2022-06 Gittisham Gazette June 2022

A monthly Community Newsletter published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

June 2022 Edition 244

Oh what a lovely Platinum Jubilee!

Thank you to Carol Hall, the Parish Council, the Village Hall Committee, sponsors and musicians
for making Gittisham’s Jubilee celebrations joyful and fun and all free. Saturday evening’s two
bands courtesy of the Hall Committee, plus Alex and Robert’s disco sponsored by Blamphayne
Sawmills were all well received and the dancing – though sporadic at first – soon got into the swing.
The hot dogs went down a treat too thanks to the Hall committee members for cooking, serving
and clearing up.  The bar which was looked after by Daphne and Clara was well patronised. The
Sunday started with a lovely Service of Thanksgiving led by Julia and ended with a glass of
bubbles. In the afternoon the hall was packed for the cream tea (luckily Cold Harbour Farm came
to the rescue supplying the clotted cream when there wasn’t any to be had at all in Honiton)
served again by the hall committee and luckily it was dry enough for some to be outdoors. CMC
Garage, a local company, sponsored beautiful and most useful water bottles for the children with
the purple Platinum Jubilee logo on the side and purple tops. EDDC provided an oak tree for the
‘Queens canopy. The events that were televised over the 4 days were all splendid and if you didn’t
see them do watch on catchup.

Pierre’s pop-up cafe

Come along to Pierre’s monthly cafe in Gittisham village hall, Sunday 12th June, 10am-4pm. Delicious homemade croissants and pains au chocolat for breakfast, a selection of cakes and a French-inspired lunch of chicken fricassee with vegetables and wild rice. Alternative choice for vegans and vegetarians. Desserts include pear, lemon & almond gateau and elderflower sorbet. Pierre would love to hear from you if you would like to sell any homegrown produce or homemade items at the cafe. Cards accepted. Booking preferred, as we often sell out, especially lunches: 07545 214940.

Christian Aid Collection 2022 

On behalf of the Christian Aid co-ordinators in Honiton their and my thanks go to our village, whose
generosity in giving in their envelopes amounted to £418.60. So far the Honiton total amounted to
£2,520.70. Well done and a big thank you Gittisham. Carol McCann.

Gittisham Community Land Trust

After what seems a long time with so many events keeping us all apart for so long, finally we can
send members the papers with respect to our forthcoming AGM which is due to be held on
Thursday 16th June in Gittisham Village hall at 7.30pm where you will be updated.  We do hope
you can attend; if not please send me your apologies or any queries,
Thankyou Helen Hayman, Secretary, Gittisham Community Land Trust.

Two sad farewells

Charlie O’Reilly passed quietly away as the result of a brain tumour, on 28th May (two days
away from his 72nd birthday) following a long and fraught spell in the RD&E, followed by a short stay in Clyst Hydon with former wife Sarah and son Angus (who went to stay with her when Charlie went in to hospital).  Three of his sisters Ro, Josephine and Susan were able to come down from Bracknell, Balloch and Newcastle-under-Lyme respectively. Charlie worked for many years at Combe House as gardener, his presence round the village is much missed especially sitting outside his cottage, book in hand and
large cuppa. Always willing to help anyone in many ways. He was a member of the Honiton Petanque
club and by all accounts was a good player.  He could often be seen (and heard) practising his skill in
part of his garden. One of his greatest loves was walking and you never knew if you would encounter
him round a corner on the lanes, backpack full of shopping. His introduction to Gittisham was through Carol McCann, as sister Susan is a longstanding family friend, brought him to stay with my mother one
holiday time, following his travelling in Canada.  He decided to stay on to help her with her
healthfood business in Cullompton. He met Sarah at mutual friends while both of them were helping
them with their smallholding business, after a road accident incapacitated their daughter. When
courting Sarah, he often walked from Cullompton to Gittisham and back. May you rest peacefully
Charlie and may Sarah, Angus, and your four sisters all have happy memories to cherish, especially of
the times when growing up in Glasgow before going in separate directions. We look forward to Angus
coming back to the village soon. Charlie’s funeral is here in St Michael’s church on Wednesday 15th
June at 2.00pm.

