Ms Fiona Clampin
Clerk to the Council
25th April 2024
Local Government Act 1972
The Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting for Gittisham will be held in the parish room on Thursday 2nd May 2024 at 7.30pm
The meeting will be open to the public.
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda
- Introduction by Council Chair
- Apologies for absence
- Report on the Council’s activities in 2023/24 by the Council Chair
- Annual Police Report
- County and District representatives’ reports
- Reports by village organisations
- To consider any matters raised by residents.
Annual Council Meeting Agenda
25th April 2024
Members of Gittisham Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Council Meeting to be held in Gittisham Parish Room on Thursday 2nd May 2024 commencing at 7.30pm (following the Annual Parish Meeting) to discuss items on the Agenda and to make resolutions as appropriate.
Prior to the start of the meeting a period of 15 minutes is allowed to permit any resident to bring appropriate matters to the notice of the Council. Please contact the clerk if you would like to do this, preferably by email in advance of the meeting, with a question you wish to be raised with Councillors on your behalf.
- To elect a Chair
- To elect a Vice Chair
- To receive the Chair’s & Vice Chair’s declaration of Acceptance of Office
- To accept and approve apologies
- To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 4th April 2024
- To receive the Beat Manager’s report
- To receive declarations of interest
- To consider actions from last meeting not otherwise on the agenda
- To receive reports from County Council and District Council representatives
- To consider the application for a proposed upgrade to the existing radio base station installation at CS_121551, SWEB Tower EX14 3TZ (NGR: E314620, N096545)
- To consider the following planning application: 24/0539/LBC 2 Riverside Cottages Gittisham EX14 3AE – Replace existing porch with enlarged lead flat roof porch on south elevation; replace existing extension on north elevation to create bedroom and bathroom and glazed canopy over rear door |
- To consider a response to Honiton Town Council’s request to identify projects for the 2nd tranche of S106 funds
- To receive reports from councillors on areas of responsibility and actions since the last meeting:
- To note the latest planning decision notices (Cllr Orchard)
- To receive an update on highways (Cllr Orchard)
- To consider plans for expenditure in the parish under the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106, including publicity (Cllr Orchard & Cllr Twist)
- To receive an update on public transport (Cllr Orchard)
- To consider climate change measures within the parish, including proposals for rewilding land off Old Elm Road (Cllr Twist / Cllr Rowe)
- To consider limited residential development in the parish (Cllr Valentine)
- To consider the creation of a traffic-free amenity route linking Hayne Farm with Gittisham village (Cllr Rowe / Cllr Powell)
- To consider the refurbishment and maintenance of the village play area (Cllr Walker)
- To consider work to be carried out by the lengthsman to maintain drains and ditches in the parish (Cllr Walker)
- To receive a report from the Chair
- To consider and adopt the parish council’s standing orders
- To review the parish council’s fixed asset register
- To approve the May payments and to note the current bank balance:
F Clampin £254.34 + £16.85 expenses (travel Ottery – Gittisham 7.5-mile round trip x 5 for agendas, minutes & police election notices in March & April @0.45p / mile)
Len Abbott lengthsman work, £tbc
Len Abbott expenses £tbc
Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10300)
Alvian Ltd play area annual safety inspection £102 (inv. 1068)
Community First Trading annual insurance policy £420.44 [tbc]
NEST (clerk’s pension) £26.78
- Clerk’s report
- For information only; items for the forward agenda
- To consider any late entry correspondence
- To note the date of the next two meetings, Thursday 6th June and Thursday 4th July 2024 at 7.30pm.
F J Clampin – Clerk