Gittisham Village Hall Committee November 2024

Date 12th November 2024
Present Hamish, Damian, Stella, Claire, Alex, Steve, Nick
Apologies Maggie, Pierre, Bill  
Next meet Special General Meeting: 20th November, 1930, Damian’s house
Next meeting: Tuesday 3rd December
All actionsTerry has resigned his position from the village hall committee. The Chair put on record the committee’s thanks to Terry for years of service supporting the village, maintaining the hall building and contributing to events. The Chair will write to Terry (and Cordelia who resigned from her position at the October meeting) to express the committee’s thanks. 
Committee membersTerry has resigned his position from the village hall committee. The Chair put on record the committee’s thanks to Terry for years of service supporting the village, maintaining the hall building and contributing to events. The Chair will write to Terry (and Cordelia who resigned her position at the October meeting) to express the committee’s thanks. 
FinanceDamian ran through the monthly accounts, a screenshot of which is captured in the below annex (an accessible version of the monthly accounts has been uploaded separately to the village website). Income is significantly up on last year, with the majority of this income ring-fenced for the new cooker. 
Damian set out some of the changes he wanted to make to how we track and monitor finances, including: a tighter reconciliation process between bookings and invoicing; a five-year costed maintenance programme; and the clearer ring-fencing of certain funds (e.g. cooker funds, community kitchen funds) within the accounts. The committee also agreed that expenses should be sent to Damian over email, with a photograph of the receipt, and not over WattsApp. 
Not all financial tools and accounts have been fully transferred to Damian. Hamish took actions to ensure Janet is removed from the HSBC bank, to ensure Damian has access to the Redwood account, and to give Damian a paying in book. 
Damian continues to chase the installation of a smart meter – thank you to Damian for taking this forwards. 

GrantsIt does not look like we have been successful with either the South West Water or Morrisons grant applications. Thank you to Alex for pursuing these on our behalf.

Both EDDC and DCC are running Carbon Offset Grant programmes. The EDDC grant subsidises 90% of carbon offset works (-VAT) and closes on Friday 15th November; results should be announced before the end of the month. The DCC grant pays for 100% of works and makes payments in arrears.

Alex has kindly progressed various quotations for works that would fall under the scope of these two grants, namely: lighting and minor electricals (replacing all interior and exterior lights with LEDs, replacing and upgrading our emergency lighting, replacing the heater in the kitchen); solar panels for the roof elevations at the rear of the hall with accompanying 2x10KW battery storage; and insulation and window replacement. The meeting agreed that the priority grant to submit to EDDC this Friday should be solar panelling, with a larger grant for the various other works to be submitted to DCC prior to the closure of that window.
Hamish took the action to alert the Combe Estate of our intention to install solar panels.  
Alex is once again pursuing the £20k lottery grant, using information from the village survey to support the grant claims. 
Some potentially very good news: a benefactor has expressed an interest in donating a substantial grant to support the running costs for the community kitchen. Nick is liaising and will update the committee at the next meeting.

As always, a huge thank you to Alex in particular for all of the time he spends researching and supporting grant applications for the hall.  



MaintenanceFurther to October’s extensive review of potential cooker options, Stella and Claire have visited Broadhembury Village Hall to hear their views on the cooker they have installed. The cooker has been in place for 9 years and works very well, with no issues. Further to this information, the committee weighed up again the various cooker options and decided to progress with the purchase of the Broadhembury Village Hall model. Stella will take forward the purchase, researching the best possible deals and keeping an eye on Black Friday sales. Stella also took actions to research the purchase of larger cooking trays, or ‘gastronorms’, and to price up some suitable second hand stainless steel worktops and splashbacks and bring quotations back to the next meeting. Thank you to Stella. 
Taps have been replaced by Alex and are no longer faulty. Thanks to Alex.

Tiles have fallen off in the kitchen. Hamish to sand down and give a quick lick of paint. We don’t want to repair as the whole kitchen will soon have a glow up.
Further long-term maintenance priorities were added to the maintenance schedule in the annex, namely: a new kitchen fit out including sinks, splashbacks and worktops, rewiring of the external cabling and loft space, and a refit of the audio-visual capabilities in the hall.  


BookingsA full list of November bookings is included in the below annex and is also uploaded on the village website.

Upcoming village hall committee events in October are the next cake sale and Bingo, both on 30th November. Claire updated the committee on the plans for Bingo, which has a wonderful raffle and a lot of people attending and should be a knock out event! Claire to let committee members know how they can be of most help on the day. 
The meeting agreed that a ‘Hall in use’ sign is needed to prevent committee members or others wandering into private events. Maybe someone can make an attractive one of these? 


GovernanceThe meeting briefly discussed the governance document circulated by Hamish. Some comments have been submitted in writing. The committee agreed that some dedicated time was needed to consider the committee’s constitution in detail. As such, a Special General Meeting has been called for later in the month to agree a final version of the constitution. 
Future eventsFuture schedule agreed as follows:
5th December, fuel poverty clinic with a free fleece blanket, in place in advance of Community Kitchen. Christmas Quiz, Saturday 14th December – Maggie to speak to Sue about possibly catering.Damian, Joanna Southcott talk, Friday 10th January. Burns Night, Saturday 18th January, Mary Marker is booked.Cabaret, 31st January to 1st Feb. Compressed rehearsals. 
Future events:Hardy talk / Gittisham history talk / gardening talk / astronomy talkSpanish event
Carol to advertise the above programmes in the gazette, Alex to advertise on Facebook. 


