to the items highlighted in the annual safety inspection report. A table tennis tournament is planned in the play area for Father’s Day.

Next meeting. Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm in the parish room. 

Parish Council links Who’s who

Emergency Plan Council Clerk Email: 

Gittisham Gazette April 2024

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

    What’s On?  

Community Kitchen     A free hot meal for all at the village hall every Thursday at 6.30pm  

Sunday 14th April 10-4 Pierre’s Café         07545 214940  

Saturday 20th April 7.30pm
St George’s Day Quiz at the village hall


Honiton Beehive WICKED LITTLE LETTERS (15) Fri 19 Apr – 7.30pm A 1920s English seaside town bears witness to a sinister scandal in this riotous mystery comedy. Based on a stranger than fiction true story, follows two neighbours: Edith Swan (Olivia Colman) & Rose Gooding (Jessie Buckley).    

200 Club Winners  
Details available from Julia Barratt  

Sunday Services       
Details available from Julia Barratt

St George’s Day Quiz Saturday 20th April 7.30pm Teams of up to 6 £7 per head including ploughmans supper Contact Nick to book 07973 797447  

How’s your broadband?

The government promised national coverage at speeds at or above 24mb/s by 2024, currently most of Gittisham village and most surrounding dwellings achieve less than 10mb/s many as low as 2mb/s.

The Parish Council has contacted and met with our MP Richard Foorde to explain our situation and the delays we’ve experienced. He was given examples that show how inadequate broadband affects our lives of people. More case studies from around the village would be helpful. Please get in touch 07535233558

Grain To Cream Edmond Hayman

It wouldn’t be an appropriate article about farm life if I didn’t first have a moan about the weather. The fields are still saturated and the forecast equally miserable. As you can imagine, this has made for a challenging spring so far, with limited opportunity to get out on the fields and slurry storage nearing capacity. Some of you may have seen that additional slurry storage is being constructed in the form of a clay lined lagoon, although it currently resembles a large duck pond, we hope it will be completed for the coming winter. This will give us the flexibility of spreading slurry when crops require it most, allowing for better nutrient management and less reliance on bought-in fertiliser. On a brighter note than the weather, we have made some notable gains to animal welfare after investing in new calf housing last winter. These ‘Optimum Climate Calf Barns’ (The name hasn’t stuck), are insulated modular pens, which keep our youngest calves out of the elements, and can be easily disinfected between batches. So far, the results have been promising, with a reduction in pneumonia cases and higher growth rates. This early stage for the beef and dairy calves’ is crucial for health and performance in later life. I’ve been back at Gittisham Farm now since last summer, and it’s been great to apply some knowledge gained from Harper Adams in a practical setting, which for Dad has probably been a pain in the backside.

Jokes aside we seem to be working well together. That may change when he sees that I’ve just hijacked his treasured gazette article. Maybe we’ll just have to share it

Gittisham Fete August 31st 2024

St Michael’s Church, Gittisham

St Michael’s has been the focus of spiritual life in Gittisham for over 600 years. The first reference to the original church is in 1244. It was built, or partly so, in 1321 and named St Michael’s – though it was not at that time dedicated to this Saint and it is therefore thought that an earlier church may have existed on the same site. The actual date of dedication is not known but there is a record of the order for dedication being made in 1331 and in1498 mentioned in the will of Thomas Colpriest.  

The church stands in the centre of the village set back from the Village Green. It is built of dressed flint, with lime mortar render and is in the early English and Perpendicular styles. Distinctive architectural features include; C18th Box Pews installed in 1715; a wagon roof; a collection of hatchments; several stained glass windows and monuments and memorials to the Beaumont, Putt and Marker families – the successive owners of the Combe Estate.  There is also a Georgian West Gallery not currently accessible to the public and some interesting carvings on stone pillars including a Green Man.

The churchyard wall was built in 1720 and the oldest grave on which the inscription is still legible is dated 1616. The present Lych- Gate was erected after the Second World War and also serves as a war memorial.  

