Carols on the green will be on Wednesday 21st December at 5.00pm with the Honiton Town Band. Mulled wine and bangers served.
25th Christmas Day 11.00am Eucharist
In January 2023 our Christingle service will be on the 2nd Sunday 8th, it is hoped we will be making the Christingles on Saturday 7th in the Parish room at 2.30, it would be good to have some children to help with the assembly.
I/we am/are writing to register our objection to any residential development in allocation reference LP_Gitti_05as identified in the Emerging Local Plan consultation. The reasons for this objection are as follows:
The detrimental impact development will have on the setting of Gittisham Village and its conservation area
Development will have a detrimental visual impact to the AONB and on the setting of the AONB
It is not appropriate to increase further residentially generated traffic and pedestrian movements through an industrial estate
Additional traffic accessing Hayne Lane or the existing Hayne Farm development will be detrimental to vehicular and pedestrian safety
Further pressure on already overstretched health, social and education services
Highways, sewers and sewage treatment infrastructure already at capacity
Distance from town centre, schools, health centre/hospital, train station and commercial centre will result in car travel resulting in an unsustainable development
It is totally inappropriate and irresponsible to be showing a settlement boundary at this point in time
East Devon District Council is carrying out a public consultation on its draft Local Plan, which includes proposals to develop sites for residential housing within and close to Gittisham parish. The map below shows the proposals. [Please email if you require a large print version or if you have any other access requirements.]
Gitti_03 and Gitti_04 on the above plan are employment allocations which form part of the current EDDC Local Plan which was approved, following a Public Inquiry. The current emerging Local Plan rolls forward this Local Plan to cover the period 2020-2040.
LP_Gitti_05 and LP_Gitti_06 are new proposed residential allocations within the Parish.
The Honiton Strategic Policy (21) in the Consultation Draft states: Land to the west of Hayne Lane (LP_Gitti_05) – The western parts of the site will form a medium scale residential development close to the existing urban edges of Honiton to accommodate around 100 new homes. The extent of the allocation is, however, still to be determined through follow (up) work in 2023. The policies map currently shows all the site (Gitt_05) falling in the Settlement Boundary but the expectation is that this boundary line will be subject to refinement to ultimately include those easterly parts of the site that are determined to be appropriate for development and exclude those areas that are determined to not be appropriate for development
LP_Gitti_06 – This land will form a small scale residential development close to the existing urban edges of Honiton to accommodate around 31 new homes.
Gittisham Parish Council will be raising an objection to any development within the proposed allocation LP_Gitti_05. The redevelopment of the redundant farm buildings at the former Hayne Farm, LP_Gitti_06, is supported by the Parish Council.
The reasons for the PC objection to LP_Gitti_05 are:
The detrimental impact development will have on the setting of Gittisham Village and its
conservation area
Development will have a detrimental visual impact to the Area of Outstanding Natural
Beauty (AONB) and on the setting of the AONB
It is not appropriate to increase further residentially generated traffic and pedestrian
movements through an industrial estate
Additional traffic accessing Hayne Lane or the existing Hayne Farm development will be
detrimental to vehicular and pedestrian safety
Further pressure on already overstretched health, social and education services
Highways, sewers, sewage treatment and surface water infrastructure already at capacity
Distance from town centre, schools, health centre/hospital, train station and commercial
centre will result in car travel resulting in an unsustainable development
It is totally inappropriate and irresponsible to be showing a settlement boundary at this
point in time.
The Parish Council will also look at the allocation LP_HON_01 and will comment in due course.
If you agree with the Parish Council it is essential that EDDC understand the extent of parishioners’ concerns and you are encouraged to submit your representations quoting the LP reference to EDDC in writing to:
Strategic Planning (Emerging Local Plan Comments), Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, HONITON. EX14 1EJ By email: On-line at:
For convenience a WORD draft letter of objection can be found on the Gittisham PC web site: . Use the News drop down.
In addition EDDC are holding a number of “drop in exhibitions” at locations around the District. The exhibitions will be an opportunity for people to find out more about the Local Plan and speak to a planning officer face to face.
Honiton – Beehive. Wednesday 7th December 3pm to 7pm Feniton – Youth Centre Tuesday 13th December 3pm to 7pm
Your comments have to be received by 15th January 2023.