Carol, Alex
AOBAlex offered the committee the purchase of 20 plain black mugs. No decision made – rolled over to next meeting!

Booking for November

Accounts for November

*Accounts to be uploaded*


Long term maintenance list, for progression when funds allow. Rough hierarchy order.
New large range cooker
Rear foyer leaking roof
New kitchen refurb: sink, worktop…or full kitchen
Replace two front windows
Sewerage and drainage pipe replacement
Re-fit audio visual capabilities
Rewiring of cabling, particularly in the loft
Extractor fans in kitchen
(Rising) damp in southern elevation
Internal repaint including / especially ceiling
Loft insulation
Replace all windows, not just front windows
Bin Store

Gittisham Village Hall Committee October 2024

Date 8th October 2024
Present Hamish, Damian, Maggie, Pierre, Stella, Claire, Alex, Steve, Nick, Bill
Apologies Terry  
Next meet 12th November, 19:00 – a slightly earlier start than normal due to significant agenda items
All actionsStephen to look at advertising the hall as a flexible workspace (June meeting). 
Damian to explore grant opportunities presented by Gittisham alumni Southcott and Hardy (September meeting). 
Damian and Carol to agree a process to reconcile booking income to list of bookings (September meeting). 
Hamish to speak to Fullers about Ed Fuller talk and agree date if possible (September meeting). 
Pierre to organise Spanish and Flamenco evening for the new year (September meeting).
Hamish to look at transferring the card reader so it works for everyone without linking to any phones (September meeting).  
Bill to organise next cake sale, Saturday 26th October. 
Various members to transfer utility bills to Damian’s address.
Everyone to nominate the Village Hall to the Benefact Group before 11th October.
Alex and Bill to undertake an initial look at the leaking foyer roof Friday 11th.
Maggie to speak to Sue about possibly catering the Christmas quiz.
Hamish to book Mary Marker for Burns Night.
Damian to cut three new keys using Maggie’s key as a template. 
Committee membersAt the start of the meeting Hamish announced that he is resigning his position as Chair of the Village Hall Committee. Hamish will serve as Chair until the end of the calendar year. 
The committee wished to put on record its appreciation for Hamish’s long service over twenty years to the work of the committee and for his dedicated leadership as chair in the past few years. Hamish has been a selfless and energetic chair and has helped to ensure the upkeep of the hall as well as organising a huge number of popular and entertaining events over his time.
The members  expressed their hope that he will remain closely involved in future events, not least in running his fiendish quizzes, wielding the dagger at Robbie Burns night, and  starring in future cabaret turns!

Cordelia has resigned her position from the village hall committee but is happy to remain involved supporting village events.

FinanceDamian ran through the monthly accounts, a screenshot of which is captured in the below annex (an accessible version of the monthly accounts has been uploaded separately to the village website). Thank you to Damian for his work on the accounts. 
With recent grant and fundraising successes the year-to-date position is looking healthier than in previous months’ accounts, though a significant proportion of this income is ringfenced for the new cooker. 
The meeting discussed the size of the funds it needs to keep in reserve.  Whilst a final decision will be reached in conjunction with approving the hall constitution (scheduled for the November meeting), it was noted that Charity Commission guidance stipulates that an appropriate reserve should be at least one year’s running cost, plus sufficient reserve to undertake a programme of necessary and predictable maintenance and be resilient to other significant unforeseen and uninsured costs that may materialise. The £26k in the reserve account is kept in reserve in order to meet these stipulations. Further discussion on an appropriate reserve level will take place in November.  
The committee agreed to change the hall’s electricity provider to take advantage of a smart meter installation and credit offer. Thank you to Damian for taking this forwards. 
Various utilities are currently dealt with by various committee members. Damian suggested that all of these bills are redirected to him to support his bookkeeping. 

GrantsWe were successful with the £1k bid for a new cooker from the locality budget – many thanks to Carol for pursuing this.
We continue to await news on the grants submitted to date: the EDDC Carbon Offset Fund, the South West Water Fund, the Sykes Holiday Cottages Fund. In addition Alex is looking to apply to the McCarthy Stone Foundation. The Lottery Grant remains a long-term option, which the results of our village survey on uses of the hall will support us with. Thank you to Alex for his continued oversight of these grant applications including his liaison with other village halls.  
Nick reminded everyone to nominate the Village Hall to the Benefact Group before 11th October. 

MaintenanceThe meeting debated the key maintenance priorities (see annex). It was observed by some committee members that repairing the leaking roof in the rear foyer was of primary significance and should be prioritised ahead of all other maintenance and hall improvements. Alex and Bill are to undertake an initial look at the roof this Friday, the 11th, with Hamish also available on Monday 14th if more work is needed. To discuss again at the next meeting. 
Stella, Alex and Pierre have undertaken significant research into options for a new cooker – thanks to all three for the thorough research and the clear presentation of options. The meeting considered a range of commercial cookers, domestic cookers and standalone oven units, as well as the associated installation costs and some of the other necessary kitchen upgrade work that could accompany a new installation. After deliberation the meeting expressed its preference for a hotplate commercial cooker. Likely costs are £2.5k for the cooker and £1.5k for the installation and associated works. 
However, prior to agreeing a way forwards the committee sought further reassurance on the suitability and safety of the preferred cooker model. To this end Stella agreed to speak with Broadhembury Village Hall, which has the same installed cooker on site, and to report back on that committee’s experience. In addition, the meeting deferred until November a decision on whether a new cooker could be purchased in advance of the fundraising target being fully reached, or at the point of the target being reached. 
Alex and Bill

BookingsA full list of October bookings is loaded on the village website.

