A monthly Community Newsletter published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council
July 2022 Edition 245
Gittisham Flower and Produce Show
This year’s flower & produce show will be held at Gittisham Village Hall on Saturday, 6th August 2022.
The show will open for viewing at 2:30pm Teas and raffle Potato bucket weigh in at 3:15pm
Admission: Adults 50p; Children 5-16 years 10p
Entries must be delivered to 4, Church Mead, Gittisham EX14 3AH (Len & Sarah Abbot’s house) on or before Saturday 30th July 2022 with correct entry fees please.
Exhibits to be received at the parish hall between 0900 and 1030 on show day. They must remain staged until after the presentation of the prizes. If you need an entry form, recipes, show schedule, please contact either Sue Fallows on tel. 01404 850922 or Carol McCann on tel. 01404 851113. The full schedule of classes was printed in the April 2022 gazette, and the entry form in the June 2022 edition.
Pierre’s pop-up cafe
Pierre’s monthly pop-up café is happening on Sunday 10th July. Drop in to the village hall in Gittisham any time from 10am. In the morning you can choose from a selection of home-made croissants and pastries, fresh from the oven, along with vegan brownies and cakes.
From midday Pierre will be serving a hearty ploughman’s lunch, with a French twist, including raw veg, salad, pickles, cold meats and cheeses, fruit and sourdough bread. As part of the ploughman’s, there will also be a pâté en croute – a French meat pie with pork and chicken.
If the weather forecast bodes well, you might want to bring a picnic blanket and enjoy the sunshine and your lunch in the garden with family and friends. Vegans and coeliacs catered for.
There will be a tempting selection of cakes and ice creams for pudding.
The café will be open until 4pm. We strongly recommend booking, especially for lunch. Cash and cards accepted. BYOB.
Daphne Hall
Congratulations to Daphne who has passed the International Baccalaureate, where she specialised in Global Politics, Biology and Geography. Now to finalise her university plans. A remarkable achievement during the Covid pandemic, with having to study at home so much.
The Anne Robson Trust
Too many people die alone, with no friends or family at their side.
I would like to introduce you to the charity that I work for in the hope that you can help us to raise awareness about our vital work for the benefit of your local community. The need to support and empower people who are dying has never been greater: Almost 700,000 people die every year in the UK, a figure set to rise to 750,000 by 2030. In a recent survey, over 70% of people questioned said they fear being helpless and dependent more than they fear death itself.
Our vision is to ensure every person receives the compassion, comfort, and companionship they wish for at the end of their life. While many services exist to support those who are bereaved, there is very little available for the period before someone dies, helping people to cope when a death is anticipated. We are the only national charity in the UK providing emotional support to anyone with a terminal diagnosis, and those caring for them. Our work is attracting attention and our founder, Liz Pryor, was awarded an MBE this year for services to end of life care.
We work with NHS Trusts to train volunteers, who sit with hospital patients in the last days and hours of their life to provide company and companionship, so they know they are not alone. We also run a free national Helpline service providing support for anyone approaching the end of their life, and their loved ones. We understand the pressures of caring for people who are nearing the end of life.
“I called the helpline when my husband of 43 years was nearing the end of his life. We had a wonderful life together and I was scared to let go and overwhelmed. To have someone to talk to, who understands is worth so much.” Helpline caller
Your Help
We would be grateful for any help you could offer to let your local community know about our Helpline, we would be very happy to talk to them too, or if you have any suggestions about other useful contacts in your area. We can also provide posters and leaflets to display. I hope that this information about the Anne Robson Trust is of interest, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Suzanne Brown Office Administrator
01438 873257 www.annerobsontrust.org.uk
Reg Charity 1178352
Christmas Card competition
Rev. Robert Wilson has some work for you to do! Fold a piece of A4 paper into 4 and it should look like a card. He would like you to draw and colour a Christmas picture on one side and write your name, church, and your age on the back page. Rev’ds Sue and Christine have agreed to judge the best in all of the age groups. The groups will be up to 6 years old, then 7 to 11 followed by 12 to 20 then by special permission if any adult who wishes to join in (you can). There will be a voucher for the winner in each group and we will turn your picture into Christmas Cards to be on sale at the Christmas sale at St. Paul’s. Closing Date for Entries 30th September. If you bring your entry to Carol a few days before, the 30th, I will take them to St. Paul’s for you. Judging will take place during October and the winners will be announced in the November issue of Around the Parishes. (Come on Gittisham’s youngsters, do have a go and see if you can win a prize.) – if a Gittisham card/s manages to win a prize, I will try to have the cards on sale in St. Michael’s too. Carol
Parish Council report July 2022
Seven councillors met for the July meeting along with Phil Twiss (DCC) and Graham Hutton (Baker Estates).
