A monthly Community Newsletter published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council
April 2022 Edition 242
Farm Shop news – Jo Marker and team
It finally feels like spring is on the way. We have lots of exciting things happening at the Farm
As the weather improves so does our supply of seasonal local produce, our selection changes
daily depending on what the local suppliers can offer. The butcher’s counter is as always stocked full of locally reared higher welfare meat. We have released a whole new range of meat boxes, and our selection of ready meals grows daily. We will be releasing our new BBQ boxes for the summer soon too. We are taking lots of orders for Easter meat, so if you are interested in something special for the weekend, please get in contact. Our telephone number is 01404 519093.
We have expanded our seating area in the café so we can now offer customers the option to sit in to enjoy a treat and a drink; we also have our courtyard of picnic tables to sit at. We have a whole new spring menu with lots more food items for you to enjoy, including daily lunch specials.
Fresh Fish at Combe has been open for 3 months now, and is proving to be very popular. Barry, a fisherman by trade, and his step-son Darcy are at the shop 6 days a week, serving a counter full of fish and shellfish either caught by Barry or from local Lyme Bay based boats. If you haven’t popped by to see Darcy and Barry about some locally sustainable caught fish, you should.
Our 24hr vending milk machine shed is proving very popular, offering organic non homogenised whole milk from Dorset. The vending machine has a selection of butter, cream, yoghurt, cheese and bottles. We also have our milkshake syrups with 6 flavours changing frequently. If 1L is too much for you, Hollis Mead have added on a ½ Litre option, so you can pop by and grab a cup of milkshake.
The shop and Fish Counter is open Tuesday – Saturday 9am -4:30pm ( 5:30pm on Thursdays)
and Sundays 9am -1pm. The café will be open 9am – 3pm Tuesday – Saturday with food being
served between 10am -2pm. Sundays 10am-12noon. We have plenty of Free Parking on site,
with a couple of disabled spaces closer to the fish shop and shop. Hope to see you soon at Combe Farm Shop. Hayne Lane, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3PD.
Gittisham Cabaret evenings
On 1st and 2nd April the Village Hall rang out with laughter when a cast of villagers and friends put on a show for the first time in several years. Sarah Agg-Manning and Robert Baker
masterminded the sketches and songs, Bill Griffiths and Hamish Hall were the infill between acts with their usual humorous double act. Sketches included a ‘ventriloquism’ piece with live dummy by Robert Baker and Juliet Nelson with interjection from Julia Barrett and Alex Rowe. A WW1 Morse code situation with Nick Chapman and Alex Rowe, May Puckey and Solenn Graeber performed a ’trapeze’ act with a little help from Pierre Graeber then the girls did a ‘synchronised swimming’ skit.
There were songs written by Mary Chilcott, Mark Sanders (including one about the shipping
stations round the British Isles), Sarah Agg- Manning and Carol McCann with poems also written by Mark. A team of ladies Jo Tomlin, Carol Hall, Jayne Morgan, Marjory Madge, Vicky McLachlan, Maggie Walker and Clare Chapman performed an hilarious black and white ‘legs dance. It was remarkably funny and took a lot of practice. Maggie – alias Gertie of Gittisham – performed her rendition of the song ‘Where do you go to, my lovely?’. Nick Chapman accompanied the singers with his guitar and Juliet gave a marvellous ‘Mills and Boon’ rendition called ‘A doctor nurse romance’. How she did it without breaking into laughter I don’t know. The show ended with the whole cast singing ‘Covid we will mock you’ to the tune of we will rock you and had the audience joining in with the chorus. The stage manager was Robert Rowe with lighting and sound by brother Alex. Proceeds from the two evenings went to Village hall funds. Thank you to all who attended and took part and it is hoped to maybe have another go next year.
Pierre’s pop-up Sunday cafe, 10th April
Pierre’s popular cafe returns with home-made croissants, pains au chocolat, apricot Oranais and brioche “pain au lait”. Lunch will be soup, Chicken ” Basquaise” with three pintxos (Basque tapas) piperade and rice. For vegans, a vegan piperade with three vegan pintxos. Followed by Basque lemon and vanilla cake, Basque cherry and lemon cake, brownie and Date cake.
Always on second Sunday of the month. Bring your own drinks from 10am to 4pm.
Thank you to Kings School Ottery St-Mary who gave me the opportunity to show their students the Oranais recipe. It was great fun.
Booking for lunch is advised. Eat in or take away. Please call or text Pierre on 07545 214940. Payment can be by either cash or card.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, 2nd-5th June 2022
The village hall committee are planning a celebratory street event on 5th June, details next month. If you are planning celebrations in your street/ close do please let the gazette know so you can have publicity.
