2024-04 Parish Council meeting minutes 4th April 2024

Held in Gittisham Parish Room


Village ward: Cllr D Valentine, Cllr M Walker, Cllr A Rowe

Vale ward: Cllr J Twist (Vice Chair), Cllr Adam Powell, Cllr P Orchard

In attendance: Fiona Clampin (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Cllr C Hall (Chair), Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC), Cllr Phil Twiss (DCC), PCSO Darren England

177/23 To accept and approve apologies

Apologies were received and accepted.

178/23        To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024 were confirmed and signed by the Vice Chair.  

179/23        To receive the Beat Manager’s Report

Due to an error on the Police UK website it was not possible to report the crime statistics accurately. 

180/23        To receive declarations of interest

Cllr Twist declared an interest in agenda item 10 (minute ref. 186/23), as she is the treasurer of Gittisham PCC.

181/23        To consider actions from the last meeting not otherwise on the agenda


182/23 To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives

In his absence, Cllr Twiss sent the following report: “As we move towards spring and summer, it seems that our traditional four seasons are now more like the Northern Territory of Australia with just two, the wet from November to April and the dry, May to October.  Unfortunately our wet season seems to be far longer than the dry one, having a detrimental impact on the Devon Highways network, particularly in rural areas where the potholes are all too obvious to see, appearing on what are effectively former cart tracks with tarmac on the top. In urban areas, most roads are purpose built with proper foundations that are generally more robust.

This state of the public highway is by some distance the item that features most in conversations and correspondence with constituents and below is a more detailed report on how this last winter has gone for DCC Highways who are trying to keep up with rising demand, combined with limited human and financial resources.

Winter 2023/24 Highways update

DCC has established a ‘Planned and Reactive Maintenance: Potholes and Drainage Task Group’ first reporting in March 2019 and an updated Performance Dashboard Report has now been produced to councillors.  As is typical for the winter period, DCC Highways has recorded a gradual increase in the number of publicly reported pothole defects (PIPs) since November, mainly via the ‘Report a Problem’ web site. A team of Highway Safety Inspectors undertake assessments, using extended weekday and weekend working where resource allows. The main contractor called Milestone are currently in the process of recruiting three additional permanent inspectors to assist in driving further efficiencies and timely inspections.

There have been more pothole defects this financial year than 2022/23. Whilst a further 12 months of network deterioration has occurred, the impacts on network condition of the relatively early and harsh freeze/thaw cycles experienced during last winter (2022/23) were felt deep into the summer months of 2023, added to by a number of severe storms and torrential rainfall.

Additional in year Government funding of £7.5 million is enabling more reactive, short notice and planned works, including minor hand patching and dragon patching will be delivered on the minor network in Devon as a result of it. 

While there have been challenges around plant breakdowns and availability relating to gully cleaning, it is anticipated the programme to clean 150,630 gully assets will be completed on time for the current financial year. The additional high pressure jetting resource is currently resolving approximately 800 recorded issues per month, effectively maintaining pace with the number of issues reported during the flooding events experienced over the 2023/24 winter period. The service continues to trial a different approach to cleaning both urban gullies and gullies that require multiple cleans per year.

Special Educational Needs Deficit (SEND)

After a protracted and very difficult period of negotiation, a high-level agreement has been signed between Devon County Council and the Government, which will see an extra £95 million of national funds set aside to reduce the deficit on special needs education.

The cumulative spending on education for children with special needs and disabilities (SEND) over the past 10 years is set to create a deficit of £163 million by the end of this financial year.  In common with many councils across the country, DCC had been negotiating with the Government for extra funding for special needs education under the so-called Safety Valve programme.  Ten million pounds have been set aside in 2023/24 to help bring down the deficit.  The new agreement will see the Government contribute £38 million by the end of March with the remaining cash being spread out over the following eight years.  We will contribute a further £5 million a year from its revenue budget and £20 million from reserves to bring the deficit back into balance by the end of the agreement.

It is recognised that DCC must improve its service to children needing help in this area and is committed to doing this, as well as managing its finances most effectively, keeping the council on a long term sustainable basis.

Locality Budgets

Devon county councillors have a small amount of money each year called a Locality Budget to support projects in their division with small grants, where demand invariably outstrips supply.  The fund opens up again in mid-April and budget for 2024/25 is £8,000 per councillor. Further details of qualifying projects and an online application form can be found at https://www.devon.gov.uk/democracy/councillors-nav/locality-budgets/

In his absence, Cllr Bruce sent the following report: “Last week at planning this council took what I consider to be a retrograde step. Two toilet blocks are to be removed and replaced by an ugly pay to use prefab literally craned into place. One in Honiton and the other in Budleigh Salterton. Now we are often told that councils do not have to provide free toilet conveniences, but it is something we have ‘enjoyed’ for many years so it is in effect a loss of amenity.  I for one have always believed it should be a right to use a public convenience for free. To be blunt those people of a certain age and/or with a medical condition rely on finding somewhere to go and often in a hurry. So to now be faced with the option of needing to use this grotesque monstrosity, in place of the previous sanctuary of relief, and pay for the privilege is a backward step. Neither buildings contribute any aesthetic value whatsoever to these towns, and to many this change will become a contributing factor in the calculation of a shopping trip out. So in future the public and visitors in Honiton is faced with either paying to pee (providing the locks work), relying on the good graces of a certain coffee shop, or, use the facilities of the large church and leave a contribution.