EDDC / DCC Report.
Phil Twiss said Covid is still very much present, with sub-variants of Omicron making up more than half of new infections. While the new sub-variants are more transmissible, they are thankfully not having the same health impact in terms of the number of patients in High Dependency Units. If you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as COVID-19, and you have a high temperature or do not feel well, try to stay at home and avoid contact with others.
Members agreed the finances.
April 2022, 1 x shoplifting, Devonshire Road.
Planning applications.
- a) 22/1197/FUL Curlditch House Gittisham Proposed siting of x5 Shepherd’s Huts in the field southeast of Curlditch House
- b) 22/1322/MOUT Land At Hayne Farm Hayne Lane Gittisham Demolition of existing farm buildings and redevelopment for up to 37 dwellings, formation of access, associated infrastructure and open space (outline application seeking approval of details of access only)
Members expressed concern over a), and felt that the addition of mobile holiday accommodation would affect the character of this area and the setting. The Parish Council is always aware of the impact of any development on climate change. These units will be available year-round and yet there appears to be little to minimise the impact on the climate of heating them. Sewage capacity has been a problem since the hotel expanded, with an ongoing sewage leak problem by the village bridge. It is under control now but there is a sensor at the manhole there.
Regarding b), councillors did not object to the outline application, but had concerns about highways, the impact on the junction with Furze Close and increased traffic passing underneath the railway bridge. They were puzzled by EDDC’s proposal to develop Devonshire Road further as employment / industrial land, so close to residential.
Church Mead bridge.
Maggie Walker said she had alerted Cllr Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) to the condition of the Church Mead bridge, and he sent a district surveyor to assess the issue. A temporary metal plate is to be installed to maintain access until a more permanent repair can be carried out.
Defibrillator, Hayne Farm.
Janet Twist said the defibrillator was now live, and she would be asking if any of the residents wish to attend an awareness session provided by Community Heartbeat.
Janet Twist said “authorised push payments” scams had increased by 46 per cent in a year. You can check if your details have been part of a data breach on https://haveibeenpwned.com/
Road closures.
Peter Orchard said the road past Pomeroy Lodge would be closed for resurfacing, 26th–28th July inclusive. He added that the landslip along Hayne Lane has been temporarily supported with ballast.
Old Elm Road ‘nature reserve’
Alex Rowe distributed details of a preliminary plan by EDDC to rewild part of the land along Old Elm Road. The district council will apply for funding, which if approved could lead to the creation of a small wetland area and pond, among other things, where residents can help nature recover and enjoy the subsequent benefits.
Next meeting.
1st September at 7.30pm in Gittisham Parish Room.
Gittisham Community Kitchen
Every Thursday starting on 21st July there will be a simple shared community meal in the Village Hall free to all comers. The Hall will be open from 6pm to 9pm and we aim to serve food at about 6.30pm. No need to book, everybody welcome and feel free to bring board games, cards etc. A simple meal which will hopefully cater for all tastes.
All donations of excess produce etc. gratefully received – please email Sara on or text/ WhatsApp to 07939 148762
St Michael’s Church, Honiton Mission Community and 200 Club
St. Michael’s Gittisham
On 27th June Exeter’s Archdeacon, the Ven Andrew Beane conducted his final in person Visitation for 2022 held at St. Paul’s Honiton when Churchwardens are sworn in for a further year of office his service was assisted by The Ven. Douglas Dettmer, Archdeacon of Totnes and the Rev’d Canon Cate Edmonds Rural Dean. We will soon be starting work on the plasterwork in the church, porch and vestry which should make St. Michael’s more presentable to one and all.