Upcoming village hall committee events in October are the Bee Talk on Friday 11th (where the committee agreed a reduced rate for children), the Harvest Supper on Saturday 12th and the next Cake Sale fundraiser on Saturday 26th.  
Future eventsFuture schedule agreed as follows:
Bingo, Saturday 30th November.Christmas Quiz, Saturday 14th December – Maggie to speak to Sue about possible catering.Burns Night, Saturday 25th January – Hamish to book Mary Marker.  Cabaret, Friday 7th and Saturday 8th February. 
Further to Friday’s Bee Talk we will review the potential for and dates of further villager talks, possible topics: Joanna Southcott (Damian), Gittisham history (Paul Wakely), organic gardening (might have got that wrong) (Sue and David), if possible, Ed Fuller to talk on the subject of his Paralympic Gold Medal. 
Hamish/Carol to advertise the above programmes in the gazette, Alex to advertise on Facebook.
Future events:
Pierre and Fiona are investigating running a Spanish and Flamenco evening to raise funds for the Village Hall! Pierre to investigate and return with dates. Thank you Pierre!  


AOBThree members of the committee need new keys cutting. Damian to have cut using Maggie’s key.   Damian
Long term maintenance list, for progression when funds allow. Rough hierarchy order.
New large range cooker
Rear foyer where roof is leaking
Replace two front windows
Sewerage and drainage pipe replacement
Extractor fans in kitchen
(Rising) damp in southern elevation
Internal repaint including / especially ceiling
Loft insulation
Replace all windows, not just front windows
Bin Store

Gittisham Village Hall Committe September 2024

Date 10th September 2024
Present Hamish, Damian, Maggie, Pierre, Sue, Stella, Claire, Alex, Steve (arrived late)
Apologies Nick, Bill, Terry  
Next meet 8th October, 7pm start, 30 minutes early to accommodate discussion on Community Kitchen
All actionsHamish to use caulking gun around flashing (June meeting).Hamish to replace bathroom tap (June meeting).
Stephen to look at advertising the hall as a flexible workspace (June meeting).
Everyone to look for a noticeboard for foyer (July meeting).
Hamish to make contact with Cordelia re committee membership (September meeting).
Hamish to invite Sara Trumper to the next meeting.
Hamish and Alex to meet on Monday 16th September to progress grant applications. 
Damian to explore grant opportunities presented by Gittisham alumni. 
Pierre, Stella and Alex to bring cooker options to next meeting. 
Damian and Carol to agree a process to reconcile booking income to list of bookings.? to take forwards September cake sale. 
Stephen to agree with Steve M a date for beekeeping talk. 
Hamish to speak to Fullers about Ed Fuller talk and agree date if possible. 
Claire to organise Christmas bingo. 
Pierre to organise Spanish and Flamenco evening for the new year. 
Hamish to look at transferring the card reader so it works on phones.
Committee membersHamish to make contact with Cordelia re committee membership.Hamish
FinanceWelcome to Damian, our new treasurer, who presented the monthly finances (see annex). In spite of the increases to hall prices agreed at the turn of the financial year year-to-date expenditure has exceeded income by nearly £1k. The hall also operated at a loss in the previous two financial years; a third consecutive year operating at a loss will stymy our ability to attract grant funding. 
The village fete was a great success and the Village Fete Committee has kindly agree to donate ~£1200 [exact figure not noted] to the Village Hall. The committee discussed how best to utilise this income and agreed, in line with the request of the Village Fete Committee, to split the proceeds between investing in a new cooker and subsidising for a time-limited period the hiring fees for the weekly Community Kitchen.
The Committee will invite Sara Trumper to the next meeting to discuss how best to utilise these funds and ongoing funding models for the Community Kitchen’s hiring of the hall. 

GrantsThe meeting agreed the immediate priorities for grant expenditure as follows: a new range cooker, replacement windows, and new replacement drainage / sewers. (Full list of potential remedial works for the hall updated in annex.)
The committee was unsuccessful in its recent application for grant funding for replacement windows. However, Carol Hall has this month applied to the EDDC locality budget for a £1000 grant to go towards a new cooker. 
Alex is also making a huge effort to explore grant opportunities – thank you Alex! – as follows:
The South West Water grant (video) application is still pending and we await a response.
Alex is submitting another video application to the Sykes Holiday Cottages Community Fund (a national fund). 
Alex has approached EDDC about its Carbon Offset Fund. We are on the list to be visited by EDDC officials so the hall can be assessed.
The lottery grant is re-opening and we agreed to submit another bid for the lower threshold amount. The results of our village hall survey (publicised recently in the gazette) will stand us in good stead here and improve our chances of being successful this time around.    
 In addition Hamish has taken an audio-visual company around the hall. They have provided a quotation for improvement works and suggested grant opportunities to fund the works. 
Hamish and Alex to meet on Monday 16th September to progress applications. 
Damian suggested two ways in which we could leverage famous alumni of the village for possible funding opportunities.
The Panacea Trust (Joanna Southcott’s organisation) has a trust fund which may be approached. And Hardy Wines (Australian wine company) may also want to support the home village of their founder.
Damian to explore further.