Contact Lay Minister, Julia Barrett, for details email:

07763 11136

How is your broadband ? – meetings and media campaigns

Firstly thank you to all of you who sent in witness statements about the poor broadband service you are getting in Gittisham, and the ways it negatively impacts your lives. I was able to hand three of these strongly worded statements to our MP, Richard Foord, when three Gittisham Parish Councillors (Alex Rowe, Maggie Walker, Adam Powell) met up with him recently to discuss improving broadband speeds in the Parish, specifically to get fibre connection. Richard listened carefully, we explained the uneven broadband speeds in the Parish. It was good to have Alex and Maggie present, as long-term residents as they know the history of failed attempts to install fibre connection. Four points came out of our hour-long meeting. On Richard’s part he would chivvy up the staff responsible for digital connections at Devon County Council, he had spoken up for Gittisham on this matter two years ago, so it was about time he went back to them. Secondly, Richard said he would raise the matter again with the digital minister in parliament, John Widdingdale, this may lead to more questions being asked in the House of Commons.

For our part, Richard suggested we start a media campaign to highlight the issue. Lastly, It was also suggested we work as closely as we can with the Combe Estate in achieving fibre connectivity across the Parish.

We thanked Richard for his interest and time, he didn’t over promise, but I believe he will fight our corner.

So, we need to start a media campaign! I’m sure there is someone out there reading this that can help us with this….

From my limited research a ‘media campaign’ requires three elements ;

1. Data – of download and upload speeds and how these relate to targets, the rest of

the country, dare I say to Europe.

2. Case histories – Specifically how does it affect your lives; ability to working from

home, access to health care, studying, and entertainment.

3. Collective action – this could be a petition, letters to the minister, a strike or demonstration, or probably just a group photo of those affected with a statement. With some or all of the above we will be ready to contact the media ( local and national papers, radio and TV and posts on social media). We need to provide the information, then we can get help on how it is presented. All help and ideas on the above are welcome.

A few facts about broadband.

The government promised national coverage at speeds at or above 24mb/s by 2024,

currently most of Gittisham village and most surrounding dwellings achieve less than

10mb/s many as low as 2mb/s. Would anybody like to help with a poll around residents?

Over £15 million provided for rural fibre connection has been clawed back to Devon

and Somerset County Council.

If you live within 1.6 km of a telephone connection box served with fibre your broadband speeds maybe adequate, unfortunately Gittisham village is further than this from the box at Fenny Bridges and the one opposite Lidl.

I could tell you more….much more

We need more witness statements, how does this effect you?

We need help with our ‘media campaign’, creative ideas please.

Contact Adam Powell on behalf of Gittisham Parish Council 07535233558


Six councillors met for the April meeting.

Public toilets. Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) had emailed the parish council in his absence to tell councillors about a decision taken last week at EDDC’s planning committee. Two public toilet blocks are to be removed and replaced by an ugly pay to use prefab literally craned into place. One in Honiton and the other in Budleigh Salterton. Cllr Bruce said he had always been of the belief that it should be a right to use a public convenience for free. He was

appalled by the decision, and felt it was a backward step to now be faced with the option of needing to use this grotesque monstrosity, in place of the previous sanctuary of relief, and pay for the privilege. Neither buildings contribute any aesthetic value whatsoever to these towns, and to many this change will become a contributing factor in the calculation of a shopping trip out. So in future the public and visitors in Honiton are faced with either

paying to pee (providing the locks work), relying on the good graces of a certain coffee shop, or, use the facilities of the large church and leave a contribution.

Finance. Members agreed the finances.

Crimes. Due to an ongoing error on the Police UK website which the force is aware of, it is not possible to report crime statistics.

Planning applications.

1 Beaumonts Cottages, Gittisham – T1, Willow: pollard to approximately 8m above ground level; maximum diameter cuts of 20cm; western limb over building; reduce to 3m off main stem. Councillors had no objections to this application.

Road closures. 20 May–7 June 2024 road through Alfington is closed for water works.


Adam Powell reported that he, Maggie Walker and Alex Rowe had met Richard Foord MP earlier in the day to discuss the delay in rolling out superfast broadband. The MP has agreed to follow up with Devon County Council as well as the Digital Minister in Parliament. It appears that Gittisham parish is no longer on the list of locations for

Airband, the remaining full fibre broadband infrastructure provider in the area. Members thanked Adam Powell for raising the profile of the lack of decent broadband. To share your experience of poor broadband in Gittisham village, please contact or telephone 07535 233558.

Hayne Farm play area.

