Members Code of Conduct Adam


I, Adam Powell

being a Member/Co-opted Member of Gittisham Parish Council,  give notice in this form of those interests which I am required to declare under The  Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 and the Council’s Code of Conduct. I understand that I must also declare any interest of a  ‘relevant person’ [my spouse or civil partner or of any person with whom I am living as  a husband or wife or as if we were civil partners] on sections 1-6 of this form, as defined  in the Council’s Code of Conduct. 

I have also declared my personal interests as required by the Code of Conduct, as shown on section 7 of this form. 

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation  Please give details of (i) every employment, job, trade, business or vocation you  or a relevant person has, for which you receive any benefit or gain (i.e. profit,  salary or benefit in kind) including a short description of the activity e.g.  ‘Accountant’ or ‘Farmer’ and (ii) the name of any employer or body, firm or  company which you own or in which you have any beneficial interest.

Description of employment,  job, vocation, trade or 


Name of Employer, body, firm or company by which you are employed or in which you are a partner or a  remunerated Director in which you have a beneficial  interest

2. Sponsorship 

Please give details of any person or body (other than the Parish Council)  who has made any payment to you in respect of your election or any expenses  you have incurred in carrying out your duties as a Parish Councillor.​   


3. Securities: Interests in Companies 

Please give details of body which has a place of business or owns land in the  Parish Council’s area and in which you or a relevant person has a  beneficial interest (a shareholding) of more than £25,000 (nominal value) or  more than 1/100th of the total share issue of that body (whichever is the lower)  or if there is more than one class of share, the total nominal value of shares in  any class of that body of more than 1/100th of the total shares of that class  Note: It is not necessary to declare the nature or size of the holding, simply the name of the company or other body. 


4. Contracts: for Goods, Works or Services with the Council  Please give details of any current, existing contracts for goods, works or  services between the Parish Council and you or a relevant person and any  body, firm or company by which you/they are employed or which you own or in  which you/they have a beneficial interest, as referred to at 3 above.​       


5. Interests in land in the District Council’s Area (you must include the land  and house you / relevant person live in)  Please give the address or other description (sufficient to identify the location) of any land or property in the District Council’s area in which you or a relevant person has a beneficial interest (either as owner, lessee / tenant or licencee including land in which you/they may have a licence, alone or with others, to occupy for a period of one month or longer) and state the nature of that interest. For example this would include allotments that you own or use. Where it is not easy to describe the location of the land, you may wish to include a map showing the location / extent of the land in addition.

5 Hedge Field Close Gittisham EX14 3FP – owner

6. Corporate Tenancies: Land leased from Parish Council.​ Please give the address or other description (sufficient to identify the location)  of any land leased or licensed from the Parish Council by a you or a  relevant person or any body firm or company by which you/they are employed  or which you/they own or in which you/they have a beneficial interest (specified  at 3 above).


7. Your Personal Interests

Membership of any Body or Organisation  to which you have been appointed or  nominated by the Parish Council  as its​ representative
Membership of any other body exercising functions of a public nature (for example District or other Parish Council; Health, Police or Fire Authority or Quasi Autonomous NonGovernmental Body)
Membership of any body directed to charitable purposes (for example an Industrial and Provident Society or Charitable Body or you are a Freemason who is a member of the Grand Charity and/or have membership of an individual lodge that has charitable status or is a lodge directed towards charitable purposes)
Membership of any Body whose principal purpose is to influence public opinion or policy or which, in your view, might create a conflict of interest in carrying out their duties as a Parish Councillor. (for example Political Party; Trade Union, Professional Association, Local Action Forum, Civic Society or Interest Group such as National Trust; RSPB: Greenpeace or membership of the Freemasons or similar body)
Labour Party member
Any easement, servitude, interest or right in or over land which does not carry with it a right for you (alone or jointly with another) to occupy the land or to receive income. [This includes options to purchase which you have on land in Gittisham parish]


I recognise that if I fail to comply with the Code of Conduct for Members of Gittisham Parish Council or:

1. omit any information that should be included in this Notice;

2. give false or misleading information; or

3. do not tell the Town/Parish Council of any changes to this Notice or new interests I acquire.

There may be a criminal offence and/or the matter may be referred to the East Devon Monitoring Officer /East Devon District Council’s Standards Committee for investigation.