Alex and Hamish
MaintenanceThe priority is researching new cookers. We formed a cooker sub-committee (Stella, Pierre and Alex) to explore potential options. Hamish will provide a more detailed specification but key points: same size as current cooker, two ovens, electric/induction, real knobs not electric interface. Options to be considered at next meeting.  Pierre, Stella, Alex, Hamish. 

BookingsThe list of bookings for September is provided in the annex. Unfortunately we have now lost the regular toddler group booking. 
We need to ensure that the booking income is reconciled to the list of bookings. Damian to discuss with Carol how this will work in practice.  

Future eventsWe have agreed that we will use the last Saturday of every month, 2pm-4pm, to run coffee and cake sales to fund the new cooker. 
Autumn schedule agreed as follows:
Harvest Supper,
Saturday 12th October, organised by the church.Sparklers and hot dogs,
Sunday 3rd November, 5-7pm.Christmas Bingo,
Saturday 30th November, Claire to organise.Gittisham Christmas Cabaret,
Friday 13th and Saturday 14th December.   Steve M beekeeping talk.
Date not yet agreed, Stephen to take forwards.If possible, Ed Fuller to talk on the subject of his Paralympic Gold Medal. Hamish to approach Fullers.
Date not yet agreed.   
Hamish/Carol to advertise the above programmes in the gazette, Alex to advertise on Facebook.
Future events:
Pierre and Fiona are investigating running a Spanish and Flamenco evening to raise funds for the Village Hall! Pierre to investigate and return with dates. Thank you Pierre!  




AOBHamish to look at transferring the card reader so it works on phones.  Hamish
Long term maintenance list, for progression when funds allow. Rough hierarchy order.
New large range cooker
Replace two front windows
Sewerage and drainage pipe replacement
Extractor fans in kitchen
(Rising) damp in southern elevation
Internal repaint including / especially ceiling
Loft insulation
Replace all windows, not just front windows
Bin Store

Gittisham Village Hall Financial Report 2024

Financial Year End Report 1 April 2023-31 March 2024

Hall hire, a 7% reduction compared to the previous year.
Social events, a 23% reduction compared to the previous year.
The Village Hall received a grant towards the Community Kitchen of £992.45 and earned
£507.98 in interest on the reserve Account.
The Village Hall Committee approved a draw down of £2000 from the Reserve Account.
Total income of £9474.10.

Insurance increase of 7% on previous year.
Water/gas/electric, an increase of £858.05, a 39% increase on the previous year.
Cleaning/grass cutting, £271.05 more then the previous year, 36% increase.
Hall/equipment maintenance, £2215.58, up 61% on the previous year, external painting, a
new gas water boiler and the removal of an old shed.
The stipend paid to the booking clerk and treasurer.

Expenditure increased by £4136.36, to a total of £11597.01.

The Reserve Account balance £24811.22.