Janet Twist reported that residents of the Hayne Farm development had been repeating their calls for the play area there to be improved. Members agreed that until the ownership of the land had been established on a more permanent footing (likely in two years’ time), the parish council was limited in what support it could provide. It had been pointed out on previous occasions that the equipment in the village play area was provided through fundraising, not capital expenditure. The parish council is happy to assist with providing advice / support on fundraising. Councillors agreed to invite Baker Estates to a parish council meeting to provide an update on the development, and answer concerns raised by residents about the play area to understand where, if at all, the parish council might be able to get involved.

Next meeting. Thursday 2 nd May at 7.30pm in the parish room. This is also the annual parish meeting. All welcome.

Parish Council links      Who’s who                

Emergency Plan     

Parish Council Clerk       Email:                   

Gittisham Gazette March 2024

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

What’s On?  

Tufty Tots Every Thursday at the village hall  

Pierre’s Cafe Sunday 10th March              at the village hall

Mothering Sunday Sunday 10th March 11am the church Family Eucharist with distribution of posies

Palm Sunday March 24th 11am Morning Worship with procession of palms starting at the Lychgate  

Good Friday March 29th 10.30am ‘Stations of the Cross’ starting at the Lychgate followed by Hot Cross Buns in the Parish Room.  

Easter Day 11am Eucharist followed by Easter Egg Hunt in the old Churchyard  

Live music at The Beehive Baskery – the queens of banjo punk. Sat 16th March  

Quiz Night At the village hall               on 20th April with Nick  

Gittisham Fete Saturday 31st August

Auction of Promises! Helen Hayman   What a fun, entertaining evening with an amazing gathering of people of all ages participating under the expert eye of Graham Barton who was brilliant in persuading us all to part with our money!
With so many great lots from a celebration cake, baby sitting , villa in Crete, holiday getaways to flying high beside The Spitfire ! All going towards our community church which the total looks to be around £3,000.00 !  A huge thankyou must go to so many of you for donating lots, funds and helping to run this event. Also to those who attended, making it a memorable evening!

Your Village Hall Your village hall needs you. As you might be aware the village hall committee is trying to source funding in order to maintain and breathe new life into our community space! To do this we need feedback from the users to explain why the village hall is important to them and what they would like to see updated/improved. Without this, we cannot move forward with any grant request.
So we would be really grateful to hear from you.
Why is the village hall important to you?
What change would improve your experience with the hall?
How much of an impact does the village hall have on the surrounding community?
How can the village hall extend its appeal more widely?

Both Edward and Doreen were faithful members of our telephone service during Covid and we were very pleased at our recent Eucharist Service to welcome Edward, his niece Linda, and Doreen’s daughter Sarah for the blessing by Reverend Robert of a kneeler stitched in memory of Doreen.

Tufty Tots at the village hall   6 months – 5 years old  The Tufty Explorer and Learner sessions are planned using the Early Years Framework. Each activity has been tailored to help our little ones reach their developmental milestones in an engaging safe environment. Each session will include singing, dancing and storytelling. Immersing our little ones in new vocabulary, developing their understanding of language and text patterns. To ignite a love of learning we will explore a new story each week… meeting new characters,  discovering different settings and embarking on a range of adventures. Nurture Time For You… On arrival you can pre-order your hot drink and treat… it will be waiting for you after the singing and storytelling input. Enjoy some ‘you’ time.    

Open Day at The Beehive   On Saturday 6th April, The Beehive, Honiton’s community entertainment centre, shall be opening the doors and inviting the public to our open day from 10am until 2pm. The day will give members of the community and visitors from far and wide a chance to discover our diverse range of events, activities, cinema screenings, theatre productions, our café and so much more! During the day, visitors can enjoy live music in the café and free samples of delicious homemade cakes & bakes, discover what events we have coming up in the year, learn more about becoming a volunteer and find out about our venue & room hire.
In the auditorium there’ll be stands providing information about a range of our community groups that use The Beehive. These include Honiton’s Community Theatre Company, TASH: Advancing Inclusion, U3A and Slimming World. There will even be a special theatre performance by Theatre Kidz!
A message from Owen and Sophie
At this moment Sophie and I would like to reach out to you all in ‘the village’ and thank you dearly for your kind words and support during this time. The sudden nature of Jayne’s passing has been felt by many and by far, and we are strengthened by the outpouring of love given by those who were fortunate to have known her.

    St George’s Quiz Night In the village hall on Saturday April 20th starting at 7.30pm.

Ploughman’s supper included, BYOB, £7 a head. Please call or message Nick on 07973 797447 to reserve a table.  