Joyce Underdown died peacefully on 30th May age 95, Joyce born into a farming family, spent her childhood in several farms.  It was ‘all hands on deck’ and as a teenager she also had a
seasonal job picking apples. School was a 15-mile round trip by bicycle. She met her late husband
John at the Honiton Young Farmers and when married came to live at Roebuck Farm, where she
brought up 4 children, worked on the dairy farm, and started a milk round in the locality, bottling the
milk (quart bottles in those days with 12 to a tray and very heavy to carry round). Roebuck Farm was
also a very popular B & B.  Being at the side of the A30, Joyce also sold clotted cream at the door. Joyce
was a member of the WI and latterly Gittisham Craft Club.  Some of her kneelers can be seen on
display in the church. Her passion was boxer dogs, but latterly she downsized to Treacle, a most
delightful and faithful cocker spaniel companion who came to the funeral. Rest in peace Joyce may
your children, Edward, David, Marion and Mary and their families have the peace to mourn and have
many happy memories to cherish.  Going by the photos, and memorabilia in the village hall there is
lots to remember of Joyce’s life. Joyce’s funeral was held on Thursday 9th June.  The church here in
Gittisham was packed with family and friends, followed by the wake in the village hall. Joyce now rests with late husband John in the churchyard at St. Michael’s, Honiton.

Parish Council May / June report 

Six councillors met for the May meeting along with Alasdair Bruce (EDDC) and four met for the June meeting along with Jake Bonetta (EDDC) and Phil Twiss (DCC).

Chair & Vice Chair.

Carol Hall was elected as chair and Janet Twist as vice chair for 2022/23.

EDDC / DCC Report.

Jake Bonetta reported that the flood drain on the border of the Vale ward by Cherry Close is due to be cleared and works carried out within the coming few weeks. These works will alleviate the pressures on the storm overflow drain, clear the blockages on the drain itself and will also see the clearing of dense overgrowth alongside the stream to help support drainage of flood water.


Members agreed the finances, as well as the annual accounts and governance statement
for 2021/22.


March 2022, 1 x anti-social behaviour.

Offroaders, Westgate.

Councillors agreed to oppose the application by the Trail Riders Fellowship to upgrade Landscores Lane to a byway open to all traffic. They felt no further encouragement to off roaders illegally using bridleways, footpaths and private land was desirable at Westgate Common. If this application was allowed, it would give direct access to this area and a continuation of damage and intimidation.

Defibrillator, Hayne Farm.

Janet Twist said the defibrillator had been installed, and she was waiting for it to go live. There will be a photo opportunity on 13th June with Baker Estates and Sovereign Housing. Residents will receive a leaflet showing the location of the defibrillator and what to do in an emergency.

Jurassic Fibre.

Carly Wyman introduced herself at the May meeting as Jurassic Fibre’s new Community Engagement Ambassador for the Devon area. She explained that a new design for the plan outlining how to bring fibre broadband into Gittisham village has been finalized. The next step will involve approval by Combe Estate. Barring any delays, Ms Wyman said the roll-out could be completed in the next six months. David Valentine requested information on how fibre would be brought to the village, eg along which route and where the poles will be sited. Ms Wyman said the intention would be to position them behind properties.

Energy bill rebate.

Janet Twist said letters had gone out to those residents who do not pay their council tax by direct debit to explain how the energy bill rebate will be paid to them. Around 80% of households in East Devon already pay their council tax by direct debit and will have received the payment into their bank account without needing to take any action. But those who do not currently pay their council tax through this arrangement will need to go through a claims process for the rebate. Councillors agreed the wording of the letter could be confusing, and urged anyone struggling to understand the process should call East Devon’s Customer Service Centre on 01404 515616.

Road closures.

Peter Orchard said although outside the parish, people should be aware that a portion of the A35 going out of Honiton towards Axminster would be completely closed 27th June – 11th July.

Limited residential development.

David Valentine said the Gittisham Community Land Trust would be holding an AGM on Thursday 16th June at 7.30pm in Gittisham Village Hall. 

Next meeting.

July meeting tbc.

Gittisham Village Hall

The Hall Committee are looking for new members to join them, owing to some unforeseen
resignations (due to relocation and work commitments). The AGM, which is open to everyone, is in
the hall at 7.30 on Tuesday 12th July.  If you have any questions please contact Sue Fallows
01404 850922 It would be lovely to have some representation from the
Hayne Farm Estate residents, so their ideas and suggestions can hopefully be incorporated and
held at future events.  It is important that all Gittisham parishioners are included and hopefully we
can all make new friends and children who possibly go to the same schools can have after school

St Michael’s Church, Honiton Mission Community and 200 Club

St. Michael’s Gittisham

Our Platinum Jubilee songs of praise and thanksgiving service on June 5th was well attended with 24 adults and 3 children.  Some of the hymns chosen by Julia were sung at the Queen’s Coronation, with one for Pentecost.  We had a nice glass of bubbles after the service.  The church was ‘royally’ decorated and several visitors made lovely comments, and were surprised that a village church could put on such a good ‘show’.

Our services for June: 12th Parish Eucharist with hymns, 19th no service and 26th Carol will be leading the Morning Worship with hymns, as Julia is at Cotleigh. July 3rd no service, 10th Eucharist with hymns 17th no service, 24th lay-led Morning Worship with hymns and 31st Mission Community joint service at St. Paul’s, Honiton.