Signed: Adam Powell

Gittisham Parish Council Internet Banking Policy




Internet Banking Policy for Gittisham Parish Council


This policy is based on the advice issued by the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) relating to parish councils’ use of online banking and the implications for the way in which the Parish Council operates with regards to the authorization of payments.

Banking arrangements have changed significantly in recent years, with more transactions being carried out online. As a result of this, the use of cheques is becoming rare. Many businesses prefer to receive payment by electronic means and are now discouraging the payment of invoices by cheques. This became particularly apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Legislative Reform (Payments by Parish Councils, Community Councils and Charter Trustees) Order 2014 (SI2014/580) came into effect on 12th March 2014.  This Legislative Reform Order repeals the statutory requirement (Local Government Act 1972 section 150(5) which states that “every cheque or other order for the payment of money shall be signed by two members of the council”.

The removal of this particular legal requirement enables the Parish Council to take an overall approach to how it controls its money as well as taking advantage of modern technology including internet banking.

Internal Controls

The Parish Council must ensure that it maintains robust controls on payments as an integrated part of its overall financial control system and proposes an Internet Banking Policy as part of its governance.

At all times the advice of NALC in relation to dual authorization will be followed:

“Councils must not relinquish the “two member signatories” control over cheques and other orders for payment until they have put in place safe and efficient arrangements in accordance with the guidance noted from the NALC Finance and Audit Advisor: “the overriding requirement resulting from the abolition of S150(5) is that each and every local council seeking to depart from the two signature rule must “implement and maintain robust controls on expenditure as an integrated part of their overall financial control system”.

It is not a requirement that two people authorize electronic payments, however it is a general principle that more than one person should be involved in any payment, whether that is before, at or after the point at which the payment is made.  Councils must consider the appropriate systems, procedures and controls available by banking providers.”

Current position: November 2023

The Parish Council has two bank accounts with NatWest Bank (one Current Account and one Business Reserve) with internet banking facilities set up for the day-to-day payment of invoices and receipt of income on the current account.  This facility is known as Bankline for Communities.

The Clerk provides periodic reconciliations supported by bank statements to full Council on the Council’s main Current and Reserve Accounts. 

Payments by cheque will be made when necessary, following the existing controls and approvals, but the Council has moved to online payments as the default position.

The Council will have a minimum of three Councillors as authorised signatories at any one time.


1. Wherever possible, payments will be made using online banking and should be initiated as per the procedures set out below within one week of being agreed at a council meeting.

2. Payment for items made by internet banking transfer must have evidence retained showing which members approved release of the payment.

3. Where internet banking arrangements are made with any bank, the Clerk / RFO shall be appointed as the Payment Controller. The Clerk / RFO will operate a ‘create and submit only’ authorisation and will be able to transfer funds between accounts held at the same bank.

4. The Bank Mandate approved by the Council shall identify a minimum of three Councillors as Signatories who will be authorised to ‘approve only’ transactions on those accounts.

5. Access to internet banking accounts will be directly to the bank’s log-in page and not through a search engine or e-mail link. Remembered or saved password facilities must not be used on any computer used for council banking work. Breach of this requirement will be treated as a very serious matter.

6. The Council, and those signatories using computers for the Council’s internet banking, shall ensure that anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software with automatic updates, together with a high level of security, is used. Signatories may request reimbursement for the installation and annual update of such software on their personal computers.

7. No employee or Councillor shall disclose any PIN or password, relevant to the working of the Council or its bank accounts, to any person not authorised in writing by the council.

8. New beneficiary details and changes to beneficiary details used for internet banking must be supported by hard copy or email notification for checking and supported by hard copy authority for change signed by the Clerk and a Signatory.

9. A programme of regular checks of standing data with suppliers will be followed.


The actual process of operating the online account will be the subject to the rules and security authorisation process of the agreed bank:

1. All orders for payment will be verified for accuracy by the Parish Clerk and included on the payment schedule.

2. The schedule of all payments shall be prepared by the Parish Clerk and presented to each meeting of the Council together with any supporting invoices or other documentation for approval. The approved schedule will be signed by the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer and Chairman of the meeting.

3. The Parish Clerk will initiate payment.

4. Two of the three authorised Councillors will confirm the payments online (from the list of authorised Councillors held by NatWest Bank). Councillors are expected to authorise payment requests within two days of the payment being initiated by the Parish Clerk.