Table Talk at the Otter Inn Lent is often mistakenly thought of as a dreary time, a time of self-denial and abstinence that for many does not feel at all life-giving, especially on days when it never seems to stop raining and when much in the news is so awful. So it can be tempting to forget about Lent altogether! But as we have been exploring in Table Talk session at the Otter Inn, hope can shine into the darkest of places. All welcome to come and join us at the Otter Inn Wednesday evenings in Lent at 7pm. Just turn up or for further information email Julia    


Seven councillors met for the March meeting. Phil Twiss (DCC), Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) and one member of the public were also present.

Highways Phil Twiss said that thanks to a combination hard work by DCC Highways’ teams and the milder winter, the service has recorded 5,500 safety defect potholes in January, slightly below the 7-year average (5,926). This compares well to the 7,500 in 2023. The significant reduction in the gritting operations frees up resources to continue the planned patching operations, again helping to reduce safety defect potholes across the county. However the prolonged wet weather of the last few months does not help matters when trying to make repairs to the highway. Phil Twiss added that the ‘report a problem’ website now looks somewhat different To this Alasdair Bruce added that people should firstly report every relevant hole they find in the road and, secondly, regularly check that it hasn’t been removed from the online map before a successful repair, as this can affect insurance claims. If it has been removed, put it back on and keep doing so until the hole is fixed.

Finance. Members agreed the finances.

Crimes. Due to an ongoing error on the Police UK website which the force is aware of, it is not possible to report crime statistics.

Planning applications.

a) Land at Weston Park Devonshire Road – Construction of new industrial units (Use Class B2) – the clerk agreed to check whether this was another iteration of an application that had come before the parish council last year, to which there was no objection.

Road closures. 20 March: road to Catshayes closed to install sewer level equipment.

Broadband. Adam Powell reported that Richard Foord MP had accepted his invitation to a meeting on 4 th April to discuss the delay in rolling out superfast broadband. He has also invited representatives of other parishes similarly affected, and rural broadband campaigners. To share your experience of poor broadband in Gittisham village, please contact or telephone 07535 233558.

Footpaths Hayne Farm to Gittisham village. Adam Powell and Alex Rowe said they had met representatives of the Combe Estate and the Marker family to discuss a range of traffic-free routes between the new development and the village. The most likely option was a permissive path past the farm

shop and barns to the village along a serviceable farm track that ends by the old marlpit, as it might be more acceptable than a right of way. Conditions of use could be determined by the estate and could potentially be limited to certain times of year. The second route discussed was under the overgrown railway bridge at the Hayne Farm development to follow the hedgerows down to the minor road leading to the garden centre and village. If approved, in both cases the routes and conditions of use may change, as the built landscape is likely to change in the future.

Village play area. The clerk reported that the legal side of releasing the S106 funding for the outdoor ping pong table had been completed, and the parish council could now proceed to purchase the item. This was one of the most popular choices in the public consultation carried out before the pandemic.

Next meeting. Thursday 4 th April at 7.30pm in the parish room.

Parish Council links     Who’s who              

Emergency Plan    

Parish Council Clerk       Email:                   Tel: 01404 851442

How’s your broadband?

Of course, we know the answer and yes, the Parish Council is ‘on the case’. Those of us with a connection to the village wifi Voneus do have a fairly good service but it depends on the weather, foliage, pigeons in the way, etc. You do need to have a direct line of sight to the transmitters. Others are left with coping with little more than dial up, How is this affecting you? Your work, your education, your leisure, managing health, finances, etc. Do you feel disadvantaged?  It’s not a money thing, it’s just not reached us here in the village. The Parish Council is meeting our MP next month and it will greatly strengthen our case if we can give him some anecdotes from people of all ages, backgrounds and careers. Please send your thoughts to or speak to one of your Parish Councillors. Thank you

The Equinox and Big Tides Hamish Hall

On the 20th March the sun will pass across the earth’s equator, moving from the southern hemisphere to the northern.  This means the whole planet gets the same amount of sunlight and we have pretty much equal amounts of sunlight and nighttime (equi -nox).  The sun will all rise due east and set due west wherever you are.

