2022-11 Gittisham Gazette November 2022

A monthly Community Newsletter published by St. Michael’s Church and Gittisham Parish Council

November 2022 Edition 249

Thank you so much

I would like to thank everyone who visited me, sent cards or phoned during my 20 day stay in the
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, being admitted with fluid on the lungs and a bad back.  I
subsequently discovered I had broken a vertebrae due to my osteoporosis. They have told me I
could do it at anytime again, doing nothing. I’m so pleased to be home but am currently using a
wheelie walker with a seat as I can’t stand up for long yet. I’m hoping to get back to ‘normal’ again
soon and look forward to trying driving. A special thanks to Helen, James, Sue, David, Jayne,
Owen and Julia for sorting my house to make it easier to get around, with Helen and Amanda
doing meals, Judy for shopping and to Combe Estate for all they have done. Carol

Marie Curie care and support through terminal illness

Be part of our companion volunteer support team. We’re looking for volunteers, aged 18 or over,
who can give three hours each week to chat to people who have been recently bereaved on
the telephone. Phone: 0800 3047 400 or email:

Visit mariecurie.org.uk/volunteering and tap on ‘search all roles’ to find the perfect role for you.
Sarah-Jane Trevor (she/her) Volunteer Services Coordinator Marie CuriemCare and support
through terminal illness.

Tel: 0800 304 7400 Mob: 07704 018050 Email:
Please note I do not work on Thursdays                 

Pierre’s pop-up Sunday cafe 

This Sunday (13th November) I will be serving freshly made croissants and pains au chocolat, with
a homemade pastry using a special type of French butter that gives them a taste like the
croissants I ate as a child. I will also be making vegan brownies, apple cake. At lunchtime the
main course will be beef stew or vegan ragout with hasselback potatoes. This is an old fashioned
way of making Beef Bourginon stew. Please bring your own alcoholic drinks.

My favourite painter, Pierre Soulages, died last week so I will be making a cake inspired by his
paintings. I will put out – for anyone who is interested in looking at it – a book published to celebrate
his 100th birthday a couple of years ago.

My family will soon be starting a similar pop up event in Tipton St John, so come along to that one
too if you can. The first one is on 27th November. To book, please call Pierre on 07545

In 2017 I resigned from my job to create a philosophy of life in which work allows me to please
both my family and my guests. The prices in my pop ups are deliberately kept low to allow all
households, whatever their income, to enjoy a French food experience in a relaxed and friendly

I would encourage more people to get into self-employment and work to support the villages that
are becoming more and more second homes in this beautiful county of Devon. If you want to
discuss further, I invite you to get in touch to understand all aspects of my work.

Gittisham Community Kitchen

The Community Kitchen has now been running for nearly 4 months and I hope that you will agree with me that it has been something of a success so far. We have settled into a regular pattern of food donations with bread coming from the Ottery Larder and veg from The Pig. It has been an added bonus to have kind people making generous donations of cooked dishes and puddings using seasonal garden fruit. We are feeding between 30 and 40 covers every week and that wouldn’t be possible without the sterling input from those people who turn up regularly to help set out and lay the tables, clean and chop the veg, and clear away and wash up afterwards. Thank you all so much.

It seems that the community has benefitted not only by having access to a free hot meal once per week, but also by the very nature of sharing food and the myriad subtle benefits of meeting together for a meal and a chat. It is lovely to see familiar faces every week but it would also be great to see those who haven’t managed to get to the meal before now. Everyone is welcome to come and eat every Thursday at 6.30pm. As the winter draws in we hope to have some evenings where we can perhaps stay a little longer and play games or just chat.

Please let me know if you can’t make it to the meal but would welcome a takeaway instead and most
importantly, I’d be grateful to hear any (useful!) comments and new ideas by email

Ken Horn

Sadly Ken Horn of Lower Lodge died peacefully on the 8th November after a short illness in the
RDE and then the Koppers Care Home in Kilmington. Ken was an amazing 93 years old and up
until very recently had managed to look after himself at home with a little support. He moved into
his home 55 years ago with his late wife Laura who died in 1996 and is buried in the church yard.

Born in Honiton he served in the Army as a hairdresser and then later opened a gentleman’s
hairdressers in both Budleigh and Honiton. Ken led a quiet life, enjoyed travelling and up to the
last few years would be seen pottering around his garden – tending his front lawn with pride and
passing the time with all those who would stop for a chat.

A date for the funeral has yet to be set but any queries please contact Jayne Bramley at Parkers
West on telephone 01404 850084.