Gittisham Gazette distribution
Hayne Farm and Gittisham Vale residents wishing to receive the Gazette by email can do so, or if they have no internet access they could be posted. It does not matter how many are emailed and several households have 2 copies. I put 25 copies in the Vale bus shelter and 5 copies in the Hayne Farm sales office as they very rarely get picked up as the office is open by appointment only. The Gazette can also be found on the Website https://gittisham.org.uk I apologise to those who do not get the Gazette and do my best to print as many as I can on my own printer. If you have a neighbour who doesn’t have access to the internet and you could print off a copy then many more could receive this publication. I do hope more residents from both the Vale and Hayne Farm will let me have their email addresses – you won’t be bombarded with other information other than the Gazette unless there is something that needs your attention from the Parish Council.
St Michael’s Church, Honiton Mission Community and 200 Club
St. Michael’s Gittisham
With the two retired clergy being out of action at the moment for the Mission Community some of the services are having to be changed around. On Palm Sunday we are not now having a Eucharist but will be having a lay-led service with hymns and short procession of palms at 11.00am. On Good Friday there will be a reflective service with hymns and prayers at 10.30 in church followed by hot cross buns and coffee in the parish room. Easter Sunday it is planned that we have a Eucharist, but as yet are not sure who will be taking it at 11.00am. To receive details for ongoing worship, Eucharistic and lay-led please contact me, Carol on 01404 851113 or email or Julia by email on or for those without internet ring her on 07763 111367 or 01404 850680. It will be lovely when we can have our beautiful kneelers out on display again. Now the days are better we try to have the church open most days in the week and as the weather is still cool and the birds are starting to nest (the swallows/martins love trying to use the church as their summer home) the door will remain closed but unlocked. If you find it closed (it is quite hard to
open but keep trying) but if definitely locked and you would like to view or have prayer space
please ring me Carol on 01404 851113 or Julia on 01404 850680 and hopefully one of us will be home to unlock.
Annual PCC Meeting
A forward notice that the annual parochial church meeting for St Michael’s will be held in church on Thursday 28th April at 7pm. Everyone welcome to attend and hear the annual reports from the treasurer. Ian, after many years is stepping down due to health reasons, and a new treasurer will be appointed. Christine Broom, our electoral roll officer, will be adding anyone who wishes to come onto the roll. We should hear plans for the forthcoming year. Refreshments will be served between the APCM and PCC meetings.
Telephone Service on first Sunday of the month
This is a free service starting at 11am all you need to do is, a little before 11.00 dial 0800 651
0080 you will be asked for the code 3299789 and press the hash # key (they call it the £ sign), you will then be asked to say your name and press the hash # key again, you will then be in the ‘congregation’. Julia usually delegates participants to join in with some of the components (collect, affirmation, readings etc.) If you would like to join the service please let either Julia – 01404 850680 / 07763 111367 or Carol know on 01404 851113 / 07746 409142 so we can deliver the service sheet to you. If you press the speakerphone button, you don’t have to hold the phone to your ear. This service is not likely to be every month nowadays as some of the participants do now come to the church in the better weather.
Honiton Mission Community
Honiton St Paul’s weekly services continue at 11.00am. The website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about services and the latest guidelines on the Covid regulations. There is also a link to the Gittisham website. The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around the Parishes is available by email or post from the Parish Office; see below for details. As our MC churches are now having their own services, Sunday Morning Eucharistic Worship at 11.00am, in St. Paul’s is being live streamed. If you would like to join this service do please contact Rev’d Sue or the Parish Office by emailing or and the link will be forwarded. Alternatively, ring the Parish office to book your place in person, on 01404 44035. Messages will be replied to when someone is available. Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays. The ‘virtual’ Eucharist is at 6.30pm; details from Rev’d Sue.
At St Paul’s, coffee and biscuits are served in church on Tuesdays and Saturdays. They are currently free of charge but donations are welcomed for Vaccine Aid or church funds. However during each Wednesday in Lent simple lunches are being offered from 12.00 to 1.30 and donations will be going to Water Aid. On Holy Saturday 16th April there is a special
service at 8.00pm when the Pascal Candles are blessed.
200 Club
March was the time to renew your subscriptions for the season 2022/2023 April to March. Numbers are available if you would like to join the church’s 200 club which is one way of funding the upkeep so necessary with this old church which takes a lot to keep it heated and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature, please ring me, Carol on 01404 851113. I can send an application form. The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes of £40.00, £20.00, £15.00, £10.00 and £5.00. Twice a year there is a 6-monthly prize of £48 (March and September). Payment can be made by cheque or cash or Standing Order, there is a form for your bank. I can email both the application and Standing order forms if required, please let me know 01404 851113 / or write to 3 School House Cottages, Gittisham, EX14 3AH.