This is also a time when we often get high tides and this year is pretty special.  On the 11th & 12th March, just after the new moon, we will have one of the highest and lowest set of predicted tides for the last eight years.  This happens because the tidal forces are strengthened when the moon is closest to the earth in its elliptical orbit and enhanced when the sun is over the equator.  The moon is almost at its closest to earth and on these dates (only 356,800km away, compared to 406,500km away  in October).    You may note that I;ve said predicted tides as the atmospheric pressure and strength of the wind can make big changes to both the height and the time of the tides

Wash out winter ! Jack Bartlett

Rain rain go away, come back another day! It’s been a while since I’ve written, but the weather hasn’t changed much! It really does need to dry up now, fields are saturated and just can’t take any more. The field work needs to begin but we can’t even get into the fields without making a mess. Slurry needs to be applied for nutrients to this coming years crops, and bagged fertiliser for the same reason. We also need to roll the grass fields, this smooths out any lumps, bumps and molehills so that when we cut the grass the mowers don’t hit these lumps and bumps. Soil contamination in the silage doesn’t make for a good feed.

The wet weather doesn’t mean we haven’t had much to, winter time means all the animals are tucked away in the sheds keeping dry, which means lots of feeding, scraping slurry and bedding up! We are also calving a lot of cows and heifers at the moment too, in just one day this week 7 calves were born! They like to keep us on our toes.

You may have seen lots of sheep around, these have done a good job eating down the excess grass through the winter, which in turn helps for making good quality silage in the summer. As the grass is nice and young & fresh.

Some fields will also be turned over and planted to maize, lots to happen in the next couple months!

Some of you will have noticed the track we have built to Catshayes, although still not completely finished yet, this has made a huge difference to get to and back from Catshayes without going all around the village. This will also help with some of the summer tractor traffic.

Bring on summer !

Gittisham Gazette February 2024

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council
    What’s On?   
Village hall  

Auction of promises Saturday 10th February  

Pierre’s Kitchen
Sunday, Feb 11th  

Tip Tip Toe
Tuesday, Feb 13th 4.30 pm Open to all children from the parish. Bring a plate of party food.  

Skittles and family fun
Friday 1st March  

Church Services

Sunday, Feb 11th 11 am Holy Communion, St Paul’s Honiton with Bishop Jackie  

Ash Wednesday, Feb 14th Holy Communion Imposition of Ashes St Paul’s Honiton 11 am & 7 pm
St Michael’s Imposition of Ashes 7pm  

Sunday, Feb 25th 11 am Holy Communion  

  Job Vacancy

Village Hall Treasurer Details from Hamish Hall
07880 178297    
Haggis and dancing at the village hall (Midweek Herald)  Hamish Stabbing Haggis
A wonderful write-up in the Midweek Herald about our legendary Burn’s Night celebration at the village hall “Haggis, mashed potatoes swedes were served followed by a trio of tray bakes with ice cream. To say the food was delicious is an understatement as it truly was outstanding and there were even seconds for everyone who could manage it after the generous first helpings.” A well-stocked raffle followed, with lovely prizes. Winnie from the Honiton Carers said “Folk dancing followed with caller Mary who as usually kept us going nonstop. This is definitely a highlight of the evening as so much fun is had by all the participants who try to carry out Mary’s instructions with much enthusiasm.
Village hall committee serve burns night food
“Thank you to organiser Hamish and the committee for allowing us to join them all again this year. We will definitely be back next year, as this is an evening not to be missed for sure.” Get in touch with Win on  or phone 07974 636926, to find out more about the Honiton Carers.   Honiton Youth Club are looking for a fun and dynamic person to join our youth club sessions as a paid, part-time support worker. You’ll be supporting the Lead Youth Worker on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to support and engage the young people and children of Honiton. Experience with young people is highly desired, qualifications are not essential.

Table Talk

A Game of Conversations

Do you like to ponder on the big questions of life and wonder what others think? There will be an opportunity to think about a topic a week over five weeks to do just that!

Bring a friend, grab a drink, join a table and pick a question you fancy.

At the Otter Inn, Weston every Wednesday 7pm starting 21st Feb and continuing throughout Lent. Convened by Julia Barrett

Changes to the 200 Club

The 200 club was first started in1984 as a way of raising much need funds for the upkeep and maintenance of the Church and it remains a popular way of enabling everyone within and beyond the Parish to maintain a connection with our beautiful village church. However, the value of £1 since 1984 has depreciated considerably – the equivalent value today of £1 is 25p! During which time, the 200 subscription cost of £12 per annum (£1 per monthly draw) has not changed while the running costs have risen considerably. St Michael’s PCC has therefore carried out a much-needed review in order to ensure that the 200 club remains viable while at the same time fulfilling its original purpose and has decided to raise the subscription fee while at the same time also raising the prize money to ensure the 200 club remains attractive to its members. We really don’t want to lose you! A tall order, one might think! But having discussed this at length and consulted with our ‘Coffee Together’ members who are also enthusiastic 200 Club members, we believe we have come up with a solution that will enable the 200 Club to thrive for many more years! The timetable for implementation of changes is as follows:

February – all present 200 Club members will receive letters informing them of the changes, new subscription rates and increased prize money.