To receive details for ongoing worship, Eucharistic and lay-led please contact me, Carol on 01404 851113 or email or Julia by email on or for those without internet ring her on 07763 111367 or 01404 850680. If you are housebound and would like to receive home communion, please contact Julia (details above) and she can arrange a mutually convenient time to come to you.  We have decided to keep parts of the churchyard wild again and paths have been cut, hopefully the lovely and varied wild flowers that grew last year will make a re-appearance. For the Queen’s Green Canopy, it is our intention to plant two Tom Putt apple trees (it was cultivated by one Thomas Putt of Combe House) in the 1700’s.

Gittisham’s monthly coffee get-together: 18th June, and on the third Saturday of every month, from 10.30am until midday.  All welcome.

Honiton Mission Community

Honiton St Paul’s weekly services continue at 11.00am.  The website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about services and the latest guidelines on the Covid regulations.  There is also a link to the Gittisham website.  The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around the Parishes is available by email or post from the Parish Office; see below for details.  As our MC churches are now having their own services, Sunday Morning Eucharistic Worship at 11.00am in St. Paul’s is being live streamed. If you would like to join this service do please contact Rev’d Sue  or the Parish Office by emailing or  and the link will be forwarded.  Alternatively, ring the Parish office to book your place in person, on 01404 44035.  Messages will be replied to when someone is available.  Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays.  Coffee and biscuits are served in St Paul’s church on Tuesdays and Saturdays and after Sunday services, donations are welcomed. Details of the other M.C. church services can be found in the Around the Parishes under each church. St. Paul’s offered refreshments over the Jubilee holiday and were well thought of.

200 Club

There are still several people to renew their subscriptions for the season 2022/23 April-March.  Having had requests and able to offer numbers there are now a few available, so please let me know.  I haven’t had all payments yet.  If you would like to join the 200 Club, please ring Carol, I can send or email an application form. This is one way of funding the upkeep so necessary with this old church which takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the spiralling costs for energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature, The cost is £12 per number per year. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes: £40.00, £20.00, £15.00, £10.00 and £5.00. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September).

Payment can be made by cheque or cash or Standing Order, there is a form for your bank. I can
email both the application and Standing order forms if required, please let me know by telephone 01404 851113 or or write to 3 School House Cottages, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AH.

June 2022 200 Club Results

1st  Andy Wilkins                 2nd Mary Jarrett               3rd Alison Kettlewell          
4th  Margaret Tawse             5th   Neil Madden

Gittisham Flower & Produce Show

A reminder that the schedule of classes was in the April Gazette.  If you want a copy it is on the Gittisham website or Carol can email to you , Paper copies are available from Sue Fallows, – see below. Recipies for the cooking are set out below.

Gittisham Flower & Produce Show Schedule

To be held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 6th August 2022
Potato bucket weigh in at 3:15pm
The show will open at 2:30pm
Teas and raffle
Admission: Adults 50p; Children 5-16 years 10p
Entrance fee Sections A,B,C 10p: Children’s entries free
Special potato class £1 – payable when your seed potato is collected
Sections A,B,C no prize money. Section D prizes 1st = £1, 2nd = 50p, 3rd = 25p
McCann Junior Cup for most points by a competitor age 12-16 in Sections A,B,C
Awards for Best in Show in Sections A and B
The show is open to all residents of Gittisham parish, which includes Gittisham Vale and Hayne Farm estate. We also welcome entries from those who no longer live in the parish, those who actively support the parish, and those with close links to the parish.

Children must be aged 3-11 on Saturday 30th July 2022
Juniors must be age 12-16 on Saturday 30th July 2022
Children are welcome to enter Sections A,B,C upon paying the entry fee.
• All exhibits must have been made or grown by the exhibitor
• Entries must be made in writing on the Entry form enclosed by marking X in the
appropriate box on the form
• Entry forms must be accompanied by the correct entrance fees.
• Entries must reach Sarah and Len Abbott, 4 Church Mead, Gittisham EX14 3AH by
Saturday 30th July 2022
• No entries will be accepted after this date.
• Only one exhibit per person per class
• The decision of the judges will be final and binding
• Entries will be received at the Parish Hall between 0900 and 1030 on show day, and
must remain staged until after the presentation of prizes.
• All competitors must leave the hall before 10.45
• No exhibit should be named (including children’s exhibits)

Gittisham Flower & Produce Show
Saturday 6th August 2022
Entry Form
Please place an X in the square showing the number of class(es) you intend to enter.
When completed please return this Entry Form, with the correct Entry Fees, as shown on
the schedule to: Sarah and Len Abbott, 4 Church Mead, Gittisham EX14 3AH on or before
Saturday 30th July 2022
No entries will be accepted after this date
Each entrant must complete a separate entry form
Please do not name any exhibit – even the children’s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45
Entrant’s name………………………………………………………………………
Total entry fee enclosed………………………….
Or, if child, state child’s age………………………
Additional entry forms available, if required, from Sue Fallows, Parkers East, Gittisham, EX14 3AS

Telephone 01404 850922 or

Chocolate Swiss Roll Recipe

For the Sponge 
3 Large Eggs 
75g Caster Sugar 
50g Plain Flour

For the Filling

75g butter, at room temperature

125g Icing Sugar

38g of melted dark chocolate
few drops vanilla essence.

Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7.  Line a 22 x 32cm swiss roll tin (if it’s 20 x 30cm that’s still fine) with baking parchment.  Sift the flour and cocoa powder together into a bowl and set aside.
Sit a large heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water, add the eggs and sugar and whisk for 5-
10 minutes or until the mixture is thick and creamy.  Gently fold the flour and cocoa powder mixture into the mixture, then pour into the tin and level the top. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the sponge is springy to the touch.  Remove from the oven, cover with a damp tea towel and leave to cool on a wire rack. 
Make the filling: cream the butter gradually add icing sugar, then add flavourings.  Put the cooled sponge onto some greaseproof paper, spread the filling over the sponge and roll up, starting from a short side. Dust with more cocoa powder.

Malt Loaf Recipe

1 strong black tea bag

150g malt extract, plus extra for glazing
150ml just-boiled water

40g black treacle
200g raisins

100g dark muscovado sugar
100g soft, pitted prunes, finely chopped

250g plain flour
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda

1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs, lightly beaten

900g (or 2lb) Loaf Tin


Heat the oven to 170°C/150°C fan/325°F/Gas 3.  Place the tea bag in a jug and add the just-boiled water. Leave to brew for 5 minutes, then discard the bag.  Tip the raisins and prunes into a microwave-safe bowl, then pour the tea over. Cover with cling film and pierce a few holes in the top. Microwave on full power for 4 minutes. Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave and remove the cling film. (Alternatively, soak the fruit overnight in a covered bowl.) Stir in the bicarbonate of soda, then leave the fruit to stand for 10 minutes.

Pour the malt extract into a small pan with the treacle and sugar and cook, stirring continuously,
over a low heat for 2–3 minutes, until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat and cool for 5
minutes. Sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the warm malt mixture and the tea-soaked fruit and any soaking liquid. Fold everything gently together, then add the beaten eggs and mix well. Pour the mixture into the oiled and lined tin and bake it for 1–1¼ hours, until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove the loaf from the oven,
brush the top with malt extract, then leave the malt loaf to cool completely in the tin.

Banana Bread Recipe (for the men only)

2-3 medium (7-8” long) very ripe bananas
75g butter, salted or unsalted, melted`
1 Large Egg

½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
150g Caster Sugar

A pinch of salt
200g Plain Flour

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Heat the oven to 175C/155C fan/gas 4.  Butter a 4” x 8” loaf tin.  In a mixing bowl, mash the bananas with a fork until completely smooth, then stir in the melted butter. Beat the egg in another bowl.
Mix in the bicarb and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg and vanilla extract. Fold in the sifted flour.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf tin and bake for 50-60 minutes. Check to see if baked with a
wooden toothpick or skewer. It should come out clean, a few dry crumbs are ok, streaks of wet
batter not. If the outside of the loaf is browned, but the centre is still wet, tent the loaf with foil and
continue baking until done.  Remove from the oven and leave in the tin for a few minutes, then remove and cool.  Wrap well, it will keep at room temperature for 4 days, or a day ln longer in the fridge. It will

Gittisham Gazette distribution

This is to advise if any Hayne Farm and Gittisham Vale estates residents wish to receive the
Gazette by email or if they have no internet access, they can receive it by post, (many are emailed and several households have 2 copies). I put 25 copies in the Vale bus shelter and as the Hayne Farm sales
office is by appointment only, I have stopped putting copies in there. I apologise to those who do not get the Gazette and do my best to print as many as I can on my own printer, and understand there is a Hayne Farm WhatsApp group which links with the Gazette. If you have a neighbour who doesn’t have access to the internet and you could print off a copy, then many more could receive this publication. It would also be good to receive news from both the Vale and Hayne to let us know what’s going on etc.  you won’t be bombarded with other information other than the Gazette unless there is something that needs your attention from the Parish Council.

Carol McCann  01404 851113 / 0794 6409142     .

If you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate, do please email it to Carol as early as possible.  Copy date for the July edition is 27th June.  The Gazette should be ready by 11th / 12th July, depending on the date of the parish council meeting.