Libraries Unlimited

Libraries Unlimited is a registered charity (1170092) responsible for running 54 public libraries
across Devon and Torbay. You can support us to continue delivering life-changing library services,
find out more here: librariesunlimited.org.uk/support-us We’re passionate about libraries, as we
know our customers tell us that they are a key part of their lives, and the life of many towns and
local communities, offering a free, safe space for people to access a wide range of services, as
our Impact Report outlines.

As the cost of living crisis hits, especially over winter, we’re encouraging more people to use their
local library through our ‘Libraries for Life’ campaign – providing a warm space to meet, a warm
drink, free winter coats, and extra activities to promote wellbeing and combat isolation, and to
spread the word about the free services we’re offering. Your local library in Honiton (and
elsewhere) would also be more than happy to welcome you and outline the services they offer in
your local area. https://www.librariesunlimited.org.uk/news/libraries-lifeline-as-cost-of-livingcrisis-deepens/

Anna Jones

Gittisham Village Hall events

22nd November another film ‘discussion night’, this month’s Back to the Future with new comfy
chairs, central heating at 7.00pm everyone welcome! £1.00 for entrance and popcorn, bring own
drinks and nibbles.

Sarah Agg-Manning has organised a play on Tues. 29th November at 7.30pm in the Village Hall:-
The play is called ‘Every Brilliant Thing’ and is a ‘one man’ show performed by Philip Robinson.
The Guardian described it as ‘One of the funniest plays you’ll ever see about depression – and
possibly one of the funniest you’ll ever see – full stop.’ It does contain material about mental health
issues. Tickets are £10 and £5 for under 16’s, students, unemployed and those on a low income.
Tickets from Sarah 01404 851177

On 3rd December there is a ‘Present Swap Shop’ getting ready for a more sustainable
Christmas with a bit of present swapping and some mulled wine mince pies and cream tea
…bring along something of value you don’t want, and swap it for something you do – gifts, toys
decorations and lights – in new or very good condition. Serving drinks and teas from 3pm to 6.pm.
Hall will be open to receive gifts etc from 10.00am or bring in the afternoon.

3rd December in the evening Hamish is running a quiz night with the usual fun and games, teams
up to 6, doors open from 7.pm. For £5. You get a night in a warm hall plus a bangers and mash,
peas and gravy plus veggie option. Bring own drinks.  Please contact Hamish Hall 07880 178297

The Beaumont Charity

The Beaumont Charity was formed in 1596 and offers support to those suffering financial difficulties while living within the Parish of Gittisham. The charity is able to make a single payment to any resident who has a low income and limited savings and requires money towards a wide range of practical needs. Examples of this include energy and heating bills, a home safeguard alarm service, TV licence, assistance towards transport costs, education resources, funeral expenses and energy reduction measures to name but a few. In fact there is no restriction on the categories that the Trustees can award money to.

If you feel that you would like further information on how to apply for a payment, please contact the
Trustees by emailing or calling Combe Estate on 01404 45576. All calls and claims will be kept completely confidential and if necessary we can support you with completing the application form. Kind Regards, Richard Marker

Gittisham St Michael’s goes contactless!

The PCC is delighted to launch our new contactless giving machine which has just been installed
in the Church. With cash donations declining as people move towards other forms of giving, we are hoping that this will allow us to generate some much needed income to support the running of
our Church which costs over £100 a day to maintain.

The machine works in exactly the same way as any other contactless payment device – there are four preset quick payment options or you can select any amount from £1. The system relies on 3G/4G SIM data so please bear with it if the transaction takes a few moments to process. A QR code allows visitors to quickly link to our Facebook page and keep up to date with Church news.

St Michael’s Church, Honiton Mission Community and 200 Club

St. Michael’s Gittisham

Our services for the rest of November, 13th Remembrance Sunday service starting at the lych
gate at around 10.50 with laying of wreaths, 2 minute silence and prayers before a lay led morning
worship in church, 20th no service, 27th Eucharist for Advent Sunday. December services, 4th no
service, 11th Eucharist, 18th Carol Service at 5.45pm – no morning service, 25th Christmas Day
11.00am Eucharist. 

To receive details for ongoing worship, Eucharistic and lay-led please contact me, Carol, on 01404 851113 or email or Julia by email on or for those without internet ring her on 07763 111367 or 01404 850680. 

Gittisham’s next monthly coffee get-together is on 19th November, and on the third Saturday of each month, from 10.30-12 noon.  As the weather is getting chillier, we will be in the parish room (unless it is a hot sunny day).  All welcome. 