The Act of Remembrance will take place at the Lychgate outside St Michael’s Church Gittisham this Sunday at 10.50am. This will be followed by a Lay-Led service in Church for those who wish to attend.
With an increasing number of dead or dying birds being reported on our coastline, East Devon District Council has set up a rapid response team to deal with this.
If you see a dead or dying bird, do not touch it as there are potential contamination issues. But please do report it. If you visit the EDDC website and type ‘bird flu’, it will take you to a page where you can report a dead animal. Put your information in, and this will go directly to a team on the ground who will collect it with the appropriate PPE.
There will be a short special commemoration service to mark the death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at the Lych Gate on Sunday 18th September at 11.00.
There will also be an opportunity to light candles and sign the condolence book in St Michael’s church afterwards.
It is with great sadness that we have learned the news of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.
Gittisham Parish Council wishes to express its heartfelt sympathies to the Royal Family.
To allow people to pay their respects a book of condolence has been opened at St Michael’s Church, Gittisham. During the mourning period, the church will be open 10am-5pm every day. There is also an online book of condolence.
More information about services and local events will follow.
Thursday (21st July 2022) will be the first Gittisham Community Kitchen meal. Free meal for all in the village hall every Thursday evening. Hall open from 6-9pm and food served at (hopefully) about 6.30pm. All welcome. Hope to see as many as possible for our first evening! Spread the word, bring your neighbour, see you there.
Special potato class £1 – payable when your seed potato is collected
Sections A,B,C no prize money. Section D prizes 1st = £1, 2nd = 50p, 3rd = 25p
McCann Junior Cup for most points by a competitor age 12-16 in Sections A,B,C
Awards for Best in Show in Sections A and B
The show is open to all residents of Gittisham parish, which includes Gittisham Vale and Hayne Farm estate. We also welcome entries from those who no longer live in the parish, those who actively support the parish, and those with close links to the parish.
Children must be aged 3-11 on Saturday 30th July 2022
Juniors must be age 12-16 on Saturday 30th July 2022
Children are welcome to enter Sections A,B,C upon paying the entry fee.
All exhibits must have been made or grown by the exhibitor
Entries must be made in writing on the Entry form enclosed by marking X in the appropriate box on the form
Entry forms must be accompanied by the correct entrance fees.
Entries must reach Sarah and Len Abbott, 4 Church Mead, Gittisham EX14 3AH by Saturday 30th July 2022. *NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE!*
Only one exhibit per person per class
The decision of the judges will be final and binding
Entries will be received at the Parish Hall between 0900 and 1030 on show day, and must remain staged until after the presentation of prizes.
All competitors must leave the hall before 10.45
No exhibit should be named (including children’s exhibits)
3 White potatoes
3 Coloured potatoes
1 Cabbage (any variety)
1 Lettuce (any variety)
5 Spring Onions
5 Onion sets
6 Shallots
6 Sprays of Parsley
3 Beetroot
3 Carrots (any variety)
6 Pods of Broad beans
6 Pods of Peas
A pair of Cucumbers
5 Tomatoes
5 Cherry tomatoes
3 Courgettes under 6”
6 Runner beans
2 Parsnips
3 Sticks of Rhubarb
4 different culinary herbs (not parsley) in a jam jar
The longest runner bean
Classes 24-28 to be presented in a clear glass jar (NOT A VASE)
Any flowering plant (pot not exceeding 8”)
5 pansy heads floating in clear water in a clear glass bowl
1 Spike Gladioli
3 Dahlias
6 Stems of Sweet peas
4 stems of different cut flowers
1 Specimen Rose
An arrangement of garden flowers on the theme of the Platinum Jubilee, not exceeding 16” or 40cm in any direction.
Chocolate Swiss roll– as attached recipe
5 shortcrust sausage rolls
A malt loaf – as attached recipe
Jar of Raspberry Jam
Jar of chutney (any variety)
A photo of a Devon Coastal Scene (photo not exceeding 6”x8”)
A handmade knitted or crocheted scarf
A Homemade Toy Boat max length 30cm (must float)
A Homemade Jubilee Card
39 MEN ONLY – A Banana Loaf -as attached recipe
SPECIAL CLASS: Potatoes in a bucket – potatoes can be collected from Sue and David Fallows, Parkers East, Gittisham EX14 3AS, 01404 850922 on or after 7th April 2022
Up to 6 years
40 A Painting or Drawing of a queen
41 A Necklace made from sweets
42 4 Squares of Rocky Road
6 – 11 years
43. A Photo of a still life of 3 pieces of fruit (max photo size 6”x8”)
44. A Royal Crown
45. 4 Cheese Scones
Gittisham Flower & Produce Show
Saturday 6th August 2022
Please place an X in the square showing the number of class(es) you intend to enter.
