Village Hall Annual General Meeting 2024

DateTuesday 4th July 2023, 7:30pm, Village Hall garden.Meeting opened 1935Meeting ended 1954
PresentCommittee: Pierre, Hamish, Bill, Terry, Alex, Sue, Steve, Janet, ClaireMembers of Public: Damian, Owen
ApologiesNick, Janet, Cordelia, Stella, Maggie
Minutes of the 2023 AGMThe meeting agreed the previous year’s AGM minutes.
Chair’s reportChairman’s Report for the year 2023 to 2024We have a good cross section of regular bookings, including the dance club, yoga, Pierre’s kitchen, and keep fit.  We are also very fortunate to have the popular Community Kitchen as a regular weekly booking.  Thanks to all regular groups who book the hall and to Sara Trumper and helpers for sustaining the community Kitchen and to Carol Hall for the successful application for £2,244 from Devon’s Growing Community Fund. The committee is very grateful for this funding that supports both the community and the village hall.
Through the year the committee have arranged some excellent events including regular quizzes, the return of the ever popular Burns Night, skittles, Father’s Day BBQ –  in perfect weather again and with a live band (thank you Nick). A special thanks to Carol Hall for pushing the Hall on social media, resulting in more one-off and regular bookings.
Over the course of the year we have seen stable bookings, but with a lower revenue than last year. Unfortunately costs have also grown and the Hall has made a loss over the period, despite the significant grant from Devon.  As a result of a second year of loss-making we have had to increase hire charges, which we hope should bring the hall back to at least break even. Hire charges were agreed at the June 2024 meeting.
As Chair I would like to extend my thanks to all of those on the committee and those who helped when called upon outside the committee.  Particular thanks to Janet who has resigned from the post of Treasurer and has kindly agreed to support the incoming treasurer, Damian Furniss.  Janet has improved further our processes and has been exceptionally diligent in her duties, to the benefit of the Hall and the community.
Treasurer’s reportFinancial Year End Report: 1 April 2023-31 March 2024
Income:Hall hire, a 7% reduction compared to the previous year.Social events, a 23% reduction compared to the previous year.The Village Hall received a grant towards the Community Kitchen of £992.45 and earned £507.98 in interest on the reserve Account.The Village Hall Committee approved a drawdown of £2000 from the Reserve Account.Total income of £9474.10.
Expenditure:Insurance increase of 7% on previous year.Water/gas/electric, an increase of £858.05, a 39% increase on the previous year.Cleaning/grass cutting, £271.05 more than the previous year, 36% increase.Hall/equipment maintenance, £2215.58, up 61% on the previous year, external painting, a new gas water boiler and the removal of an old shed.The stipend paid to the booking clerk and treasurer.
Expenditure increased by £4136.36, to a total of £11597.01.The Reserve Account balance was £24811.22 at year end.Janet Twist Treasurer 28 June 2024
Election of officersHamish was nominated and re-elected as Chair. Nick was nominated and re-elected as Vice-Chair. Damian Furniss was nominated and elected as Treasurer. The Committee expressed its sincere thanks to Janet Twiss for her diligent work in the role.No volunteer stepped forward to take the Secretary vacancy, so this remains vacant. Gillian Coates was nominated and agreed as the auditor for 2024/25.Carol Hall will continue in her role as Bookings Clerk. With Janet stepping down the VHC Charity has just two trustees, Hamish and Nick. Sue Fallows agreed to step forwards as a third trustee.
Action: Janet and Sue to liaise on appropriate steps to add Sue as a trustee.   
AOBThe meeting expressed its thanks to all who had supported the hall in the year, particularly Janet as outgoing Treasurer, and the committee members who had supported the weekly community kitchen. 
DateTuesday 4th July 2023, 7:30pm, Village Hall garden.Meeting opened 1935Meeting ended 1954
PresentCommittee: Pierre, Hamish, Bill, Terry, Alex, Sue, Steve, Janet, ClaireMembers of Public: Damian, Owen
ApologiesNick, Janet, Cordelia, Stella, Maggie
Minutes of the 2023 AGMThe meeting agreed the previous year’s AGM minutes.
Chair’s reportChairman’s Report for the year 2023 to 2024We have a good cross section of regular bookings, including the dance club, yoga, Pierre’s kitchen, and keep fit.  We are also very fortunate to have the popular Community Kitchen as a regular weekly booking.  Thanks to all regular groups who book the hall and to Sara Trumper and helpers for sustaining the community Kitchen and to Carol Hall for the successful application for £2,244 from Devon’s Growing Community Fund. The committee is very grateful for this funding that supports both the community and the village hall.
Through the year the committee have arranged some excellent events including regular quizzes, the return of the ever popular Burns Night, skittles, Father’s Day BBQ –  in perfect weather again and with a live band (thank you Nick). A special thanks to Carol Hall for pushing the Hall on social media, resulting in more one-off and regular bookings.
Over the course of the year we have seen stable bookings, but with a lower revenue than last year. Unfortunately costs have also grown and the Hall has made a loss over the period, despite the significant grant from Devon.  As a result of a second year of loss-making we have had to increase hire charges, which we hope should bring the hall back to at least break even. Hire charges were agreed at the June 2024 meeting.
As Chair I would like to extend my thanks to all of those on the committee and those who helped when called upon outside the committee.  Particular thanks to Janet who has resigned from the post of Treasurer and has kindly agreed to support the incoming treasurer, Damian Furniss.  Janet has improved further our processes and has been exceptionally diligent in her duties, to the benefit of the Hall and the community.
Treasurer’s reportFinancial Year End Report: 1 April 2023-31 March 2024
Income:Hall hire, a 7% reduction compared to the previous year.Social events, a 23% reduction compared to the previous year.The Village Hall received a grant towards the Community Kitchen of £992.45 and earned £507.98 in interest on the reserve Account.The Village Hall Committee approved a drawdown of £2000 from the Reserve Account.Total income of £9474.10.
Expenditure:Insurance increase of 7% on previous year.Water/gas/electric, an increase of £858.05, a 39% increase on the previous year.Cleaning/grass cutting, £271.05 more than the previous year, 36% increase.Hall/equipment maintenance, £2215.58, up 61% on the previous year, external painting, a new gas water boiler and the removal of an old shed.The stipend paid to the booking clerk and treasurer.
Expenditure increased by £4136.36, to a total of £11597.01.The Reserve Account balance was £24811.22 at year end.Janet TwistTreasurer28 June 2024
Election of officersHamish was nominated and re-elected as Chair. Nick was nominated and re-elected as Vice-Chair. Damian Furniss was nominated and elected as Treasurer. The Committee expressed its sincere thanks to Janet Twiss for her diligent work in the role.No volunteer stepped forward to take the Secretary vacancy, so this remains vacant. Gillian Coates was nominated and agreed as the auditor for 2024/25.Carol Hall will continue in her role as Bookings Clerk. With Janet stepping down the VHC Charity has just two trustees, Hamish and Nick. Sue Fallows agreed to step forwards as a third trustee.
Action: Janet and Sue to liaise on appropriate steps to add Sue as a trustee.   
AOBThe meeting expressed its thanks to all who had supported the hall in the year, particularly Janet as outgoing Treasurer, and the committee members who had supported the weekly community kitchen.