Forward Notice Saturday 10th December: our December coffee get together is a week earlier and will be in the village hall from 10.30 – 12.30 with stalls. Tables available £5.00. we are looking to run a cake/produce stall and possibly a craft, and a present bring and buy for the church, offers of items gratefully received – and with serving coffees, sales and setting up / taking down please.

Honiton Mission Community

Rev’d Sue is still on lighter duties. There is a Civic Service following the parade for Remembrance
at St Paul’s at 3.00pm on 13th November. Weekly services still continue to be at 11.00am The
website (honitoncofe.org) is updated regularly and has news about services and the latest
guidelines on the covid regulations there is also a link to the Gittisham website. 

The monthly Mission Community newsletter Around the Parishes is available by email or post from the Parish Office; see below for details.  As our MC churches are now having their own services, Sunday Morning Eucharistic Worship at 11.00am, in St. Paul’s is being live streamed. If you would like to join this service do please contact Rev’d Sue or the Parish Office by emailing or and the link will be forwarded.  Alternatively, ring the Parish office to book your place in person, on 01404 44035.  Messages will be replied to when someone is available.  Mollie the Church administrator is there on Tuesdays. Coffee and biscuits are served in St Paul’s church on Tuesdays and Saturdays and after Sunday services, donations are welcomed.  Details of the other M.C. church services can be found in the Around the Parishes under each church and the service details including Readings and Collects for the month and will certainly be helpful if you join the live streamed Sunday service.

Combe Raleigh

Combe Raleigh St Nicholas’ Church holding a monthly “Come and Sing Hymns” The next one
will be on Sunday 4th December– half an hour or so of singing favourite hymns – no readings,
sermon, or prayers, and certainly no charge – just an opportunity to sing together, to be followed
by tea and cake! They would be delighted to welcome you if you are able to go along.


The section of the grade 2 listed churchyard wall running up Church Hill has now been repaired.

200 Club

I am currently able to offer numbers for the 200 club, (there are several available). If you want
your number and forgot to pay the sub please let me know and I will re-instate you upon receipt of
the full subscription amount. If you would like to join the 200 Club, please ring Carol, I can send or email an application form. This is one way of funding the upkeep so necessary with this old church which takes a lot to keep it heated (especially with the spiralling costs for energy) and watertight, keeping the churchyard in good order and kind to nature, The cost is £12 per number per year; however as October has been drawn, this year’s sub until March will be £5 commencing with November. The draw takes place at the beginning of each month with 5 prizes: £40.00, £20.00, £15.00, £10.00 and £5.00. Twice a year there is a 6 monthly prize of £48 (March and September).

Payment can be made by cheque or cash or Standing Order, there is a form for your bank. I can
email both the application and Standing order forms if required, please let me know by telephone 01404 851113 or or write to 3 School House Cottages, Gittisham, Honiton, EX14 3AH.

November 2022 200 Club Results

1st  Maggie Walker                 2nd Julie Broadhurst               3rd Tom Pether          
4th  Steve Howe              5th   Jonathan Aylen

Ladies bike for sale

Raleigh Metro Ladies 18” bike. Used little in very good condition. £50 Angie 07774 146209.

Ottery Choral Society

The Ottery Choral Society are holding their Christmas Concert on Saturday 10th December
in the Parish Church Ottery at 7.30. The main piece will be Faure’s Requiem, there will be
lots of carols for the audience to join in, plus some just for the choir. Tickets are on sale
from about 4 weeks before from The Curious Otter, Mill Street , Ottery 01404 814469 or
Ticket Source on the society website www.otterystmarychoral.org or email

Gittisham Gazette distribution

This is to advise if any Hayne Farm and Gittisham Vale estates residents wish to receive the
Gazette by email or if they have no internet access, they can receive it by post, (many are emailed and several households have 2 copies). I put 30+ copies in the Vale bus shelter and as the Hayne Farm sales
office is by appointment only, I have stopped putting any in the office. I apologise to those who do not get the Gazette and do my best to print as many as I can on my own printer, and understand there is a Hayne Farm WhatsApp group which links with the Gazette. If you have a neighbour who doesn’t have access to the internet and you could print off a copy, then many more could receive this publication. It would also be good to receive news from both the Vale and Hayne to let us know what’s going on etc.

Carol McCann  01404 851113 / 0794 6409142     .

If you have events or news items including pictures, for inclusion in the gazette from the village, the Vale or Hayne Farm Estate, do please email it to Carol as early as possible.  Copy date for the December edition is 21st November.  The Gazette will hopefully be ready by the first weekend in December, as the next parish council meeting is on 1st December.  If possible please use the Arial font using Word and not PDF, thanks.