Janet Twist
28 June 2024

Village Hall Annual General Meeting 2024

DateTuesday 4th July 2023, 7:30pm, Village Hall garden.Meeting opened 1935Meeting ended 1954
PresentCommittee: Pierre, Hamish, Bill, Terry, Alex, Sue, Steve, Janet, ClaireMembers of Public: Damian, Owen
ApologiesNick, Janet, Cordelia, Stella, Maggie
Minutes of the 2023 AGMThe meeting agreed the previous year’s AGM minutes.
Chair’s reportChairman’s Report for the year 2023 to 2024We have a good cross section of regular bookings, including the dance club, yoga, Pierre’s kitchen, and keep fit.  We are also very fortunate to have the popular Community Kitchen as a regular weekly booking.  Thanks to all regular groups who book the hall and to Sara Trumper and helpers for sustaining the community Kitchen and to Carol Hall for the successful application for £2,244 from Devon’s Growing Community Fund. The committee is very grateful for this funding that supports both the community and the village hall.
Through the year the committee have arranged some excellent events including regular quizzes, the return of the ever popular Burns Night, skittles, Father’s Day BBQ –  in perfect weather again and with a live band (thank you Nick). A special thanks to Carol Hall for pushing the Hall on social media, resulting in more one-off and regular bookings.
Over the course of the year we have seen stable bookings, but with a lower revenue than last year. Unfortunately costs have also grown and the Hall has made a loss over the period, despite the significant grant from Devon.  As a result of a second year of loss-making we have had to increase hire charges, which we hope should bring the hall back to at least break even. Hire charges were agreed at the June 2024 meeting.
As Chair I would like to extend my thanks to all of those on the committee and those who helped when called upon outside the committee.  Particular thanks to Janet who has resigned from the post of Treasurer and has kindly agreed to support the incoming treasurer, Damian Furniss.  Janet has improved further our processes and has been exceptionally diligent in her duties, to the benefit of the Hall and the community.
Treasurer’s reportFinancial Year End Report: 1 April 2023-31 March 2024
Income:Hall hire, a 7% reduction compared to the previous year.Social events, a 23% reduction compared to the previous year.The Village Hall received a grant towards the Community Kitchen of £992.45 and earned £507.98 in interest on the reserve Account.The Village Hall Committee approved a drawdown of £2000 from the Reserve Account.Total income of £9474.10.
Expenditure:Insurance increase of 7% on previous year.Water/gas/electric, an increase of £858.05, a 39% increase on the previous year.Cleaning/grass cutting, £271.05 more than the previous year, 36% increase.Hall/equipment maintenance, £2215.58, up 61% on the previous year, external painting, a new gas water boiler and the removal of an old shed.The stipend paid to the booking clerk and treasurer.
Expenditure increased by £4136.36, to a total of £11597.01.The Reserve Account balance was £24811.22 at year end.Janet Twist Treasurer 28 June 2024
Election of officersHamish was nominated and re-elected as Chair. Nick was nominated and re-elected as Vice-Chair. Damian Furniss was nominated and elected as Treasurer. The Committee expressed its sincere thanks to Janet Twiss for her diligent work in the role.No volunteer stepped forward to take the Secretary vacancy, so this remains vacant. Gillian Coates was nominated and agreed as the auditor for 2024/25.Carol Hall will continue in her role as Bookings Clerk. With Janet stepping down the VHC Charity has just two trustees, Hamish and Nick. Sue Fallows agreed to step forwards as a third trustee.
Action: Janet and Sue to liaise on appropriate steps to add Sue as a trustee.   
AOBThe meeting expressed its thanks to all who had supported the hall in the year, particularly Janet as outgoing Treasurer, and the committee members who had supported the weekly community kitchen. 
DateTuesday 4th July 2023, 7:30pm, Village Hall garden.Meeting opened 1935Meeting ended 1954
PresentCommittee: Pierre, Hamish, Bill, Terry, Alex, Sue, Steve, Janet, ClaireMembers of Public: Damian, Owen
ApologiesNick, Janet, Cordelia, Stella, Maggie
Minutes of the 2023 AGMThe meeting agreed the previous year’s AGM minutes.
Chair’s reportChairman’s Report for the year 2023 to 2024We have a good cross section of regular bookings, including the dance club, yoga, Pierre’s kitchen, and keep fit.  We are also very fortunate to have the popular Community Kitchen as a regular weekly booking.  Thanks to all regular groups who book the hall and to Sara Trumper and helpers for sustaining the community Kitchen and to Carol Hall for the successful application for £2,244 from Devon’s Growing Community Fund. The committee is very grateful for this funding that supports both the community and the village hall.
Through the year the committee have arranged some excellent events including regular quizzes, the return of the ever popular Burns Night, skittles, Father’s Day BBQ –  in perfect weather again and with a live band (thank you Nick). A special thanks to Carol Hall for pushing the Hall on social media, resulting in more one-off and regular bookings.
Over the course of the year we have seen stable bookings, but with a lower revenue than last year. Unfortunately costs have also grown and the Hall has made a loss over the period, despite the significant grant from Devon.  As a result of a second year of loss-making we have had to increase hire charges, which we hope should bring the hall back to at least break even. Hire charges were agreed at the June 2024 meeting.
As Chair I would like to extend my thanks to all of those on the committee and those who helped when called upon outside the committee.  Particular thanks to Janet who has resigned from the post of Treasurer and has kindly agreed to support the incoming treasurer, Damian Furniss.  Janet has improved further our processes and has been exceptionally diligent in her duties, to the benefit of the Hall and the community.
Treasurer’s reportFinancial Year End Report: 1 April 2023-31 March 2024
Income:Hall hire, a 7% reduction compared to the previous year.Social events, a 23% reduction compared to the previous year.The Village Hall received a grant towards the Community Kitchen of £992.45 and earned £507.98 in interest on the reserve Account.The Village Hall Committee approved a drawdown of £2000 from the Reserve Account.Total income of £9474.10.
Expenditure:Insurance increase of 7% on previous year.Water/gas/electric, an increase of £858.05, a 39% increase on the previous year.Cleaning/grass cutting, £271.05 more than the previous year, 36% increase.Hall/equipment maintenance, £2215.58, up 61% on the previous year, external painting, a new gas water boiler and the removal of an old shed.The stipend paid to the booking clerk and treasurer.
Expenditure increased by £4136.36, to a total of £11597.01.The Reserve Account balance was £24811.22 at year end.Janet TwistTreasurer28 June 2024
Election of officersHamish was nominated and re-elected as Chair. Nick was nominated and re-elected as Vice-Chair. Damian Furniss was nominated and elected as Treasurer. The Committee expressed its sincere thanks to Janet Twiss for her diligent work in the role.No volunteer stepped forward to take the Secretary vacancy, so this remains vacant. Gillian Coates was nominated and agreed as the auditor for 2024/25.Carol Hall will continue in her role as Bookings Clerk. With Janet stepping down the VHC Charity has just two trustees, Hamish and Nick. Sue Fallows agreed to step forwards as a third trustee.
Action: Janet and Sue to liaise on appropriate steps to add Sue as a trustee.   
AOBThe meeting expressed its thanks to all who had supported the hall in the year, particularly Janet as outgoing Treasurer, and the committee members who had supported the weekly community kitchen. 