March – the last draw under the present system will take place March 16th at Coffee Together at the Coffee Together Club in the Parish Room.

April – no draw to allow time for the set-up of the administration of the new 200 Club

May – May 18th Launch of new 200 Club with first draw at ‘Coffee Together, Parish Room.

If you are not already a member of the 200 Club and would like to join please contact Janet Twist at for further information.

February 200 Club

Prize Winners

1. Jackson King

2. Jonathan Aylen

3. John Boswell

4. Emma Fuller

5. Phyllis Broadhurst

The Beehive, Honiton

March is packed full with live music at The Beehive Honiton.

We have the sensational Elton John Show on Saturday 2nd March. If French music is your thing, why not come along to our evening show with Fifi La Mer and be transported to Paris on 7th March. We have the brilliant Gary Moore Blues Experience coming to Honiton on Saturday 9th March and The Beehive’s residency – Deane Big Band on March 21st, expect an evening in the 1970’s from Fusion to Disco!  Dance the night away with From Gold To Rio on Friday 15th they’ll take you on a nostalgic journey back to the New Romantic era which ruled the charts for over a decade- Spandau Ballet and Duran Duran. Baskery will be performing on 16th March who play a combination of classic ‘roots music and Americana’. 

Come and visit us at The Beehive Honiton where you can find out lots more about our other shows including A Country Music Songbook theatre show as well as The All Seasons show celebrating the work of Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons.

01404 384050. The Beehive, Dowell Street, EX14 1LZ. 


Please share your experience of issues caused by the continuing delay in installing superfast broadband in Gittisham village with your Parish Council via or telephone 07535 233558.


Five councillors met for the February meeting. Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) was also present.

Water quality. The focus on seawater bathing quality is a hot topic at present and rightly so, said Alasdair Bruce. He explained there is much anecdotal evidence from outdoor swimmers of a major deterioration in the quality of our coastal waters. Many experience stomach illness and ear infections, even dog walkers tell him their animals are sometimes poorly after a stroll on the beach. With this in mind, Alasdair Bruce thought the parish might be interested in some figures recently released by the EDDC coastal officer:

Permitted Discharges from CSOs (storm overflow discharge): In total in 2023 there were the following (the number in brackets is the number that fell within the formal bathing season May 15th  September 30th) Sandy Bay 21 (8), Exmouth 40 (15), Budleigh 44 (15), Sidmouth 28 (10) Beer 32 (13), Seaton 31(12). Given that in their Water Fit document South West Water commits to achieving no more than 20 discharges at any given beach, this is pretty poor performance.

Devolution. In his absence, Phil Twiss sent a report explaining that the Government had published proposals for a deal that could re-draw the future relationship between local government in Devon, Torbay and Whitehall. It’s hoped that additional powers with the cash that follows will happen in future years. This would enable more decisions to be made locally by people who know their areas best and on things that matter to local people such as building more affordable homes, investing in new quality jobs and skills, and improving public transport.

Finance. Members agreed on the finances.

Crimes. Due to an ongoing error on the Police UK website, it is not possible to report crime statistics.

Planning applications.

a) 8 Campion Way, Honiton – T1, Oak approx. 14 metres high and 14 metres wide at all points; to pollard back to the previous pollard position when work was last carried out in 2016. No objection.

b) Rapshayes Farm, Gittisham – Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 20/0782/LBC (Conversion of barn to holiday accommodation) to change the proposed roof covering from clay Roman tiles to natural slate. No objection.

c) Kings Arms Farm Nags Head Road, Gittisham– House of multiple occupation (HMO), that provides individual living-rooms for vulnerable people; the facility includes communal areas for socialising, cooking and dining set with private and secure gardens. No objection.

Road closures. 20 March: the road to Catshayes closed to install sewer-level equipment.