5. Where a councillor is to be reimbursed for expenditure, they should not be an authoriser (in the case of internet payments), or a signatory (in the case of cheque payments).

Inter Account Transfers

Transfers between the Council’s Accounts held with NatWest Bank will continue to be subject to the Council’s own Financial Regulation 5.5c “fund transfers within the councils banking arrangements up to the sum of £10,000 provided that a list of such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of council.”

Use of online banking – Risk Assessment

Benefits: quick and safe payment of invoices and staff salaries, access to cheaper, online products and services, preparation for the future when cheque payments may not be possible. Materiality level of risk relatively low with annual budget of approximately £5000.

Risks:Actions to minimise risk (as stated in NALC revised Financial Regs):
Premature payment of invoices.All invoices for payment shall be examined, verified and certified by the RFO to confirm that the work, goods or services to which each invoice relates has been received, carried out, examined and represents expenditure previously approved by the council, or authorized by the Chairman of a Committee.
Over payment of salaries.For each financial year the RFO shall draw up a list of due payments which arise on a regular basis as the result of a continuing contract, statutory duty, or obligation (such as but not exclusively, Salaries, PAYE and NI, Superannuation Fund and regular maintenance contracts and the like for which council [,or a duly authorised committee,] may authorise payment for the year provided that the requirements of regulation budgetary controls are adhered to, provided also that a list of such payments shall be submitted to the next appropriate meeting of the Council.
Unauthorised payment.Instructions for each payment to be signed by two authorised bank signatories, either at a meeting of the Council or by email. Copies to be retained and payments to be reported to council. Bank reconciliation for all payments to be signed off by the RFO and Chair at the next Council meeting.  Any discrepancies to be minuted.
Failure to make paymentFollowing authorization, the RFO will check that all payments have been made.
Payment to incorrect accountThe Councillor making a payment to cross-check accuracy of the account details.  Parish Clerk to follow up with new payees that payment has been received.
Mis-use of pin or passwordNo employee or councillor shall disclose any PIN or password to any person.
Loss of pin or password.The person who has lost the pin or password will follow the bank procedures to obtain a replacement.
Risk of internet fraud.The council will ensure that anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall, software with automatic updates, together with a high level of security, is used. Access to any internet banking accounts will be directly to the access page (which may be saved under “favourites”), and not through a search engine or email link. Remembered or saved passwords facilities must not be used on any computer used for council banking work.
Embezzlement.The Parish Council has insurance.
Mis-use of debit card.No debit card will be issued

Reviewed: November 2023

Review due: November 2024

Gittisham Parish Council CIL report 2022-23

Reporting Year 1 April 2022 to 31st March 2023

ATotal CIL Income Carried Over from Previous Years£5,202.54
BTotal CIL Income Received (Receipts)£566.85
CTotal CIL Spent (Expenses)£0
DTotal CIL Repaid following a repayment noticeNIL
ETotal CIL Retained at the end  (A+B-C-D)£5,769.39
CIL expenditure
Item / purposeAmount spent
Total spent£0

Signed Parish Clerk:

 Fiona Clampin

Verified Vice Chair of Parish Council:

 Janet Twist


CLT November 2020

Welcome to the 2020 Autumn Newsletter

I hope you are all safe and well.

At the Annual General Meeting held on the 10th November 2020 the following Directors were reappointed:

Maggie Walker
John Adamson
Russell Hayman

The other Directors are:

David Valentine
Helen Hayman
Damian Furniss
Carol Hall
Andy Wilkins
Owen Morgan
Terry Kitchen
Fiona Clampin

Subsequently, the Board has reappointed David as Chairman, Helen as Secretary and Damian as Treasurer.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING WILL START AT 7.00 pm on Tuesday 8 th December (via Zoom – details to follow shortly)

It has been quite a challenging time – I can’ft think why!!! The work of the GCLT has carried on throughout the various lockdowns. We have spent the past 6 months appointing consultants to undertake onsite surveys which are a necessity for the architects and engineers acting on our behalf and are required as part of the package of information required in the preparation of, and, to support the planning application. These surveys are nearly complete. We spent a very interesting time over the summer months looking at a number of architect submissions before we shortlisted, interviewed and subsequently appointed ECA as our architect partner.