Our services for July: 3rd no service, 10th Eucharist with hymns 17th no service 24th lay-led Morning Worship. To receive details for ongoing worship, Eucharistic and lay-led please contact me, Carol on 01404 851113 or email or Julia by email on or for those without internet ring her on 07763 111367 or 01404 850680.
We have decided to keep parts of the churchyard wild again and paths have been cut, hopefully the lovely and varied wild flowers that grew last year will make a re-appearance. For the Queen’s Green Canopy, it is our intention to plant two Tom Putt apple trees ( it was cultivated by one Thomas Putt of Combe House) in the 1700’s.
Gittisham’s monthly coffee get-together: 16th July, and on the third Saturday of every month, from 10.30am until midday. Hopefully it will be on the village green, but in case the weather is unkind, it will be in the parish room. All welcome.
Honiton Mission Community
Honiton St Paul’s weekly services continue at 11.00am. The website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about services and the latest guidelines on the Covid regulations. There is also a link to the Gittisham website. The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around the Parishes is available by email or post from the Parish Office; see below for details. As our MC churches are now having their own services, Sunday Morning Eucharistic Worship at 11.00am, in St. Paul’s is being live streamed. If you would like to join this service do please contact Rev’d Sue or the Parish Office by emailing or and the link will be forwarded. Alternatively, ring the Parish office to book your place in person, on 01404 44035. Messages will be replied to when someone is available. Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays. Coffee and biscuits are served in St Paul’s church on Tuesdays and Saturdays and after Sunday services, donations are welcomed. Details of the other M.C. church services can be found in the Around the Parishes under each church and the service details including Readings and Collects for the month and will certainly be helpful if you join the live streamed Sunday service.
- St Giles, Buckerell’s fete will be held at Splathayes, Doug’s Shed and garden on 23rd July in the afternoon.
- St Michael’s, Awliscombe held their fete on 18th June at the Otter Inn and raised a total of £3,066.00 for church funds (a record).
- St Michael’s, Cotleigh fete will be held on Saturday 16th July from 2.00pm in the village hall grounds.
200 Club
The members who have not renewed their subscriptions for the season 2022/23 April-March have now been taken out of the 200 Club. Therefore I am currently able to offer numbers for the 200 club, (there are several available). If you do still want your number and forgot to pay the sub please let me know and I will re-instate you upon receipt of the full subscription amount. If you would like to join the 200 Club, please ring Carol, I can send or email an application form. This is one way of funding the upkeep so necessary with this old church which takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the spiralling costs for energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature, The cost is £12 per number per year; however as July has been drawn, this year’s sub until March will be £8 commencing with August. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes: £40.00, £20.00, £15.00, £10.00 and £5.00. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September).
Payment can be made by cheque or cash or Standing Order, there is a form for your bank. I can
email both the application and Standing order forms if required, please let me know by telephone 01404 851113 or or write to 3 School House Cottages, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AH.
July 2022 200 Club Results
1st Amanda Acland 2nd Joyce Lovell 3rd Jan Sutcliffe
4th Alan Broom 5th Olive Collis
Gittisham Village Hall
The Village Hall Committee are holding their AGM on Tuesday 12th July at 7pm in the Village Hall. All very welcome to attend and we would be particularly keen to meet any (potential) new members.
The hall is there for the whole community and would not exist without the volunteers who help to keep it going. If you think you might be able to spare a couple of hours every month for a meeting and help with organising fun events, then you can join the committee as a member. Or you might feel that you can contribute more. We have been extremely lucky to have had Angie Hutchings in role as Treasurer for 16 years. She is stepping down (and will be very sadly missed!) and we are looking for new members to take on this incredibly important role.
Do speak to any of the committee members in advance (Hamish Hall 07880 178297, Sue Fallows 07717 596876, Rosie Fox 07936 447043 or Angie Hutchings 07774 146209) if you would like to ask any questions prior to, or on Tuesday night at the AGM. Please come along, we’d love to see you there.
Gateway at Old Elm Road – Cllr Phil Twiss
The emergency access gate at the end of Old Elm Road is a subject that frequently crops up in my EDDC and DCC E-mailboxes, where the subject is a bit ‘Marmite’; generally people favour the gate remaining closed or want it opened and there is little middle ground!