Village Hall Committee July

Date 11th June 2024
Present Hamish, Alex, Claire, Terry, Sue, Janet, Steve, Bill, Pierre
Apologies Cordelia, Stella, Nick, Maggie
Next meet TBC
This meeting was shorter than usual as it followed the AGM, minutes of which are published separately. 
All actionsAll to return at next meeting to discussion of how to make up community kitchen grant shortfall.  
Stephen to look at advertising the hall as a flexible workspace.
Hamish to use caulking gun around flashing. 
Hamish to replace bathroom tap. 
Carol to book Smeatharpe Aerodrome talk.
Hamish to schedule Steve M for beekeeping talk in September.Sue to schedule agri-talk in October.
Nick to contact cabaret team and get some dates in diary for end of summer.
Stephen to approach Villages in Action.
Everyone to look for a noticeboard for foyer.
FinanceJanet updated the meeting with the latest accounts. See annex.  
We have been successful in receiving a £1000 grant for the community kitchen. Thank you to Carol for progressing the application. Unfortunately this is £1400 less than we bid for and means that the annual costs for the community kitchen hiring the hall will no longer be fully covered by grant payments. 
The committee discussed potential options to make up for this shortfall without compromising the ongoing sustainability of the village hall. The committee felt it was important, not least in order to meet the guidance of the Charity Commission, for the hall not to lose money in a third consecutive year. Equally the committee recognised the importance of the community kitchen continuing as a weekly event providing valuable social cohesion. 
Hamish will accept the £1000 grant. This will cover the community kitchen’s booking fees until end of August. We will return to the discussion of how to make up the shortfall at the next meeting.  
The meeting considered other ways to significantly increase revenue. Options considered included brownies or scout troops renting the hall and offering the hall as a mobile working space. Carol has advertised the first of these and Stephen to look into the last option.  

GrantsWe briefly touched on the South West Water grant and the Locality budget grant. But we need a more detailed discussion about these at the next meeting. 
Hamish has taken an audio-visual company around the hall. They will provide a quotation for improvement works but will also explore grant options to fund the works. To update at next meeting.  
MaintenanceSmart gas meter. Is this still being installed? We didn’t discuss.
The flower and produce committee are purchasing tables which they will gift to the hall. Thanks Sue for organising this.

BookingsSee annexe for full list of July bookings. 
Future eventsWell done to everyone on Father’s Day BBQ. £200 taken. A great day and a great atmosphere. 
Upcoming eventsIf England reach the semi-finals we will put it on in the hall. 
No event in August as flower and produce show and fete.  Steve M has agreed to do beekeeping talk. Thanks Hamish. Hamish to get in touch and set a September date. 
Agri-talk to happen in October. Sue to organise a date. Thanks Sue.  
Cabaret rubber needs to meet the road. Nick to make contact and get meetings in diaries. 



Long term maintenance list, for progression when funds allow. Not in hierarchy order.
(Rising) damp in southern elevation
Extractor fans in kitchen
Drainage pipe replacement
Internal repaint including / especially ceiling
Loft insulation
Replace all windows, not just front windows
New large range cooker
Bin Store
Gittisham Parish Hall Accounts – 1st April 2024 to 31 March 2025Gittisham Parish Hall Accounts – 1st April 2024 to 31 March 2025
2023/2401.04.23- – 30.06.242023/241.04.23-
Balance brought forward3,627.91Insurance690.380.000.00
Non-domestic rates0.000.000.00
Hire of Hall5,588.852,729.301,545.90Cleaning/grass cutting1,019.62275.00499.59
Social Events1,371.36149.65359.29Maintenance/Equipment5,840.55548.10182.96
Miscellaneous2,005.915.912,244.00Miscellaneous(inc. bank charges)1,014.59944.59725.35
Redwood Deposit A/c£25,654.20
Includes annual interest of £842.98
Father’s Day event in JunePPL/PRS licence paid under misc. £162.00.
Cleaning Materials and first aid kits purchased £160.01.

Village Hall Committee June

Date 11th June 2024
Present Hamish, Alex, Claire, Terry, Sue Janet (left early), Bill, Maggie, Nick
Apologies Cordelia, Pierre, Stella, Steve
Next meet AGM: Tuesday 2nd July followed by usual meeting
All actionsHamish to circulate new fee structure for approval.  – done and to be agreed during the meeting
Janet to add signatories to bank account.  done
Alex to check and amend website re deposit taking.   Its on the booking form
Hamish to write to Combe Estate requesting a copy of lease –  not done but have copy of lease.   However there still needs to be a discussion with the Estate wrt to future grants to ensure we comply and permission to do some more work to the Hall ( windows etc)Nick to progress Victoria Windows quotation –  wait until we find out about planning permission needs from EDDC.  Hamish has paid and has chased EDDC for a response
Alex to lead fix of shed roof – Alex has prepared a quote @£22/sheet –  6 needed.  £132 cost    OK please proceed.
Hamish to use caulking gun around flashing Hamish to replace bathroom tap Hamish to advertise Father’s Day BBQ and liaise with Damien –  done needs to be done again.
Carol to book Smeatharpe Aerodrome talk – not done yet
Hamish to approach Steve M re beekeeping talk – not done yet
Stephen to approach Villages in Action –  done
Everyone to look for a noticeboard for foyer – still to be done
Alex to progress Gazette MS Forms survey questions –  done to be discussed in the meeting
FinancesJanet presented the accounts for the month. See annexe. 
Thanks to Carol for help with the PRS license.  Now need to define income.  Janet has submitted.  Defined income £1,600 which should reduce cost of the license.
Smart gas meter appointment was planned – but it was cancelled on the day – no idea if /when they will come.  Alex has been reading the meter so they are not estimated.  
HSBC actions undertaken to be authorised bank signatories.
Hamish to set up a zoom call with Damian and Janet for discussion over the role of treasurer.
Hamish needs to put £20 cash into bank for the proceeds of the skittle evening. 