More recently we have been interviewing Housing Associations with a view to becoming our partners in constructing and subsequently managing the tenancies of the new dwellings. In this respect we have now appointed South Devon Rural Housing Association. These appointments have enabled us to establish a Project Team which will meet on a monthly basis and which, initially, will inform and take forward the important design stages. The Project Team includes the architects (ECA), the housing association (SDRHA), the engineers (highways, foul and surface water drainage and onsite ground conditions, etc), Wessex CLT Project (our advisers), 3 members from the CLT Board and Combe Estate. The Project Team will report back the GCLT Board.

The land for this development is being provided by the Combe Estate at no cost to the GCLT however the Estate will have the benefit of 3 serviced plots as part of the development. The total number of units to be built will be 9 dwellings (6 for GCLT and 3 for the Estate). The support of the Estate is crucial to this development and it is intended that the planning application will be submitted as a comprehensive development of 9 dwellings. The architects, ECA, are acting on behalf of both GCLT and Combe Estate which makes life a lot easier.

We are now in the design stage and the Project Team will shortly be looking at options prepared by the architects. I am hoping that we can bring forward from the options a Preferred Proposal which we can then present to the community for their comment and endorsement. The details of this public consultation are yet to be finalized but will be advertised widely once we are in a position to satisfy any COVID 19 restrictions.

The progress has been steady over the past 6 months and there are still a number of challenges to overcome. The planning process with EDDC is perhaps the biggest challenge. The case for this development has been informally presented to the Planning Team at EDDC and we will be having pre-application discussions with the officers early next year with a view to presenting a full planning application during Spring 2021.

OK that’fs all for now. There are a number of festive village events coming up in December and it would be nice to say hello and have a chat either virtually or socially distanced in the village – I guess it will depend on which tier we are placed.

David Valentine

Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX

CLT August 2020

Welcome to the August 2020 GCLT newsletter

Morning everyone. I see most of you around the village and it is a relief to see that the village and Vale is in pretty good health and, as far as I know, Covid-19 free. I thought that I should circulate to you all an update on progress and activity that we within GCLT have been up to since the last March Newsletter.

The direction is, of course, steadily forward together with a lot of paddling going on just beneath the surface.

We were due to have an AGM on 19th March but the “glock down”h prevented that taking place. At the moment the AGM is postponed. The legal basis for the GCLT is that we are registered as a Community Benefit Society and our current society Rules require the society to hold an AGM. In theory, therefore, a decision to postpone the AGM would mean that the society is in breach of its Rules and Members of the society could challenge the CLT through the courts on this point. I would hope that this is unlikely given the circumstances but it would be good practice to invite you as Members to comment should you so wish. Any comments to .

An important item on an AGM agenda is the approval of the annual accounts. In the absence of an AGM the annual accounts for 2018/19 have been submitted to FCA and HMRC and the accounts for 2019/20 are currently in preparation. The 2018/19 accounts, in reality, covered a mainly dormant accounting period which was reflected in the returns. As far as the 2019/2020 returns are concerned the vast majority of accountancy has been in respect of income from grants received together with minimal expenditure. 2020/2021 will look a little different as we have appointed solicitors to act on our behalf and are now in the process of appointing architects and site investigation consultants. These consultants will be preparing reports on ground investigations, ecology, trees and other engineering and topographical detail – all essential items which will inform the design process.

The site investigation works are due to commence during August and we hope that architects will be appointed early in September. A number of architects have expressed an interest in acting on behalf of GCLT and we will be undertaking an interview process before finalizing the appointment. Once appointed the chosen architects will become part of a Project Team which will include representatives from GCLT, the Housing Association (HA), the architects, Combe Estate and Wessex CLT Project. Other advisors/consultants will be co-opted as necessary. The Project Team will report back to the GCLT Board and the village/parish community will be consulted at appropriate stages during the design process. The work of the Project Team is key to the management of the project throughout the next period prior to and during construction. Within this period the planning application will be submitted. We need to be realistic in our expectations in relation to the completion of the planning process but I would like to set a target of June/July 2021 for this to be concluded.

Once planning permission has been obtained it will be for the HA to apply for the funds to facilitate the construction of the dwellings, to appoint contractors and manage the construction. The level of funding provided by Government for construction may require additional financial support and we have identified 2 potential sources of funding which could help to support the design/construction costs if necessary.