When the ‘new’ estates to the east and west of Tesco were built from the late 1970’s, in to the 1980’s and early 1990’s it was determined by the Local Planning Authority East Devon District Council that there should be a closed access point at the far end of Old Elm Road on to Hayne Lane for emergency use only. This was to avoid creating a ‘rat run’ from Copper Castle on the A35 at Kings Road, westwards and eventually on to Hayne Lane.
This has, and continues to work well, with overwhelming support from residents living east of the Tesco roundabout towards Copper Castle, where cars traveling at excess speed can be a problem and why VAS (Vehicle activated signs) are located on Battishorne Way and are very effective towards the junction with Honiton Bottom Road. The gate has been opened occasionally e.g. most recently when an alternate route was needed due to major overnight resurfacing of Sidmouth Road. I have recently had one side of the emergency access gate widened to permit easier access for cyclists, mobility scooter, prams etc to encourage more trips on foot to and from Hayne Farm, inbound towards Tesco and beyond, or westbound to places like Heron Farm The Otter Inn and Gittisham Garden Centre and this appears to be working well.
I can understand why some residents of Hayne Farm would find opening of the gate useful to travel eastwards towards Tesco and beyond, but the additional traffic created would actually add to issues at the railway bridge as Hayne Fame development is completed, and more generally on Hayne Lane, particularly in the narrow section on the boundary between Honiton Parish and Gittisham Parish on Old Elm Road.
It is highly unlike that any proposals to vary the existing planning consents, or increased traffic flow on the route from Copper Castle to Hayne Lane/Farm would gain support from either EDDC as planning authority, or DCC as the Highways authority as a result of the emergency access gate being opened permanently. There are no plans either short or long term for this to change.
Modelling of traffic flows has been undertaken by DCC Highways from the mini roundabout at Turks Head Lane (in large part funded by Aldi to improve traffic flow) though Heathpark toward Hayne Lane/Farm, as the most suitable route for access to Heathpark and Hayne Farm, given the width of the Highway along the majority of the route.
Council Tax (energy) rebate
Most households in East Devon will have already received a £150 payment into their bank account, the so-called energy rebate to help with the rising cost of energy, which the majority of people are entitled to if:
Their property is banded A-D or band E with a disablement reduction
They are liable to pay council tax at the address
The property is their sole or main residence
However, if you don’t pay your council tax by direct debit, you will need to go through a claims process to receive the £150. This is administered through East Devon District Council, so if you have internet access you can visit their website www.eastdevon.gov.uk/council-tax/council-tax-energy-rebate or telephone East Devon’s Customer Service Centre on 01404 515616. If you are struggling to make sense of the application process, our county councillor Phil Twiss is happy to help. He can be contacted on 01404 891327 or by email
Ottery Choral Society
We are looking for new singers, all genres. We meet on Wednesday evenings in the URC Yonder Street and start again on September 7th, our Musical Director has chosen a popular programme Faure Requiem at Christmas with a selection of Carols, and Elijah in the Spring for Easter. On 12th November we will be joining the St. David’s Singers for Classics Galore at the Great Hall Exeter University for the Force Cancer Charity (in 2019 we raised over £22,000 for them). If you would like info give Carol a ring on tel. 01404 851113.
Gittisham Gazette distribution
This is to advise if any Hayne Farm and Gittisham Vale estates residents wish to receive the
Gazette by email or if they have no internet access, they can receive it by post, (many are emailed and several households have 2 copies). I put 30+ copies in the Vale bus shelter and as the Hayne Farm sales
office is by appointment only, I have stopped putting any in the office. I apologise to those who do not get the Gazette and do my best to print as many as I can on my own printer, and understand there is a Hayne Farm WhatsApp group which links with the Gazette. If you have a neighbour who doesn’t have access to the internet and you could print off a copy, then many more could receive this publication. It would also be good to receive news from both the Vale and Hayne to let us know what’s going on etc.
Carol McCann 01404 851113 / 0794 6409142 .
If you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate, do please email it to Carol as early as possible. Copy date for the August edition is 26th July. The Gazette will be ready by the first weekend in August, as there is no parish council meeting.