Hall ChargesFollowing discussion, the following new rates we agreed, based on 2yrs of CPI and rounded to nearest whole number
2024 new rates effective form 1/9/24

Non Parishioners
Hourly rate
Non Parishioners
9-1pm or 1-5pm
Non Parishioners
6pm – midnight
Non Parishioners
9am – midnight
Non Parishioners
Wedding (set up night before and full day)
Non Parishioners
Long term lets
Price on application

Existing hirer rates comes into place 1/9/24
New hirers effective from 1st July 2024
Booking clerk still has right to use discretion and discuss with committee if need
Booking clerk to let regulars know if price increases and report any issues back to committee

Village Hall survey Survey agreed during the meeting sand will be circulated on whataspp group and a link provided to Carol to pass on to regular bookers
BookingsSee annexe for list of June bookings. 
Future eventsSkittle –  £20 profit –  thanks to Steve – lets do again!
Fathers Day BBQ Set up from 9:30 SundayMusic planned –  Band members eat free ( Thanks Nick)Cater for 70:Meat –  100 sausages, 50 burgers,  50 chicken pieces – Hamish to shop Sara   – will make a peanut salad (thanks Sara)Sue veg , veggie & sauce + bread. Wil do all non meat shopping£6 per head with concession if you can persuade the doorman
Other events
Cabaret –  still want to go ahead – organise at the next meeting
Tuesday 28th June  – live screening of the football?
Talks to be arranged
Buckerell – may need a venue.  Welcome to use village hall at parishioners rates


Committee members



AOBLadies toilet window – now closed
When is the grass being cut?
Bin store? –  add to the list of wants
Can carol add times to the bookings so Alex can add into the calendar
Press officer vacancy – need to advertise in the paper.

Long term maintenance list, for progression when funds allow. Not in hierarchy order.
(Rising) damp in southern elevation
Extractor fans in kitchen
Drainage pipe replacement
Internal repaint
Loft insulation
Replace all windows, not just front windows
New large range cooker
Bin Store –  
Gittisham Parish Hall Accounts – 1st April 2024 to 31 March 2025Gittisham Parish Hall Accounts – 1st April 2024 to 31 March 2025
2023/241.04.23- – 31.05.242023/241.04.23-
Balance brought forward3,627.91Insurance690.380.000.00
Non-domestic rates0.000.000.00
Hire of Hall5,588.852,311.501,353.65Cleaning/grass cutting1,019.62175.00310.19
Social Events1,371.3668.00180.26Maintenance/Equipment5,840.55190.28116.35
Miscellaneous2,005.91175.992,244.00Miscellaneous(inc. bank charges)1,014.591,259.81556.95
Redwood Deposit A/c£24,811.22
Subscription to Devon Communities Together of £24

Gittisham Village Hall Committee May 2024

Date 14th May 19.30 at the Village Hall
Present Hamish, Alex, Stephen, Claire, Stella, Terry, Sue (arrived late), Janet (left early)
Apologies Cordelia, Bill, Nick, Maggie, Pierre
Next meet Tuesday 11th JuneAGM: Tuesday 2nd July
All actionsHamish to circulate new fee structure for approval. 
Janet to add signatories to bank account. 
Alex to check and amend website re deposit taking. 
Hamish to write to Combe Estate requesting a copy of lease
Nick to progress Victoria Windows quotation
Hamish to advertise working party
Alex to lead fix of shed roof
Hamish to use caulking gun around flashing
Hamish to replace bathroom tap
Hamish to advertise Father’s Day BBQ and liaise with Damien
Carol to book Smeatharpe Aerodrome talk
Hamish to approach Steve M re beekeeping talk
Stephen to approach Villages in Action
Everyone to look for a noticeboard for foyer
Alex to progress Gazette MS Forms survey questions
FinancesJanet presented the accounts for the month.
See annexe. 
We returned to the discussion of increasing the hall booking fees, last discussed at the March meeting. T
he committee agreed that a discounted parishioner’s rate should continue to be part of the new fee structure. Hamish is tidying up the analysis of 2023/24 costs and booking utilisation with year-end figures and will circulate a proposed set of fee increases (parishioner/non-parishioner, hour/longer sessions, weddings) via email for consideration and agreement at the next meeting. We are still searching for a new Treasurer to take over from Janet after the AGM. Hamish remains in discussions with a resident. We need to have more signatories to the HSBC bank account as currently it is just Janet. Agreed that Carol and Hamish should both become signatories (the former to enable the taking and returning of booking deposits), plus the new Treasurer when one is found. Is the website clear that a deposit may be taken at the point of a booking? If not we need this to be made clear to support Carol in taking deposits. Alex to check and amend as necessary? Thank you Alex. 