That’fs all for now. Stay safe and well.

David Valentine


Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX

CLT March 2020

Welcome to the March 2020 GCLT newsletter

The following is the Chairman’s Report which will be reported to AGM on Thursday 19th March at 7.30 pm.

Chairman’s Report

In October last year the GCLT Board celebrated its first year of Board activity since being registered with the Financial Conduct Authority as a Community Benefit Society. The registration with the FCA was followed in March by a Special General Meeting which formally appointed the GCLT Board. The GCLT Board has met frequently and attendance has been very good. We have been given full support by Jay Lambe from Wessex CLT Project and Janice Alexander from Devon Communities Together.

It has been a busy period and I would like to thank the Board Directors and our advisers for their hard work and support during the past year.

So what have we achieved – well, we have completed all the legal formalities necessary with the formulation of a CLT, undertaken negotiations with the Combe Estate regarding the identification of a preferred site, this is the former agricultural buildings at Town Farm, and agreed Heads of Terms with Combe Estate for the sale of the site to the GCLT. At a well attended public meeting in May we gained endorsement of the preferred site from the village community. In October we held a housing need “gdrop in”h event to re-establish the level of affordable housing need in the village. In November we successfully submitted a start-up revenue grant application to East Devon District Council and subsequently in December we successfully applied for a second stage grant.

The identification and subsequent endorsement by the community of the preferred site was a key event in the year which provided confidence and momentum for the CLT Board.

The “drop in” event held on 10th October focused on revisiting the key area of understanding the level of housing need within the village and its surrounding area. A number of households came along and were able to have a discussion with Janice Alexander from Devon Communities Together. The results confirmed that the affordable housing need of 6 units previously identified 3 years ago, continues to be the case. This result provided a further confidence boost for the Board and together with the successful grant applications the Board has been able to progress with the appointment of solicitors and accountants to act on behalf of the CLT.

In order for the Board to progress with the appointment of a Housing Association (HA) partner – it is the HA that constructs the dwellings – it has been necessary to prepare an Allocation Plan. This has to be agreed with EDDC and the HA and will ultimately become an integral part of the Section 106 Agreement which will accompany the planning permission. Any person who applies for an affordable dwelling must show that they are in Housing Need and that they have a Local Connection. The Allocation Plan sets out the criteria which will be taken into account when allocating the dwellings when they are ready for occupation. All applicants must be registered with Devon Home Choice. The initial priority is to establish an applicant’fs level of need. Once this is established the local connection criteria can then be applied. After careful consideration the Board at its last meeting agreed a draft Allocation Plan which will be submitted to EDDC for consideration after this AGM. There is an item on this agenda which seeks to clarify an aspect of the local connection criteria.

Work has already commenced in preparing documents for issuing to architects and Housing Associations inviting expressions of interest in working in partnership with GCLT. Later this year consultants will be appointed to undertake site investigations and a Project Team will be established which will co-ordinate the day to day progress with the initial objective of submitting a planning application. The Project Team will report back to the CLT Board.

There will be a further public meeting to enable the community to view and comment on designs which come forward for development of the site.

There has been an ongoing positive relationship with the Combe Estate over the past 12 months and their support for this project has been a key factor in achieving the progress made so far.

My final thanks goes to you, the Gittisham community, for your continuing support for this project. This is a community led project and without your support we would not have been able to achieve the progress made over the past 12 months. Thank you.

There is a lot to be done and the prospect of many obstacles to overcome but, on behalf of the GCLT Board, I am confident that we will be able to maintain the momentum currently in place and I look forward to providing a similar positive report in 12 months time.

David Valentine


Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX

CLT November 2019

Welcome to the November 2019 GCLT newsletter

The GCLT Board recently celebrated its first year since being registered with the Financial Conduct Authority as a Community Benefit Society in October 2018.


It has been a busy year and I would like to thank the Board Directors and our advisers at Wessex CLT Project and Devon Communities Together for their hard work and support during the past year.

So what have we achieved – well we have completed all the legal formalities necessary with the formulation of a CLT, undertaken negotiations with the Combe Estate regarding the identification of a preferred site and agreed Heads of Terms for the sale of the site to the GCLT, gained endorsement of the preferred site from the village community, held a housing need “gdrop in”h event to re-establish the level of affordable housing need in the village and successfully submitted a start-up revenue grant application to East Devon District Council. Given the complexity of many of the issues that is a pretty good return for a 12 month period.

