2024-08 Extra Ordinary meeting agenda


Ms Fiona Clampin
Clerk to the Council

29th July 2024

Members of Gittisham Parish Council

Dear Councillors

An Extra Ordinary Meeting of Gittisham Parish Council to which you are summoned, will be held on Friday 2nd August at 1800 in Gittisham Parish Room to consider the matters detailed on the Agenda below and make resolutions as appropriate.

Yours faithfully

Carol Hall, Chair, Gittisham Parish Council

Prior to the start of the meeting a period of 15 minutes is allowed to permit any resident to bring appropriate matters to the notice of the Council.  Please contact the clerk if you would like to do this, preferably by email in advance of the meeting. 


  1. To receive and approve apologies
  2. To receive declarations of interest
  3. To consider the following planning applications:
  • 24/0467/PDR Roebuck Farm Weston EX14 3PB – Prior approval (Class R) for a change of use of agricultural buildings to a flexible commercial use within Classes B8 (Storage and Distribution), and Class E (Commercial, business or service) use.
  • 24/1420/MRES Land Off Hayne Lane Gittisham Honiton EX14 3PD – Reserved matters application in respect of matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 37 no. residential dwellings and associated garages, infrastructure and landscaping all in association with outline permission 22/1322/MOUT

4. To approve the following payments and to note the current bank balance:

Michael Poll play area grass cutting £65 (inv. 10340)

Gittisham Fete upfront costs (advertising, band, fencing, hall hire etc.) £500

F J Clampin