GrantsLease. A number of the upcoming grant applications need details of our lease arrangements from the estate. Hamish to write to Combe Estate requesting a copy of the lease as we have replaced our original copy. Replacement windows. Hamish has written to EDDC and paid £40 for an opinion on whether PVC windows would be acceptable on the front of the hall, given the village’s conservation status. We cannot progress further until we receive a response to this question. We have made some progress on quotations (we now have one quotation from Hani and one from Select Windows) but our third quotation from Victoria Windows is still outstanding despite Nick’s best efforts, so we need to pick up this thread again. Thank you Nick. Range cooker. Alex has applied to the South West Water grant scheme (with a video application!), a £2k application for a new range cooker. Many thanks Alex. If this grant is successful then it may be sensible for Phil Twiss’s £1k top up money to also go towards a range cooker (rather than the replacement windows). Decision deferred until we know the success of the application. Community kitchen. Carol is this week submitting the application to the Devon Communities Fund for the next grant for the community kitchen – thank you Carol.Thermal heating and insulation grant. Alex is scoping this out. Hamish


Maintenance We agreed a date for a village hall working party for outdoor maintenance – Saturday 1st June, 11am. All committee to attend if possible, and Hamish to advertise to the wider village. Aim is to get the hall spic and span before the Father’s Day BBQ. Shed roof has been temporarily fixed with tarpaulin, thank you Claire. But long-term fix still needs to happen. Alex has sourced some galvanised roof sheets from his dad and will tackle – thank you Alex. We have made no progress on the occasional leak in the back porch so rolling on the action: Hamish to get up in the loft above and use caulking gun around the flashing. If this doesn’t fix it then we can go for a specialist.The bathroom tap needs replacement. Hamish to take forwards, thanks Hamish.

All of the above and more could be part of the working party work. 



BookingsSee annexe for list of May bookings. 
Future eventsSaturday 18th May, skittles. £2 for adults, £1 for children, BYO. Stephen to advertise, including poster.Sunday 16th June, Father’s Day BBQ. £5 a head. We will use June meeting to discuss in detail. Hamish to liaise with Damian about table tennis tournament (entry fees for the tournament to go to a men’s charity; money for the Father’s Day BBQ to go to the Village Hall). Hamish also to advertise.
July – Smeatharpe Aerodrome DDay Talk. £2 entry. Carol and Hamish to organise a date on either a Tuesday or a Friday. Should be good! Villagers’ talks. All agreed this was a good idea and would get people in. Hopefully Steve M can kick this off with a talk about bees. Hamish to approach him. Then through the late summer / autumn:
Alex – stargazingHamish – flood defencesSue and David – eco-agri farming
Live music. No progress on this since the last meeting. It would be good if some of our approaches came good. 
Villages in action. Stephen to approach about late 2024/2025 bookings.
Long list of other options discussed previously but not priogresses: Ceilidh, art exhibition with scones, hosting the pizza van.




AOBWe need a noticeboard in the foyer and to make better use of the noticeboard outside to advertise village hall events. 
Questionnaire to the village in the April Gazette did not receive any responses – thank you Alex for trying. We need responses to gather data to support grant applications, but we also want the communication to gather ideas on how the hall can be used and to advertise the community asset. Alex is going to have another go, this time using Microsoft Forms to create a light touch survey that shouldn’t take as long to complete. Please circulate around the committee when ready Alex so that we can comment/add questions.

Gittisham Parish Hall Accounts – 1st April 2024 to 31 March 2025Gittisham Parish Hall Accounts – 1st April 2024 to 31 March 2025
2023/241.04.23- – 30.04.242023/241.04.23-
Balance brought forward3,627.91Insurance690.380.000.00
Non-domestic rates0.000.000.00
Hire of Hall5,588.852,025.95332.50Cleaning/grass cutting1,019.62125.00153.90
Social Events1,371.3668.0036.31Maintenance/Equipment5,840.550.0098.53
Miscellaneous2,005.9129.512,244.00Miscellaneous(inc. bank charges)1,014.595.80527.95
Redwood Deposit A/c£24,811.22
Miscellaneous receipt is the grant received from Devon CCMiscellaneous includes payments to Hall booker and to accountants for audit check
for the Community Kitchen

Gittisham Village Hall Acounts April 2023-24

Accounts for the year 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024
Hall & Equipment Hire4596.404953.50
Proceeds from Social Events1371.361791.04
Miscellaneous Income2005.91175.98
Redwood Bank Interest507.98226.48
Council Tax00.00
Water,Gas & Electricity3031.872173.82
Cleaning and Grass Cutting1019.62748.57
Hall & Equipment Maintenance5840.553624.97
Stationery & Postage00.00
Miscellaneous Expenses194.3193.18
Booking Clerk/Treasurer749.000.00
Bank Charges71.2976.32
Surplus income/loss for the year(2122.91)(313.65)
Bank BalancesAs at 31.03.2024As at 31.03.2023
HSBC Bank3627.916258.8
Redwood Bank26811.2226303.24
Cash in hand81.3281.32
Less loss for year ending 31 March 2024-2122.91
I certify that I have audited the books and records of Gittisham Village Hall for the year ending 31st March 2024 and can confirm that the above accounts are in accordance with the books, records and information supplied. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the above accounts give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Parish Hall as at 31st March 2024.
Geraldine Coates – AuditorDate