Broadband. Adam Powell said he had drafted a letter to Richard Foorde MP regarding the continuing delay of installing superfast broadband in Gittisham village. Councillors agreed he should use the village WhatsApp group to build a picture of the issues people experience. To share your experience, please contact or telephone 07535 233558.

Play area. The clerk reported that she had accepted the offer of a free silver birch tree from Devon Wildlife Trust. The organisation is offering parish councils in East Devon, North Devon and Torridge a “landmark” tree to help combat the devastating effect Ash Dieback is having on the landscape.

Next meeting. Thursday 7th March at 7.30 pm in the parish room.

Parish Council links      Who’s who                

Emergency Plan     

Parish Council Clerk       Email:                    Tel: 01404 851442

Gittisham Gazette January 2024

A monthly community newsletter published by St Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

    What’s On?  

Weds 9th Jan 5.30-7.30pm Pizza Van at the church  

Sunday 14th Jan 10-4 Pierre’s Cafe  

Sunday Jan 14th 11am
Holy Communion, St Michael’s Church, Gittisham  

Tuesday 30th Jan 5.30pm
Fete meeting. Come along if you’d like to get involved  

3rd Feb
Burns Night     at the village hall. Tickets from       Hamish Hall  

Saturday 10th Feb    
Auction of Promises  

Sunday Feb 11th   11am
Holy Communion at St Paul’s Honiton with Bishop Jackie  

Sunday Feb 25th   11am
Holy Communion at St Michaels  

Skittles at the village hall 1st March    

January 200 Club Winners 1.Vicky McLachlan Clark
2.Julia Barrett
3.Ann Stansell
4.Auralia Wakley Beddows 5.Paula Madden  

Gittisham Cabaret 13&14 December Contact                      Sara Agg-Manning if you’d like to be involved with acting, writing, etc. All welcome  

Connor’s Graduation

Connor Graduation photo

Connor passed his degree in Rescue and Emergency Management. His graduation was on the 10th November and was held in Truro cathedral. We are extremely proud of his accomplishments over the last few years. Looking forward to see what other goals he will achieve. Well done

Community Kitchen Meeting

Directly following the meal on Thursday 25th January we will be having a short meeting to discuss the progress of the community kitchen and arrangements for the coming year.  We hope to start the meeting at about 7.30pm so please stay on after the meal or for those who don’t want to eat, feel free to turn up at around that time.  If you are not able to make it on the day please pass on any views you may have to someone who is going to attend.  The following are usually a pretty safe bet: Sara and Bill, Sue and David, Stella or Alex. It would be good to have as many views as possible from all interested parties so we’ll hope for a good turnout!

Superfast Broadband

Jurassic Fibre (now All Points Fibre) will not be installing superfast broadband to Gittisham Village. The Parish Council asked their Head of Strategic Partnerships to join their recent meeting but due to issues with broadband it was not possible to connect to enable this remote meeting. Councillor Phil Twiss said that the company Airband will now be the most likely to deliver fibre. The Parish Council is writing to Richard Foorde MP to explain our situation and the delays we’ve experienced.

Pierre’s Café

Banish the January blues with a visit to Pierre’s pop-up café, Sunday 14th January.  We’ll be open from 10am until 4pm in Gittisham Village Hall, serving a range of homemade meals including croissants, pastries and cakes.  Please book if you’d like to come for lunch so we can have an idea of numbers.  Pierre will be making galette des rois for one of the desserts, a sweet puff pastry pie made with almonds traditionally eaten at this time of year in France.  For further information or to book, call 07545 214940.  Bon appétit!

St Michael’s Church, Gittisham

Nativity photo

All our Advent and Christmas Services including our Advent Concert and Carols at the Lychgate were well attended and enjoyed by everyone. The concert was a wonderful start to the season and raised over £700 with the proceeds donated to the Force Cancer Charity and St Michael’s Church. And so a big ‘Thankyou’ to all who came, support and helped to make it such a lovely occasion and also of course to David and Alison and her fellow singers!

Our Carol Service with the Children’s Nativity Tableau also proved popular as did Carols on the Green with the Honiton Band which has become an annual event with the band already booked for Christmas 2024! Finally, it was lovely to see you so many at our Christmas Midnight and Morning Services and again thank you to all who gave so generously with fifty per cent of the collections taken going To the Force Cancer and Hospiscare Charities.

With all good wishes for the New Year from Julia and all at St Michael’s.

Gittisham Fete

The fete will be on August 31st this year. We will be having a planning meeting on Jan 30th at 5.30pm in the hall. All are welcome.

