2021-05 Annual Parish Meeting minutes




Present: Cllr C Hall (chair), Cllrs D Valentine, M Walker, J Twist, A Rowe, P Orchard, Susie Bond (EDDC), Fiona Clampin (clerk), two members of the public

Apologies: Phil Twiss (DCC), PCSO Darren England

1. Introduction by Council Chair

Cllr Hall welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were accepted and approved.

3. Report on the Council’s activities over the past year

The Chair thanked all members for their work in the parish in 2020/21. 

Devon County Council Climate Emergency

In all our decisions we are considering the impact on climate change, as we have been asked to do by Devon County Council.  We are investigating the viability of an electric pool car and electric vehicle charging points. It might not be quite the right time for this but it’s good to be ready for when society and the technology are ready.  The family orchard in the playground is thriving and looking very charming with its mown paths and wild flowers.


During the Covid pandemic the community has really come together to support each other but it has shown how many vulnerable people there are in our parish. We have had to close the playground and then install various measures to ensure Covid safety when it was reopened. The councillors have taken on responsibilities for inspection and cleaning. And of course we have had to operate our council meetings via Zoom but this has gone surprisingly well. It’s been nice to have members of the public join us from the comfort of their sitting rooms.


We have used the Community Buildings Fund to refurbish the village hall during the Covid lockdown. We are hoping to install another defibrillator in the new Hayne Farm estate and just needing some final approvals. The CLT village housing project to build nine homes in the village has made excellent progress, with architects drawings now being used for the forthcoming planning application and public consultation.  The parish emergency plan has had a much needed update this year, which has been a bit of an endless task, but good to have it ready for the next flood or snow event.

Ongoing issues

We are considering how the council should be structured to best represent the changes in the parish with the new houses at Hayne Farm.  Off roading in the parish and the destruction and litter it has caused is continuing to be addresssed by the council, the estate and Devon County Council.

We are making good progress on using CIL and S106 money to fund play and sports pitches in the village and hope to have a new boules court and other facilities soon.

4. Annual Police Report

The police report outlined the annual crime list for the parish between 1st January 2020 and 11th January 2021, which stands at 17.  (The full list is attached to these minutes). 

5. County and District Council Representatives Reports

Susie Bond:

Cllr Bond said that, inevitably, Covid had dominated all council business over the past year.  EDDC had had to change a huge amount of its practices, including how they delivered food to people shielding.  Cllr Bond added that grants are available still to small businesses to help them through the pandemic. 

The Chair thanked both councillors for the work they’d done for people in the parish. 

6. Reports by Village Organisations

Gittisham CLT

Having successfully identified a site for the proposed development and confirmed an ongoing local need for six affordable homes to rent, the first task over the past year was to appoint solicitors, accountants, architects, site investigation consultants, engineering consultants and a Housing Association partner. These appointments were in place by October and a project team was formally established to bring forward a site design for submission to EDDC as preliminary approach (Pre App) prior to making a formal planning application. This was submitted in February 2021 and received a positive response in March. Discussions also took place with EDDC Housing regarding the Housing Allocation Plan and this was agreed in September 2020.

7. To consider any matters raised by residents


There being no further business the meeting closed at 1950 hrs.


May 2022


17 Crimes – 2020/21  

17 Crimes 2019/20 11 Crimes 2018/19 4 Crimes 2017/18   


Incidents reported 101/999 or online

87 between 2020/2021                71 between 2019/2020

This is an increase of 22.5% year on year

The reports range from anti-social behaviour, transport, public safety, crime recorded.

Anti-social behaviour 2020 – 12

Crime recorded 2020 – 7

Public safety 2020 – 28

Transport 2020 – 40