The “drop in” event held on 10th October focused on revisiting the key area of understanding the level of housing need within the village and its surrounding area. A number of households came along and were able to have a discussion with Janice Alexander from Devon Communities Together. The results confirmed that the affordable housing need of 6 units previously identified 3 years ago, continues to be the case. This result provides the necessary confidence boost for the Board to progress with the appointment of solicitors, accountants, the Housing Association (HA) partner, architects and consultants to undertake all the necessary site investigations. I can visualize an awful lot of paperwork heading in my direction over the next few months!!

An important document that we are working on at the present is the Allocations Plan. This has to be agreed with EDDC and the HA and will ultimately become an integral part of the Section 106 Agreement which will accompany the planning permission.

Any person who applies for an affordable dwelling must show that they are in Housing Need and that they have a Local Connection. The Allocations Plan sets out the criteria which will be taken into account when allocating the dwellings when they are ready for occupation. All applicants must be registered with Devon Home Choice. The initial priority is to establish an applicant’fs level of need. Once this is established the local connection criteria can then be applied. I have raised a number of questions about how appropriate the current EDDC criteria would be when applied in the Gittisham context and I am now awaiting some clarifications.

It should be remembered, of course, that there are 6 potential applicants as a result of the “gdrop in”h event who meet the current criteria.

Well we need a bit more grant to fund all the above and so it’fs back to another application form!!

Oh yes, just in case you have not noticed Christmas is on the way so on behalf of the GCLT Board I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

David Valentine


Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX

CLT September 2019

Welcome to the Autumn 2019 GCLT newsletter

I hope that you have enjoyed a very nice summer. I suspect that this next 12 months is going to be busy time for the GCLT.

As you may be aware, a housing need survey was carried out in Gittisham in 2016 which identified the need for 6 affordable homes in the parish.  Gittisham Community Land Trust (GCLT) has been formed to undertake the development of these homes. The GCLT has been working closely with the Combe Estate to identify a suitable site for a small development and after a public meeting on 16th May their preferred site (Agricultural Buildings former Town Farm, Exeter Road) was officially endorsed by the majority of those attending.

The Heads of Terms for the acquisition of the site have been agreed.

The next steps are to engage solicitors, consultants, architects and a housing association who will manage the homes and then to submit a planning application to East Devon District Council. A grant application to EDDC to cover the initial financial costs will be submitted shortly.

As Gittisham is a small rural village, the need for these homes must be justified. Therefore as the housing need survey is now over 3 years old and people’fs circumstances may have changed in the intervening years, it has been decided to update the housing need in the parish. As part of this process the GCLT is running a “gdrop-in”h event for anyone interested in affordable housing in the village.

Time & Date : 3 – 7 pm  Thursday 10th October 2019
Venue : Gittisham Village Hall

At this drop-in, representatives from Gittisham CLT and Wessex CLT Project, the Devon Rural Housing Enabler and East Devon District Council Housing Options department will be available to discuss the development and to advise how to register on Devon Home Choice which is the local housing register. All conversations will be held in strictest confidence and no personal data will be passed on to members of the GCLT or Parish Council.

In order to apply for these homes, you would need a local connection to Gittisham, either by residence, employment, upbringing or a family connection. A detailed Allocation Policy is currently being prepared.

It is important that anyone who believes they need affordable rented housing registers on Devon Home Choice as this is where the homes will be advertised and where applicants can apply for them. Early application will enhance the chances of being allocated a home.

If you cannot attend this drop in but would like to register your interest and find out more, please contact Janice Alexander at Devon Communities Together who will be carrying out the housing need update. Janice is available by email at or telephone 01392 248919.

In order to attract interest in this important event details have been advertised in the Gittisham Gazette and an article will be submitted to the Mid Week Herald for publication later in September, however, there are families who have left the village and who may be interested in the proposals that are coming forward but are not on our circulation list or receiving the Herald. Please let Helen Hayman or myself know of anyone you know who might be interested and we will forward details onto them.