Auction Of Promises Saturday 10th Febuary 7pm, Gittisham Village Hall

Gittisham Village Hall

Tufty Tots

Hello! My name is Jasmine, I am a great niece of Uncle Reg and Pam Chown and have strong family connections with Gittisham. My family and I now live in Honiton but enjoy visiting the park. My husband and I have two young daughters- who keep us very busy. Tom is a graphic designer and I am a primary school teacher. During my childhood visits and family parties  I often visited the Gittisham Village Hall. The beautiful building and space has now inspired me to start up TuftyTots, baby and toddler classes.

I will be running- Tufty Tots – on a Thursday morning. The classes will run from 9.30-11.30 with inclusive activities tailored for children from 6 months- 4 years old. The sessions will include stories, songs, sensory activities and tuft tray activities to ignite curiosity and imagination. To look after the adults there will of course be a selection of homemade cakes and strong coffee!  And time for a good natter. 

TuftyTots classes will be informed by the Early Years Framework- to develop a love for learning and help children to reach their milestones.

On the last Saturday of each month we will also be running a family  – stay and play brunch – these will be themed, based on books and children’s interests such as dinosaurs or princesses! No age limit. 

TuftyTots is still in the planning stages, but soon we will have a website and more information available. TuftyTots will be launched in March, but booking will be available from February. During the Thursdays in February I will be running pilot sessions for families and friends so you may see and hear little people mischief in and around the hall! I ask for your patience with families parking in and around your lovely village. If there are any problems or parking queries please do not hesitate to pop in and see me or ask Carol Hall for my contact details. 

Kind regards and best wishes, Jasmine Chugg-Rogers 

Beehive Honiton Whats On


Six councillors met for the January meeting. One member of the public was also present.

DCC Budget. In his report Phil Twiss (DCC) said that setting DCC’s budget for the next financial year would once again be a challenging task. More than 79% of the net revenue budget of £743.4 million proposed for 2024/25 is spent on children’s and adult service areas i.e. £588.5m with £154.8m for the others. The council is identifying savings and alternative sources of income, including grants, but the majority is derived from council tax and business rates. He explained that social care provision is particularly impacted by increases to the national living wage, which at first glance a 30p per hour increase announced by the Government does not seem vast. However, it will add an extra £25.7m to the DCC wage bill, which will need to come from further savings and efficiencies.

Broadband. Following the acquisition of Jurassic Fibre and three other internet service providers, All Points Fibre (APF, part of Fern Trading) has looked again at the business case for bringing full fibre broadband to Gittisham village. A representative of APF was due to join the meeting remotely, but due to issues with broadband it was not possible to connect. Members expressed their profound disappointment that the company would not be pursuing its roll-out, which APF explained was no longer commercially viable. Phil Twiss indicated in a recent email that the contract for Airband to deliver the roll-out under the Connecting Devon & Somerset scheme appeared to be the most likely option.

Finance. Members agreed the budget for 2024/25 and the parish precept was increased to £10,139.08; as the population of the parish has increased, this should not represent a rise at the individual level.

Crimes. Due to an ongoing error on the Police UK website, it is not possible to report crime statistics. In his report, Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) said the ongoing issue of anti- social behaviour on the Hayne Farm development has been raised with Sovereign Housing and the council officer whose brief it is.

Donations. Members agreed to donate money to Force, Diabetes UK, TRIP, Citizens Advice and Hospiscare.

Road closures. 20 March: road to Catshayes closed to install sewer level equipment.

Play area. The Chair and Vice Chair signed the grant funding agreement for EDDC to release S106 funds to allow the parish council to go ahead with the purchase of the outdoor ping pong table.

Limited residential development. David Valentine said Gittisham Community Land Trust was drawing up a memorandum of understanding with Combe Estate. The planning application is due to be submitted very soon. Research into a possible housing association partner is ongoing.

Footpath. Councillors discussed how they could take forward the proposal for a permissive path connecting the Hayne Farm development with Gittisham village. All agreed it would fit with the parish council’s climate change agenda and take cars off the road. Adam Powell (new parish councillor, Gittisham Vale) highlighted the success of a recently created path linking Feniton and Colestocks.

Next meeting. Thursday 1 st February at 7.30pm in the parish room. The Chair wished everyone a happy New Year.

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Parish Council Clerk       Email:                    Tel: 01404 851442