“The ongoing disgrace of the quality of our rivers and seas continue to attract media attention, but with little matching concerted action by our government. It is to be hoped that the growing number of action groups and legal action will bring about a profound change in how our water is managed and safeguarded for us all.”

183/23   To consider the following planning applications:

  1. 24/0652/TRE – 1 Beaumonts Cottages, Gittisham EX14 3AG – T1, Willow: pollard to approximately 8m above ground level; maximum diameter cuts of 20cm; western limb over building; reduce to 3m off main stem.

Councillors resolved to have no objection to this application. 

184/23     To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:

  • To note the latest planning decision notices
    • None.
  • To receive an update on Highways 

20 May–7 June 2024 road through Alfington is closed for water works.

  • To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy & S106

The clerk reported that the outdoor ping pong table was now installed.  The delivery company had suggested that a set of bats and balls should have been included, but the supplier said this was not the case.  Members thanked Carla Hulbert for donating the ping pong kit.  Cllr Walker said a tournament was planned for Father’s Day, and members agreed this would be a good moment to arrange some PR and the plaque to indicate EDDC’s support.

ACTION: Clerk to invite Cllr Arnott to a Father’s Day tournament and order a plaque. 

  • To receive an update on public transport

Cllr Rowe suggested leaving a clipboard in the village bus shelter for people to log when the Stagecoach bus is late or does not turn up.

ACTION: Cllr Orchard to source a clipboard and pen.

  • To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land in the parish

There was no update to report.

  • To consider limited residential development in the parish

Cllr Valentine said EDDC had requested further information from interested parties including Combe Estate about the planning application.          

  • To consider the creation of a footpath linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village

Cllr Powell reported he had emailed members with a summary of the points raised at the meeting with Combe EstateJustin Lascelles said he would be progressing this matter with the Marker family, tenant farmers and estate trustees. 

  • To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area

Cllr Walker said the heavy rainfall had left the play area waterlogged.  She agreed to walk the area with the lengthsman to find out if any maintenance is needed, including to the hedge, after the annual safety inspection report.

ACTION: Clerk to check status of safety inspection.

  • To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain ditches and drains in the parish

The clerk reported that Len Abbott had spoken to Len Bartlett (farmer) about the run-off at Catshayes, but she did not know the outcome of the conversation.  The Bartlett family has assured residents that they will step in to help should there be a flooding problem resulting from the recent work.

185/23     To receive a report from the Chair

The Vice-Chair reported that residents of the Hayne Farm development had been asking if the play area could be improved there.  Members agreed that until the ownership of the land had been established on a more permanent footing (likely in two years’ time), the parish council was limited in what support it could provide.  It had been pointed out on previous occasions that the equipment in the village play area was provided through fundraising, not capital expenditure.  The parish council is happy to assist with providing advice / support on fundraising.  Councillors agreed that it was time to invite Baker Estates to a parish council meeting to provide an update on the development, and answer concerns raised by residents about the play area to understand where the parish council might be able to get involved.

ACTION: Clerk to invite Graham Hutton to attend a parish council meeting.

Cllr Powell reported that he and Cllrs Walker and Rowe had met Richard Foord MP earlier in the day to discuss the delay in rolling out superfast broadband.  Combe Estate representatives had been unable to attend the meeting.  The MP has agreed to follow up with DCC as well as the Digital Minister in Parliament.  It appears that Gittisham parish is no longer on the list of locations for Airband, the remaining full fibre broadband infrastructure provider in the area.  Members thanked Cllr Powell for raising the profile of the lack of decent broadband. 

ACTION: Cllr Powell to reflect on how GPC can help progress Richard Foord’s media campaign on this issue.

The Vice-Chair reported that the TruckFest which had caused so many traffic problems last year in the parish had been moved to Smeatharpe. 

Cllr Twist left the meeting and Cllr Valentine took the Chair.

186/23     To approve the April payments and to note the current bank balance

F Clampin             £254.34 Clerk’s salary

34SP.com             £119.40 web hosting renewal

34SP.com             £15 domain name registration

Gittisham PCC     £21.10 electricity bill [parish council use]

Michael Poll        £65 play area grass cutting (inv. ref. 10291)

DALC                  £400.50 annual subscription 2024/25

Len Abbott           £101.50 (lengthsman work, 7 hrs Dec 2023)

Len Abbott           £14.50 (lengthsman work, 1hr Jan 2024)

DD          NEST                     £26.78   Clerk’s pension

Members were informed that the current bank balance stands at £16,399.29 (which includes approximately £7,000 in the business reserve account). 

The clerk said this did not include the first half of the annual precept, which is due to arrive in the parish council bank account.  She added that the cost of the ping pong table had already been accounted for at the July 2023 meeting, and she would invoice EDDC to have the amount (minus VAT) paid to the parish council from S106 funds.

ACTION: Clerk to contact Bluechip Payroll to arrange annual audit. 

Cllr Twist returned to the meeting.

187/23 Clerk’s report

There was nothing to report.

188/23     For information only; items for the forward agenda

The May meeting will be held following the annual parish meeting.  Clerk to find out if Baker Estates can attend in May.

189/23     To consider any late entry correspondence


190/23     Date of next two meetings  

Thursday 2nd May and Thursday 6th June 2024 at 7.30pm. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2100 hrs.


2nd May 2024