David Valentine


Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX

CLT April 2019

Welcome to the second GCLT newsletter

At the Special General Meeting held on the 21st March the following Directors were appointed:

David Valentine
Helen Hayman
Damian Furniss
Maggie Walker
John Adamson
Carol Hall
Russell Hayman
Andy Wilkins
Owen Morgan
Terry Kitchen
Fiona Clampin

Subsequently, the Board has appointed David as Chairman, Helen as Secretary and Damian as Treasurer. Membership of the GCLT has been steadily growing and has now reached 70. This represents a large percentage of the village population showing its support for the work that is currently taking place in seeking to provide the village with a small affordable housing scheme.


The ongoing work seeking a suitable site and agreeing Heads of Terms with the Combe Estate has been a positive exercise and a preferred site has now been identified. The Heads of Terms are not legally binding in themselves but set out how and on what basis the agreed land can be disposed of to the GCLT. It is an important part of the process for the preferred site to be endorsed by the parish population and that is the principal reason for the Open Public Meeting on 16th May in the Village Hall at 7.00 pm.

This meeting is a key milestone in the overall timetable and assuming the endorsement of the preferred site, will provide the platform to appoint solicitors, a Housing Association partner and consultants to undertake site surveys and to prepare briefing documentation prior to the appointment of architects. We are currently preparing a grant application to cover some of the initial costs and further grant applications will be made to cover consultant costs etc..  Another key area that the Board will be looking at over the next few months is that of an Allocations Policy to ensure that the properties when built will meet the objective of providing accommodation for the local community.

I have commented in the past of the need to engage with the local community at various key stages in this process. The project must be community led and the forthcoming Open Public Meeting which will focus on the background to the recommendation identifying the preferred site is another opportunity for the community to show it’fs support for the work of the GCLT Board and it’fs adviser’fs.


The GCLT are continuing to promote its work and extend its current membership. If you are interested in becoming a member then please contact Helen Hayman, the CLT secretary, or indeed any of the other Board members. Application forms are on the website (

David Valentine

Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX

CLT March 2019

Welcome to the first GCLT newsletter

What are Community Land Trusts (CLT)

A CLT is a non-political not-for-profit organization established to provide benefits to a local community.

They usually start by focusing on the provision of affordable housing, but they can also facilitate the provision of other community benefits.

The legal framework within which the Gittisham (GCLT) is managed is that of a Community Benefit Society (CBS) and the £￿ shares which you have acquired gives you membership of the CBS. We currently have 60 members. This represents a large percentage of the village population showing its support for the work that is currently taking place in seeking to provide the village with a small (6 units of rented accommodation) residential scheme. The work of a CLT has to be community led and this is a fantastic start. Thank you.

So what happens next?

Once the new Board has been elected on Thursday 21st March the ongoing work seeking a suitable site and agreeing Heads of Terms with the Combe Estate will continue. The Heads of Terms are not legally binding in themselves but set out how and on what basis the agreed land can be disposed of to the GCLT. Once the Heads of Terms are in place the CLT Board will come back to the community with its recommendation for the preferred site and seek the community’s endorsement to proceed. The CLT will employ consultants and architects to help with the design of the scheme in preparation for the planning application.

Where does the funding come from?

The Board will be making an application for ‘eStart Up Funding which can be obtained from EDDC. Additional grant applications can be made at appropriate stages during the process. The Community Housing Fund is a Government initiative which was first launched in 2016 to support communities to bring forward affordable housing through the CLT process. EDDC were a beneficiary of this fund and currently hold a significant sum of money which they can redistribute as grants to CLT’fs. Homes England is the national housing and regeneration agency for England and administers Community Housing Funds which were part of a range of Government announcements made in 2018. There is no shortage of funds which can be accessed for this type of community-led project. Additionally, there are funds which can be accessed by a partner Housing Association. Selecting a Housing Association partner will be another task following the agreement Heads of Terms.

Where is the Board getting advice from?

The GCLT is being supported by Wessex CLT Project, an organization who provide technical advice and support to CLT groups. They are currently supporting 45 groups across the south west and they have an excellent record of meeting their delivery objectives. We are also supported by Devon Communities Together.

The GCLT are continuing to promote its work and extend its current membership. If you are interested in becoming a member then please contact Helen Hayman, the CLT secretary, or indeed any of the other Board members.

Application forms are on the website (

David Valentine

Company Secretary:
Helen Hayman, Gittisham Farm, GITTISHAM. EX14 3AX