When completed please return this Entry Form, with the correct Entry Fees, as shown on the schedule to: Sarah and Len Abbott, 4 Church Mead, Gittisham EX14 3AH on or before Saturday 30th July 2022
No entries will be accepted after this date
Each entrant must complete a separate entry form
Please do not name any exhibit – even the children’s
Entrant’s name………………………………………………………………………
Total entry fee enclosed………………………….
Or, if child, state child’s age………………………
Additional entry forms available, if required, from Sue Fallows, Parkers East, Gittisham, EX14 3AS 01404 850922 or
Chocolate Swiss Roll Recipe
For the Sponge
For the Filling
3 Large Eggs
75g butter, at room temperature
75g Caster Sugar
125g Icing Sugar
50g Plain Flour
10g Cocoa Powder + extra to dust
38g of melted dark chocolate few drops vanilla essence.
Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7.
Line a 22 x 32cm swiss roll tin (if it’s 20 x 30cm that’s still fine) with baking parchment.
Sift the flour and cocoa powder together into a bowl and set aside.
Sit a large heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water, add the eggs and sugar and whisk for 5-10 minutes or until the mixture is thick and creamy.
Gently fold the flour and cocoa powder mixture into the mixture, then pour into the tin and level the top. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the sponge is springy to the touch.
Remove from the oven, cover with a damp tea towel and leave to cool on a wire rack.
Make the filling: cream the butter gradually add icing sugar, then add flavourings.
Put the cooled sponge onto some greaseproof paper, spread the filling over the sponge and roll up, starting from a short side. Dust with more cocoa powder.
Malt Loaf Recipe
1 strong black tea bag
150g malt extract, plus extra for glazing
150ml just-boiled water
40g black treacle
200g raisins
100g dark muscovado sugar
100g soft, pitted prunes, finely chopped
250g plain flour
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs, lightly beaten
900g (or 2lb) Loaf Tin
Heat the oven to 170°C/150°C fan/325°F/Gas 3.
Place the tea bag in a jug and add the just-boiled water. Leave to brew for 5 minutes, then discard the bag.
Tip the raisins and prunes into a microwave-safe bowl, then pour the tea over. Cover with cling film and pierce a few holes in the top. Microwave on full power for 4 minutes. Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave and remove the cling film. (Alternatively, soak the fruit overnight in a covered bowl.) Stir in the bicarbonate of soda, then leave the fruit to stand for 10 minutes.
Pour the malt extract into a small pan with the treacle and sugar and cook, stirring continuously, over a low heat for 2–3 minutes, until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat and cool for 5 minutes.
Sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the warm malt mixture and the tea-soaked fruit and any soaking liquid. Fold everything gently together, then add the beaten eggs and mix well. Pour the mixture into the oiled and lined tin and bake it for 1–1¼ hours, until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove the loaf from the oven, brush the top with malt extract, then leave the malt loaf to cool completely in the tin.
Banana Bread Recipe
2-3 medium (7-8” long) very ripe bananas
75g butter, salted or unsalted, melted`
1 Large Egg
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
150g Caster Sugar
A pinch of salt
200g Plain Flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Heat the oven to 175C/155C fan/gas 4
Butter a 4” x 8” loaf tin.
In a mixing bowl, mash the bananas with a fork until completely smooth, then stir in the melted butter. Beat the egg in another bowl.
Mix in the bicarb and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg and vanilla extract. Fold in the sifted flour.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf tin and bake for 50-60 minutes. Check to see if baked with a wooden toothpick or skewer. It should come out clean, a few dry crumbs are ok, streaks of wet batter not. If the outside of the loaf is browned, but the centre is still wet, tent the loaf with foil and continue baking until doner.
Remove from the oven and leave in the tin for a few minutes, then remove and cool.
Wrapped well, it will keep at room temperature for 4 days, or a day ln longer in the fridge. It will freeze.
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