April 2022 200 Club Results
1st Betty Madden 2nd Ken Horn 3rd Rosemary Wensley
4th Celia Jenkins 5th Valerie Clifford
Carol McCann 01404 851113 / 0794 6409142 .
If you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate, do please email it to Carol as early as possible. Copy date for the May edition is 3rd May. The parish council is not meeting until 12th May, so the gazette will appear around 14th or 15th.
Round East Devon 64 Mile Ultra Marathon. Saturday 30th April 2022
The East Devon Round is an annual trail ultra-marathon which occurs on the Saturday of the 1st May Bank Holiday each year. This is a small local event with around 100 entrants, and this year is occurring on Saturday April 30th. It is based out of Offwell Village Hall and comprises of 64 miles (2022 route), 10,000 feet of climbing, and links both the East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the Blackdown Hills AONB plus the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site in one incredible day of running. (Fastest time for 2021 11hrs 46mins and last finisher 21 hrs 58 mins).There will be marking tape in places to help runners stay on course, which will be collected in as soon as possible once the runners have gone through. The route aims to showcase some of the highlights of East Devon; and passes near or through Offwell, Cotleigh, Dalwood, Axminster, Lyme Regis, Seaton, Sidbury, Gittisham, Honiton, Dunkeswell, Luppitt and Combe Raleigh. This year we are raising funds for Combe Raleigh Playgroup, Offwell Village School and the Rich Wigram NZ Farming
Gittisham Flower & Produce Show
Calling all buckets! Have you still got your potato bucket for the Gittisham Flower and Produce Show? If so, now is the time to retrieve and clean them in preparation for planting in April. Collect your seed potato from 7th April from Sue and David Fallows, Parkers,
Gittisham EX14 3AS (telephone 01404 850922) – £1 per entry. For those who did not
participate last year, join in the fun, a bucket and seed potato are provided for just
£1. Buckets are emptied and weighed during the show on 6th August. Entries from
all ages very welcome.
If you have a bucket and will not be entering the competition, please return it to Sue
and David for recycling to another entrant. If you have lost your bucket, please
contact Sue and David who can replace your bucket but will require a contribution towards
the cost.
DAVID FALLOWS 01404 850922.
- 3 White potatoes
- 3 Coloured potatoes
- 1 Cabbage (any variety)
- 1 Lettuce (any variety)
- 5 Spring Onions
- 5 Onion sets
- 6 Shallots
- 6 Sprays of Parsley
- 3 Beetroot
- 3 Carrots (any variety)
- 6 Pods of Broad beans
- 6 Pods of Peas
- A pair of Cucumbers
- 5 Tomatoes
- 5 Cherry tomatoes
- 3 Courgettes under 6”
- 6 Runner beans
- 2 Parsnips
- 3 Sticks of Rhubarb
- 4 different culinary herbs (not parsley) in a jam jar
- The longest runner bean
Classes 24-28 to be presented in a clear glass jar (NOT A VASE) - Any flowering plant (pot not exceeding 8”)
- 5 pansy heads floating in clear water in a clear glass bowl
- 1 Spike Gladioli
- 3 Dahlias
- 6 Stems of Sweet peas
- 4 stems of different cut flowers
- 1 Specimen Rose
- An arrangement of garden flowers on the theme of the Platinum Jubilee, not exceeding 16” or 40cm in any direction.
30 Chocolate Swiss roll– as attached recipe
31 5 shortcrust sausage rolls
32 A malt loaf – as attached recipe
33 Jar of Raspberry Jam
34 Jar of chutney (any variety)
35 A photo of a Devon Coastal Scene (photo not exceeding 6”x8”)
36 A handmade knitted or crocheted scarf
37 A Homemade Toy Boat max length 30cm (must float)
38 A Homemade Jubilee Card
39 MEN ONLY – A Banana Loaf -as attached recipe
SPECIAL CLASS: Potatoes in a bucket – potatoes can be collected from Sue and David
Fallows, Parkers East, Gittisham EX14 3AS, 01404 850922 on or after 7th April 2022
Up to 6 years
40 A Painting or Drawing of a queen
41 A Necklace made from sweets
42 4 Squares of Rocky Road
6 – 11 years - A Photo of a still life of 3 pieces of fruit (max photo size 6”x8”)
- A Royal Crown
- 4 Cheese Scones
Gittisham Flower and Produce Show Committee would welcome some
additional members. No experience necessary, just a willing pair of hands.
The show takes place annually on the first Saturday in August and we meet one
evening in April to arrange the event. Please contact Angie on telephone 01404 45101 or
Thank you.